17 resultados para sustainability, interactive media art
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
Image segmentation is an ubiquitous task in medical image analysis, which is required to estimate morphological or functional properties of given anatomical targets. While automatic processing is highly desirable, image segmentation remains to date a supervised process in daily clinical practice. Indeed, challenging data often requires user interaction to capture the required level of anatomical detail. To optimize the analysis of 3D images, the user should be able to efficiently interact with the result of any segmentation algorithm to correct any possible disagreement. Building on a previously developed real-time 3D segmentation algorithm, we propose in the present work an extension towards an interactive application where user information can be used online to steer the segmentation result. This enables a synergistic collaboration between the operator and the underlying segmentation algorithm, thus contributing to higher segmentation accuracy, while keeping total analysis time competitive. To this end, we formalize the user interaction paradigm using a geometrical approach, where the user input is mapped to a non-cartesian space while this information is used to drive the boundary towards the position provided by the user. Additionally, we propose a shape regularization term which improves the interaction with the segmented surface, thereby making the interactive segmentation process less cumbersome. The resulting algorithm offers competitive performance both in terms of segmentation accuracy, as well as in terms of total analysis time. This contributes to a more efficient use of the existing segmentation tools in daily clinical practice. Furthermore, it compares favorably to state-of-the-art interactive segmentation software based on a 3D livewire-based algorithm.
O contributo das redes sociais na luta contra o cancro tem sido conhecida, especialmente, pelo sucesso de movimentos de cidados com o objectivo de sensibilizar a sociedade portuguesa para a ddiva de medula ssea. Este tipo de campanhas solidrias, com o apoio dos Novos Media, foi um fenmeno iniciado em 2009 e tem vindo a desenvolver-se, sobretudo, no Facebook. Desde ento, novos movimentos tm aparecido regularmente nesta rede social e ajudado a um aumento significativo do registo de dadores. Interessa-nos perceber como se desenvolvem este tipo de campanhas e que factores, contriburam para o seu sucesso, procurando averiguar no s o poder da Web 2.0, mas tambm questes sobre a comunicao, a imagem e os media. O sucesso destes movimentos vai muito alm da simples presena no Facebook. A anlise global do sistema de comunicao fundamental para compreender o diferente nvel de sucesso atingido por cada movimento. No presente artigo, fazemos uma anlise comparativa entre os principais movimentos de cidados, ocorridos entre 2009 e 2011, que comprova as supracitadas hipteses.
Neste artigo procuramos averiguar a relevncia que as marcas e identidades tm nas plataformas participativas no contexto da sade, em particular na oncologia. Apesar de estas plataformas disponibilizarem aos cidados e instituies as mesmas ferramentas, a sua capacidade de mobilizao no a mesma. As instituies parecem ter maior facilidade, mas nem sempre tal acontece. Discutir o conceito de marca e de identidade contribuir para responder a esta questo, bem como compreender porque que as diferenas entre os cidados e as instituies se podem atenuar nos novos media. Baseamos a nossa anlise na observao de pginas do Facebook, de instituies oncolgicas e de grupos de apoio de cidados; num conjunto de entrevistas a doentes e familiares oncolgicos; e em diferentes estudos na sade. No fim, procura-se esclarecer a importncia do estudo das marcas e da identidade, como possvel directriz de novas solues nos media participativos, que contribuam para atenuar o problema individual do cidado que se relaciona com o cancro.
The goal of the present study is mapping the nature of possible contributions of participatory online platforms in citizen actions that may contribute in the fight against cancer and its associated consequences. These platforms are usually associated with entertainment: in that sense, we intent to test their validity in other domains such as health, as well as contribute to an expanded perception of their potential by their users. The research is based on the analysis of online solidarity networks, namely the ones residing on Facebook, Orkut and the blogosphere, that citizens have been gradually resorting to. The research is also based on the development of newer and more efficient solutions that provide the individual (directly or indirectly affected by issues of oncology) with the means to overcome feelings of impotence and fatality. In this article, we aim at summarizing the processes of usage of these decentralized, freer participatory platforms by citizens and institutions, while attempting to unravel existing hype and stigma; we also provide a first survey of the importance and the role of institutions in this kind of endeavor; lastly, we present a prototype, developed in the context of the present study, that is specifically dedicated to addressing oncology through social media. This prototype is already available online at www.talkingaboutcancer.org, however, still under development and testing. The main objective of this platform is to allow every citizen to freely build their network of contacts and information, according to their own individual and/ or collective needs and desires.
