5 resultados para Learned institutions and societies
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
In this paper we present the methodologies and preliminary conclusions of the first phase of the work of construction of audiovisual narratives related to the project “Manobras no Porto”, which will serve as a case study for the main research project entitled: “The Museum of All: Institutional Communication Practices in a Participatory Networked World”. The main objective of this research project is to understand how the use of collective and participatory creation of identities and narratives can contribute to get audiences engaged with cultural institutions and events. We intend to identify the effects and measure the dynamics of participation of audiences in the construction of audiovisual objects, and understand how these may influence the reconfiguration of the missions of the institutions and cultural projects, in the development of societies.
Present paper aims at surveying the relevance that brands and identities may have in participatory platforms in the context of oncology. Despite the fact that these platforms provide the same tools to citizens and institutions alike, their capacity for mobilization is distinct. In general, institutions seem to be more successful, although this is not always the case. Discussing the concept of brand and identity, as well as understanding how the differences between citizens and institutions may blur within the context of new media, may contribute to answering the above question. We anchor our analysis on the study of social network Facebook, oncological institutions and citizen support groups, and various health studies. The ultimate goal will be the clarification of the importance of brands and identity as a contributive factor towards new solutions in participatory media
Once delighted by the moving image advent as a new method of realistically presenting reality, the viewer has been reposition himself towards the audiovisual contents he consumes, as he is given the opportunity to create and share his own perspective of that reality. We are living in a new technological setting, governed mainly by factors of interactivity, digital systems and technological convergence. The research project that we will present in this paper focuses on the subject of participatory media and the way cultural institutions are increasingly facing the inevitability of a profound revision of their traditional parameters of unidirectional communication, given the increasing availability of tools for audiovisual production as well as the diversity of networked communication contexts. The Serralves Foundation with its Museum of Contemporary Art, in Porto, Portugal, was the subject of a fi rst study of an empirical nature: a series of audiovisual objects were developed, in order to generate material for analysis and proposition. In this new stage of the project, our aim is to identify new procedures and practices that may be effectively implemented within the institutional universe. We intend to propose effi cient audiovisual communication contexts, including the maximizing of the relationship between institutions and audiences regarding dimensions that are traditionally outside the institutional radar: identity, narrative and affection. The project is currently in the process of surveying and categorization, with the aim of producing a map of different vocations and positions of the various institutions in regards to the aforementioned issues, which require participatory communication.
Numa altura em que continuam em vigor uma série de misteriosos e injustos contratos de PPP’s, contratos futuros-swap e rendas artificiais outorgadas a lucrativos grupos económicos – e mais desfavoráveis às contas do Estado e contribuintes, como várias instituições e personalidades têm alertado em público incluindo a imprensa internacional -, a defesa dos dinheiros públicos assume cada vez maior importância. Abstract: At a time when still in force a series of mysterious and unjust PPP contracts, future swap contracts and artificial rents granted to profitable economic groups - and more unfavorable to the state and taxpayers of all, as several institutions and personalities have warned in public including the international press - the defense of public money is increasingly important.
Este livro trata do direito penal económico e financeiro. Agora tão infelizmente na moda com os escândalos públicos ligados a bancos e/ou instituições mais ou menos financeiras e pessoas públicas. Fornece um especial enfoque no direito penal dos mercados de valores mobiliários e/ou outros instrumentos financeiros. § This book deals with the economic and financial criminal law. Now so sadly fashionable with public scandals linked to banks and / or about financial institutions and public figures. It provides a special focus on criminal matters in the securities markets and / or other financial instruments.