21 resultados para weed regrowth
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Long-term assessments of species assemblages are valuable tools for detecting species ecological preferences and their dispersal tracks, as well as for assessing the possible effects of alien species on native communities. Here we report a 50-year-long study on population dynamics of the four species of land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Terricola) that have colonized or become extinct in a 70-year-old Atlantic Forest regrowth remnant through the period 1955-2006. On the one hand, the two initially most abundant species, which are native to the study site, Notogynaphallia ernesti and Geoplana multicolor have declined over decades and at present do not exist in the forest remnant. The extinction of these species is most likely related with their preference for open vegetation areas, which presently do not exist in the forest remnant. On the other hand, the neotropical Geoplaninae 1 and the exotic Endeavouria septemlineata were detected in the forest only very recently. The long-term study allowed us to conclude that Geoplaninae 1 was introduced into the study area, although it is only known from the study site. Endeavouria septemlineata, an active predator of the exotic giant African snail, is originally known from Hawaii. This land flatworm species was observed repeatedly in Brazilian anthropogenic areas, and this is the first report of the species in relatively well preserved native forest, which may be evidence of an ongoing adaptive process. Monitoring of its geographic spread and its ecological role would be a good practice for preventing potential damaging effects, since it also feeds on native mollusk fauna, as we observed in lab conditions.
This paper describes the modeling of a weed infestation risk inference system that implements a collaborative inference scheme based on rules extracted from two Bayesian network classifiers. The first Bayesian classifier infers a categorical variable value for the weed-crop competitiveness using as input categorical variables for the total density of weeds and corresponding proportions of narrow and broad-leaved weeds. The inferred categorical variable values for the weed-crop competitiveness along with three other categorical variables extracted from estimated maps for the weed seed production and weed coverage are then used as input for a second Bayesian network classifier to infer categorical variables values for the risk of infestation. Weed biomass and yield loss data samples are used to learn the probability relationship among the nodes of the first and second Bayesian classifiers in a supervised fashion, respectively. For comparison purposes, two types of Bayesian network structures are considered, namely an expert-based Bayesian classifier and a naive Bayes classifier. The inference system focused on the knowledge interpretation by translating a Bayesian classifier into a set of classification rules. The results obtained for the risk inference in a corn-crop field are presented and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Despite modern weed control practices, weeds continue to be a threat to agricultural production. Considering the variability of weeds, a classification methodology for the risk of infestation in agricultural zones using fuzzy logic is proposed. The inputs for the classification are attributes extracted from estimated maps for weed seed production and weed coverage using kriging and map analysis and from the percentage of surface infested by grass weeds, in order to account for the presence of weed species with a high rate of development and proliferation. The output for the classification predicts the risk of infestation of regions of the field for the next crop. The risk classification methodology described in this paper integrates analysis techniques which may help to reduce costs and improve weed control practices. Results for the risk classification of the infestation in a maize crop field are presented. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed system, the risk of infestation over the entire field is checked against the yield loss map estimated by kriging and also with the average yield loss estimated from a hyperbolic model.
The weed, known commonly as vassourinha de botao (buttonweed), is present in several crops in northern and north-eastern Brazil. Its occurrence is common in sugarcane and soybean crops in the states of Goias, Tocantins, and Maranhao. However, there is no published information in the literature about its taxonomic classification. Thus, this research aimed to classify taxonomically this species in order to develop a classification key based on the morphological characteristics among varieties of Borreria densiflora DC., as well as to illustrate it and provide a palynological basis to classify this species as a new variety For the classification process, data from the literature, morphological characteristics, and palynological evidence were considered. In this article, we describe a new variety, B. densiflora DC. var. latifolia E.L. Cabral & Martins. The new variety possesses a terrestrial habitat and it is a simple perennial weed species. These results show the importance of an accurate identification, as well as an understanding of the evolutionary changes inherent to weeds (like intraspecific variability), breeding system, genetic potential, and ecological studies. Those factors are essential to the beginning of a long-term weed management strategy.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of adding cassava scrapings on gas and effluent losses, dry matter recovery, pH, contents of N-NH3, organic acids and volatile fatty acids and the bromatological composition of elephant grass silages. It was used a randomized complete design, with four levels of cassava scrapings (0, 7, 15 or 30% natural matter) each one with four replications per level. The grass was cut at 50 days of regrowth and ensiled in 15-L silos, equipped with a Bunsen valve to allow gas outflow. The gas losses decreased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings, whereas effluent losses decreased linearly. Dry matter recovery increased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings. Dry matter (DM) concentration increased but crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and hemicellulose (HEM) decreased linearly with the addition of cassava scrapings. The pH value and lactic acid concentration increased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings. Contents of N-NH3 and butyric acid decreased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings, whereas acetic acid content decreased linearly. Addition of cassava scrapings reduced gas and effluent losses and improved the fermentation profile of elephant grass silages and the level of 7% already ensures this improvement.
