54 resultados para Inquisição Portugal Teses


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This paper it is investigated the effect that quality certification has on Portuguese companies` performance, controlling simultaneously for the effect of a set of variables specific to the company and to the industry. Results suggest that quality certification does not have an instantaneous impact on companies performance. A positive and significant impact increasing function of the number of years that a company is certified. It is also highlighted a significant impact of company specific characteristics on its performance. In industries with a large number of companies with quality certification it is revealed a stronger effect of the years of certification on companies performance, as well as a significant effect of both company and industry specific characteristics on performance.


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O objectivo deste artigo investigar a relao entre a divulgao de informao ambiental nos relatrios e contas anuais e a performance financeira no mercado de capitais das empresas cotadas em Portugal. Para tanto, usada uma amosta de 35 empresas no financeiras cotadas no mercado de cotaes oficiais da Euronext Lisboa no perodo de 5 anos compreendido entre 2000 e 2004. Os resultados empricos obtidos sugerem que as empresas que no divulgam informao ambiental tm uma performance financeira rendibilidade, risco e rendibilidade ajustada ao risco superior s que o fazem. Em particular, as empresas que apresentam um melhor relato ambiental, divulgando informao ambiental qualitativa e quantitativa, so as que apresentam pior performance financeira. Contudo, as diferenas encontradas ao nvel da performance financeira no so estatisticamente significativas. Estes resultados so robustos s duas metodologias usadas: estudos de carteira e tabelas de contingncia.


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Aunque en el contexto internacional sea muy estudiada, en Portugal la utilizacin de la informacin econmico-financiera en el hospital pblico es un tema de investigacin reciente. Nuestro trabajo est basado en un estudio de caso y tiene como objetivo aclarar si los profesionales que tienen poder de decisin sobre los recursos dentro del hospital, en particular los mdicos y los cargos de jefe, usan la informacin econmico-financiera disponible y cules son los factores que condicionan su utilizacin de esta informacin. Los resultados indican que la consulta de la informacin econmico-financiera no es una prctica comn para la generalidad de los mdicos y jefes dentro del hospital, aunque un porcentaje importante de profesionales ya la integr en su rutina. El anlisis estadstico confirm solo dos de nuestras hiptesis. Por consiguiente, creemos que adems de las variables explicativas identificadas en nuestro estudio, hay espacio para que futuras investigaciones identifiquen otros factores que explican la utilizacin de la informacin contable por parte de los profesionales de la salud.


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The purpose of this study is to characterise the environmental management systems (EMS) certification process (International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001) in Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) following quality management system (QMS) certification (ISO 9001). The study is based on a sample from Portuguese SMEs which characterise the local reality in terms of companies certified in accordance with ISO 14001 after ISO 9001 certification. Some Portuguese SMEs have the EMS implemented but not certified, mainly given the lack of investment support and because it is considered merely a form of marketing. As such, they do not feel motivated to certificate an EMS in the company since they consider that it is a form of advertising and not a way to protect the environment. Nonetheless, it is already evident form other Portuguese SMEs that gained EMS certification that gains supersede marketing benefits and allow for evermore enduring benefits such as prevention of environmental risks, environment protection, improved company image, compliance with legislation and efficient use of natural resources. This paper also presented the main difficulties in achieving an EMS certification, including high certification costs, human resources, motivation issues and difficulties in changing the companys culture.


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Eis que existem boas notcias cientficas em Portugal. O WAML World Congress o maior e mais prestigiado congresso mundial de direito mdico. E, desta vez, vai ter lugar em Portugal, mais em concreto na Cidade capital do Mondego, Coimbra, entre os prximos dias 2 e 7 de Agosto de 2015. O seu Presidente ou Chairman, ser o especialista portugus em direito mdico, professor da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Doutor Andr Gonalo Dias Pereira. Especialista que j esteve a fazer um excelente Seminrio em Barcelos, Escola Superior de Gesto do Instituto Politcnico do Cvado e do Ave, no dia 26 de Maio de 2014, com o ttulo de O Direito da Concorrncia: anlise de um caso real. Tema que relacionou com a poderosa indstria farmacutica, entre outros aspectos conexos. Behold, there are good scientific news in Portugal. The WAML World Congress is the largest and most prestigious world congress of medical law. And this time, will take place in Portugal, more specifically in the Mondego capital city, Coimbra, between 2nd and August 7, 2015. The President or Chairman, will be the Portuguese expert in medical law professor Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Doctor Andr Gonalo Dias Pereira. Specialist who has been doing an excellent Seminar in Barcelos, School of Management Cvado Polytechnic Institute and Ave, on May 26, 2014, with the title "The Competition Law: analysis of a real case." Theme related to the powerful pharmaceutical industry, and other related aspects.


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Recordar viver. O famoso caso de corrupo internacional ligado compra e venda de submarinos pelo Estado portugus e que ainda no est resolvido na sua totalidade, nomeadamente por c constitui um facto repugnante da histria contempornea da anti-corrupo, e da tica, tambm lusa que envergonha em profundidade Portugal a nvel nacional, mas sobretudo internacional. E envergonha, quer o poder legislativo, quer o poder judicial, quer o poder executivo. Em Portugal, mas tambm na Alemanha, pois nem toda a informao criminal chegou s autoridades portuguesas como foi noticiado pelos prprios procuradores. Remember is living. The famous case of international corruption linked to the purchase and sale of submarines by the Portuguese State - and that is still not resolved in its entirety, especially around here - is a disgusting fact of contemporary history of anti-corruption and ethics, also Portuguese who shames Portugal in depth at national level, but above all international. And shame either the legislature or the judiciary or the executive. In Portugal, but also in Germany, as not all criminal information came from the Portuguese authorities was as reported by their own attorneys.


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This paper investigates the reform of public accounting in Portugal through the IPSAS adoption highlighting the perception of different stakeholders. Two competing theories (NPM and the institutional theory) are used to understand public accounting changes within the Portuguese context. In general, different stakeholders agree with the favorable moment and the context of the reform. The context of financial crises and the great external pressures to cut public deficits and to improve the quality of financial information seem to be the most important factors to stimulate changes in public accounting. In addition, stakeholders recommend the use of different strategies to ensure success.


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New Public Management (NPM) led to great pressures for to introduce and adapt businesslike accounting in the public sector (Hood, 1995; Lapsley, 2008; Lapsley et al., 2009), specially the transition from cash basis to accrual-based accounting. In consequence, since the last 20 years we assist to a movement towards internationally standardized of public sector accounting that led to the publication of 32 International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) for all public sector entities from national central governments to local governments (IFAC, 2008). These standards are accrual-basis and they emphasize the balance sheet approach, the fair value measurement and the revenue-expense approach (Hints, 2007). The main innovations are associated with the use of the balance sheet approach and the fair value measurement because, traditionally, public accounting systems are mainly focused on the revenue-expense approach and on historical cost valuation (Oulasvirta, 2014).


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As the amount of debt has gradually increased, particularly in recent years, Portugal is currently one of the European countries exhibiting one of the highest levels of overall indebtedness, including in both sovereign and private sectors. Indeed, this condition is the outcome of increasing levels of debt assumed not only by the government, but also by companies and families, being the later mostly due to mortgage loans and due charges. This paper focuses on the study of borrowing by Portuguese households. The research has been made in respect to the notion of debt, the consequences of recent developments in debt, among other factors. In order to analyse the factors that are most associated with debt, a study was developed using two multiple regression models, one using a longer time series and another shorter, evaluating the effect of several variables, such as consumption, savings, unemployment, inflation and interest rates, in order to check whether they could be associated with a higher level of debt.