19 resultados para water-rock interaction

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Anomalous and natural concentrations of Cr(6+), occasionally exceeding the permitted limit for human consumption (0.05 mg/L), have been detected in groundwater in the northwestern region of the state of Sao Paulo. As part of a water-rock interaction investigation, this article describes the chemical and mineralogical characterization of rock samples taken from boreholes in the municipality of Urania, with the objective of identifying Cr-bearing minerals and determining how chromium is associated with these minerals. Rock sample analysis were performed using X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, electron microprobe and sequential extraction techniques. Chemical analyses indicated that the quartzose sandstones show a geochemical anomaly of chromium, with an average content of 221 ppm, which is higher than the reported chromium content of generic sandstones (35 ppm). Diopside was identified as the primary Cr-bearing mineral potentially subject to weathering processes, with a chromium content of up to 1.2% as Cr(2)O(3). Many of the diopside grains showed dissolution features, confirming the occurrence of weathering. Sequential extraction experiments indicated that 99.3% of the chromium in samples is tightly bonded to minerals, whereas 0.24% is weakly bonded via adsorption. Assuming hypothetically that all adsorbed chromium is released via desorption, the theoretical Cr concentration in water would be one order of magnitude higher than the concentrations of Cr(6+) detected in groundwater. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electronic polarization of the acetone molecule in the excited n -> pi* state is considered and its influence on the solvent shift in the emission spectrum is analyzed. Using an iterative procedure the electronic polarizations of both the ground and the excited states are included and compared with previous results obtained with Car-Parrinello dynamics. Analysis of the emission transition obtained using CIS(D)/aug-cc-pVDZ on statistically uncorrelated solute-solvent structures, composed of acetone and twelve explicit water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of remaining 263 water molecules, corroborates that the solvent effect is mild, calculated here between 80 and 380 cm (1). (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Monte Carlo simulation and quantum mechanics calculations based on the INDO/CIS and TD-DFT methods were utilized to study the solvatochromic shift of benzophenone when changing the environment from normal water to supercritical (P = 340.2 atm and T = 673 K) condition. Solute polarization increases the dipole moment of benzophenone, compared to gas phase, by 88 and 35% in normal and supercritical conditions, giving the in-solvent dipole value of 5.8 and 4.2 D, respectively. The average number of solute-solvent hydrogen bonds was analyzed, and a large decrease of 2.3 in normal water to only 0.8 in the supercritical environment was found. By using these polarized models of benzophenone in the two different conditions of water, we performed MC simulations to generate statistically uncorrelated configurations of the solute surrounded by the solvent molecules and subsequent quantum mechanics calculations on these configurations. When changing from normal to supercritical water environment, INDO/CIS calculations explicitly considering all valence electrons of the 235 solvent water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1425 cm(-1) for the most intense transition of benzophenone, that is, slightly underestimated in comparison with the experimentally inferred result of 1700 cm(-1). TD-B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) calculations on the same configurations but with benzophenone electrostatically embedded in the 320 water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1715 cm(-1) for this transition, in very good agreement with the experimental result. When using the unpolarized model of the benzophenone, this calculated solvatochromic shift was only 640 cm(-1). Additional calculations were also made by using BHandHLYP/6-311+G(2d,p) to analyze the effect of the asymptotic decay of the exchange functional. This study indicates that, contrary to the general expectation, there is a sizable solute polarization even in the low-density regime of supercritical condition and that the inclusion of this polarization is important for a reliable description of the spectral shifts considered here.


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The Barra do Itapirapua ( BIT) carbonatites in southern Brazil belong to the final stages of the Early Cretaceous alkaline rock - carbonatite magmatism of the Ponta Grossa Arch Province. The BIT complex is a dyke and vein stockwork in which four main carbonatitic phases are recognized, mainly magnesiocarbonatites and ferrocarbonatites. These carbonatites are generally overprinted by pervasive hydrothermal events. The C-O stable isotopic data indicate re-equilibration under hydrothermal conditions at temperatures between 375 and 80 degrees C. Significant amounts of REE fluorocarbonate minerals, relatively Sr- and Th-rich, were deposited. Syntaxy between synchysite-(Ce) and parisite-(Ce) is very common owing to the similarity in structures, with alternating (001) layers of (CeF), (CO3) and (Ca). However, bastnasite-(Ce) occurs as individual crystals, overgrown by the synchysite and parisite polycrystals. Textural and chemical reactions between the REE fluorocarbonates provide insights into the mobility of rare-earth elements during fluid-rock interaction. The BIT complex is considered to be of potential economic interest for production of the rare-earth concentrates.


