3 resultados para non-Marxian historical materialism
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
This paper was developed with the intention of broadly demonstrating the complexity of the area known recently as character development, as a creative process methods and implementation. It searches the understanding of the character itself, its place in the narrative and its reception by the reader or target audience. It is a multidisciplinary tool that faces a multitude of challenges from an increasingly demanding public and with specific goals in mind, and yet it also gives us valuable insight over how we interact with one another and the world around us, teaching us how to transfer such knowledge into fiction promoting empathic bonds between the reader and the characters. The human tendency to create is limitless and as old as mankind itself, we create, recreate and reinterpret and then populate such tales with believable characters from who we learn, and experience events and tales that shape our very lives.
In many cities throughout Europe and the rest of the world, cultural tourism plays a major role in local economic development. Tourism also acts to preserve cultural heritage, as it provides a way to acquire the revenue needed to restore and preserve historical buildings, and encourages local people to value their traditions and festivals. However, tourism success can be a double-edged sword with tourist flows having a strong impact on the quality of life of residents when certain tourist thresholds are surpassed. This paper aims to address local residents’ perception of the benefits of cultural tourism. To capture their perception, a survey was implemented, addressed to both the city centre inhabitants and the non-urban residents of the Guimarães municipality.
Resumo: 1 – Sumário do Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional n.º 212/1995, de 20 de Abril; 2 – Parte principal do Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional n.º 212/1995, de 20 de Abril: cfr. http://www.tribunalconstitucional.pt/tc/acordaos/19950212.html , 18 de Maio de 2012; 3 – Anotação sintética; 3.1 – Introdução à anotação sintética e suas características neste caso concreto; 4 – O RIAECSP (Regime das Infracções Anti-Económicas e Contra a Saúde Pública) e a responsabilidade criminal das pessoas colectivas e equiparadas, prevista no seu art. 3.º; 5 – Societas delinquere non potest?; 6 – Breves traços históricos do brocardo societas delinquere non potest; 7 - Alguns dos marcos relevantes na Doutrina penal portuguesa recente acerca da responsabilidade penal das organizações, entes colectivos, pessoas colectivas, pessoas jurídicas; 8 - Os art.os 12.º/2 e 2.º da CRP e a Responsabilidade Criminal dos Entes Colectivos, pessoas jurídicas; 9 - O art. 29.º/5 da CRP - ou o princípio non bis in idem - e a responsabilidade criminal das organizações, dos entes colectivos, das pessoas colectivas; 10 – Conclusões. § Summary: 1 - Summary Judgment of the Constitutional Court No. 212/1995 of 20 April; 2 - The main part of the Constitutional Court Ruling No. 212/1995 of 20 April: cfr. http://www.tribunalconstitucional.pt/tc/acordaos/19950212.html, May 18, 2012; 3 - short annotation; 3.1 - Introduction to synthetic note and its features in this particular case; 4 - The RIAECSP (Status of Anti-Economic Offences and Against Public Health) and the criminal liability of companies and similar persons, provided for in his art. 3; 5 - delinquere Societas non potest ?; 6 - Brief historical traces of societas aphorism delinquere non potest; 7 - Some of the important milestones in recent Portuguese criminal Doctrine about the criminal liability of organizations, public entities, legal persons, legal entities; 8 - art.os 12/2 and 2 of CRP and Criminal Responsibility of loved Collective, legal entities; 9 - Art. 29/5 CRP - or the principle of non bis in idem - and the criminal liability of organizations, collective entities, of legal persons; 10 - Conclusions.