3 resultados para Monarchical legitimacy

em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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India's Constitution is not a covenant, or compact, between the states. The states are the creation of Constitution and subsequently of Parliament. Article 2 of the Constitution empo-wers Parliament to admit into Union, or establish new States on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit . Article 3 gives more comprehensive powers to Parliament for formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of the existing States.The Indian Constitution not only permits, but also ordains various States to enact special laws to limit the ownership of land only to some designated residents. Goa does not have to reinvent the wheel. As a full-fledged State of the Indian Union it has to only convince the Union government that the ground of its legitimacy as a State is doomed without the Special Status which may empower the State Government to adopt legal instruments to safeguard its cultural and territorial identity and integrity, the ground of its Statehood.


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The present essay is based on a lecture delivered on the 25 August 2011 at the KIMEP (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research). Its principal aim is to explore the relationship between international law and nationalism, whilst arguing that both concepts cannot be viewed as two separate and self-contained realities, but should rather be considered in light of their mutual interaction. The external actions of a nation are reflected internally. Similarly, its internal actions have external repercussions. In this work, such consequences are examined in a nation-state with an authoritarian structure as opposed to those found in a democratic nation-state. Additionally, the concept of nationalism is studied in its variant forms in both these contexts, leading to the premise that an aggressive and expansionist nation-state is unlikely to be guided by a constitution that places a high value on democracy and freedom. A nation which does not respect the liberties of its own nationals will undoubtedly disrespect other States and their nationals, and vice-versa. This begs the question: should international law be irresponsive and neutral in these cases? Although briefly, this work also discusses a personalist or individualist type of nationalism by exploring its foundations and advantages and, consequently, postulating its legitimacy and compatibility with the underlying tenets of international law.


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O início do século tem sido pródigo em transformações rápidas e radicais no sector de consultoria, como resultado do questionamento dos modelos de diversificação estratégica levados a cabo por diversas consultoras. Mas, ainda que estas mudanças constituam de certa forma uma barreira à legitimidade do sector, a verdade é que este pressuposto tem contribuído também para o desenvolvimento do estudo do sector no meio académico, sobretudo ao longo dos últimos vinte anos onde tem existido um conjunto de literatura substancial que tem vindo a refletir a contribuição, conceptualização e compreensão da natureza do trabalho de consultoria e sobre o real valor dos consultores na forma como demonstram esse valor aos seus clientes. Daqui, ressaltam então as seguintes questões fulcrais. Consultoria de gestão é para quem? Deverá ser o consultor de gestão um auditor interno do seu próprio desempenho? Assim sendo, o que pretendo neste artigo é exatamente enfatizar um conjunto de pressupostos que permitam descrever um conjunto de requisitos necessários que devem estar implícitos nas características intrínsecas da caracterização de um profissional de serviços de consultoria, pois a premissa desta profissão deve compreender que é o profissional de consultoria que deve gerir as suas atividades e não as atividades gerir o profissional de consultoria. / The beginning of the century has been prolific in rapid and radical transformations in the consultancy sector, as a result of the questioning of models of strategic diversification undertaken by several consultants. But, even if these changes constitute a barrier to the legitimacy of the sector, the truth is that this assumption has also contributed to the development of the sector study in the academic environment, especially over the last twenty years it has existed a set of substantial literature that has come to reflect the contribution, conceptualization and understanding of the nature of consulting work and the real value of consultants in the way that demonstrate value to their customers. It emphasizes two key questions. Management consulting is for whom? It should be the management consultant an internal auditor of its own performance? So, what I want to emphasize in this article is exactly one set of assumptions that allow describing a set of requirements that must be implicit in the characterization of the intrinsic characteristics of a consulting services manager, because the premise of this profession must understand that it is the professional adviser that should manage their activities and not the activities to manage the professional adviser.