3 resultados para Anion recognition
em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal
Nos equinos, um grande número de eventos das fases iniciais do desenvolvimento embrionário são únicos e distintos daqueles que se verificam em outras espécies, incluindo os críticos mas pouco esclarecidos mecanismos de reconhecimento materno da gestação. Este processo fisiológico, através do qual o concepto sinaliza a sua presença ao organismo materno assegurando a manutenção do corpo lúteo (CL) primário e, consequentemente, dos níveis de progesterona necessários à sobrevivência e desenvolvimento do embrião, está pouco esclarecido. De facto, ainda não é claro qual o sinal embrionário primário que assegura a manutenção do CL nos equinos e, apesar do número de potenciais factores que contribuem para o reconhecimento e manutenção da gestação não parar de crescer, nenhum é capaz por si só de satisfazer todos os critérios que caracterizam um factor anti-luteolítico ou luteostático. Por outro lado, é geralmente aceite o conceito de que o reconhecimento materno da gestação é um fenómeno fisiológico de extrema importância e que qualquer falha, quer no envio quer na recepção do sinal apropriado, pode levar a morte embrionária. De facto, a perda de gestações durante ou à volta do espaço de tempo em que ocorre o reconhecimento materno da gestação (i.e dias 10-16 após a ovulação) é comum mas imprevisível (e, portanto, difícil de controlar e prevenir) na prática clínica, sendo uma causa de grandes perdas económicas.
Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) have suggested that semantic encoding for verbal information in the right hemisphere can be more effective when memory demands are higher. However, other studies (Kanske & Kotz, 2007) also suggest that visual word recognition differ in function of emotional valence. In this context, the present study was designed to evaluate the effects of retention level upon recognition memory processes for negative and neutral words. Sample consisted of 15 right-handed undergraduate portuguese students with normal or corrected to normal vision. Portuguese concrete negative and neutral words were selected in accordance to known linguistic capabilities of the right hemisphere. The participants were submitted to a visual half-field word presentation using a continuous recognition memory paradigm. Eye movements were continuously monitored with a Tobii T60 eye-tracker that showed no significant differences in fixations to negative and neutral words. Reaction times in word recognition suggest an overall advantage of negative words in comparison to the neutral words. Further analysis showed faster responses for negative words than for neutral words when were recognised at longer retention intervals for left-hemisphere encoding. Electrophysiological data through event related potentials revealed larger P2 amplitude over centro-posterior electrode sites for words studied in the left hemifield suggesting a priming effect for right-hemisphere encoding. Overall data suggest different hemispheric memory strategies for the semantic encoding of negative and neutral words.
The effect of multiple sclerosis (MS) on the ability to identify emotional expressions in faces was investigated, and possible associations with patients’ characteristics were explored. 56 non-demented MS patients and 56 healthy subjects (HS) with similar demographic characteristics performed an emotion recognition task (ERT), the Benton Facial Recognition Test (BFRT), and answered the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Additionally, MS patients underwent a neurological examination and a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. The ERT consisted of 42 pictures of faces (depicting anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and neutral expressions) from the NimStim set. An iViewX high-speed eye tracker was used to record eye movements during ERT. The fixation times were calculated for two regions of interest (i.e., eyes and rest of the face). No significant differences were found between MS and HC on ERT’s behavioral and oculomotor measures. Bivariate and multiple regression analyses revealed significant associations between ERT’s behavioral performance and demographic, clinical, psychopathological, and cognitive measures.