2 resultados para trigonometria seno coseno Tolomeo Eulero
em Repositório da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil
Este estudo propõe-se a analisar o discurso político de voz feminina, pela pers-pectiva da Análise do Discurso (AD) de linha francesa, a partir da escolha de quatro discursos proferidos pela presidente brasileira Dilma Rousseff, utilizan-do-se das contribuições trazidas por Dominique Maingueneau e Patrick Charaudeau. O eixo dessa pesquisa está no exame do ethos discursivo segundo as noções apresentadas pelos dois estudiosos, para a identificação das características de discurso político proferido por enunciador de voz feminina. Dos estudos de Maingueneau, além da categoria de ethos discursivo, são utilizadas as categorias de interdiscurso e de cenas de enunciação, especialmente as cenografias constituídas nos discursos políticos escolhidos. Das pesquisas semiolinguísticas de Charaudeau, privilegiamos as noções de ethos, de carisma e de pathos aplicadas ao discurso político, buscando caracterizar a maneira de ser e de dizer do sujeito enunciador, revelada pela patemização discursiva. Embora os dois pesquisadores tenham propostas teórico-metodológicas basilares diferentes, busca-se encontrar os pontos de complementação de abordagens para a caracterização do ethos discursivo de voz feminina. Os procedimentos de análises são precedidos por breve histórico do percurso, da participação e da presença da mulher na política nacional e internacional, principalmente nos séculos XX e XXI, a fim de compor o cenário histórico-social atual, uma vez que há o fato inédito e relevante de uma mulher tornar-se a primeira presidente do Brasil. As principais discussões realizadas neste estudo giram em torno aos macrotemas e microtemas dos discursos selecionados, suas cenografias ali constituídas, destacando as marcas, que influem na caracterização de ethos, incluindo aquelas propostas por Charaudeau, tais como, de autoridade, de credibilidade, de seriedade e de co-ragem. Associado a esses aspectos que ajudam a caracterizar o ethos, são analisados também os elementos constituintes da memória discursiva, articulando-os com as formações discursivas inerentes aos campos discursivos aos quais pertencem. Por fim, realiza-se uma síntese das análises empreendidas e conclui-se com o detalhamento da repercussão observada na imagem da mulher na política, discorrendo-se sobre ethos de enunciador de voz feminina em discurso político.
The edification of the landscape in the scientific and social field, in speech as in the method, is taken in this study as a complex process, from which were developed relationships of dominance on the perception of space, which persist strongly consolidated, since the genesis of the conceptual practice till its actual praxis. Historically, the landscape studies took place slowly, immersed in many questions, in face of the multiplicity of meanings that the concept offers. In the psyche, the notion of landscape is present since a long time ago, as an unconscious human being practice, even before any ideological hypothesis formulation. However its materialization in the social conscious will come only from painting, and specially with the perspective, through the technicity of the view, at first wandering the infinity, now ordained in a frame‟. Since then, the landscape is perceived according to the order of the view, as the equivalent of nature and beauty, assuming at the same time, an important symbolic value, since it is linked to mnemonic and subjective processes that the being build with the territory. The domain on this space-cognitive experience, characteristic of the contemporary, consolidates in the social imaginary, building consensus on the landscape, whose aesthetic references make a cultural appeal, very pertinent to the actual capitalist dynamics of production the space worldwide, mainly of the spectacle and commodification of cities promoted by the city marketing. In Brazil, this consensual ideology of the landscape surpass the social imaginary and also dominates the political imaginary, whereas the main instrument for preserving the landscape, Decree-law 25, from November 30, 1937, and its limit to those of exceptional value or remarkable feature. The analysis of the processes for putting under governmental trust for inscription of goods by the landscape value, reveals the dominant, if not exclusive, adoption of selection criteria related to aesthetic aspects. Abstain, therefore, from what the nation considers patrimony , other landscapes that, besides not having, at first, remarkable aesthetic value, play a crucial role as an inheritance from ancestor relations between man and space and pre- existing condition for the same present and future relations. From this historical background, the research seeks to transfer into contemporaneity, the ideological analysis of the concept and its relation with the building of the landscape in the collective imaginary, in order to recognize, in current practices to landscape preservation, as much this genesis, rooted in aesthetics, remains strongly consolidated, feeding the current dynamics of consumption and commodification of the city. Therefore, as preliminary conclusion, one can state that the identification of landscapes of different value, especially aesthetic, maintains and intensify the treatment of the city as an object, a standard‟ commodity to be sold / traded on the world market, in detriment of its recognition as a dynamic process that, even though inserted in the global context, develops specificifities and peculiarities, inherent to the production of space, as Lefebvre preconizes, that is, to the production of life, social product , as characteristic, dissent generator