295 resultados para Museologia tänään
This essay presents some parameters for the study of Museology and its respective contribution for the constitution of preservationist processes, biased towards heritage education. From the decoding of some parameters that delimit this applied discipline’s action and reflection field, the text presents some paradigms, which have stimulated its epistemological construction and have guided its social functions. These paradigms are considered responsible for a new methodological order within the scope of the museum and, further, for the new commitments that these institutions have taken up.
Museology has emerged and has been organised as a field of knowledge, precisely to frame the technical, theoretical and methodological aspects, regarding the constitution, implementation and evaluation of the processes that societies establish for the selection, treatment and extroversion of the memory indicators, transforming them into patrimonial references and projecting them into the constitutive fields of cultural heritage. It is therefore, one of the areas of knowledge that deals with the framing of heritage and their professionals are agents of memory education. The constitution of the parameters that define and delimit the museological action field has been outlined in the course of the centuries, if we consider the technical efforts related to the identification and organisation of collections, in addition to the curatorial treatment of specimens from nature, of objects, of the intangible heritage registers. The same length of elaboration is true if we evaluate the communication initiatives and of education of the senses.
The institutions that work with the preservation and diffusion of cultural heritage - be them archive, libraries, museums, art galleries or cultural centres - present a certain discourse about reality. To understand this discourse, composed by sound and silence, by fullness and emptiness, by presence and absence, by remembrance and forgetting, an operation is implied, not only with the enunciation of speech and its gaps, but also the comprehension of that which causes to speak, of who is speaking and of the point whence one speaks. Preservation and destruction, or, in another way, conservation and loss, walk hand in hand in the arteries of life. As suggested by Nietzsche (1999, p.273), it is impossible to live without loss, it is entirely impossible to live avoiding destruction to play its game and drive the dynamics of life on. However, by means of a kind of tautological argument, one often justifies preservation by the imminence of loss and memory by the threat of forgetting. Thus, one ceases to consider that the game and the rules of the game between forgetting and memory are not fed by themselves and that preservation and destruction are not opposed in a deadly duel, but instead they complement one another and are always at the service of subjects that build themselves and are built through social practices. To indicate that memories and forgettings can be sown and cultivated corroborates the importance of working towards the denaturalisation of these concepts and towards the understanding that they result from a construction process also involving other forces, such as: power. Power is a sower, a promoter of memories and forgettings.
No matter how elementary the level of attention that is paid to contemporary Museology in Portugal, its multifaceted character should nevertheless be acknowledged. It is a site where concepts, attitudes and aims cross, translating not only museology’s general guidelines, but the role and the place that the different actors in the most diverse processes seek to occupy in society, in the affirmation of the shared right to a full citizenship. The different forms of museology that has developed throughout the country, in particular post April 25, vouchsafes the statement that, in parallel with State museums, there came to light hundreds of museological processes by initiative of the cultural and ecological associative movements, in addition to those of the reinvigorated autonomous power. There are tens of thousands of people who, in various ways - more or less elaborated or theorised - find in museology the privileged expression means on issues concerning so many heritages – historical, architectural, linguistic, archaeological or anthropological - within the context of the valorisation and identification of local specificities and competences.
Exhibiting is or should be to work against ignorance, especially against the most refractory of all ignorance: the pre-conceived idea of stereo typed culture. To exhibit is to take a calculated risk of disorientation - in the etymological sense: (to lose your bearings), disturbs the harmony, the evident , and the consensus, that constitutes the common place (the banal). Needless to say however it is obvious that an exhibition that deliberately tries to scandalise will create an inverted perversion which results in an obscurantist pseudo-luxury - culture ... between demagogy and provocation, one has to find visual communication's subtle itinerary. Even though an intermediary route is not so stimulating: as Gaston Bachelard said "All the roads lead to Rome, except the roads of compromise." It is becoming ever more evident that museums have undergone changes that are noticeable in numerous areas. As well as the traditional functions of collecting, conserving and exhibiting objects. museums have tried to become a means of communication, open and aware of the worries of modern society. In order to do this , it has started to utilise modern technology now available and lead by the hand of "marketing" and modern business management.
Il n'y a rien de plus politique que la volonté de jouer un rôle dans le changement des sociétés, des techniques, des cultures, des économies, des relations internationales, des modes de développement. C'est même une idée subversive, qui ne plaît pas toujours aux politiciens et aux technocrates.
