10 resultados para Dental Arch. Face. Malocclusion.Orthodontics. Morphology
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
Nowadays, different techniques are available for manufacturing full-arch implant-supported prosthesis, many of them based on an impression procedure. Nevertheless, the long-term success of the prosthesis is highly influenced by the accuracy during such process, being affected by factors such as the impression material, implant position, angulation and depth. This paper investigates the feasibility of a 3D electromagnetic motion tracking system as an acquisition method for modeling such prosthesis. To this extent, we propose an implant acquisition method at the patient mouth, using a specific prototyped tool coupled with a tracker sensor, and a set of calibration procedures (for distortion correction and tool calibration), that ultimately obtains combined measurements of the implant’s position and angulation, and eliminating the use of any impression material. However, in the particular case of the evaluated tracking system, the order of magnitude of the obtained errors invalidates its use for this specific application.
Electromagnetic tracker feasibility in the design of a dental superstructure for edentulous patients
The success of the osseointegration concept and the Brånemark protocol is highly associated to the accuracy in the production of an implant-supported prosthesis. One of most critical steps for long-term success of these prosthesis is the accuracy obtained during the impression procedure, which is affected by factors such as the impression material, implant position, angulation and depth. This paper investigates the feasibility of 3D electromagnetic motion tracking systems as an acquisition method for modeling full-arch implant-supported prosthesis. To this extent, we propose an implant acquisition method at the patient mouth and a calibration procedure, based on a 3D electromagnetic tracker that obtains combined measurements of implant’s position and angulation, eliminating the use of any impression material. Three calibration algorithms (namely linear interpolation, higher-order polynomial and Hardy multiquadric) were tested to compensate for the electromagnetic tracker distortions introduced by the presence of nearby metals. Moreover, implants from different suppliers were also tested to study its impact on tracking accuracy. The calibration methodology and the algorithms employed proved to implement a suitable strategy for the evaluation of novel dental impression techniques. However, in the particular case of the evaluated electromagnetic tracking system, the order of magnitude of the obtained errors invalidates its use for the full-arch modeling of implant-supported prosthesis.
Con la reforma de la contabilidad pública, numeradamente en Portugal y España, la contabilidad patrimonial ha ganado importancia en este sistema contable, siendo necesario definir la composición y el valor del patrimonio de cada entidad pública. La clasificación de los diferentes elementos patrimoniales, numeradamente los activos, se convirtió en una de las preocupaciones de estas entidades, siendo necesario definir criterios exactos para su reconocimiento, lo que provocó una problemática conceptual en la Contabilidad Pública de los diversos países. En Portugal, la reforma de la Contabilidad Pública resultó en la implementación de planes públicos sectoriales, que poco se refieren à su encuadramiento conceptual, no haciendo mención, entre otros aspectos, al concepto y a los criterios de reconocimiento de los elementos de las demonstraciones financieras, por ejemplo de los activos. Por lo tanto, estos planes sectoriales de Contabilidad Pública muestran deficiencias conceptuales, que podrán superarse mediante la definición de un marco conceptual para la Contabilidad Pública en Portugal, partiendo de los existentes al nivel nacional e internacional de ámbito empresarial, y también de ámbito público, y haciendo los correspondientes ajustes, atendiendo a las particularidades de las entidades a las cuales este sistema contable se aplica. En España, el actual Plan General de Contabilidad Pública - PGCP, aprobado en 1994 y modificado posteriormente, tiene algunas deficiencias conceptuales. Sin embargo, en este país es evidente un avance conceptual en comparación con Portugal, ya que se ha publicado un borrador del nuevo PGCP en el año 2009, que incluye un marco conceptual para la Contabilidad Pública. Teniendo en cuenta el marco conceptual del PGCP (2009), así como otros marcos conceptuales existentes, la cuestión de lo que reconocer como un activo está más clara, mencionando dos requisitos de reconocimiento: el cumplimiento del concepto de activos y de sus dos criterios de reconocimiento, relacionados con la relevancia de un elemento para la entidad y la fiabilidad de su valoración. Por lo tanto, teniendo en cuenta estos dos requisitos, un elemento sólo puede ser reconocido como un activo cuando es económicamente controlado por la entidad, resulte de eventos pasados, se pueda utilizar en la prestación de servicios o en la obtención de beneficios para la entidad y, finalmente, cuando su valor puede ser valorado de forma fiable. Así, vemos que la definición del reconocimiento de los activos, y también los demás elementos de los estados financieros, es un elemento importante del marco conceptual de la contabilidad, que es esencial en la preparación y presentación de los estados financieros, que permite una aplicación más coherente de las normas contables, y por lo tanto una mayor comparabilidad de la información financiera.
sem abstract
This work reports on the influence of polarization and morphology of electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, on the biological response of myoblast cells. Non-poled, ‘‘poled +’’ and “poled-“ -PVDF were prepared in the form of films. Further, random and aligned electrospun -PVDF fiber mats were also prepared. It is demonstrated that negatively charged surfaces improve cell adhesion and proliferation and that the directional growth of the myoblast cells can be achieved by the cell culture on oriented fibers. Therefore, the potential application of electroative materials for muscle regeneration is demonstrated.
Poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun membranes have been prepared with different NaY zeolite contents up to 32%wt. Inclusion of zeolites induces an increase of average fiber size from ~200 nm in the pure polymer up to ~500 nm in the composite with 16%wt zeolite content. For higher filler contents, a wider distribution of fibers occurs leading to a broader size distributions between the previous fiber size values. Hydrophobicity of the membranes increases from ~115º water contact angle to ~128º with the addition of the filler and is independent on filler content, indicating a wrapping of the zeolite by the polymer. The water contact angle further increases with fiber alignment up to ~137º. Electrospun membranes are formed with ~80 % of the polymer crystalline phase in the electroactive phase, independently on the electrospinning processing conditions or filler content. Viability of MC3T3-E1 cells on the composite membranes after 72 h of cell culture indicates the suitability of the membranes for tissue engineering applications.