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In the surroundings of Caldas and El Retiro cities (Colombia) metamorphic rocks derived from basic and pelitic protoliths comprise the Caldas amphibole schist and the Ancon schist respectively. Subordinated metamorphosed granite bodies (La Miel gneiss) are associated to these units, and The El Retiro amphibolites, migmatites and granulites crops out eastwards of these units, separated by shear zones. The Caldas amphibole schist and the Ancon schist protoliths could have been formed in a distal marine reduced environment and amalgamated to the South American continent in an apparent Triassic subduction event. The El Retiro rocks are akin to a continental basement and possible include impure metasediments of continental margin, whose metamorphism originated granulite facies rocks and migmatites as a result of the anatexis of quartz-feldspathic rocks. The metamorphism was accompanied by intense deformation, which has juxtaposed both migmatites and granulite blocks. Afterward, heat and fluid circulation associated with the emplacement of minor igneous intrusions resulted in intense fluid-rock interaction, variations in the grain size of the minerals and, especially, intense retrograde metamorphic re-equilibrium. Thermobarometric estimations for the Caldas amphibole schist indicate metamorphism in the Barrovian amphibolite fades. The metamorphic path is counter-clockwise, but retrograde evolution could not be precisely defined. The pressures of the metamorphism in these rocks range from 6.3 to 13.5 kbar, with narrow temperature ranging from 550 to 630 degrees C. For the Ancon schist metapelites the P-T path is also counter-clockwise, with a temperature increase evidenced by the occurrence of sillimanite and the cooling by later kyanite. The progressive metamorphism event occurred at pressures of 7.6-7.2 kbar and temperatures of 645-635 degrees C for one sample and temperature between 500 and 600 degrees C under constant pressure of 6 kbar. The temperature estimated for these rocks varies between 400 and 555 degrees C at pressures of 5-6 kbar in the retrograde metamorphic path. The El Retiro rocks evidence strong decompression with narrow variation in temperature, showing pressure values between 8.7 and 2.7 kbar at temperatures of 740-633 degrees C. These metamorphic fragments of the basement in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes could represent a close relationship with an antique subduction zone. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The antiparasitic property of peptides is believed to be associated with their interactions with the protozoan membrane, which calls for research on the identification of membrane sites capable of peptide binding. In this study we investigated the interaction of a lipophilicglutathioine peptide known to be effective against the African Sleeping Sickness (ASS - African Trypanosomiasis) and cell membrane models represented by Langmuir monolayers. It is shown that even small amounts of the peptide affect the monolayers of some phospholipids and other lipids, which points to a significant interaction. The latter did not depend on the electrical charge of the monolayer-forming molecules but the peptide action was particularly distinctive for cholesterol + sphingomyelin monolayers that roughly resemble rafts on a cell membrane. Using in situ polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), we found that the orientation of the peptide is affected by the phospholipids and dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB), but not in monolayers comprising cholesterol + sphingomyelin. In this mixed monolayer resembling rafts, the peptide still interacts and has some induced order, probably because the peptide molecules are fitted together into a compact monolayer. Therefore, the lipid composition of the monolayer modulates the interaction with the lipophilic glutathioine peptide, and this may have important implications in understanding how the peptide acts on specific sites of the protozoan membrane. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a new theoretical mechanism is presented in which equatorial Rossby and inertio-gravity wave modes may interact with each other through resonance with the diurnal cycle of tropical deep convection. We have adopted the two-layer incompressible equatorial primitive equations forced by a parametric heating that roughly represents deep convection activity in the tropical atmosphere. The heat source was parametrized in the simplest way according to the hypothesis that it is proportional to the lower-troposphere moisture convergence, with the background moisture state function mimicking the structure of the ITCZ. In this context, we have investigated the possibility of resonant interaction between equatorially trapped Rossby and inertio-gravity modes through the diurnal cycle of the background moisture state function. The reduced dynamics of a single resonant duo shows that when this diurnal variation is considered, a Rossby wave mode can undergo significant amplitude modulations when interacting with an inertio-gravity wave mode, which is not possible in the context of the resonant triad non-linear interaction. Therefore, the results suggest that the diurnal variation of the ITCZ can be a possible dynamical mechanism that leads the Rossby waves to be significantly affected by high frequency modes.


