3 resultados para Theme of evidence
em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal
"TRAINING FOR THE UNIVERSAL MUSEUM" addresses a theme of our time. A Canadian, Marshall McLuhan, coined the phrase "global village" for this age which has witnessed mass travel, mass communications, even mass credit. Are we now about to see the "mass museum", a museum presumably homogenized and popularized for whatever constitutes the greatest cohort of global visitor which might arrive on the doorsteps of every-museum, every-where? The contributors to this volume think not. But there is in these papers some evidence of worry that we as individuals and institutions responsible for the education and professional development of museum workers are failing to consider seriously the impacts of the "global" forces at work in modern societies. Angelica Ruge discusses how the Germans are re-organizing museum training into a cohesive scheme, searching out the best elements from the former two states that now comprise the new German state. Margaret Greeves and Chris Newbery document the British search for a value free (and universally applicable?) set of museological skills which will underpin performance standards in the workplace. Both of these papers offer a response to the redefinition of the post-modern national state which as we watch, is redrawing political boundaries on every continent, and emphasizing the portability of skills and learning for the itinerant knowledge-industry worker.
The main theme of the ICTOP'94 Lisbon meeting is museum personnel training for the universal museum. At the very beginning it is important to identify what the notion universal museum can cover. It is necessary to underline the ambiguity of the term. On the one hand, the word 'universal' can be taken to refer to the variety of collected museum materials or museum collections, on the other hand it could refer to the efforts of the museum to be active outside the museum walls in order to achieve the integration of the heritage of a certain territory into a museological system. 'Universal' could also refer to the "new dimensions of reality: the fantastic reality of the virtual images, only existing in the human brain" (Scheiner 1994:7), which is very close to M. McLuhan's view of the world as a 'global village'. Thus, what is universal could be taken as being common and available to all the people of the world. 'Universal' can imply also the radical broadening of the concept of object: "mountain, silex, frog, waterfonts, stars, the moon ... everything is an object, with due fluctuations" (Hainard in Scheiner 1994: 7), which will cause the total involvement of the human being into his/her physical and spiritual environment. In the process of universalization, links between cultural and natural heritage and their links with human beings become more solid, helping to create a strong mutual interdependence.
Half a century, from 1947 to 2010, is enough for us to take stock of the impact of the “ideology of Development” on Heritage. An ideology induced by UNESCO and by ICOM. What has changed and what is still in an impasse? What effects has this ideology had on Heritage? It is after making this assessment that we can better understand the extent to which the theme of this 22nd ICOM General Conference – Shangai 2010 is ultimately an obvious product of that influence.