Emotions play a central role in our daily lives, influencing the way we think and act, our health and sense of well-being, and films are by excellence the form of art that exploits our affective, perceptual and intellectual activity, holding the potential for a significant impact. Video is becoming a dominant and pervasive medium, and online video a growing entertainment activity on the web and iTV, mainly due to technological developments and the trends for media convergence. In addition, the improvement of new techniques for gathering emotional information about videos, both through content analysis or user implicit feedback through user physiological signals complemented in manual labeling from users, is revealing new ways for exploring emotional information in videos, films or TV series, and brings out new perspectives to enrich and personalize video access. In this work, we reflect on the power that emotions have in our lives, on the emotional impact of movies, and on how to address this emotional dimension in the way we classify and access movies, by exploring and evaluating the design of iFelt in its different ways to classify, access, browse and visualize movies based on their emotional impac
O presente estudo tem como objectivo averiguar a validade do uso das plataformas participativas online em aces de cidadania que contribuam na luta contra o cancro. Estas plataformas so frequentemente associadas ao entretenimento; nesse sentido, pretende-se no s testar a supracitada aplicao a outros domnios como o da sade, mas de igual forma contribuir para uma percepo expandida do potencial destas junto do seu universo de utilizadores. A investigao baseia-se na construo de uma rede solidria online que contribua para a aproximao de cidados que esto directa ou indirectamente envolvidos na problemtica da oncologia, disponibilizando ao indivduo meios que o ajudem a contrariar sentimentos de impotncia e fatalidade e a ausncia de capacidade de mobilizao e de cidadania. No mbito deste percurso de investigao, foi desenvolvida e implementada a plataforma OncologiaPediatrica.org, que teve como primeira misso confirmar a hiptese de o Design Multimdia poder contribuir para a informao, apoio e partilha de testemunhos entre familiares, amigos e doentes na luta contra o cancro peditrico. Esta plataforma baseia-se num sistema centralizado, ou seja, a organizao, poltica e gesto dos contedos informativos do site respeitam uma estrutura hierrquica piramidal. Os resultados do site OncologiaPediatrica.org e os desenvolvimentos tecnolgicos conducentes ao florescimento das redes sociais e Web 2.0, entretanto ocorridos, exigiram um reequacionamento da abordagem anteriormente adoptada, por forma a tornar o projecto mais eficaz perante as realidades entretanto surgidas. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvido um prottipo, disponvel em TalkingAboutCancer.org, mais descentralizado e aberto participao da comunidade. O actual estudo conta com o apoio do Instituto Portugus de Oncologia do Porto. Presentemente averigua-se, junto dos doentes e profissionais de sade deste hospital, de que forma os media participativos podem ajudar os cidados na luta contra o cancro. Os primeiros resultados da investigao so apresentados no presente artigo.
Present paper aims at surveying the relevance that brands and identities may have in participatory platforms in the context of oncology. Despite the fact that these platforms provide the same tools to citizens and institutions alike, their capacity for mobilization is distinct. In general, institutions seem to be more successful, although this is not always the case. Discussing the concept of brand and identity, as well as understanding how the differences between citizens and institutions may blur within the context of new media, may contribute to answering the above question. We anchor our analysis on the study of social network Facebook, oncological institutions and citizen support groups, and various health studies. The ultimate goal will be the clarification of the importance of brands and identity as a contributive factor towards new solutions in participatory media
Once delighted by the moving image advent as a new method of realistically presenting reality, the viewer has been reposition himself towards the audiovisual contents he consumes, as he is given the opportunity to create and share his own perspective of that reality. We are living in a new technological setting, governed mainly by factors of interactivity, digital systems and technological convergence. The research project that we will present in this paper focuses on the subject of participatory media and the way cultural institutions are increasingly facing the inevitability of a profound revision of their traditional parameters of unidirectional communication, given the increasing availability of tools for audiovisual production as well as the diversity of networked communication contexts. The Serralves Foundation with its Museum of Contemporary Art, in Porto, Portugal, was the subject of a fi rst study of an empirical nature: a series of audiovisual objects were developed, in order to generate material for analysis and proposition. In this new stage of the project, our aim is to identify new procedures and practices that may be effectively implemented within the institutional universe. We intend to propose effi cient audiovisual communication contexts, including the maximizing of the relationship between institutions and audiences regarding dimensions that are traditionally outside the institutional radar: identity, narrative and affection. The project is currently in the process of surveying and categorization, with the aim of producing a map of different vocations and positions of the various institutions in regards to the aforementioned issues, which require participatory communication.
