2 resultados para Better World Books

em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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The main thesis of this paper is that Freire’s original experience in Angicos anticipated a grand design for social transformation of educational systems. As such it brought together two key concepts that formulated the basis of his educational system: popular culture as an counter-hegemonic project and popular education, more particularly what was later called citizen schools or public popular education as keystone of his new educational system. I use the term Paulo Freire System to show that his original attempts were not only to challenge pedagogical the prevailing banking education system that was so pervasive in Brazil and Latin American at the time. In challenging the hegemony of banking education, its narrative, theoretical foundations, epistemology and methodology, Freire and his team sought to create a new system that could replace the old one. They saw banking education not only as obsolete in terms of modernization of systems but also oppressive in gnoseological, epistemological and political terms. In the conclusion of this paper I will discuss the twins obsessions of Freire, already present in the Angicos experience and that will stay with him throughout his life: the relationship between democracy, citizenship and education, and education as a postcolonial ethical act of social transformation. I would like to emphasize therefore that the Paulo Freire system, as conceived in the Angicos experience and its aftermath was a much larger and comprehensive system that originally considered, even by his critics.


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Há muito que se fala do fim do Marketing tal como o conhecemos. A segmentação cada vez maior de mercados e clientes e a importância da customização, tornaram obsoletas a maior parte das abordagens do marketing de massas. A evolução da economia e das TI (tecnologias da informação) e as consequentes alterações que esse processo implicou na cadeia de valor das empresas, nomeadamente das organizações de grande dimensão, fez com que o B2C –Business to Customer – tenha deixado de fazer sentido para estas empresas. O advento da World Wide Web e o impacto que as tecnologias «interactivas» têm actualmente sobre a economia, provocou grandes alterações nas relações entre as organizações e os seus clientes. Ao Marketing de massas sucedeu-se a relação individualizada cliente a cliente, emergente no B2B – Business to Business –one to one, onde mais importante do que as vendas é o relacionamento com o cliente que assume particular importância, nomeada mente em ordem à sua transição para outras zonas de negócio, como a Internet.