Em resultado do processo harmonizador da contabilidade ao nível da União Europeia, Portugal e os demais Estados-membros, viram necessidade de adaptar a sua normalização contabilística às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade adotadas pela União Europeia, de forma a garantir uma maior comparabilidade da informação financeira das empresas dos diversos países. Consequentemente, foi aprovado, em Portugal, no ano 2009, o Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC), que atende às diferentes necessidades de relato financeiro, incluindo um regime composto por 28 Normas Contabilísticas e de Relato Financeiro, aplicáveis à generalidade das empresas, um regime aplicável às designadas pequenas entidades, composto por uma Norma Contabilística e de Relato Financeiro para as Pequenas Entidades, e também como parte integrante do SNC, no ano 2011, foi aprovado um regime aplicável às entidades do setor não lucrativo. Todavia, e perante as características do tecido empresarial português, foi aprovado, em 2011, um regime simplificado aplicável às microentidades. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar este processo normalizador da contabilidade em Portugal, com especial referência à análise comparativa das normas aplicáveis às pequenas entidades e às microentidades. Com este trabalho concluímos que existem diferenças entre os dois normativos, não apenas no âmbito da dimensão e conteúdo das demonstrações financeiras, como também em termos de mensuração de alguns elementos das demonstrações financeiras, como por exemplo, dos ativos fixos tangíveis e intangíveis; destacam-se também, entre outras, diferenças ao nível de alguns conceitos, como de ativos e passivos contingentes, não mencionados no normativo das microentidades.
Nas palavras de Canotilho/Moreira, o regime político português é um Estado-de-partidos, os quais foram elevados à Constituição formal. São expressão da vontade popular (10º/2). São um direito fundamental constitucional. Participar ou fundar um partido é um direito, liberdade e garantia (art. 51º). Participam nos órgãos com base no sufrágio universal e directo. Mas são mediadores pois o poder político é do Povo (art. 108º)! São os partidos que formam a vontade de órgãos como o Governo! Os partidos têm direito a apresentar candidatos aos órgãos; e têm o direito de obter mandatos de acordo com os resultados eleitorais e o método proporcional (art. 113º/5 e 152º/1)… E às Forças Armadas incumbe a defesa militar da República: art. 275º/1 CRP… § In the words of Canotilho / Moreira, the Portuguese political system is a state-parties, which were elevated to the formal Constitution. They are an expression of popular will (10/2). Is a constitutional fundamental right. Participate or found a party is a right, freedom and guarantee (art. 51). Participate in organs based on direct and universal suffrage. But are mediators because political power is the people (art. 108)! Are the parties that form the will of organs such as the Government! The parties are entitled to nominate candidates to the organs; and have the right to obtain mandates in accordance with the election results and the proportional method (Article 113/5 and 152/1.) ... and the Armed Forces have the responsibility for the military defense of the Republic: art. 275/1 CRP ...
The success of dental implant-supported prosthesis is directly linked to the accuracy obtained during implant’s pose estimation (position and orientation). Although traditional impression techniques and recent digital acquisition methods are acceptably accurate, a simultaneously fast, accurate and operator-independent methodology is still lacking. Hereto, an image-based framework is proposed to estimate the patient-specific implant’s pose using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and prior knowledge of implanted model. The pose estimation is accomplished in a threestep approach: (1) a region-of-interest is extracted from the CBCT data using 2 operator-defined points at the implant’s main axis; (2) a simulated CBCT volume of the known implanted model is generated through Feldkamp-Davis-Kress reconstruction and coarsely aligned to the defined axis; and (3) a voxel-based rigid registration is performed to optimally align both patient and simulated CBCT data, extracting the implant’s pose from the optimal transformation. Three experiments were performed to evaluate the framework: (1) an in silico study using 48 implants distributed through 12 tridimensional synthetic mandibular models; (2) an in vitro study using an artificial mandible with 2 dental implants acquired with an i-CAT system; and (3) two clinical case studies. The results shown positional errors of 67±34μm and 108μm, and angular misfits of 0.15±0.08º and 1.4º, for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, in experiment 3, visual assessment of clinical data results shown a coherent alignment of the reference implant. Overall, a novel image-based framework for implants’ pose estimation from CBCT data was proposed, showing accurate results in agreement with dental prosthesis modelling requirements.
Dental implant recognition in patients without available records is a time-consuming and not straightforward task. The traditional method is a complete user-dependent process, where the expert compares a 2D X-ray image of the dental implant with a generic database. Due to the high number of implants available and the similarity between them, automatic/semi-automatic frameworks to aide implant model detection are essential. In this study, a novel computer-aided framework for dental implant recognition is suggested. The proposed method relies on image processing concepts, namely: (i) a segmentation strategy for semi-automatic implant delineation; and (ii) a machine learning approach for implant model recognition. Although the segmentation technique is the main focus of the current study, preliminary details of the machine learning approach are also reported. Two different scenarios are used to validate the framework: (1) comparison of the semi-automatic contours against implant’s manual contours of 125 X-ray images; and (2) classification of 11 known implants using a large reference database of 601 implants. Regarding experiment 1, 0.97±0.01, 2.24±0.85 pixels and 11.12±6 pixels of dice metric, mean absolute distance and Hausdorff distance were obtained, respectively. In experiment 2, 91% of the implants were successfully recognized while reducing the reference database to 5% of its original size. Overall, the segmentation technique achieved accurate implant contours. Although the preliminary classification results prove the concept of the current work, more features and an extended database should be used in a future work.