Abstract. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) make software easy to use by providing the user with visual controls. Therefore, correctness of GUIs code is essential to the correct execution of the overall software. Models can help in the evaluation of interactive applications by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. This paper describes our approach to reverse engineer an abstract model of a user interface directly from the GUIs legacy code. We also present results from a case study. These results are encouraging and give evidence that the goal of reverse engineering user interfaces can be met with more work on this technique.
Resumo: 1- Introduo: algumas notcias da comunicao social; 2 O designado Conselho de Preveno de Corrupo; 3 Procuradoria-Geral da Repblica (P.G.R.) e o Departamento Central de Investigao e Aco Penal (D.I.A.P.); 4 Alguns stios com relevo; 5 Alguns dos problemas que podem ser colocados em relao Responsabilidade das Empresas pelo Crime de Corrupo; 5.1 mbito dos problemas a serem falados; 6 Qual a noo de empresas que vamos utilizar?; 6.1 A noo de empresa em sentido geral objectivo e penal; 7 Mas que tipo de crimes de corrupo vamos falar?; 8 O art. 11 do Cdigo Penal e os crimes de corrupo no contexto do ordenamento jurdico portugus; 8.1 No contexto do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal, o que significa em nome da pessoa colectiva?; 8.2 No contexto do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal, o que significa no interesse da pessoa colectiva?; 8.2.1 No contexto do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal, o que significa quando no h interesse colectivo?; 9 E haver diferenas, por exemplo, entre o modo de funcionamento tcnico-jurdico do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal e o art. 3 do Regime das Infraces Anti-Econmicas e Contra a Sade Pblica (R.I.A.E.C.S.P.)?; 10 E como que a Jurisprudncia portuguesa, a que tivemos acesso - dado no haver ainda fartura de decises neste campo -, estabelece o nexo de imputao de responsabilidade penal a uma pessoa colectiva e/ou organizao?; 10.1 Uma primeira pr-concluso dentro do objectivo que pretendemos demonstrar na totalidade deste trabalho; 11 Uma segunda pr-concluso: ser que as diferenas acima assinaladas, por exemplo, entre o modo de funcionamento tcnico-jurdico do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal e o art. 3 do Regime das Infraces Anti-Econmicas e Contra a Sade Pblica (R.I.A.E.C.S.P.), so as nicas? Veja-se o caso, v.g., do art. 7 do Regime Geral das Infraces Tributrias (R.G.I.T.); 12 Em face das duas pr-concluses anteriores, faa-se aqui, neste breve ensaio, uma primeira grande concluso; 13 Uma (primeira) hiptese de soluo; 14 Que tipo de empresa podemos enquadrar no art. 11 do Cdigo Penal?; 14.1 De acordo com o referido anteriormente, podemos dizer que todas as empresas podem praticar os crimes previstos e punidos no Cdigo Penal portugus?; 14.2 De acordo com o referido antes, quais so as empresas que no podem praticar os crimes de corrupo que esto previstos e punidos no Cdigo Penal portugus?; 14.3 Uma outra pr-concluso: 14.4 Um esboo de um dos possveis problemas; 14.4.1 Mas, afinal, o que so Entidades Pblicas Empresariais (E.P.E.)?; 14.5 Outra hiptese de esboo de um outro dos possveis problemas que aqui podemos encontrar; 14.6 Nova pr-concluso; 14.7 Uma outra importante pergunta a fazer e a responder desde j; 14.7.1 - Alarguemos, pois, um pouco a nossa investigao para alm do Cdigo Penal portugus; 14.7.2 O problema da responsabilidade penal das organizaes e/ou pessoas colectivas, rectius, neste breve ensaio, empresas, pela prtica de crimes de corrupo previstos e punidos na mencionada Lei n. 20/2008, de 21 de Abril (Responsabilidade penal por crimes de corrupo no comrcio internacional e na actividade privada); 14.7.3 Mais algumas pr-concluses; 15 - Em face das duas pr-concluses anteriores, faa-se aqui, neste breve ensaio, uma segunda grande concluso; 16 - O que tambm apresenta outras implicaes como por exemplo na aplicao do crime de branqueamento quando nos fala em corrupo como crime primrio; 17 Outras interrogaes; 18 Concluso final, mas no ltima, como nenhuma o pode ser em cincia; 19 Hiptese de soluo. Abstract: 1 - Introduction: some news media; 2 - The so-called "Council for the Prevention of Corruption, 3 Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the Central Bureau of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) 4 - Some sites with relief , 5 - Some of the problems that can be placed in relation to the Corporate Responsibility of the Crime of Corruption; 5.1 - Scope of