Je remercie Raul Mendez Lugo, le Président de MINOM et Alfredo Tinoco, le Président de MINOM-Portugal… Mesdames et messieurs, amis et collègues, c’est un honneur de représenter le Conseil international des musées aujourd’hui ici à Lisbonne pour l’ouverture d’un atelier qui promet d’être fructueux et instructif de tous les points de vue, notamment en nous esquissant les grandes lignes d’actions à mener en plus étroite collaboration. Parmi les musées que les participants à cet atelier pourraient visiter dimanche, nous prenons note du “Museu nacional do azulejo” et de l’écomusée “Ecomuseu do Seixal”. D’une part, un musée national présente à un public international une forme d’artisanat traditionnel et mondialement connu par des moyens muséologiques contemporains et d’autre part une communauté qui a fondé et qui gère l’écomusée s’attache à son patrimoine au sein de son territoire.
Que España ha arrastrado un atraso secular respecto a los países de su entorno es un lugar común a la hora de caracterizar un desarrollo histórico singular. Que ese atraso se remonta, probablemente, al momento en que comienza el declive del imperio colonial español es una suposición a la que cabría hacer múltiples matizaciones. Que las consecuencias de ese atraso se vieron agravadas en el siglo XX, hasta el punto de suscitar la frase de Unamuno –en la que juegan a partes iguales el sarcasmo y la reivindicación de lo singular, teñido todo ello de un pesimismo muy del gusto tenebrista-, es algo que cualquier observador imparcial –o cualquiera que haya vivido un buen trecho de ese siglo XX- jamás pondría en duda. Máxime, quien conozca el impacto de la sublevación militar de 1936 que condujo, tras una cruenta guerra civil (1936-39), al triunfo del General Franco y a la instauración de una dictadura que habría de sobrevivir durante varias décadas.
Sociomuseology expresses a considerable amount of the effort made to suit museological facilities to the conditions of contemporary society. The process of opening up the museum, as well as its organic relation with the social context that infuses it with life, has resulted in the need to structure and clarify the relations, notions and concepts that may define this process. Sociomuseology is thus a scientific field of teaching, research and performance which emphasizes the articulation of museology, in particular, with the areas of knowledge covered by Human Sciences, Development Studies, Services Science, and Urban and Rural Planning. The multidisciplinary approach of Sociomuseology aims to strengthen the acknowledgement of museology as a resource for the sustainable development of Humanity, based on equal opportunities as well as social and economic inclusion. Sociomuseology bases its social intervention on mankind’s cultural and natural heritage, both tangible and intangible. What characterizes Sociomuseology is not so much the nature of its premises and its goals, as is the case with other areas of knowledge, but the interdisciplinary focus which makes it draw on perfectly consolidated areas of knowledge and relate them with Museology itself.
Le musée local, au Portugal, tel qu’il apparaît dans la perspective de la révolution socio-cultureile de 74, puis projeté à l’avant-scène de la muséologie portugaise renaissante, lors du IIe Atelier international de Nouvelle muséologie (Lisbonne/Seixal/Monte Redondo — Musées locaux/Nouvelle musólogie, novembre 85), se perpétue jusqu’à nos jours, tout au moins dans le discours de ses promoteurs, préoccupé par le rapport aux pouvoirs et aux populations. Fortement enraciné dans la structure municipale et associative, utilisé à ses débuts, à des degrés divers, comme un outil de militance communautaire, le musée local présente un modèle muséographique de type ethnographique diffusé à travers le pays. Celui-ci est fondé sur la participation de donateurs d’objets utiles de la vie courante, mis à contribution dans le programme, de même que sur l’apport des savoir-faire populaires et artisanaux, évitant de tomber dans le folklorisme par une réflexion alimentée par les universitaires. Ce mouvement naissant correspond à la mode de l’écomusée dont il épouse certains contours, tout en demeurant enraciné dans la tradition ethnographique du pays.
Abordam-se questões teóricas e práticas inerentes aos processos museológicos de claro perfil comunitário, onde os museus podem ser entendidos como criações autênticas de comunidades, no seu trabalho de construção e sustentação de sua memória social. No contexto do panorama diversificado das museologias sociais , comunitárias, territoriais e ecomuseologia na contemporaneidade, propõe-se a profissionalização de responsáveis por museus locais, ecomuseus e museus comunitários pela oferta de capacitação em cursos ou oficinas e a inclusão gradativa da Museologia Comunitária nas graduações, especializações e cursos de extensão , apostando no jogo da formação e da qualificação das comunidades que desejam gerir seus museus e assim “ agarrar a mudança”.
