25 resultados para capital crimes


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The European Capital of Culture is an annual mega-event, which can provide a good forum though which to challenge and engage local citizens, thus generating feelings of common citizenship. In addition, it presents an ideal opportunity to promote the restructuring of the hosting urban space. However, the success of both the organization and the city that hosts the cultural event depends on the residents’ commitment towards it, the consistency of the tourism attractions and activities supplied, and the capacity of anticipating and monitoring the evolution of tourists’ preferences. The present study aims to assess the intention to participate and the impacts perceived by residents of Guimarães from hosting one of the 2012 European Capitals of Culture (2012 ECOC) in the ex-ante period (2011). Through a convenience sample of 471 usable surveys applied to the local population, conducted between October and December 2011, we tried to identify some of these potential impacts. According to the results received, 40% of residents had a low or very low knowledge of the cultural program, although only 11% demonstrated no intention of attending any activity during the event. The comparison of the mean scores of the expected 2012 ECOC impacts by gender reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to female and male respondents. With regard to the differences between those that intended to attend the event and the ones that did not, expected participants rated positive and negative impact factors more than did the ones that did not intend to attend.


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Esta investigação empírica tem como objetivo principal analisar o nível de divulgação de informação voluntária sobre o capital humano das empresas cotadas na Euronext Lisbon de 2008 a 2012, bem como identificar os seus fatores determinantes. Estudamos os relatórios anuais de contas consolidadas recorrendo à técnica de análise de conteúdo, numa amostra composta por 46 empresas. Para determinar o nível de divulgação de informação sobre o capital humano desenvolvemos um índice de divulgação (IDVCH), composto por 45 indicadores, baseado no estudo de Silva et al. (2012). Os dados recolhidos para a construção do índice foram codificados de forma binária: 0 para “não divulga” e 1 para “divulga”. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um nível médio de divulgação de informação sobre o capital humano de 0,46, verificando-se uma evolução positiva e estatisticamente significativa do IDVCH durante os cincos anos. Os setores de atividade que apresentam maiores índices de divulgação são o setor financeiro, o setor de telecomunicações e o setor público. Identificámos através da análise univariada e multivariada que os fatores que influenciam positivamente o nível de divulgação de informação sobre o capital humano são: a rendibilidade, a dimensão do conselho de administração, a dispersão geográfica dos colaboradores, e a integração da sociedade no índice PSI-20. Não se obteve significância estatística para se concluir sobre os resultados das variáveis independentes: a dimensão da organização, o endividamento, o tipo de auditor, o setor de atividade e a idade da organização. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla, (em que considerámos o IDVCH como variável dependente), é explicado na ordem dos 40% pelas variáveis independentes que analisámos. A originalidade desta dissertação incide no facto de tratarmos isoladamente a componente do capital humano, e de apurarmos quais os fatores que influenciam o seu nível de divulgação nas empresas cotadas em Portugal.


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O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em analisar os determinantes da divulgação de informação sobre o capital intelectual nos bancos que desenvolveram a sua atividade em Portugal, em 2010 e 2011. Esta análise contempla igualmente a divulgação sobre os diferentes componentes do capital intelectual: o capital humano, o capital estrutural e o capital relacional, obtendo-se, para o efeito, os dados nos relatórios anuais e nas páginas Web destas entidades no período considerado. Os resultados revelaram que as dimensões organização e conselho de administração são considerados os determinantes da divulgação de informação sobre o capital intelectual, tanto nos relatórios anuais como nas Webpages. As variáveis económicofinanceiras de rendibilidade, de eficiência e de solvabilidade não se apresentaram, na análise multivariada, como fatores que determinam a divulgação de informação sobre o capital intelectual pelos bancos em Portugal. Saliente-se, no entanto, que numa análise univariada, a solvabilidade apresenta um nível de associação estatisticamente significativo com a divulgação de informação, revelando que os bancos com menor solvabilidade divulgam mais informação sobre o seu capital intelectual.