issues to be spoken, 6 - What is the concept of "companies that we will use"?; 6.1 - The term business in a general purpose and criminal matters; 7 - What kind of crimes of corruption we talking about?; 8 - Art. 11 of the Penal Code and the crimes of corruption in the context of the Portuguese legal system; 8.1 - In the context of art. 11 of the Penal Code, which means "in the name of the legal person"?; 8.2 - In the context of art. 11 of the Penal Code, which means in the interests of the legal person"?; 8.2.1 - In the context of art. 11 of the Penal Code, which means "where there is no collective interest"?; 9 - There will be differences, for example, between the operating mode of the Art. 11 of the Criminal Code and Art. 3 of the Legal Infractions Anti-Economic and Against Public Health (RIAECSP)?; 10 - And how does the case law of Portugal, we had access - as there still plenty of decisions in this field - makes a connection of allocating criminal liability to a legal person and / or organization?; 10.1 - A first pre-completion within the objective that we intend to demonstrate in all of this work; 11 - A second pre-conclusion: that the differences will be noted above, for example, between operating mode of the Art. 11 of the Criminal Code and Art. 3 of the Rules of the Offences Against Anti-Economics and Public Health (RIAECSP) are the only ones? Take the case v.g. of art. 7 of the Legal Framework of Tax Offences (RGIT) 12 - In view of the two pre-earlier conclusions, do it here, in this brief essay, a first major conclusion; 13 - A (first) chance for a solution, 14 - What kind undertaking we can frame the art. 11 of the Penal Code?; 14.1 - According to the above, we can say that all "companies" can practice the crimes defined and punished in the Portuguese Penal Code?; 14.2 - According to the mentioned before, what are the "business" who cannot practice corruption crimes that are planned and punished the Portuguese Penal Code?; 14.3 - Another pre-completion: 14.4 - A sketch of one of the possible problems; 14.4.1 - But after all the entities that are Public Enterprise (EPE)?; 14.5 - Another chance to draft another one of the possible problems that can be found here; 14.6 - New pre-completion; 14.7 - Another important question to ask and answer now; 14.7.1 - Let us expand, then, a little beyond our investigation of the Portuguese Penal Code; 14.7.2 - The problem of criminal liability of organizations and / or "legal persons", rectius, this brief essay, companies, for crimes of corruption provided for and punished mentioned in Law No. 20/2008 of 21 April ("Criminal liability for crimes of corruption in international trade and private activities"); 14.7.3 - Some more pre-conclusions; 15 - In view of the two pre-earlier conclusions, let it be here in this brief essay, a second major conclusion, 16 - Who also has other implications such as the application of the crime of "money laundering" when we talk about corruption as primary crime, 17 - Other questions; 18 - Bottom line, but not last, as the can be no science; 19 - Hypothesis solution. Abstract como no livro.
A common problem among information systems is the storage and maintenance of permanent information identified by a key. Such systems are typically known as data base engines or simply as data bases. Today the systems information market is full of solutions that provide mass storage capacities implemented in different operating system and with great amounts of extra functionalities. In this paper we will focus on the formal high level specification of data base systems in the Haskell language. We begin by introducing a high level view of a data base system with a specification of the most common operations in a functional point of view. We then augment this specification by lifting to the state monad which is then modified once again to permit input/output operations between the computations
This work presents an analysis of the cultural and artistic field, positively compromised with social and political questions. The authors start with the categorization of the idea of culture and move to vindication art movements. These movements, which followed the first vanguards and worked from the compromise with otherness, are at the origin of the contemporary denomination of political art. In this context, the authors approach the origins of activist art, referring to issues of gender, multiculturalism, globalization, and poverty. The different forms of presenting content are also an object of analysis: from art tradition to the contamination of daily life, from local to global, from street contact to digital.
