5 resultados para Ethical Dilemmas

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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The way professionals deal with ethical dilemmas and the decisions they make may be guided by a personal and individual ideology, but it is also strongly influenced by their professional group and society. This paper focuses in real situations as they are experienced by individuals in their day-to-day professional life. The data were collected using opened-end interviews. Respondents were asked to identify the ethical dilemmas they had been faced with during their professional life. Qualitative analysis shows that main dilemmas are about how to deal with “informal economy”, “false invoices” and “tax evasion”. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of ethical issues faced by Portuguese Chartered Account (TOC), thus promoting a large debate about the way the TOC can help to create a better society and consequently legitimating their existence as a professional organization of public interest. More than ever, understanding professionals’ behavior in their real context is essential for to build a culture conducive to the ethical development of society, and to ensure, at the same time, the desirable business sustainability. This study gives a broaden description of ethics dilemmas faced by chartered accounts and shows some inefficiency in the ethical control system made by professional bodies.


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The way professionals deal with ethical dilemmas and the decisions they make may be guided by a personal and individual ideology, but these are also strongly influenced by their professional group and society. The focus in this paper is on situations as experienced by individuals in their day-to-day professional life. The data were collected with opened-end interviews. Respondents were asked to identify the ethical dilemmas they had been faced with during their professional life. Qualitative analysis shows that main dilemmas are about how to deal with “informal economy”, “false invoices” and “tax evasion”. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of ethical issues faced by TOC, thus promoting a large debate about the way TOC can help create a better society and consequently legitimating their existence as a professional organization of public interest.


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Em notícia doutros órgãos de comunicação social, v.g. TVI, 3/12/13, dizia-se o seguinte: “Portugal manteve, em 2013, o 33.º lugar no Índice de Perceção da Corrupção da organização Transparência Internacional, mas perdeu pontuação”. Abstract: In news from other media, eg TVI, 12/03/13, it was said the following: "Portugal maintained in 2013, the 33 place in the Perception Index of Transparency International Corruption, but lost points."


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É possível encontrar nos mercados de valores mobiliários e/ou outros instrumentos financeiros e/ou nas chamadas bolsas de valores - éticas concretas, reais e definidas? Pensamos que sim. Os fundos éticos são apenas uma das espécies de fundos. Abstract: You can find in the securities markets and / or other financial instruments and / or in so-called exchanges - concrete ethical, real and defined? We think so. Ethical funds are only one species of funds.


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As IPSS’s visam dar uma estrutura organizada ao dever ético de solidariedade e justiça – valores incalculáveis – entre os indivíduos. Não são administradas pelo Estado, nem por corpos autárquicos. E têm por objectivo, como informa a Segurança Social também, o apoio a crianças e jovens, o apoio à família, a protecção dos cidadãos na velhice e invalidez e nas situações de diminuição de meios de subsistência ou de capacidade para o trabalho, promoção e proteção da saúde designadamente por meio da prestação de cuidados de medicina preventiva, curativa e de reabilitação, educação e formação profissional dos cidadãos, resolução dos problemas habitacionais das populações.; Abstract: The IPSS's aim to give an organized structure to the ethical duty of solidarity and justice - incalculable values - between individuals. Are not run by the state or by municipal bodies. And aim, as reported by the Social Security also, support for children and youth, family support, the protection of citizens in old age, disability and decrease in situations of subsistence or capacity for work, promotion and health protection including through the provision of care preventive medicine, curative and rehabilitation, education and vocational training of citizens, solving the housing problems of the people.