3 resultados para Gota D Água
em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal
The photographic image, either still or moving, is considered a fair and representative archive of past events, given its mirror nature of reproducing the world. However, in their purely documental function, photography or film do not represent the "tone" of the story that was recorded in the images. But it may be that it is the atmosphere that is expressed through the images that is able to awake memory and turn the story not only into something visible but also into something sensible.
Os "mercadores de letras" que agora publicamos corresponde ao texto da nossa dissertação de mestrado em História Contemporânea, defendida na faculdade de Letras de Universidade de Lisboa, em 1998. Por diversas razões e apesar de algumas propostas, sempre com a intenção de aligeirar o texto, não o publicamos na altura. Os projetos entretanto encetados e os novos rumos tomados pela nossa atividade de investigação, nomeadamente a opção pelo doutoramento em museologia, desviaram-nos decisivamente da nossa investigação sobre os editores e livreiros, sobre a divulgação do livro e da leitura. Foram anos de muita atividade. Em colaboração com o nosso amigo Ricardo Machaqueiro, desenvolvemos vários trabalhos sobre editoras e sobre os editores, nomeadamente sobre a Civilização do Porto, a Prelo a Teorema. Fizemos alguns trabalhos sobre Bibliotecas de Lisboa: A saudosa Biblioteca Popular, a biblioteca dos Operários da Sociedade Geral, A biblioteca do Arsenal do Alfeite, onde buscamos os vestígios da atividade de Bento Gonçalves, a Biblioteca da Voz do Operário. Trabalhamos várias livrarias, como a livraria leitura do Porto e a Livraria Ler, a livraria do Luís Alves, tertúlia do lisboeta bairro de Campo de Ourique, ao pé da estátua da Maria da Fonte. Alguns destes textos foram dados ao prelo em periódicos. A ver vamos se alguns serão reeditados.
The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the centre of production of knowledge to the research objects. We try to show haw Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher and focus is work on actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and is production of hegemonic scientific discourses by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000) proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article we will try to look at the process of production of biographical narratives using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start reviewing the methodologies working on biographical objects. Then we present the preliminary studies and research we have been doing in communities in southern Mozambique in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other works on the ground, and now we opened as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. The project will be completed in the coming months, through the proposal of a "House of memories" to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are chosen and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems allow rapprochement and dialogue between the different knowledge.