em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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RESUMO: Este estudo tem como propósito compreender as ideologias, os valores, as representações sociais e os estereótipos difundidos pelos manuais escolares de Língua Portuguesa. Para atingirmos esta finalidade procedemos, inicialmente, à definição do corpus e, em seguida, à análise de conteúdo dos textos de sete manuais, do 7º ano de escolaridade, ainda em vigor. A análise dos mesmos foi realizada a partir de oito categorias que estabelecemos após uma leitura flutuante: família, religião, educação, amor, amizade, ética ambiental, poder e sonho. Os dados recolhidos foram trabalhados quantitativa e qualitativamente de acordo com a metodologia proposta por Lawrence Bardin (1997). Os manuais escolares estudados evidenciaram-se detentores de paradigmas ideológicos repressivos e homogéneos assim como reprodutores de valores tradicionalistas implícitos que visam a consubstanciação de uma mundividência ocidental que luta pela inalterabilidade das relações de género, dos valores morais, éticos e religiosos que prevalecem na sociedade e servem os desígnios da classe dominante. Confidentes de um poder simbólico que os caracteriza os manuais escolares visam a conservação das relações sociais e a sua unificação, ignorando a diversidade cultural, o multiculturalismo e as relações interculturais inerentes ao mundo social. ABSTRACT: This study aims to understand the ideologies, values, social representations and stereotypes disseminated by the Portuguese language textbooks. To achieve this purpose we began by defining the corpus and then we analyzed the content of seven 7th grade textbooks still in use. The analysis was done in eight categories established from an initial reading: family, religion, education, love, friendship, environmental ethics, power and dream. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively according to the methodology proposed by Lawrence Bardin (1997). The textbooks studied contained repressive and homogeneous ideological paradigms, as well as traditionalist implicit breeding values which pursue the implementation of a Western worldview that struggles to maintain both gender relations and moral, ethical and religious values that prevail in society and serve the ambitions of the ruling class. Confident of a symbolic power that characterize school textbooks, they aim to preserve social relationships and their unification, ignoring cultural diversity, multiculturalism and the intercultural relations that exist in the social world.


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Os diferentes paradigmas que definem o "conceito de cidade", fruto das alterações impostas pela evolução do pensamento cientifico-filosófico e da sociedade civil, contribuem para o surgimento de inúmeras preocupações urbanísticas, levando os políticos e urbanistas a equacionar medidas de intervenção urbana necessárias ao desenvolvimento e crescimento sustentável das cidades.


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Günter Strauss is Ph.D. in geology from the University of Munich in 1965. He is a German living by long time in Spain. Naw he is a SAPEC High Advisser His doctoral thesis, submitted in 1965, with the title "About the Geology of the Province of pyrite Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula and its oil fields, especially in the pyrite mine Louzal - Portugal" Systematized the term" Iberian Pyrite Belt ", called for the deposits of iron ore cuprífera, rich in sulfur and other metallic minerals, which occurs between the rivers Sado and Guadalquivir, where they settled several mining complexes, of Louzal, Rio Tinto, through Castro Verde, Santo Domingo and Tharsis. Local mining tradition with an ancient where today seeks to preserve the legacy and memory of mining through measures to enhance equity. The result of work carried out Louzal then formed the basis of geological and documentary collection that has survived and has been proposed for cultural units under the activities of the mining museum Louzal. The richness and importance of this collection, consisting of several hundred documents, geological samples classified, minerals and cartography, comes from its presence Situ"In its state of preservation, that despite the various threats it is still within reach of their preservation, and the relative rarity of such collections, with the units of mining production. This communication aims to reveal the contribution of Mr Strauss for the formation of this collection and submit his proposal for cultural units, with the hope that those responsible for safeguarding them understand the need for its preservation and dissemination. So discuss the scientific and professional way Günter Strauss, a geologic formation of the estate of Mines Louzal, and the draft musealization proposition.