Para todos aqueles que, em busca de uma segurança imaginárias, e agarram a grandes frases estabilizadoras, em que avulta a palavra civilização e, sobretudo, «civilização ocidental», ou «euro-americana» e, de algum modo se identificam ou promovem o «orgulho branco», o mundo, na sua história recente, tem-se mostrado muito mais instável e ingrato do que desejariam. Não que tenham abdicado desse projecto de «americanização» do mundo que eufemisticamente designam de «globalização», atrelando a velha Europa ao comboio americano, ou atirando a «nova Europa» contra a «velha Europa» e continuando a emitir pseudópodes, sob a forma de governos-fantoches que ensaiam controlar as zonas mais rentáveis ou geo-estratégicas do mundo nos diferentes continentes e oceanos. Não conseguiram, no entanto, entravar alguns processos que agora não conseguem controlar. A descoberta paralisante de que os seus «primitivos» ou «inferiores», internos ou externos, não só não os admiravam como até mesmo os odiavam, pôs fim ao mito fordiano do «melting pot», o qual supostamente tornaria em «americanos» os imigrantes de todo o mundo que acorriam ao novo Eldorado. Como se viu mais tarde, não havia «melting pot» algum, os afro-americanos, os asiáticos e os judeus não eram «assimilados», os conflitos raciais estalaram mais claramente à saída da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Hablar de la situación italiana dentro del campo de los eco museos, no es seguramente una cosa simple y esto no es por que Italia sea un país problematico, si no por la naturaleza de la imagen de estos. Los eco museos , de hecho no siguiendo la naturaleza del mismo desarrollo de crecimiento y no respondiendo a un único modo de competición a afrontar, no ofrecen fácilmente un cuadro de síntesis. Teniendo que informar aquí, o sea dar noticias al resguardo de mi país, he escogido de contar algunas sensaciones y reflexiones recogidas de los convenios4 a los cuales recientemente he participado. Inmediatamente, debiendo simplificar, las tres palabras claves que se me han ocurrido son: Patrimonio - Gobierno - Complejidad. Patrimonio porqué hablamos de los eco museos, y sobre todo de el conjunto de bienes materiales e inmateriales que forman nuestra memoria. Gobierno porqué nos referimos a los eco museos como instrumentos para dirigir, guiar, organizar la Complejidad, con la cual aquí, entiendo el conjunto de de varios aspectos que vienen de un territorio y que juntamente lo cualifican.
Os Sistemas da Qualidade são métodos facilitadores do trabalho, que definem e utilizam ferramentas de apoio baseadas no bom senso, para serem aplicadas no planeamento e gestão das organizações. Esta metodologia não é dogmática nem fechada e pode e deve ser adaptada às diferentes situações e tipologias institucionais. Em Portugal, os Museus e as organizações culturais em geral, não possuem nem utilizam regularmente as ferramentas de apoio à programação e à gestão, que são habitualmente utilizadas pela generalidade das organizações económicas e de serviços, noutros países, incluindo já as instituições ligadas à Cultura e às Artes. Acresce ainda, que nem sequer a Programação Museológica, uma ferramenta imprescindível de implementação e garantia de funcionamento dos museus, é aplicada nas suas fases de estruturação, construção ou remodelação, apesar de ser exigida por lei, de existirem em Portugal bons especialistas nesta área, e de várias dissertações de Mestrado sobre o tema terem já sido defendidas em diversas Universidades Portuguesas.
L’écomusée aura vécu ses heures de gloire, partagé entre le scepticisme et l’adhésion inconditionnelle. Point de rencontre et synthèse des musées de pays, de la vague participative issue des mouvements de socialisation dans le monde, de l’éveil d’un sentiment de nostalgie et de précarité face aux patrimoines et aux identités mises à mal pendant le second conflit mondial, le questionnement et le rejet de valeurs jusque là considérées comme les refuges sûrs de la stabilité, par la continuité, des sociétés, l’avènement de l’écomusée représente à la fois un phénomène de prise de conscience de la globalité des rapports humains entretenue avec leurs environnements respectifs, aussi de rupture en introduisant, dans les meilleurs cas, la dimension critique de questionnement et de refus s’adressant aux systèmes et aux mentalités paralysantes qu’ils entretiennent pour en assurer le maintiens.