11 resultados para curve Bezier polinomi Bernstein interfaccia grafica utente GUI

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are critical components of todays software. Given their increased relevance, correctness and usability of GUIs are becoming essential. This paper describes the latest results in the development of our tool to reverse engineer the GUI layer of interactive computing systems. We use static analysis techniques to generate models of the user interface behaviour from source code. Models help in graphical user interface inspection by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. One particularly type of model that the tool is able to generate is state machines. The paper shows how graph theory can be useful when applied to these models. A number of metrics and algorithms are used in the analysis of aspects of the user interface's quality. The ultimate goal of the tool is to enable analysis of interactive system through GUIs source code inspection.


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When developing interactive applications, considering the correctness of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) code is essential. GUIs are critical components of today's software, and contemporary software tools do not provide enough support for ensuring GUIs' code quality. GUIsurfer, a GUI reverse engineering tool, enables evaluation of behavioral properties of user interfaces. It performs static analysis of GUI code, generating state machines that can help in the evaluation of interactive applications. This paper describes the design, software architecture, and the use of GUIsurfer through an example. The tool is easily re-targetable, and support is available to Java/Swing, and WxHaskell. The paper sets the ground for a generalization effort to consider rich internet applications. It explores the GWT web applications' user interface programming toolkit.


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Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are critical components of today's software. Developers are dedicating a larger portion of code to implementing them. Given their increased importance, correctness of GUIs code is becoming essential. This paper describes the latest results in the development of GUISurfer, a tool to reverse engineer the GUI layer of interactive computing systems. The ultimate goal of the tool is to enable analysis of interactive system from source code.


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Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) make software easy to use by providing the user with visual controls. Therefore, correctness of GUI's code is essential to the correct execution of the overall software. Models can help in the evaluation of interactive applications by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. This paper presents a generic model for language-independent reverse engineering of graphical user interface based applications, and we explore the integration of model-based testing techniques in our approach, thus allowing us to perform fault detection. A prototype tool has been constructed, which is already capable of deriving and testing a user interface behavioral model of applications written in Java/Swing.


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Nowadays despite improvements in usability and intuitiveness users have to adapt to the proposed systems to satisfy their needs. For instance, they must learn how to achieve tasks, how to interact with the system, and fulfill system's specifications. This paper proposes an approach to improve this situation enabling graphical user interface redefinition through virtualization and computer vision with the aim of increasing the system's usability. To achieve this goal the approach is based on enriched task models, virtualization and picture-driven computing.


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GUIsurfer: A Reverse Engineering Framework for User Interface Software


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Abstract. Interest in design and development of graphical user interface (GUIs) is growing in the last few years. However, correctness of GUI's code is essential to the correct execution of the overall software. Models can help in the evaluation of interactive applications by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. This paper describes our approach to reverse engineering abstract GUI models directly from the Java/Swing code.


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Durante os anos lectivos de 2004/05 desenvolveu-se uma parceria entre a Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP) e a Associação Conversas de Rua, de Lisboa, esta última com um grande trabalho pedagógico junto de um público jovem, consumidor de substância psicoactivas em contextos de diversão. Desta parceria resultou um projecto de Design Gráfico no âmbito de uma cadeira do 2º ano do Curso de Arte e Comunicação, envolvendo todos os seus alunos. Este foi o início de outras parcerias que os professores envolvidos estabeleceram entre a Escola e a Sociedade Civil. A actual marca gráfica da Associação SOS Racismo, foi igualmente fruto dessa intenção. Deste primeiro projecto pretendia-se a criação de diversos suportes gráficos essenciais para os educadores da Associação Conversas de Rua nas suas acções sociais de informação. Como conteúdos programáticos era fundamental para os alunos apreenderem as diversas fases de uma metodologia de projecto no âmbito do design de comunicação. A metodologia apoiou-se nas três etapas estruturantes (macroestrutura) comuns a todos os projectos de design, sendo elas, tal como o designer Gui Bonsiepe as denomina: estruturação do problema projectual; projecto e, finalmente, realização do projecto. Dentro da macroestrutura desenvolveram-se etapas particulares e inerentes à natureza deste projecto específico (microestrutura). A qualidade do resultado e o significado desta primeira parceria levou a que algumas entidades financiassem a produção da maior parte dos projectos. Além das exposições daí originadas, alguns dos flyers e produtos concebidos pelos alunos encontrando-se actualmente em circulação. Com estes projectos, reconhecemos e comprovamos que a Escola pode ser um local ideal para cruzar intenções pedagógicas a diversos níveis. Os frutos destas parcerias permitem apresentá-los hoje como paradigmas de sucesso na relação da Escola com movimentos de cariz social e por isso, como um exemplo pedagógico que outras Instituições de Ensino poderiam promover. Acreditamos que o envolvimento emocional do aluno e a utilidade das propostas dadas em aula podem ser os principais potenciadores da sua aprendizagem.


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In the context of an e ort to develop methodologies to support the evaluation of interactive system, this paper investigates an approach to detect graphical user interface bad smells. Our approach consists in detecting user interface bad smells through model-based reverse engineering from source code. Models are used to de ne which widgets are present in the interface, when can particular graphical user interface (GUI) events occur, under which conditions, which system actions are executed, and which GUI state is generated next.


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Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are critical components of today's open source software. Given their increased relevance, the correctness and usability of GUIs are becoming essential. This paper describes the latest results in the development of our tool to reverse engineer the GUI layer of interactive computing open source systems. We use static analysis techniques to generate models of the user interface behavior from source code. Models help in graphical user interface inspection by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. One particular type of model that the tool is able to generate is state machines. The paper shows how graph theory can be useful when applied to these models. A number of metrics and algorithms are used in the analysis of aspects of the user interface's quality. The ultimate goal of the tool is to enable analysis of interactive system through GUIs source code inspection.


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Given the dynamic nature of cardiac function, correct temporal alignment of pre-operative models and intraoperative images is crucial for augmented reality in cardiac image-guided interventions. As such, the current study focuses on the development of an image-based strategy for temporal alignment of multimodal cardiac imaging sequences, such as cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or 3D Ultrasound (US). First, we derive a robust, modality-independent signal from the image sequences, estimated by computing the normalized crosscorrelation between each frame in the temporal sequence and the end-diastolic frame. This signal is a resembler for the left-ventricle (LV) volume curve over time, whose variation indicates di erent temporal landmarks of the cardiac cycle. We then perform the temporal alignment of these surrogate signals derived from MRI and US sequences of the same patient through Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), allowing to synchronize both sequences. The proposed framework was evaluated in 98 patients, which have undergone both 3D+t MRI and US scans. The end-systolic frame could be accurately estimated as the minimum of the image-derived surrogate signal, presenting a relative error of 1:6 1:9% and 4:0 4:2% for the MRI and US sequences, respectively, thus supporting its association with key temporal instants of the cardiac cycle. The use of DTW reduces the desynchronization of the cardiac events in MRI and US sequences, allowing to temporally align multimodal cardiac imaging sequences. Overall, a generic, fast and accurate method for temporal synchronization of MRI and US sequences of the same patient was introduced. This approach could be straightforwardly used for the correct temporal alignment of pre-operative MRI information and intra-operative US images.