2 resultados para Educational statistics

em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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Whatever the other characteristics of the universal museum, education must be one of its core functions. That is, education both of regular visitors and those who are not but who are members of the local, regional or national communities served by the museum. In this sense, universal refers to making the museum accessible to all: accessible physically and intellectually. This relates to what I mean by education. It is far broader than what takes place between teachers and pupils in a formal setting. Education is also about providing environments where people will be inspired or provoked to know, to question. To reflect about themselves and the wider human and natural world. A universal museum should be a great facilitator of these learning processes. In this paper I shall focus on five ways in which there can be integration of educational opportunities in the universal museum. For examples to illustrate these themes I shall draw on practices in a small sample of museums in Europe and the USA.


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O presente artigo teve como base uma aula de mestrado, em laboratório de estatística, para posterior conceção de um artigo científico, em grupo, em 4 horas. Teve como objeto de estudo a variação dos acidentes de trabalho com o efetivo laboral, com as horas trabalhadas, com a duração média da jornada de trabalho. O objetivo científico foi pesquisar correlações entre variáveis. O objetivo didático foi demonstrar os passos do método científico e o objetivo pedagógico foi quebrar preconceitos sobre a dificuldade de produzir trabalho científico. Partindo de uma sumária revisão da literatura, colocaram-se hipóteses de investigação e prosseguiu-se para tratamento estatístico inferencial sobre os dados dos acidentes de trabalho com baixa médica, do efetivo médio laboral, das horas trabalhadas e da duração da jornada média de trabalho, de uma grande empresa, durante 20 anos consecutivos. Os resultados revelaram uma associação direta, estatisticamente significativa e forte, dos acidentes de trabalho às horas trabalhadas e ao efetivo. No caso da associação dos acidentes à duração média da jornada de trabalho, a associação é estatisticamente significativa, mas de intensidade moderada. Este ensaio permitiu também intrapolar e extrapolar, com reservas, os acidentes esperados em função de uma dada carga de trabalho. As competências desenvolvidas neste trabalho revelaram-se úteis para a produção de conhecimento científico, em geral, e para gestão da prevenção dos riscos laborais, em particular. / This article was based on a master class, in statistical laboratory, of 4 hours, for subsequent group production of a scientific paper. The object of study was the variation of occupational accidents with number of employees and with hours worked, as well as with the average duration of the workday. The scientific objective has been researching correlations between variables. The learning objective was to demonstrate the steps of the scientific method, and the educational objective was to break down prejudices about the difficulty of making scientific research. Starting from a brief literature review on the subject, research hypotheses were formulated. Then, it was done inferential statistics of data regarding occupational accidents with sick leave, average number of employees, hours worked per year, and average duration of the workday, of a large enterprise, during 20 years in a row. Results revealed that there is statistically significant and strong direct association between occupational accidents and hours worked, as well as between occupational accidents and number of employees. In the case of the association of accidents to the average duration of the workday, identical data analysis revealed this association is statistically significant, but of moderate intensity. This essay also enabled to interpolate and extrapolate, with proper caution, the accidents expected to occur in a given workload. The skills developed from this research proved to be useful to create scientific knowledge, as well as to manage labour risk prevention.