Com o objetivo de identificar as principais falhas no sistema de produção que limitam a pecuária em Santarém, Pará, foram entrevistados, ao acaso, 21 pecuaristas (90,5% de corte - cria, recria e engorda; 9,5% de leite), proprietários de 10% da população de bovinos do município. 71,4% das propriedades tinham currais para manejo do gado, entretanto apenas 38,1% possuíam balança e 23,8% tronco de contenção. A Brachiaria brizantha estava presente em todas as fazendas, sendo usada exclusivamente em 42,9% das propriedades. A disseminação de plantas invasoras (61,9%) foi considerada a principal dificuldade no manejo das pastagens. Constatou-se que 76,2% dos pecuaristas utilizam misturas minerais com macro e micro-elementos, geralmente de formulações comerciais, enquanto que 19% utilizam apenas sal comum, enriquecido com micro-elementos. A concentração de fósforo (P) na mistura mineral estava abaixo do recomendado para bovinos de corte em 76,9% das propriedades e apenas 19% das propriedades possuía cochos para suplementação mineral adequada.
The objective of this work was to select indigenous vegetal species for restoration programs aiming at the regeneration of ombrophilous dense forest. Thirty-five spoil piles located in the county of Sideropolis, Santa Catarina, that received overburden disposal for 39 years (1950-1989) were selected for study because they exhibited remarkable spontaneous regrowth of trees compared to surrounding spoil piles. Floristic inventory covered the whole area of the 35 piles, whereas survey on phytosociology and natural regeneration studies were conducted in 70 plots distributed along the 35 piles. Floristic inventory recorded 83 species from 28 botanical families. Herbaceous terricolous plants constituted the predominant species (47.0%), followed by shrubs (26.5%), trees (19.3%), and vines (7.2%). Results from surveys on phytosociology and natural regeneration, focused on shrubs and trees, recorded incipient ecological succession. In addition, the most adapted species recorded on the overburden piles, as ranked by index of natural regeneration (RNT) plus importance value index (IVI), were as follows: Clethra scabra (RNT = 23.93%; IVI = 17.28%), Myrsine coriacea (RNT = 20.93%, IVI = 11.26%), Eupatorium intermedium (RNT 7.56%, IVI 0.40%), Miconia ligustroides (RNT 5.84%, IVI 2.37%), Ossaea amygdaloides (RNT 3.84%, IVI 1.30%), Tibouchina sellowiana (RNT 3.29%, M 1.94%), Eup. inulaefolium (RNT = 2.65%, IVI = 0.80%), and Baccharis dracunculifolia (RNT = 2.28%; IVI = 0.56%). High values of IVI and RNT exhibited by the exotic species Eucalyptus saligna (IVI = 21.73%, RNT = 51.41%) indicated strong competition between exotic and indigenous species. Severe chemical (acidic pH and lack of nutrients) and physical (coarse substrate and slope angle of 40-50 degrees) characteristics displayed by the overburden piles constituted limitations to floristic diversity and size of indigenous trees, indicating the need for substrate reclamation prior to forest restoration.
The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of the association between atrazine and glyphosate in the soil through mineralization and degradation tests. Soil treatments consisted of the combination of a field dose of glyphosate (2.88 kg ha-1) with 0, 1/2, 1 and 2 times a field dose of atrazine (3.00 kg ha-1) and a field dose of atrazine with 0, 1/2, 1 and 2 times a field dose of glyphosate. The herbicide mineralization rates were measured after 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 and 63 days of soil application, and degradation rates after 0, 7, 28 and 63 days. Although glyphosate mineralization rate was higher in the presence of 1 (one) dose of atrazine when compared with glyphosate alone, no significant differences were found when half or twice the atrazine dose was applied, meaning that differences in glyphosate mineralization rates cannot be attributed to the presence of atrazine. On the other hand, the influence of glyphosate on atrazine mineralization was evident, since increasing doses of glyphosate increased the atrazine mineralization rate and the lowest dose of glyphosate accelerated atrazine degradation.