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The European Capital of Culture is an annual mega-event, which can provide a good forum though which to challenge and engage local citizens, thus generating feelings of common citizenship. In addition, it presents an ideal opportunity to promote the restructuring of the hosting urban space. However, the success of both the organization and the city that hosts the cultural event depends on the residents’ commitment towards it, the consistency of the tourism attractions and activities supplied, and the capacity of anticipating and monitoring the evolution of tourists’ preferences. The present study aims to assess the intention to participate and the impacts perceived by residents of Guimarães from hosting one of the 2012 European Capitals of Culture (2012 ECOC) in the ex-ante period (2011). Through a convenience sample of 471 usable surveys applied to the local population, conducted between October and December 2011, we tried to identify some of these potential impacts. According to the results received, 40% of residents had a low or very low knowledge of the cultural program, although only 11% demonstrated no intention of attending any activity during the event. The comparison of the mean scores of the expected 2012 ECOC impacts by gender reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to female and male respondents. With regard to the differences between those that intended to attend the event and the ones that did not, expected participants rated positive and negative impact factors more than did the ones that did not intend to attend.


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Residents tend to have high expectations about the benefits of hosting a mega‐event. So, it was not surprising that the nomination of Guimarães, Portugal, as the 2012 European Capital of Culture (2012 ECOC) had raised great expectations in the local community towards its socio‐economic and cultural benefits. The present research was designed to examine the Guimarães residents’ perceptions on the impacts of hosting the 2012 ECOC approached in two different time schedules, the pre‐ and the post‐event, trying to capture the evolution of the residents` evaluation of its impacts. For getting the data, two surveys were applied to Guimarães` residents, one in the pre‐event phase, in 2011, and another in the post‐event phase, in 2013. This approach is uncommonly applied to Portugal data and it is even the first time it was done to a Portuguese European Capital of Culture. After a factor analysis, the results of t‐tests indicate that there were significant differences (p<0.05) between the samples from the pre‐ and post‐2012 ECOC on two positive impact factors (Community’ benefits and Residents’ benefits) and one negative impact factor (Economic, social and environmental costs). Respondents also showed a negative perception of the impacts in all dimensions, except Changes in habits of Guimarães residents.


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The nomination of Guimarães to host the 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECC) has put on the agenda of the city the need of measuring the effects that the implementation of this mega event could have in it and in the municipality a whole. The balance of the benefits and costs and an extended community involvement tend to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones. This chapter analyzes the involvement of population and local associations in the planning and organization of the 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture, using the coverage made during 2011 by local and national press of the mega event. A content analysis of the news published covering the period between January and December 2011 and using three newspapers was conducted. From those, two were local and weekly newspapers and one was a national daily one. Looking to data results, it can be concluded that it was poor the community involvement and, also, the one of the cultural associations in the organizations of the 2012 ECC. A strong negative reaction to the model choose to plan the mega event conducted by official organizers was found, which has cast doubts on the desirable participation of the residents and, consequently, on the success of the mega event, especially in a perspective of a medium and long term effects.


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The nomination of Guimarães, a small city located in the northwest of Portugal, as European capital of culture (ECOC) in 2012 raised great expectations in the local community towards its socio-economic and cultural benefits. As noted by various authors, namely Kim and Petrick (2005), Kim, Gursoy and Lee (2006) and Gursoy, Chi, Ai and Chen (2011), residents tend to have high expectations about the benefits of hosting a mega-event, although they tend to recognize that some costs will result from it. Therefore, the present research was designed to examine the Guimarães residents’ perceptions on the impacts of the 2012 European capital of culture (2012 ECOC) on the city and the municipality of Guimarães before and after the mega-event and the differences found between the two time periods.


