2 resultados para Health evaluation
em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal
Os instrumentos de medida são desenvolvidos para as mais diversas finalidades e indicações. Sua funcionalidade depende de escalas genéricas, do estado de saúde e escalas específicas a uma determinada situação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo discorrer sobre os aspectos importantes que permeiam a utilização dos instrumentos de medida e apresentar de forma sistematizada os indicadores e instrumentos de medida de QV, utilizados e validados no Brasil. Realizou-se um estudo de revisão narrativa do conhecimento disponível na literatura, com consulta às seguintes bases de dados: DEDALUS, LILACS, MEDLINE e Scielo, tendo como base os períodos de 1995-2008. Observou-se que os instrumentos levantados são os mais adequados para aplicação na população brasileira, com boa consistência interna, validade e confiabilidade teste-reteste. Conclui-se que apesar de serem instrumentos reconhecidos nacional e internacionalmente, ainda são necessários mais estudos de aplicação, para melhor assegurar as suas propriedades psicométricas, melhor forma de administração e as possíveis interferências interexaminadores.
The objectives of the study were (a) to examine which information and design elements on dairy product packages operate as cues in consumer evaluations of product healthfulness, and (b) to measure the degree to which consumers voluntarily attend to these elements during product choice. Visual attention was measured by means of eye-tracking. Task (free viewing, product healthfulness evaluation, and purchase likelihood evaluation) and product (five different yoghurt products) were varied in a mixed within-between subjects design. The free viewing condition served as a baseline against which increases or decreases in attention during product healthfulness evaluation and purchase likelihood evaluation were assessed. The analysis revealed that the only element operating as a health cue during product healthfulness evaluation was the nutrition label. The information cues used during purchase likelihood evaluation were the name of the product category and the nutrition label. Taken together, the results suggest that the only information element that consumers consistently utilize as a health cue is the nutrition label and that only a limited amount of attention is devoted to read nutrition labels during purchase likelihood evaluations. The study also revealed that the probability that a consumer will read the nutrition label during the purchase decision process is associated with gender, body mass index and health motivation.