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Triggered seismicity is commonly associated with deep water reservoirs or injection wells where water is injected at high pressure into the reservoir rock. However, earth tremors related solely to the opening of groundwater wells are extremely rare. Here we present a clear case of seismicity induced by pore-pressure changes following the drilling of water wells that exploit a confined aquifer in the intracratonic Parana Basin of southeastern Brazil. Since 2004, shallow seismic activity, with magnitudes up to 2.9 and intensities V MM, has been observed near deep wells (120-200 m) that were drilled in early 2003 near the town of Bebedouro. The wells were drilled for irrigation purposes, cross a sandstone layer about 60-80 m thick and extract water from a confined aquifer in fractured zones between basalt flow layers. Seismic activity, mainly event swarms, has occurred yearly since 2004, mostly during the rainy season when the wells are not pumped. During the dry season when the wells are pumped almost continuously, the activity is very low. A seismographic network, installed in March 2005, has located more than 2000 microearthquakes. The events are less than 1 km deep (mostly within the 0.5 km thick basalt layer) and cover an area roughly 1.5 km x 5 km across. The seismicity generally starts in a small area and expands to larger distances with an equivalent hydraulic diffusivity ranging from 0.06 to 0.6 m(2)/s. Geophysical and geothermal logging of several wells in the area showed that water from the shallow sandstone aquifer enters the well at the top and usually forms waterfalls. The waterfalls flow down the sides of the wells and feed the confined, fractured aquifer in the basalt layer at the bottom. Two seismic areas are observed: the main area surrounds several wells that are pumped continuously during the dry season, and a second area near another well (about 10 km from the first area) that is not used for irrigation and not pumped regularly. The main area displays cyclic annual activity, but the second area does not. We explain the earthquake swarms as being triggered by pore pressure diffusion in the fractured basalt layer due to additional pressure from the newly connected surface aquifer. This reaches critically prestressed areas up to a few kilometers away from the wells. During periods of continuous pumping, the reduction of pore pressure in the confined aquifer stops the seismic activity. Our study suggests that this kind of activity may be more common than previously thought and implies that many other cases of small tremors associated with the drilling of water wells may have gone unnoticed.


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Electronic properties of a methane-water solution were investigated by a sequential quantum mechanical/molecular dynamics approach. Upon hydration methane acquires an induced dipole moment of similar to 0.5 +/- 0.2 D. This is related to polarisation effects and to weak methane-water hydrogen bond interactions. From gas phase to solution, the first vertical excitation and ionisation energies of methane are red-shifted by 0.45 +/- 0.25 and 0.87 +/- 0.40 eV, respectively. We also report results for the dynamic polarisability of methane in water. In comparison with water, no difference was found for the average monomeric dipole moment of water molecules in close interaction with methane. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Zwitterionic peptides with trypanocidal activity are promising lead compounds for the treatment of African Sleeping Sickness, and have motivated research into the design of compounds capable of disrupting the protozoan membrane. In this study, we use the Langmuir monolayer technique to investigate the surface properties of an antiparasitic peptide, namely S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glutathione di-2-propyl ester, and its interaction with a model membrane comprising a phospholipid monolayer. The drug formed stable Langmuir monolayers. whose main feature was a phase transition accompanied by a negative surface elasticity. This was attributed to aggregation upon compression due to intermolecular bond associations of the molecules, inferred from surface pressure and surface potential isotherms. Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) images, infrared spectroscopy and dynamic elasticity measurements. When co-spread with dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC). the drug affected both the surface pressure and the monolayer morphology, even at high surface pressures and with low amounts of the drug. The results were interpreted by assuming a repulsive, cooperative interaction between the drug and DPPC molecules. Such repulsive interaction and the large changes in fluidity arising from drug aggregation may be related to the disruption of the membrane, which is key for the parasite killing property. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of natural substances in health applications may be hampered by the difficulties in establishing the mechanisms of action, especially at molecular-level. The protein-polysaccharide complex extracted from the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill, referred to as CAb, has been considered for treating various diseases with probable interaction with cell membranes. In this study, we investigate the interaction between CAb and a cell membrane model represented by a Langmuir monolayer of dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA). CAb affects the structural properties of DMPA monolayers causing expansion and increasing compressibility. In addition, interaction with DMPA polar heads led to neutralization of the electrical double layer, yielding a zero surface potential at large areas per molecule. CAb remained at the interface even at high surface pressures, which allowed transfer of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films onto solid supports with the CAb-DMPA mixture. The mass transferred, according to quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, increased linearly with the number of deposited layers. With UV-vis