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Em termos de dinheiros públicos, devemos ter em consideração a necessidade de ter que existir uma boa governança. É importante a participação. Também a transparência. E se os direitos e deveres sociais fundamentais estão interligados, não é menos verdade que é preciso a apresentação de boas contas à população. E aqui temos que falar também em plena responsabilidade pública. Num sentido lato, podemos falar num princípio geral de anticorrupção. O mau uso dos dinheiros públicos pode conduzir à responsabilidade de índole criminal. O crime de branqueamento/lavagem, um crime secundário, pode ter por origem ilícitos e/ou crimes que se relacionam com a utilização indevida de dinheiros públicos. A responsabilidade financeira e criminal pode aliás constituir um incremento na boa gestão dos dinheiros públicos. Deste modo – não tendo o direito penal finalidades de promoção ou de “combate”, mas ainda assim retributivos, preventivos gerais e especiais positivos e restaurativos -, podemos estar a caminhar para uma melhor concretização dos direitos, e dos deveres, que são garantidos do ponto de vista constitucional-constitucional. Afinal, todas as áreas do direito, são peças do mesmo jogo de xadrez. O Tribunal Constitucional em Portugal, o Supremo Tribunal Federal no Brasil, o Supremo Tribunal de Justiça em Portugal, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça no Brasil, os Tribunais de Contas em ambos os países. § In terms of public money, we should take into account the need to have to be good governance. It is important to participate. Also transparency. And if fundamental rights and social duties are interrelated, it is also true that we need to present good accounts to the population. And here we must also speak in full public accountability. In a broad sense, we can speak of a general principle of anti-corruption. The misuse of public funds can lead to criminal nature of responsibility. The crime of money laundering, a secondary crime, may have as illicit origin and / or crimes that relate to the misuse of public funds. The financial and criminal liability may in fact be an increase in the sound management of public funds. Thus - not having the criminal law purposes of promotion or "combat", but still remunerative, general and special preventive and restorative positive - we may be heading for a better realization of the rights, and duties, which are guaranteed the constitutional-constitutional point of view. After all, all areas of the law are parts of the same game of chess. The Constitutional Court in Portugal, the Supreme Court in Brazil, the Supreme Court in Portugal, the Superior Court of Justice in Brazil, the Audit Courts in both countries.


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A Sociedade do Conhecimento caracteriza a envolvente económica em que nos encontramos, logo, o valor dos activos intangíveis é o principal responsável pelo gap entre o valor contabilístico e o valor de mercado das organizações. A utilização de modelos e indicadores que considerem informação não financeira é fundamental para que se ultrapassem as limitações do modelo tradicional de contabilidade. Por outro lado, urge a normalização da divulgação da “Demonstração de Capital Intelectual” para melhorar os índices de divulgação deste tipo de informação e permitir a sua comparabilidade. Relativamente às empresas portuguesas cotadas na Euronext em 2003, verificou-se ainda uma grande diversificação nas práticas de divulgação do Capital Intelectual, sendo a informação relatada predominantemente de carácter descritivo, notando-se uma tendência para o aumento da informação numérica e monetária, essencialmente no Capital Relacional. O Capital Estrutural é a componente que apresenta maior índice de divulgação, contrariamente ao Capital Humano que é o menos divulgado.


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In 2012, Guimarães hosted the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). An evaluation of this event was needed because public, private, and community funds were involved. This analysis considers tourists as external and independent stakeholders who assessed the cultural activities developed during the event as well as the attributes of the city. The main objectives of the research conducted were to assess the visitors` motivations during the hosting of the Guimarães ECOC 2012, their perceptions towards the city and if national and international visitors kept different perceptions of it. For two months, in the summer of 2012, a survey was applied to 390 visitors. The results revealed that hosting the 2012 ECOC was a major contribution towards attracting new visitors to the city (though many of the visitors stayed only for a short period of time). Based on tourists’ perceptions, the tangible heritage was clearly detached from the set of attributes associated to Guimarães, whereas the intangible heritage was less noted. The Portuguese tourists seem to be more prone to value the tangible heritage than the foreign tourists. Overall, Guimarães received a very positive evaluation relating to the city’s image and, as stated by tourists, visiting it was declared to be highly recommended. Following the obtained empirical results, the need for changing the city’s promoted image emerges, which has been too centered on its tangible heritage. In doing so, it is believed that there will be longer overnight stays by visitors.