3 resultados para Antidiscrimination Legislation

em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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The most saddening feature in this entire debate is that the Church in Goa, instead of transmitting the image of kingdom of God, of Jesus who emptied himself (kenosis) and was crucified with nothing that he could call his own (“rights”) is increasingly revealing a spiritual bankruptcy. Obviously, the mystical body does not feed on mystical rice and curry. A mere suggestion of State legislation to check the transparency and accountability of the temporal goods of the Church was sufficient to raise the hackles of the rich and the powerful who need the Church, but present themselves as its faithful servants, who can ensure that the more humble sons and daughters of the Church benefit from crumbs of their charity. *Spiritus ubi vult spirat* – the Spirit blows where it wills, and the history of the Church has umpteen illustrations of this. As the saying goes, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”. Only the kicks of history have brought about most significant reforms.


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RESUMO: A presente investigação incide no estudo da influência das dimensões do controlo do acesso à Internet, propostas por Hackman e Oldham (1975), e das facetas da satisfação com o trabalho, propostas por Spector (1985) num contexto organizacional. Os dados foram obtidos através da aplicação de três escalas avaliativas: o "Job Diagnostic Survey" (JDS), o "Job Satisfaction Survey" (JSS), e uma escala criada para avaliar as dimensões do controlo do acesso à Internet. O estudo incidiu numa amostra de conveniência, constituída por 135 colaboradores pertencentes a três organizações. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que apenas três dimensões revelaram relações de antecedência com as dimensões da satisfação com o trabalho: no bloqueio a páginas e aplicações foram identificadas relações de antecedência com a da satisfação com os benefícios adicionais e com a promoção. Quanto à voz nas políticas da organização foram identificadas relações com a satisfação com os colegas, e com a natureza do trabalho. E na legislação foram identificadas relações com a satisfação com as recompensas contingenciais, com as condições operantes e com a comunicação. Os resultados levaram à não confirmação do modelo em análise, por não estar em linha com o quadro teórico estabelecido. Foram discutidas algumas das implicações dos resultados obtidos. ABSTRACT: The current research focus in the study of influence between the Internet Access control dimensions, proposed in this study, and the global Job satisfaction, proposed by Hackman e Oldham (1975) and the job satisfaction facets proposed by Spector (1985) in a organizationsl context. The data eas obtained through the application of three scales: num contexto organizacional. "Job Diagnostic Survey" (JDS), the "Job Satisfaction Survey" (JSS),and a scale that was created to evaluate the internet Access control. The study focused on a convenience sample, constituted by 135 participants from three organizations. The results show that only three dimensions revealed to have an antecedent relationship with the job satisfaction dimensions: in the websites and applications blocking, it was identified as having an antecedent relationship with the satisfaction with fringe benefits and promotion. Voice in the organizational policies was verified as an antecedent to the dimensions of the satisfaction with the coworkers and with the nature of work. And finally, the legislation was confirmed as an antecedent in the relationship with the dimensions satisfaction with contingent rewards, operating conditions and communication. The results led to the non confirmation of the studied theoretical model. Some of these results implications were discussed.


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RESUMO: ―Director de Turma – Perfil e Múltiplas Valências em Análise‖ é um trabalho de investigação que visa abordar a Direcção de Turma, no âmbito da supervisão intermédia da Escola. Nesta investigação, o principal objectivo é estudar quais as concepções que os Alunos e os Directores de Turma possuem, relativamente ao perfil e às funções de um Director de Turma, bem como analisar as competências que os Directores de Escola privilegiam num docente para exercer o cargo de Director de Turma. A metodologia a aplicar é do tipo descritivo. Os sujeitos são constituídos por 198 alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade do Ensino Básico, pertencentes a seis escolas do Distrito de Setúbal, perfazendo nove turmas, respectivos Directores de Turma e três Directores de Escolas Públicas. Para ter acesso às opiniões dos alunos, Directores de Turma e Directores de Escola recorremos à elaboração de questionários e a uma escala de atitudes, bem como a entrevistas semi – estruturadas. Neste enquadramento, pretende-se saber se, apesar de existir um suporte legislativo que concede ao Director de Turma responsabilidades específicas no domínio da coordenação, existe inconsistência entre esta atribuição de poderes e a respectiva operacionalização, bem como conhecer o perfil desejado de um Director de Turma. ABSTRACT: ―Homeroom teacher – its profile, organization and the extent of its work‖ is a research paper on the inestimable value of the role of the Portuguese homeroom teacher, as the supervising link between the students and the school´s principal. This study aims to unveil how homeroom teachers are regarded by the students, as well as analyze what skills school principals expect from them and also their own take on this subject. The methodology chosen was the descriptive kind. The subjects for this research were 198 students from the 9th grade (Junior – High) from six schools, all from the Setubal district, a total of nine classes, their corresponding homeroom teachers plus three state school principals. Students have answered questionnaires and their scores ranking them on a scale of attitudes. Semi-structured interviews also took place. Even though there is legislation that mentions in detail which are the administrative responsibilities, and profile of the homeroom teacher, the goal would be to understand if the powers that are granted match the challenges the homeroom teacher faces every day in the educational field.