2 resultados para Radner, Hilary: "Pretty is as pretty does : free enterprise and the marriage plot"
em Repositório da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil
Myocardial contractility depends on several mechanisms such as coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) and flow as well as on a1-adrenoceptor stimulation. Both effects occur during the sympathetic stimulation mediated by norepinephrine. Norepinephrine increases force development in the heart and produces vasoconstriction increasing arterial pressure and, in turn, CPP. The contribution of each of these factors to the increase in myocardial performance needs to be clarified. Thus, in the present study we used two protocols: in the first we measured mean arterial pressure, left ventricular pressure and rate of rise of left ventricular pressure development in anesthetized rats (N = 10) submitted to phenylephrine (PE) stimulation before and after propranolol plus atropine treatment. These observations showed that in vivo a1-adrenergic stimulation increases left ventricular-developed pressure (P<0.05) together with arterial blood pressure (P<0.05). In the second protocol, we measured left ventricular isovolumic systolic pressure (ISP) and CPP in Langendorff constant flow-perfused hearts. The hearts (N = 7) were perfused with increasing flow rates under control conditions and PE or PE + nitroprusside (NP). Both CPP and ISP increased (P<0.01) as a function of flow. CPP changes were not affected by drug treatment but ISP increased (P<0.01). The largest ISP increase was obtained with PE + NP treatment (P<0.01). The results suggest that both mechanisms, i.e., direct stimulation of myocardial a1-adrenoceptors and increased flow, increased cardiac performance acting simultaneously and synergistically.
O artigo trata do debate ocorrido entre Sismondi e os economistas ricardianos, na primeira metade do século dezenove, a respeito do equilíbrio dos mercados, do papel da competição e dos efeitos da maquinaria nas sociedades industriais. A seção inicial reconstitui os principais termos do discurso crítico de Sismondi direcionado à ortodoxia clássica. A seguir, detalham-se as respostas elaboradas por McCulloch e Torrens em defesa da livre concorrência, do caráter ilimitado da demanda e do avanço da mecanização na atividade produtiva. A terceira seção considera a argumentação posterior de Sismondi na qual ele reitera sua teoria das crises de superprodução a partir de uma abordagem histórica do capitalismo. Ao final, procede-se a uma breve avaliação da herança ricardiana à economia política em vista da controvérsia examinada.