3 resultados para State Governments
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
This work reports on the influence of polarization and morphology of electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, on the biological response of myoblast cells. Non-poled, ‘‘poled +’’ and “poled-“ -PVDF were prepared in the form of films. Further, random and aligned electrospun -PVDF fiber mats were also prepared. It is demonstrated that negatively charged surfaces improve cell adhesion and proliferation and that the directional growth of the myoblast cells can be achieved by the cell culture on oriented fibers. Therefore, the potential application of electroative materials for muscle regeneration is demonstrated.
A common problem among information systems is the storage and maintenance of permanent information identified by a key. Such systems are typically known as data base engines or simply as data bases. Today the systems information market is full of solutions that provide mass storage capacities implemented in different operating system and with great amounts of extra functionalities. In this paper we will focus on the formal high level specification of data base systems in the Haskell language. We begin by introducing a high level view of a data base system with a specification of the most common operations in a functional point of view. We then augment this specification by lifting to the state monad which is then modified once again to permit input/output operations between the computations
Enquanto isso, sucessivos governos desprezam a capacidade contributiva. Os impostos aumentam em desprezo dessa capacidade, pois é preciso ter rendimento e capital e na medida destes ou do seu uso. Capacidade contributiva é uma coisa. Capacidade tributária, outra. A capacidade contributiva tem em consideração que o imposto é um (suposto) dever de solidariedade. O Estado deve ter condições para intervir no domínio económico e social. Embora a gestão honesta dos dinheiros públicos seja sempre uma questão a jusante da cobrança de impostos. O imposto deve ser progressivo sobre o rendimento. § Meanwhile, successive governments despise ability to pay. Taxes increase in contempt of this capability, it is necessary to have income and capital and to the extent these or your use. Ability to pay is one thing. Tax capacity, other. The fiscal capacity takes into account that the tax is a (supposed) duty of solidarity. The state should be able to intervene in the economic and social field. Although the honest management of public money is always an issue downstream of tax collection. The tax must be progressive on income.