24 resultados para Reator químico
em Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear, Brazil - Carpe dIEN
A Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho é um método inserido no campo da Ergonomia, que tem como objetivo descrever a situação de trabalho de forma compreensiva e suficiente. A principal característica da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho está relacionada com a adoção de uma prática oposta ao experimentalismo puro, ou seja, visa obter e buscar conhecimentos através da análise de situações de trabalho em ambiente real, em situações reais de trabalho. O detalhamento da intervenção ergonômica requerida na sala de controle do Reator Argonauta possui uma magnitude que fogo ao escopo do presente trabalho. Podemos considerar que realizamos uma Análise da Demanda e Estudos Preliminares nas instalações do Reator Argonauta, correspondendo as duas primeiras etapas de uma intervenção ergonômica. O objetivo inicial do nosso estudo é prover subsídios objetivando a modernização desta sala de controle, em função de aspectos como melhorar a segurança, facilitar a manutenção, evitar a obsolescência de equipamentos e sistemas, e garantir que esta modernização traga uma efetiva melhoria nas condições de trabalho dos operadores do reator.
O documento conta a história de criação e fundação do Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear-IEN.
The maintenance of systems and equipment is a central question related to Production Engineering. Although systems are not fully reliable, it is often necessary to minimize the failure occurrence likelihood. The failures occurrences can have disastrous consequences during a plane flight or operation of a nuclear power plant. The elaboration of a maintenance plan has as objective the prevention and recovery from system failures, increasing reliability and reducing the cost of unplanned shutdowns. It is also important to consider the issues related to organizations safety, especially those dealing with dangerous technologies. The objective of this thesis is to propose a method for maintenance analysis of a nuclear research reactor, using a socio-technical approach, and focused on existing conditions in Brazil. The research reactor studied belongs to the federal government and it is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The specific objective of this thesis is to develop the availability analysis of one of the principal systems of the research reactor, the nuclear instrumentation system. In this analysis, were taken into account not only the technical aspects of the modules related to nuclear instrumentation system, but also the human and organizational factors that could affect the availability of the nuclear instrumentation system. The results showed the influence of these factors on the availability of the nuclear instrumentation system.
Dimensão: 9,5x15,5 cm (fita) / 11x17 cm (caixa)
Dimensão: 9,5x15,5 cm (fita) / 11x17 cm (caixa)
Dimensão: 9,5x15,5 cm (fita) / 11x17 cm (caixa)
Uma sala de controle de reatores nucleares é um sistema complexo que controla um processo termodinâmico usado para produzir energia elétrica. Os operadores interagem com a sala de controle através de "interfaces", que apresentam implicações significantes para a segurança da planta nuclear, pois afetam o modo como os operadores interagem com a sala de controle. Após o acidente de TMI, os projetistas procuram adotar no projeto de salas de controle de reatores nucleares práticas de projeto, que contemplam somente a inclusão de normas internacionais de fatores humanos. A proposta deste trabalho é a de incluir no projeto e modernização de novas salas de controle e na avaliação da sala de controle de ANGRA II, uma metodologia que inclua além da normatização internacional de fatores humanos, a realidade da atividade dos operadores em sala de controle
General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 1 (Obs.: Scene 1 of the "General simulated scenes" class): Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of light colors. Both persons remain still in front of "J9"; one goes to the computer and then come back, and both go out. Video file labels: "20140326145315_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera,
General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 1 (Obs.: Scene 1 of the "General simulated scenes" class): Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of light colors. Both persons remain still in front of "J9"; one goes to the computer and then come back, and both go out. Video file labels: "20140326145316_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.
Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 1: Comprises one of the scenes with one person performing spectography experiment. Video file labels: "20140327181335_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera
General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 2: Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of dark colors. Both persons go to the side of Argonauta reactor and then come back and go out. Video file labels: "20140326154754_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera.
Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 1: Comprises one of the scenes with one person performing spectography experiment. Video file labels:"20140327181336_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.
Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 2: Another take similat to Scene 1. Video file labels: "20140327180749_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera.
Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 2: Another take similat to Scene 1. Video file labels: "20140327180750_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.
Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 3: Comprises the scene with two persons performing spectography experiment. Video file labels: "20140327182905_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera.