4 resultados para material online

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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Purpose Achieving sustainability by rethinking products, services and strategies is an enormous challenge currently laid upon the economic sector, in which materials selection plays a critical role. In this context, the present work describes an environmental and economic life cycle analysis of a structural product, comparing two possible material alternatives. The product chosen is a storage tank, presently manufactured in stainless steel (SST) or in a glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (CST). The overall goal of the study is to identify environmental and economic strong and weak points related to the life cycle of the two material alternatives. The consequential win-win or trade-off situations will be identified via a Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Costing (LCA/LCC) integrated model. Methods The LCA/LCC integrated model used consists in applying the LCA methodology to the product system, incorporating, in parallel, its results into the LCC study, namely those of the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Results In both the SST and CST systems the most significant life cycle phase is the raw materials production, in which the most significant environmental burdens correspond to the Fossil fuels and Respiratory inorganics categories. The LCA/LCC integrated analysis shows that the CST has globally a preferable environmental and economic profile, as its impacts are lower than those of the SST in all life cycle stages. Both the internal and external costs are lower, the former resulting mainly from the composite material being significantly less expensive than stainless steel. This therefore represents a full win-win situation. As a consequence, the study clearly indicates that using a thermoset composite material to manufacture storage tanks is environmentally and economically desirable. However, it was also evident that the environmental performance of the CST could be improved by altering its End-of-Life stage. Conclusions The results of the present work provide enlightening insights into the synergies between the environmental and the economic performance of a structural product made with alternative materials. Further, they provide conclusive evidence to support the integration of environmental and economic life cycle analysis in the product development processes of a manufacturing company, or in some cases even in its procurement practices.


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The increasing availability of mobility data and the awareness of its importance and value have been motivating many researchers to the development of models and tools for analyzing movement data. This paper presents a brief survey of significant research works about modeling, processing and visualization of data about moving objects. We identified some key research fields that will provide better features for online analysis of movement data. As result of the literature review, we suggest a generic multi-layer architecture for the development of an online analysis processing software tool, which will be used for the definition of the future work of our team.


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The goal of the present study is mapping the nature of possible contributions of participatory online platforms in citizen actions that may contribute in the fight against cancer and its associated consequences. The research is based on the analysis of online solidarity networks, namely the ones residing on Facebook and the blogosphere, that citizens have been gradually resorting to. The research is also based on the development of newer and more efficient solutions that provide the individual (directly or indirectly affected by issues of oncology) with the means to overcome feelings of impotence and fatality. In this chapter, the authors summarize the processes of usage of these decentralized, freer participatory platforms by citizens and institutions, while attempting to unravel existing hype and stigma; the authors also provide a first survey of the importance and the role of institutions in this kind of endeavor; lastly, they present a prototype, developed in the context of the present study that is specifically dedicated to addressing oncology through social media.


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Desde 2003 que é publicado o Anuário Financeiros dos Municípios Portugueses que apresenta, de uma forma independente, a situação económica, financeira e patrimonial de todos os municípios portugueses (308) e também do setor empresarial local. Ao longo deste anos tem-se assistido ao aumento da disponibilização da informação financeira nos websites dos municípios e de uma forma menos presente nas entidades do sector empresarial local. Efetivamente, a preocupação com a accountability e a transparência das contas públicas tem crescido de forma significativa nos últimos 20 anos. Com o processo de descentralização de poderes e delegação de competências do governo central para o governo local, nomeadamente para as os municípios e por sua vez destes para as freguesias, aumentou a preocupação com a accountability e transparência ao nível das freguesias. Decorrente da reforma administrativa de 2011, Portugal conta com a existência, a nível nacional de 3091 freguesias distribuídas pelo território nacional, onde se identificam freguesias de diferentes dimensões, com diferentes modelos de organização. A freguesia representa a entidade pública com maior aproximação das comunidades locais, desempenhando por isso um papel fulcral na divulgação de informação relevante e no uso das novas tecnologias e dos meios digitais para melhor comunicar com a população. Assim, e considerando a sua representatividade ao nível da administração local, e o impacto que têm no seu conjunto, entendeu-se oportuno iniciar-se o projeto do Anuário Financeiro das Freguesias Portuguesas que, numa primeira fase e de forma preliminar, analisa a divulgação online da informação por parte das freguesias e, num segundo momento, analisa a informação financeira divulgada de forma agregada. É intenção do autores dar continuidade ao Anuário, apresentando resultados de uma forma sistemática, pelo menos de dois em dois anos, evidenciando as evoluções a nível da divulgação da informação. Para a realização deste projeto contamos com habitual apoio do Tribunal de Contas que se associou a este projeto através da disponibilização da informação aí depositada por parte das freguesias.