A nomeao de Guimares como Capital Europeia da Cultura (CEC) em 2012 veio colocar na ordem do dia a necessidade de medir os efeitos que a concretizao deste megaevento ir provocar na cidade e no municpio. A conveniente ponderao dos benefcios e dos custos e um alargado envolvimento da comunidade tendem a permitir encontrar formas de reduzir os impactos negativos e aumentar os impactos positivos. A presente comunicao analisa o envolvimento da populao e das associaes locais no planeamento e organizao da Capital Europeia da Cultura 2012, aproximados pela via da cobertura feita pela imprensa local e nacional preparao do megaevento. A anlise de contedo das notcias publicadas abrangeu o perodo que medeia entre Janeiro e Dezembro de 2011 e respeitou a dois semanrios locais e um dirio nacional. Com base na anlise efetuada, pode concluir-se que foi fraco o envolvimento da populao e dos agentes culturais na organizao da CEC 2012 e que existiu uma forte reao negativa ao modelo de planeamento do megaevento conduzido pela estrutura organizadora oficial, o que veio pr em causa a desejvel adeso dos vimaranenses ao mesmo e, por essa via, o respetivo sucesso, sobretudo numa perspetiva de efeitos a mdio e longo prazo.
The nomination of Guimares to host the 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECC) has put on the agenda of the city the need of measuring the effects that the implementation of this mega event could have in it and in the municipality a whole. The balance of the benefits and costs and an extended community involvement tend to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones. This chapter analyzes the involvement of population and local associations in the planning and organization of the 2012 Guimares European Capital of Culture, using the coverage made during 2011 by local and national press of the mega event. A content analysis of the news published covering the period between January and December 2011 and using three newspapers was conducted. From those, two were local and weekly newspapers and one was a national daily one. Looking to data results, it can be concluded that it was poor the community involvement and, also, the one of the cultural associations in the organizations of the 2012 ECC. A strong negative reaction to the model choose to plan the mega event conducted by official organizers was found, which has cast doubts on the desirable participation of the residents and, consequently, on the success of the mega event, especially in a perspective of a medium and long term effects.
1- Introduo: algumas notcias da comunicao social; 2 O designado Conselho de Preveno de Corrupo; 3 Procuradoria-Geral da Repblica (P.G.R.) e o Departamento Central de Investigao e Aco Penal (D.I.A.P.); 4 Alguns stios com relevo; 5 Alguns dos problemas que podem ser colocados em relao Responsabilidade das Empresas pelo Crime de Corrupo; 5.1 mbito dos problemas a serem falados; 6 Qual a noo de empresas que vamos utilizar?; 6.1 A noo de empresa em sentido geral objectivo e penal; 7 Mas que tipo de crimes de corrupo vamos falar?; 8 O art. 11 do Cdigo Penal e os crimes de corrupo no contexto do ordenamento jurdico portugus; 8.1 No contexto do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal, o que significa em nome da pessoa colectiva?; 8.2 No contexto do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal, o que significa no interesse da pessoa colectiva?; 8.2.1 No contexto do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal, o que significa quando no h interesse colectivo?; 9 E haver diferenas, por exemplo, entre o modo de funcionamento tcnico-jurdico do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal e o art. 3 do Regime das Infraces Anti-Econmicas e Contra a Sade Pblica (R.I.A.E.C.S.P.)?; 10 E como que a Jurisprudncia portuguesa, a que tivemos acesso - dado no haver ainda fartura de decises neste campo -, estabelece o nexo de imputao de responsabilidade penal a uma pessoa colectiva e/ou organizao?; 10.1 Uma primeira pr-concluso dentro do objectivo que pretendemos demonstrar na totalidade deste trabalho; 11 Uma segunda pr-concluso: ser que as diferenas acima assinaladas, por exemplo, entre o modo de funcionamento tcnico-jurdico do art. 11 do Cdigo Penal e o art. 3 do Regime das Infraces Anti-Econmicas e Contra a Sade Pblica (R.I.A.E.C.S.P.), so as nicas? Veja-se o caso, v.g., do art. 7 do Regime Geral das Infraces Tributrias (R.G.I.T.); 12 Em face das duas pr-concluses anteriores, faa-se aqui, neste breve ensaio, uma primeira grande concluso; 13 Uma (primeira) hiptese de soluo; 14 Que tipo de empresa podemos enquadrar no art. 11 do Cdigo Penal?; 14.1 De acordo com o referido anteriormente, podemos dizer que todas as empresas podem praticar os crimes previstos e punidos no Cdigo Penal portugus?; 14.2 De acordo com o referido antes, quais so as empresas que no podem praticar os crimes de corrupo que esto previstos e punidos no Cdigo Penal portugus?; 14.3 Uma outra pr-concluso: 14.4 Um esboo de um dos possveis problemas; 14.4.1 Mas, afinal, o que so Entidades Pblicas Empresariais (E.P.E.)