7 resultados para supplier relationship strategy
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
Global competition requires that the companies adapt themselves to technological changes rapidly, develop new products, reduce the cost, shorten the time to market, and increase the quality. In this context, supplier involvement in New Product Development (NPD) is determinant for a company to respond to the requirements of the increasingly dynamic markets. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of supplier involvement in NPD, buyer-supplier relationships and their effects on buyer’s NPD process, highlighting the benefits of supplier involvement, the barriers, the strategic aspects and industry aspects. These issues are addressed with a case study from the semiconductor industry. Besides helping to understand NPD in the semiconductor industry, the contribution and fi ndings of this work are clear: the results achieved confirm the findings of studies referred in the literature review, and confirm that the semiconductor industry sector requires a closer and more complex relationship structure with suppliers, given the specificities and challenges of the sector, such as rapid technological changes, permanent innovation, global competition, reduction of cost and time-to-market cycle, increased capacity, among other. The main contribution of the paper to the scientific literature and to managers is the better understanding of the buyer-supplier relationships in NPD in the semiconductor industry.
This work presents a reflection on Design education and specifically on the role of Drawing in this area. As a subject, Design has expanded its field of action expanding into new areas such as Experience Design or Service Design. It became necessary for the designer to have more than an education based on technological knowledge or know-how. Many authors like Meredith Davis, Don Norman or Jamie Hobson point out the urgency to review the curricula of Design courses because nowadays “… design is more than appearance, design is about interaction, about strategy and about services. Designers change social behavior” (Norman 2011). When shifting from a product-centered design to a person-centered design (in a structure, a service or in a relationship) what should the function of drawing in a design course be? What should its curriculum be? Our work methodology will be to confront today’s perspectives on design theory and practice in an attempt to add to the discussion on the methodological strategies in design teaching in the contemporary context.
This work presents a reflection on Design education and specifically on the role of Drawing in this area. As a subject, Design has expanded its field of action expanding into new areas such as Experience Design or Service Design. It became necessary for the designer to have more than an education based on technological knowledge or know-how. Many authors like Meredith Davis, Don Norman or Jamie Hobson point out the urgency to review the curricula of Design courses because nowadays “ … design is more than appearance, design is about interaction, about strategy and about services. Designers change social behavior” (Norman, 2011) When shifting from a product-centered design to a person-centered design (in a structure, a service or in a relationship) what should the function of drawing in a design course be? What should its curriculum be? Our work methodology will be to confront today’s perspectives on design theory and practice in an attempt to add to the discussion on the methodological strategies in design teaching in the contemporary context.
The adoption of the “new public management” in the hospital sector brought about greater presence and power to professional managers in hospitals, thus increasing the risk of conflict in the doctor-manager relationship. Aiming to enrich the discussion on the factors that could be the bases for this conflict and considering the role of accounting, the study presented here corresponds, basically, to what we call “content analysis” of qualitative studies. The results demonstrate that the Portuguese doctors as the sample studied accept, in essence, the principles of enterprise management and recognize the use of accounting information in the scope of their functions as long as they are called to participate as legitimate actors, and authorities respect their desires to preserve a practice which they consider of quality.
In this article we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables related to the organizational and environ-mental strategy that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portuguesecompanies of different sizes. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to549 privately-owned Portuguese organizations (small and medium enterprises and large companies),with an overall response rate of 28.2%. The results allow us to conclude that the BSC is independent ofthe activity/industry in which the organization operates. Furthermore, we have found that organizationsthat follow a defensive strategy attach greater importance to the BSC financial perspective or equiva-lent. On the other hand, we did not find empirical evidence regarding the possible relationship betweenthe BSC, the type of strategy adopted by the organization, the phase/stage of the life cycle in which theorganization is located, and the environmental intensity competition.
Afinal, ficamos a saber que a austeridade, tantas vezes chumbada no Tribunal Constitucional, era uma estratégia para investir na Investigação, Ciência e Inovação europeias! É uma boa altura para aumentar, de modo justo e proporcional, todos os orçamentos de todas as universidades e politécnicos portugueses, os quais têm relações privilegiadas com África, Brasil e parte da Ásia, uma evidente mais-valia para a União Europeia! Abstract: After all, we learn that the austerity so often sinker in the Constitutional Court, was a strategy to invest in Research, Science and European Innovation! It is a good time to increase, fair and proportionate manner, all the budgets of all Portuguese universities and polytechnics, which have a special relationship with Africa, Brazil and parts of Asia, an asset apparent to the European Union!
Como Carlos Pinto de Abreu refere e bem, no seu livro e no seminário, entre juízes, partes ou sujeitos processuais, advogados ou solicitadores, magistrados do Ministério Público ou testemunhas, peritos ou funcionários, encontramos “pessoas que podem ser mais ou menos sérias”, por sinal “motivadas por outros interesses que não os de servir a Verdade e a Justiça”; Abstract: Carlos Pinto de Abreu as regards and well in his book and seminar, between judges, parties or procedural subject, lawyers or solicitors, prosecutors and witnesses, experts or officials, found "people who may be more or less serious" , by the way "motivated by interests other than those serving the Truth and Justice".