2 resultados para Exercise-related Social Supports

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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With the number of elderly people increasing tremendously worldwide, comes the need for effective methods to maintain or improve older adults' cognitive performance. Using continuous neurofeedback, through the use of EEG techniques, people can learn how to train and alter their brain electrical activity. A software platform that puts together the proposed rehabilitation methodology has been developed: a digital game protocol that supports neurofeedback training of alpha and theta rhythms, by reading the EEG activity and presenting it back to the subject, interleaved with neurocognitive tasks such as n-Back and Corsi Block-Tapping. This tool will be used as a potential rehabilitative platform for age-related memory impairments.


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No ponto de vista jurídico existe um velho instituto jurídico que se chama “Levantamento ou desconsideração da personalidade colectiva” que pode permitir – por palavras breves – imputar as dívidas do BES ao Novo Banco. Também é possível nos socorrermos do instituto do Abuso do Direito (art. 334º do Código Civil): “É ilegítimo o exercício de um direito, quando o titular exceda manifestamente os limites impostos pela boa fé, pelos bons costumes ou pelo fim social ou económico desse direito”. Aplica-se o art. 11º/8 do Código Penal: «8 - A cisão e a fusão não determinam a extinção da responsabilidade criminal da pessoa colectiva ou entidade equiparada, respondendo pela prática do crime: § a) A pessoa colectiva ou entidade equiparada em que a fusão se tiver efectivado; § e § b) As pessoas colectivas ou entidades equiparadas que resultaram da cisão». § In the legal point of view there is an old legal principle called "Lifting or disregard of legal personality" which can allow - for brief words - charge the debts of the BES to the New Bank. It is also possible in socorrermos Law Abuse Institute (Article 334 of the Civil Code.): "It is illegitimate exercise of a right, where the proprietor clearly exceed the bounds of good faith, morality or the social or economic purpose this right ". Applies the art. 11/8 of the Penal Code: "8 - The split and the merger does not determine the extinction of criminal liability of the legal or related entity person, accounting for the crime: § a) The legal person or related entity in the merger if paid up; § and § b) A legal entity or similar entities resulting from the split. "