absorption, fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopies, we confirmed that the LB films contain polysaccharides, proteins and DMPA. Therefore, the CAb biological action must be attributed not only to polysaccharides but also to proteins in the complex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The method employed to incorporate guest molecules onto phospholipid Langmuir monolayers plays an important role in the interaction between the monolayer and the guest molecules. In this paper, we show that for the interaction between horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and a monolayer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) does depend on the method of HRP incorporation. The surface pressure isotherms of the mixed DPPG/HRP monolayers, for instance, were less expanded when the two materials were co-spread than in the case where HRP was injected into the subphase. Therefore, the method for incorporation affected not only the penetration of HRP but also the changes in molecular packing caused to the DPPG monolayer. With experiments with the monolayer on a pendant drop, we observed that the incorporation of HRP affects the dynamic elasticity of the DPPG monolayer, on a way that varies with the surface pressure. At low pressures, HRP causes the monolayer to be more rigid, while the converse is true for surface pressures above 8 mN/m. Taken all the results together, we conclude that HRP is more efficiently incorporated if injected into the subphase on which a DPPG monolayer had been spread and that the interaction between HRP and DPPG is maintained even at high surface pressures. This is promising for the possible transfer of mixed films onto solid substrates and for applications in biosensors and drug delivery systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The capability of self-assembly and molecular recognition of biomolecules is essential for many nanotechnological applications, as in the use of alkyl-modified nucleosides and oligonucleotides to increase the cellular uptake of DNA and RNA. In this study, we show that a lipophilic nucleoside, which is an isomer mixture of 2`-palmitoyluridin und 3`-palmitoyluridin, forms Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films as a typical amphiphile, though with a smaller elasticity. The nucleoside may be incorporated into dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) monolayers that serve as a simplified cell membrane model. The molecular-level interactions between the nucleoside and DPPC led to a remarkable condensation of the mixed monolayer, which affected both surface pressure and surface potential isotherms. The morphology of the mixed monolayers was dominated by the small domains of the nucleoside. The mixed monolayers could be deposited onto solid substrates as a one-layer Langmuir Blodgett film that displayed UV-vis absorption spectra typical of aggregated nucleosides owing to the interaction between the nucleoside and DPPC. The formation of solid films with DNA building blocks in the polar heads may open the way for devices and sensors be produced to exploit their molecular recognition properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Patino Formation sandstones, which crop out in Aregua neighborhood in Eastern Paraguay and show columnar joints near the contact zone with a nephelinite dyke, have as their main characteristics the high proportion of syntaxial quartz overgrowth and a porosity originated from different processes, initially by dissolution and later by partial filling and fracturing. Features like the presence of floating grains in the syntaxial cement, the transitional interpenetrative contact between the silica-rich cement and grains as well as the intense fracture porosity are strong indications that the cement has been formed by dissolution and reprecipitation of quartz from the framework under the effect of thermal expansion followed by rapid contraction. The increase of the silica-rich cement towards the dyke in association with the orthogonal disposition of the columns relative to dyke walls are indicative that the igneous body may represent the main heat source for the interstitial aqueous solutions previously existing in the sediments. At macroscopic scale, the increasing of internal tensions in the sandstones is responsible for the nucleation of polygons, leading to the individualization of prisms, which are interconnected by a system of joints, formed firstly on isotherm surfaces of low temperature and later on successive adjacent planes towards the dyke heat source.


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Understanding the behavior of petroleum films at the air/water interface is crucial for dealing with oil sticks and reducing the damages to the environment, which has normally been attempted with studies of Langmuir films made of fractions of petroleum. However, the properties of films from whole petroleum samples may differ considerably from those of individual fractions, Using surface pressure and surface potential measurements and Brewster angle and fluorescence microscopy, we show that petroleum forms it nonhomogeneous Langmuir film at the air-water interface. The surface pressure isotherms for petroleum Langmuir films exhibit gas (G), liquid-expanded (LE), and liquid-condensed phases, with almost no hysteresis in the compression-decompression cycles. Domains formed upon compression from the G to the LE phase were accompanied by an increase in fluorescence intensity with excitation at 400-440 nm owing to an increase in the surface density of the chromophores in the petroleum film. The surface pressure and the fluorescence microscopy data pointed to self-assembling domains into a pseudophase in thermo-dynamic equilibrium with other less emitting petroleum components. This hypothesis was supported by Brewster angle microscopy images, whereby the appearance of water domains even at high surface pressures confirms the tendency of petroleum to stabilize emulsion systems. The results presented here suggest that, for understanding the interaction with water, it may be more appropriate to use the whole petroleum samples rather than its fractions.