Only 7% of the once extensive forest along the eastern coast of Brazil remains, and much of that is degraded and threatened by agricultural expansion and urbanization. We wondered if methods similar to those developed to establish fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations might also work to enhance survival and growth of rainforest species on degraded pastures composed of highly competitive C(4) grasses. An 8-factor experiment was laid out to contrast the value of different intensities of cultivation, application of fertilizer and weed control on the growth and survival of a mixture of 20 rainforest species planted at two densities: 3 m x 1 m, and 3 m x 2 m. Intensive management increased seedling survival from 90% to 98%, stemwood production and leaf area index (LAI) by similar to 4-fold, and stemwood production per unit of light absorbed by 30%. Annual growth in stem biomass was closely related to LAI alone (r(2) = 0.93, p < 0.0001), and the regression improved further in combination with canopy nitrogen content (r(2) =0.99, p < 0.0001). Intensive management resulted in a nearly closed forest canopy in less than 4 years, and offers a practical means to establish functional forests on abandoned agricultural land. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Eucalyptus is the dominant and most productive planted forest in Brazil, covering around 3.4 million ha for the production of charcoal, pulp, sawtimber, timber plates, wood foils, plywood and for building purposes. At the early establishment of the forest plantations, during the second half of the 1960s, the eucalypt yield was 10 m(3) ha(-1) y(-1). Now, as a result of investments in research and technology, the average productivity is 38 m3 ha(-1) y(-1). The productivity restrictions are related to the following environmental factors, in order of importance: water deficits > nutrient deficiency > soil depth and strength. The clonal forests have been fundamental in sites with larger water and nutrient restrictions, where they out-perform those established from traditional seed-based planting stock. When the environmental limitations are small the productivities of plantations based on clones or seeds appear to be similar. In the long term there are risks to sustainability, because of the low fertility and low reserves of primary minerals in the soils, which are, commonly, loamy and clayey oxisols and ultisols. Usually, a decline of soil quality is caused by management that does not conserve soil and site resources, damages soil physical and chemical characteristics, and insufficient or unbalanced fertiliser management. The problem is more serious when fast-growing genotypes are planted, which have a high nutrient demand and uptake capacity, and therefore high nutrient output through harvesting. The need to mobilise less soil by providing more cover and protection, reduce the nutrient and organic matter losses, preserve crucial physical properties as permeability ( root growth, infiltration and aeration), improve weed control and reduce costs has led to a progressive increase in the use of minimum cultivation practices during the last 20 years, which has been accepted as a good alternative to keep or increase site quality in the long term. In this paper we provide a synthesis and critical appraisal of the research results and practical implications of early silvicultural management on long-term site productivity of fast-growing eucalypt plantations arising from the Brazilian context.
Nicandra physaloides, a common weed in South America, was found to be infected by an isolate of Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV), a bipartite begomovirus. The plants developed severe yellow rugose mosaic and were collected in So Paulo State, Brazil. This isolate of ToSRV was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci B biotype from infected plants of N. physaloides to healthy plants of N. physaloides and tomato in a glasshouse. This is the first report of natural infection of N. physaloides by ToSRV in Brazil.
The diversity of endophytic filamentous fungi from leaves of transgenic imidazolinone-tolerant sugarcane plants and its isoline was evaluated by cultivation followed by amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) of randomly selected strains. Transgenic and non-transgenic cultivars and their crop management (herbicide application or manual weed control) were used to assess the possible non-target effects of genetically modified sugarcane on the fungal endophytic community. A total of 14 ARDRA haplotypes were identified in the endophytic community of sugarcane. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing revealed a rich community represented by 12 different families from the Ascomycota phylum. Some isolates had a high sequence similarity with genera that are common endophytes in tropical climates, such as Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Guignardia, Pestalotiopsis and Xylaria. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that fluctuations in fungal population were related to both transgenic plants and herbicide application. While herbicide applications quickly induced transient changes in the fungal community, transgenic plants induced slower changes that were maintained over time. These results represent the first draft on composition of endophytic filamentous fungi associated with sugarcane plants. They are an important step in understanding the possible effects of transgenic plants and their crop management on the fungal endophytic community.