?; 14.5 Outra hiptese de esboo de um outro dos possveis problemas que aqui podemos encontrar; 14.6 Nova pr-concluso; 14.7 Uma outra importante pergunta a fazer e a responder desde j; 14.7.1 - Alarguemos, pois, um pouco a nossa investigao para alm do Cdigo Penal portugus; 14.7.2 O problema da responsabilidade penal das organizaes e/ou pessoas colectivas, rectius, neste breve ensaio, empresas, pela prtica de crimes de corrupo previstos e punidos na mencionada Lei n. 20/2008, de 21 de Abril (Responsabilidade penal por crimes de corrupo no comrcio internacional e na actividade privada); 14.7.3 Mais algumas pr-concluses; 15 - Em face das duas pr-concluses anteriores, faa-se aqui, neste breve ensaio, uma segunda grande concluso; 16 - O que tambm apresenta outras implicaes como por exemplo na aplicao do crime de branqueamento quando nos fala em corrupo como crime primrio; 17 Outras interrogaes; 18 Concluso final, mas no ltima, como nenhuma o pode ser em cincia; 19 Hiptese de soluo; 20 Novos desenvolvimentos. 1 - Introduction: some news media; 2 - The so-called "Council for the Prevention of Corruption, 3 Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the Central Bureau of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) 4 - Some sites with relief , 5 - Some of the problems that can be placed in relation to the Corporate Responsibility of the Crime of Corruption; 5.1 - Scope of issues to be spoken, 6 - What is the concept of "companies that we will use"?; 6.1 - The term business in a general purpose and criminal matters; 7 - What kind of crimes of corruption we talking about?; 8 - Art. 11 of the Penal Code and the crimes of corruption in the context of the Portuguese legal system; 8.1 - In the context of art. 11 of the Penal Code, which means "in the name of the legal person"?; 8.2 - In the context of art. 11 of the Penal Code, which means in the interests of the legal person"?; 8.2.1 - In the context of art. 11 of the Penal Code, which means "where there is no collective interest"?; 9 - There will be differences, for example, between the operating mode of the Art. 11 of the Criminal Code and Art. 3 of the Legal Infractions Anti-Economic and Against Public Health (RIAECSP)?; 10 - And how does the case law of Portugal, we had access - as there still plenty of decisions in this field - makes a connection of allocating criminal liability to a legal person and / or organization?; 10.1 - A first pre-completion within the objective that we intend to demonstrate in all of this work; 11 - A second pre-conclusion: that the differences will be noted above, for example, between operating mode of the Art. 11 of the Criminal Code and Art. 3 of the Rules of the Offences Against Anti-Economics and Public Health (RIAECSP) are the only ones? Take the case v.g. of art. 7 of the Legal Framework of Tax Offences (RGIT) 12 - In view of the two pre-earlier conclusions, do it here, in this brief essay, a first major conclusion; 13 - A (first) chance for a solution, 14 - What kind undertaking we can frame the art. 11 of the Penal Code?; 14.1 - According to the above, we can say that all "companies" can practice the crimes defined and punished in the Portuguese Penal Code?; 14.2 - According to the mentioned before, what are the "business" who cannot practice corruption crimes that are planned and punished the Portuguese Penal Code?; 14.3 - Another pre-completion: 14.4 - A sketch of one of the possible problems; 14.4.1 - But after all the entities that are Public Enterprise (EPE)?; 14.5 - Another chance to draft another one of the possible problems that can be found here; 14.6 - New pre-completion; 14.7 - Another important question to ask and answer now; 14.7.1 - Let us expand, then, a little beyond our investigation of the Portuguese Penal Code; 14.7.2 - The problem of criminal liability of organizations and / or "legal persons", rectius, this brief essay, companies, for crimes of corruption provided for and punished mentioned in Law No. 20/2008 of 21 April ("Criminal liability for crimes of corruption in international trade and private activities"); 14.7.3 - Some more pre-conclusions; 15 - In view of the two pre-earlier conclusions, let it be here in this brief essay, a second major conclusion, 16 - Who also has other implications such as the application of the crime of "money laundering" when we talk about corruption as primary crime, 17 - Other questions; 18 - Bottom line, but not last, as the can be no science; 19 - Hypothesis solution; 20 - New developments.