4 resultados para mota, nodo, sensor
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
The exponential increase of home-bound persons who live alone and are in need of continuous monitoring requires new solutions to current problems. Most of these cases present illnesses such as motor or psychological disabilities that deprive of a normal living. Common events such as forgetfulness or falls are quite common and have to be prevented or dealt with. This paper introduces a platform to guide and assist these persons (mostly elderly people) by providing multisensory monitoring and intelligent assistance. The platform operates at three levels. The lower level, denominated ‘‘Data acquisition and processing’’performs the usual tasks of a monitoring system, collecting and processing data from the sensors for the purpose of detecting and tracking humans. The aim is to identify their activities in an intermediate level called ‘‘activity detection’’. The upper level, ‘‘Scheduling and decision-making’’, consists of a scheduler which provides warnings, schedules events in an intelligent manner and serves as an interface to the rest of the platform. The idea is to use mobile and static sensors performing constant monitoring of the user and his/her environment, providing a safe environment and an immediate response to severe problems. A case study on elderly fall detection in a nursery home bedroom demonstrates the usefulness of the proposal.
Thermoplastic elastomer/carbon nanotube composites are studied for sensor applications due to their excellent mechanical and electrical properties. Piezoresisitive properties of tri-block copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS)/ carbon nanotubes (CNT) prepared by solution casting have been investigated. Young modulus of the SBS/CNT composites increases with the amount of CNT filler content present in the samples, without losing the high strain deformation on the polymer matrix (~1500 %). Further, above the percolation threshold these materials are unique for the development of large deformation sensors due to the strong piezoresistive response. Piezoresistive properties evaluated by uniaxial stretching in tensile mode and 4-point bending showed a Gauge Factors up to 120. The excellent linearity obtained between strain and electrical resistance makes these composites interesting for large strain piezoresistive sensors applications.
Resumo: 1 – Sumário do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 13 de Abril de 2011; 2 – Texto completo do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 13 de Abril de 2009, Juiz Conselheiro Rodrigues da COSTA (Relator), Juiz Conselheiro Arménio SOTTOMAYOR (vencido nos termos da declaração junta) e Juiz Conselheiro Mota MIRANDA: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 26 de Abril de 2011; 3 – Anotação; 3.1 – Introdução à anotação; 3.2 – A questão do suposto «bem jurídico» que seria tutelado pelo crime de «lenocínio» p.p.p.p.p. 169.º do código penal português; 3.2.1 – Ainda a questão do suposto «bem jurídico» que seria tutelado pelo crime de «lenocínio» p.p.p.p.p. 169.º do código penal português: uma maior procura e concretização jurídica e científica; 4 – Conclusões; § Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 13 of April of 2011; 2 - Complete text of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 13 of April of 2009, Advising Judge Rodrigues da COSTA (Reporter), Advising Judge Arménio SOTTOMAYOR (looser in the terms of the together declaration) and Advising Judge Mota MIRANDA: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 26 of April of 2011; 3 - Notation; 3.1 - Introduction to the notation; 3.2 - The question of the presumption «legally protected interest» that would be tutored person for the crime of «pimpery (“pimping”)» p.p.p.p.p. 169.º of the Portuguese criminal code; 3.2.1 - Still the question of the presumption «legally protected interest» that would be tutored person for the crime of «pimpery» («pimping») p.p.p.p.p. 169.º of the Portuguese criminal code: a bigger search and legal and scientific concretion; 4 - Conclusions;
Paulo Mota Pinto é licenciado, mestre e doutor em ciências jurídico-civilísticas pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra. Assistimos às suas provas de Doutoramento em 16/1/2008: “Interesse Contratual Negativo e Interesse Contratual Positivo”. Abstract: Paulo Mota Pinto is licensed, Master and Doctor of Legal and Civil Sciences, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra. Watched their PhD evidence 16/01/2008: "Interest Contract Contract Positive Negative Interest".