Glyphosate is a wide spectrum, non-selective, post-emergence herbicide. It acts on the shikimic acid pathway inhibiting 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), thus obstructing the synthesis of tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine and other secondary products, leading to plant death. Transgenic glyphosate-resistant (GR) soybean [Glycine max (L.)] expressing an glyphosate-insensitive EPSPS enzyme has provided new opportunities for weed control in soybean production. The effect of glyphosate application on chlorophyll level, lipid peroxidation, catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GOPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, soluble amino acid levels and protein profile, in leaves and roots, was examined in two conventional (non-GR) and two transgenic (GR) soybean. Glyphosate treatment had no significant impact on lipid peroxidation, whilst the chlorophyll content decreased in only one non-GR cultivar. However, there was a significant increase in the levels of soluble amino acid in roots and leaves, more so in non-GR than in GR soybean cultivars. Root CAT activity increased in non-GR cultivars and was not altered in GR cultivars. In leaves, CAT activity was inhibited in one non-GR and one GR cultivar. GOPX activity increased in one GR cultivar and in both non-GR cultivars. Root APX activity increased in one GR cultivar. The soluble protein profiles as assessed by 1-D gel electrophoresis of selected non-GR and GR soybean lines were unaffected by glyphosate treatment. Neither was formation of new isoenzymes of SOD and CAT observed when these lines were treated by glyphosate. The slight oxidative stress generated by glyphosate has no relevance to plant mortality. The potential antioxidant action of soluble amino acids may be responsible for the lack of lipid peroxidation observed. CAT activity in the roots and soluble amino acids in the leaves can be used as indicators of glyphosate resistance.
Diagnosing herbicide-resistant weed populations is the first step for herbicide resistance management. Monitoring the nature, distribution, and abundance of the resistant plants in fields demands efficient and effective screening tests. Different glyphosate resistant populations of Lolium multiflorum (VA) and L. rigidum (C) were used in assays for testing their effectiveness to detect herbicide resistance. According to a Petri dish bioassay 7 days after treatment (DAT), the VA and the C populations were 27 and 31 times more resistant to glyphosate than the susceptible populations, L. multiflorum (SM) and L. rigidum (SR), respectively. On a whole-plant bioassay (21 DAT), the VA and the C populations were 6 and 11 times more resistant to glyphosate than their respective susceptible populations. The susceptible populations accumulated 2.5 and 1.4-fold more shikimic acid 48 hours after treatment (HAT), than the resistant VA and C. Glyphosate gradually inhibited net photosynthesis in all populations but at 48-72 HAT the resistant plants recovered, whereas no recovery was detected in susceptible populations. All assays were capable of detecting the resistant populations and this may be useful for farmers and consultants as an effective tool to reduce the spread of the resistant populations through quicker implementation of alternative weed management practices. However, they differed in time, costs and equipments necessaries for successfully carrying on the tests. Regarding costs, the cheapest ones were Petri dish and whole-plant bioassays, but they are time-consuming methods as the major constraints are the collection of seeds from the field and at least some weeks to evaluate the resistance. The shikimic acid and net photosynthesis assays were the quickest ones but they demand sophisticated equipments which could restrict its use.
Sourgrass is a perennial weed infesting annual and perennial crops in Brazil. Three biotypes (R1, R2, and R3) of sourgrass suspected to be glyphosate-resistant (R) and another one (S) from a natural area without glyphosate application, in Brazil, were tested for resistance to glyphosate based on screening, dose-response, and shikimic acid assays. Both screening and dose-response assays confirmed glyphosate resistance in the three sourgrass biotypes. Dose-response assay indicated a resistance factor of 2.3 for biotype RI and 3.9 for biotypes R2 and R3. The hypothesis of a glyphosate resistance was corroborated on the basis of shikimic acid accumulation, where the S biotype accumulated 3.3, 5.0, and 5.7 times more shikimic acid than biotypes R1, R2, and R3, respectively, 168 h after treatment with 157.50 g ae ha(-1) of glyphosate. There were no differences in contact angle of spray droplets on leaves and spray retention, indicating that differential capture of herbicide by leaves was not responsible for resistance in these biotypes. The results confirmed resistance of sourgrass to glyphosate in Brazil.