9 resultados para Research in Portugal and Brazil
em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal
Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados de um estudo de casos realizado sobre a prestação de serviços para adultos com deficiência visual pelos departamentos de acção social das autarquias em Portugal e Inglaterra. Emergiu da pesquisa que existem diferenças significativas nos serviços prestados aos adultos com deficiência visual tendo em conta que os departamentos de acção social daqueles dois países estão estruturados diferentemente e existem dentro de uma estrutura económica, social, cultural e política diferente. No entanto, podemos concluir que em Inglaterra a oferta de bens e serviços pelas instâncias municipais é mais abrangente, especializada e tem uma longa história de existência. Pelo contrário em Portugal o Estado-Providência tem uma história recente, e às autarquias é atribuído um papel suplementar no que diz respeito à prestação de serviços para pessoas com deficiência visual.
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo compreender como se promove a Gestão da Divisão de Vigilância Sanitária pela Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública/SESPA no combate do HIV/AIDS no Estado do Pará. A pesquisa contemplou o processo de Gestão de Políticas Públicas em Saúde da Divisão de Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública – SESPA no combate do HIV/AIDS no Estado do Pará, destacando os resultados dessa gestão nos casos notificados. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo, cujos dados foram coletados a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e documental com aplicação de questionário na Divisão de Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria do Estado de Saúde Pública/SESPA. O referencial teórico enfocou aspectos da contextualização da Gestão Pública e Privada, assim como fez referencia a Gestão de Políticas Públicas em Saúde em Portugal e no Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que a Gestão da Divisão de Vigilância Sanitária /SESPA consiste em uma Gestão Pública que realiza suas atividades sobre uma estrutura burocrata e centralizada impedindo que a mesma supra adequadamente, enquanto organização, às demandas do Estado do Pará e aos desafios impostos pelo HIV/AIDS, que se reafirma como assunto de saúde pública. Como conclusão, o estudo evidenciou que Gestão da Divisão da Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública/SESPA no combate do HIV/AIDS não promoveu adequadamente suas ações, apresentando resultados satisfatórios, pois necessita de melhores políticas públicas que propiciem ações para o cumprimento de suas metas, fortalecendo a capacidade de organização e de articulação, como a redução efetiva das vulnerabilidades sociais e políticas que agenciam a expansão da epidemia, crescentemente associada às desigualdades sociais que vigoram no Estado do Pará.
To understand what are the most significant factors for digital TV adoption by the Portuguese population in the switchover context is the main goal of the research project here presented. In April 26, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television switchoff is planned to occur in Portugal, according to the schedule published by the national telecommunication regulator Anacom. Digital terrestrial TV was launched in the country in April 2009, making Portugal one of the countries with a more ambitious schedule – or risky, depending on the perspective - for the full transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. In this paper we will start by presenting the research project’s objectives, theoretical framework and research design. Next, we will present first results of the project focused on the barriers and drivers to digital TV adoption from two of the empirical studies which integrate it, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population and interviews with main stakeholders in the area of digital TV in Portugal. The perspectives of the television viewers are compared with other main stakeholders in this process. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of these results and a brief enumeration of next steps for the project.
The introduction of my contribution contains a brief information on the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (FA STU) and the architectural research performed at this institution. Schemes and priorities of our research in architecture have changed several times since the very beginning in early 50’s. The most significant change occurred after “the velvet revolution” in 1989. Since 1990 there have been several sources to support research at universities. The significant part of my contribution is rooted in my own research experience since the time I had joined FA STU in 1975 as a young architect and researcher. The period of the 80’s is characterized by the first unintentional attempts to do “research by design” and my “scientific” achievements as by-products of my design work. Some of them resulted in the following issues: conception of mezzo-space, theory of the complex perception of architectural space and definition of basic principles of ecologically conscious architecture. Nowadays I continue my research by design within the application of so called solar envelope in urban scale with my students.
Work document prepared at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in its role as Consulting Observer attributed by the Council of Ministers of the CPLP gathered in Bissau for the 11th General Meeting on 16. and 17. July, 2006.
In order to conduct a successful transition from analogue terrestrial television to full digital terrestrial television it is essential to identify what are the most significant drivers and barriers for adoption among the impacted population. Also importantly, it is to segment the population according with their attitudes towards digital TV, their awareness about the switchover process and intention of adopting digital TV, among other relevant topics. The tradition of profiles definition based on the adoption and rejection of innovations can be traced back to Beal & Bohlen, who proposed five categories of innovation adopters based on the time of adoption, with significant differences in selected personal and social characteristics: the innovators, the early adopters, the early majority, the majority and non-adopters. Later, Rogers would propose similar categories of adopters that became the standard for years to come: the innovators, the early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and the laggards. While helpful, these traditional innovation adopters’ profiles do not totally grasp the complexities of the adoption of an innovation such as digital TV, particularly in mandatory settings. In this paper we will propose a classification of adopters of digital TV in Portugal, based on the results of one of the four empirical studies of the research project ADOPT-DTV, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of results and the enumeration of the next steps of the research project.
The success of the transition from analogical terrestrial television to digital terrestrial television – process also known as switch-over – requires the identification of barriers and drivers among the impacted population. Therefore, the study in which this article is based had as main purpose to understand exactly what are those barriers, in order to produce a valid contribution to the several decision makers, and to be able to contribute to a more inclusive television, accessible and transversal to the whole of the population. In that sense, one of the phases of the project consisted in several interviews to key stakeholders in the transition process, the results of which and subsequent recommendations are presented in this article.
The Nature of air transport 1. Air transport is important • It is a big industry • It is vital to many industries and regions 2. It is multi-facited • Airlines • Airports • Air traffic control • Domestic and international 3. It is a network Industry • Portugal is part of Europe (legal fact) • Portugal is part of the world (globalization) 4. It is not wanted for its own sake • It “facilitates” and does not create 5. It has environmental implications • Noise • Greenhouse gas emissions