6 resultados para Microfibril angle

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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In this work it is demonstrated that the capacitance between two cylinders increases with the rotation angle and it has a fundamental influence on the composite dielectric constant. The dielectric constant is lower for nematic materials than for isotropic ones and this can be attributed to the effect of the filler alignment in the capacitance. The effect of aspect ratio in the conductivity is also studied in this work. Finally, based on previous work and by comparing to results from the literature it is found that the electrical conductivity in this type of composites is due to hopping between nearest fillers resulting in a weak disorder regime that is similar to the single junction expression.


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Pectus Carinatum is a deformity of the chest wall, characterized by an anterior protrusion of the sternum, often corrected surgically due to cosmetic motivation. This work presents an alternative approach to the current open surgery option, proposing a novel technique based on a personalized orthosis. Two different processes for the orthosis’ personalization are presented. One based on a 3D laser scan of the patient chest, followed by the reconstruction of the thoracic wall mesh using a radial basis function, and a second one, based on a computer tomography scan followed by a neighbouring cells algorithm. The axial position where the orthosis is to be located is automatically calculated using a Ray-Triangle intersection method, whose outcome is input to a pseudo Kochenek interpolating spline method to define the orthosis curvature. Results show that no significant differences exist between the patient chest physiognomy and the curvature angle and size of the orthosis, allowing a better cosmetic outcome and less initial discomfort


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A unique neural electrode design is proposed with 3 mm long shafts made from an aluminum-based substrate. The electrode is composed by 100 individualized shafts in a 10 × 10 matrix, in which each aluminum shafts are precisely machined via dicing-saw cutting programs. The result is a bulk structure of aluminum with 65 ° angle sharp tips. Each electrode tip is covered by an iridium oxide thin film layer (ionic transducer) via pulsed sputtering, that provides a stable and a reversible behavior for recording/stimulation purposes, a 40 mC/cm2 charge capacity and a 145 Ω impedance in a wide frequency range of interest (10 Hz-100 kHz). Because of the non-biocompatibility issue that characterizes aluminum, an anodization process is performed that forms an aluminum oxide layer around the aluminum substrate. The result is a passivation layer fully biocompatible that furthermore, enhances the mechanical properties by increasing the robustness of the electrode. For a successful electrode insertion, a 1.1 N load is required. The resultant electrode is a feasible alternative to silicon-based electrode solutions, avoiding the complexity of its fabrication methods and limitations, and increasing the electrode performance.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun membranes have been prepared with different NaY zeolite contents up to 32%wt. Inclusion of zeolites induces an increase of average fiber size from ~200 nm in the pure polymer up to ~500 nm in the composite with 16%wt zeolite content. For higher filler contents, a wider distribution of fibers occurs leading to a broader size distributions between the previous fiber size values. Hydrophobicity of the membranes increases from ~115º water contact angle to ~128º with the addition of the filler and is independent on filler content, indicating a wrapping of the zeolite by the polymer. The water contact angle further increases with fiber alignment up to ~137º. Electrospun membranes are formed with ~80 % of the polymer crystalline phase in the electroactive  phase, independently on the electrospinning processing conditions or filler content. Viability of MC3T3-E1 cells on the composite membranes after 72 h of cell culture indicates the suitability of the membranes for tissue engineering applications.


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Existem várias patologias associadas à luxação da rótula, causadas pelo seu movimento anormal. Geralmente congénita, esta condição provoca dor, dano à cartilagem, artrite e por vezes necessita de cirurgia. As medições do movimento são feitas com recurso a equipamentos de alto custo, ou através do método clínico, que apenas os médicos mais experientes usam com fiabilidade, sendo sempre subjectivo. Actualmente não existe qualquer sistema comercial para a medição não invasiva de baixo custo dos movimentos da rótula. De modo a responder a esta necessidade, este trabalho tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema de baixo custo para medição digital do deslocamento da rótula em diferentes ângulos entre o fémur e a tíbia. Como conceito de partida foi idealizado utilizar um sensor de movimento em seis dimensões, fixo de uma forma não invasiva sobre a rótula. O dispositivo tem como requisitos iniciais ser reutilizável e de baixo custo. Criou-se um Design Brief para identificar o contexto e necessidades específicas para este trabalho e traçar objectivos utilizando metodologias de desenvolvimento de produto. Foram desenvolvidos conceitos para um dispositivo de suporte do sensor de movimento 6D, dos quais alguns foram seleccionados para prototipagem e teste, explorando vários processos de manufactura na perseguição dos objectivos propostos. Foram estabelecidas métricas para monitorização contínua da evolução dos conceitos e selecção do conceito final, que foi sujeito a uma série de testes de validação. A validação do sensor e do dispositivo foi feita com testes de usabilidade, com a aferição por um robot programável e com medições in vivo em 20 joelhos sem patologia. Apesar da alta precisão do sensor, não foi possível obter medições que possam reproduzir com fiabilidade o movimento da rótula nos sujeitos observados. A pele foi o factor que mais influenciou as medições, provocando o deslocamento do dispositivo em relação à rótula e desta forma alterou significativamente os resultados. Assim, recomenda-se a continuação da investigação com o intuito de melhor quantificar o movimento da rótula e fornecer informação para melhorar a fiabilidade da utilização de dispositivos de medição em seis dimensões.


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Pectus Carinatum is a deformity of the chest wall, characterized by an anterior protrusion of the sternum, often corrected surgically due to cosmetic motivation. This work presents an alternative approach to the current open surgery option, proposing a novel technique based on a personalized orthosis. Two different processes for the orthosis’ personalization are presented. One based on a 3D laser scan of the patient chest, followed by the reconstruction of the thoracic wall mesh using a radial basis function, and a second one, based on a computer tomography scan followed by a neighbouring cells algorithm. The axial position where the orthosis is to be located is automatically calculated using a Ray-Triangle intersection method, whose outcome is input to a pseudo Kochenek interpolating spline method to define the orthosis curvature. Results show that no significant differences exist between the patient chest physiognomy and the curvature angle and size of the orthosis, allowing a better cosmetic outcome and less initial discomfort.