23 resultados para portuguese literature
A identidade de qualquer povo resulta de um longo processo e de variadas heranças históricas. Muitos factores e agentes intervem neste processo, e quase a grande maioria deles não são da sua escolha. Não é muito diferente daquilo que acontece com os indíviduos: não escolhemos os nossos pais nem o país do nosso nascimento. A identidade dos goeses já vem de longe, e os cinco séculos da presença portuguesa deixaram também a sua marca que nem todos os goeses avaliam da mesma maneira.
The field of eating disorders among athletes has recently been Preliminary Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Eating Inventory for Athletes Palmeira, A.L.(1); Veloso, S.(1); Falcão, M.J.(1); and Dosil, J.(2) Table 2. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha the focus of several publications, reflecting a growing field of interest and research (Dosil, 2008). Some sports demand a strict compliance to restrictive diets at different times of the competitive season, while others like, some types of gymnastics emphasize the thinness of the athletes. Hence there is a need to develop sound measures to evaluate the athletes eating habits and possible eating disorders. The Cuestionario de Hábitos Alimentarios del Deportista (CHAD), is one of these measures. It comprises 5 dimensions: i) Weight Gain Anxiety (e.g. If I eat too much I regret it afterwards; 12 items); ii) Body Image Worries (e.g., I’m always thinking about my body; 6 items,); iii) Irritability (e.g., If the coach speaks about weight matters, I feel anxious; 7 items); iv) Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction with Body Image (e.g., I’m satisfied with my appearance; 5 items); and v) Dieting (e.g., When the season ends, I keep practicing so that I don’t gain weight, 4 items).
Exercise constitutes one of the pillars of a healthy lifestyle (USDHHS, 1996). Paradoxically, more than 40% of Europeans are sedentary (Eurobarometer 213, 2004), although some interventions, at both community and individual levels, have been established to improve this situation. Some of these interventions are based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT: Deci & Ryan, 1985), which state that more internalized types of behaviour regulation lead to feelings of selfdetermination in one’s chosen activities and, consequently, to greater likelihood of behavioural adherence. Today, SDT is one of the most popular approaches to the study of exercise, thus the cross-cultural validation of instruments that can measure its constructs is a necessary step to further advance in the study of exercise motivation.
A chegada de Vasco da Gama à Índia marcou o início de uma nova era na história da Índia e do mundo. Foi um encontro marcado por colaboração e resistências. Tanto os indianos como os portugueses faziam cedências por necessidade ou por conveniências. Não se pode ignorar neste processo o impacto dos renegados portugueses que se espalharam pela Asia toda. Era o resultado da "grande soltura" após a morte de Afonso de Albuquerque que acreditava numa economia comandada. O império da sombra, tão bem descrito por Fernão Mendes Pinto prevaleceu.
Perspectivas é o que temos, quer se discuta o texto quer se discuta o cibertexto. Dizia Ricoeur que o texto como um todo singular se pode comparar a um objecto, visto de vários lados mas nunca de todos, simultaneamente. Decidimos sempre olhar de um certo modo. Ora, estamos num tempo em que do dia para a noite várias propostas, novas perspectivas, novas formas de textualidade emergem. Necessita-se para isso de uma terminologia mais consistente do que as formas que ocorrem.
Portugal has the largest LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) share of primary energy demand in the EU (about 5%). Due to the increasing international cost of LPG in the last years and the high price sensitivity of the consumers the preference for substitute energy sources in new and existing consumers has been increasing. To select the kind of energy, some consumer estimate and compare the total costs while others follow agents (equipment sellers) recommendations. It takes time to build agents perception about the most advantageous source of energy, which is seen as an important resource that drives client resource accumulation and retention. Marketing strategies have to take into consideration some market dynamic effects derived from the accumulation and depletion of these resources. A simple system dynamics model was built, combined with Economic Value Added framework, to evaluate some pricing strategies under different scenarios of LPG international cost.
Portugal has the largest LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) share of primary energy demand in the EU (about 5%). Due to the increasing international cost of LPG in the last years and the high price sensitivity of the consumers the preference for substitute energy sources in new and existing consumers has been increasing. To select the kind of energy, some consumer estimate and compare the total costs while others follow agents (equipment sellers) recommendations. It takes time to build agents perception about the most advantageous source of energy, which is seen as an important resource that drives client resource accumulation and retention. Marketing strategies have to take into consideration some market dynamic effects derived from the accumulation and depletion of these resources. A simple system dynamics model was built, combined with Economic Value Added framework, to evaluate some pricing strategies under different scenarios of LPG international cost.
RESUMO: O presente trabalho tem por objective o estudo da problemática das alterações induzidas pela internet na gestão comercial das unidade hoteleiras portuguesas. O estudo desenvolveu-se em duas fases. Na primeira, através de pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica, procedeu-se aà teorização dos conceitos e técnicas abordadas. A segunda assentou num trabalho de investigação realizado em duas vertentes: a primeira, onde se procurou conhecer a situação vivida através da recolha de dados sobre os sítios das unidades hoteleiras da amostra considerada; a segunda, onde se procurou, através da técnica Delphi, avaliar as perspectivas da evolução dessa mesma realidade. O trabalho realizado evidenciou que a internet, enquanto canal de comunicação e de comercialização, induziu alterações significativas, ainda que em diferentes graus, na forma de realizar a gestão comercial das unidades hoteleiras portuguesas. Alterações que se traduziram, no essencial, na: crescente importância da gestão da relação com os clientes; maior complexidade das políticas de produto e de preços; forte aceleração da acção comercial. Ou seja, a internet induziu não só a necessidade de redefinição do posicionamento das unidades hoteleiras portuguesas, bem como da forma destas realizarem o trabalho comercial. ABSTRACT: This work aims to study the issues around the changes introduced by the internet in the management of marketing of the portuguese hotel units. The study was done in two phases. First by researching and consulting the literature, setting the concepts theory and approach techniques. The second phase was based on a research work following two aspects: in the first instance trying to understand the existing situation through the collection of data regarding the location of the hotel units in the sample used; and secondly we tried, through the Delphi technique, to assess the evolution perspectives of that same reality. This study proved that the internet, as a communication and marketing channel brought about significant changes, although in various degrees, on how marketing management of the Portuguese hotel units is done. These changes were essentially reflect, the increasing importance of client relationship management; the greater complexity of the product and price policies; strong increase in the marketing action. That is, internet has not only introduced the need to redefine the standpoint of the Portuguese hotel units but also how they carry out their marketing activity.