23 resultados para traction

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In the first part some information and characterisation about an AC distribution network that feeds traction substations and their possible influences on the DC traction load flow are presented. Those influences are investigated and mathematically modelled. To corroborate the mathematical model, an example is presented and their results are confronted with real measurements.


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A technique to calculate the current waveform for both close-up and remote short-circuit faults on DC supplied railways and subways is presented. Exact DC short-circuit current calculation is best performed by sophisticated computer transient simulations. However, an accurate simplified calculation method based on second-order approximation which can be easily executed with the help of a calculator or a spreadsheet program is proposed.


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This case report describes the orthodontic treatment of a 32-year-old woman with a Class III malocclusion, whose chief compliant was her dentofacial esthetics. The pretreatment lateral cephalometric tracings showed the presence of a Class III dentoskeletal malocclusion with components of maxillary deficiency. After discussion with the patient, the treatment option included surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) followed by orthopedic protraction (Sky Hook) and Class III elastics. Patient compliance was excellent and satisfactory dentofacial esthetics was achieved after treatment completion.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição de tensões na resina em contato com os filetes de roscas de mini-implantes cilíndricos e cônicos, submetidos à carga lateral e torção de inserção. Um modelo fotoelástico foi confeccionado com gelatina transparente, para simular o osso alveolar. O modelo foi observado com um polariscópio plano e fotografado antes e após a ativação dos mini-implantes com força lateral e de inserção. A aplicação de cargas laterais provocou momentos fletores nos mini-implantes, aparecimento de franjas isocromáticas ao longo dos filetes do corpo dos mini-implantes e no ápice. Quando foi aplicado o torque de inserção, verificou-se a concentração de tensões próxima ao ápice. Concluiu-se que: (1) o mini-implante cilíndrico apresentou maior concentração de tensões no ápice, e (2) o mini-implante cônico apresentou maior concentração de tensões nos filetes de rosca apicais.


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Os cardiomiócitos são sustentados e inseridos em um esqueleto de tecido conjuntivo, este possui distribuição desigual de acordo com as propriedades das distintas regiões em que se encontra. O propósito deste estudo foi quantificar a proporção de tecido conjuntivo em relação à disposição de cardiomiócitos dos ventrículos direito e esquerdo e no septo interventricular do miocárdio de seis equinos subnutridos, adultos, sendo quatro machos e duas fêmeas, sem raça definida e utilizados para tração. Com auxílio de paquímetro eletrônico digital, avaliou-se a altura do ventrículo esquerdo, a largura do coração, assim como sua circunferência, as espessuras das paredes livres dos ventrículos e do septo interventricular. Os fragmentos relativos ao terço médio do septo interventricular e das paredes livres dos ventrículos foram submetidos à técnica histológica convencional. Os blocos foram cortados com espessura de 5µm e corados com Picrosirius Red, Tricromo de Gomori e Tricromo de Azan para evidenciação do tecido conjuntivo. As lâminas foram analisadas com uso do microscópio óptico digital acoplado ao programa de análise de imagens Image-Pro Plus®. A proporção média de tecido conjuntivo no ventrículo esquerdo foi de 6,1±3,7%, no septo interventricular foi obtida a média de 6,8±3,6% e no ventrículo direito a média foi de 6,1±3,1%. Ao aplicarmos teste H de Kruskal-Wallis, verificamos que ocorreu diferença estatística entre os diferentes corantes utilizados em relação às regiões avaliadas. No teste de correlação de Pearson, não foi encontrado padrão de correlação entre a espessura das regiões analisadas e a proporção de tecido conjuntivo.


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Transanal endorectal pull-through (TAEPT) surgery is primarily performed for rectosigmoid aganglionosis, generally with excellent results. There is evidence that overstretching the anus and tension traction in the sigmoid during the procedure could impair the final continence of the patient. Many researchers suggest the use of small umbilical or laparoscopic access to aid in colon mobilization, thus preventing excessive handling within the anal canal. We assumed that transabdominal mobilization of the sigmoid could be prevented by utilizing the NOTES (natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery) technique. We performed a TAEPT with NOTES access of the sigmoid vascular pedicle, keeping the surgery exclusively transanal, which prevented scars in the abdomen and minimized the stretching of perineal structures.


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Background and Purpose: The right kidney has been less frequently used in live donor nephrectomy, because of the shorter length of the right renal vein (RRV) that is associated with technical difficulties and higher rates of venous thrombosis. In live open donor or deceased donor transplant nephrectomy, an additional cuff of the inferior vena cava is usually removed, but this is a more difficult and risky maneuver in laparoscopic nephrectomy. For this reason, laparoscopic right nephrectomy (LRN) for renal transplantation (RT) is not frequently performed in most medical institutions. We evaluate the difference between RRV and left renal vein (LRV) lengths in cadavers, as harvested for RT by three clamping methods. Our objective was to obtain information that could clarify when LRN for RT should be encouraged or avoided with regard to conventional surgery. Materials and Methods: Ninety adult fresh unfrozen cadavers were randomly divided into three groups of 30, according to the clamping device used: Satinsky, stapler, and Hem-o-lok clip. The abdominal viscera were removed through a median xyphopubic incision, and the veins were measured on the bench. Two lateral limits were used: The renal hilum and the tangential line of the renal poles. As for medial limits, the inferior vena cava or the laparoscopic clipping device on the RRV were used on the right side, while on the LRV, the medial border of the emergence of the adrenal vein was considered. After section of the renal vein, a slight traction of the extremity was applied for the measurement. All measurements were obtained three times using a metallic millimetric ruler, and the arithmetic mean was considered. The chi-square, one-way analysis of variance, and paired t tests were used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was accepted at P <= 0.05. Results: The groups of cadavers were homogeneous in demographic characteristics. Regardless of the clamping method and considering the useful length of the LRV, the RRV was statistically smaller. The evaluation of the vein length did not depend on the lateral limit considered. Independent of the clamping method, on both sides, the lengths after the vein section were larger than before the section, a fact attributed to traction. Use of a stapler and a single Hem-o-lok presented the same waste of vein length on the right side. On average, the RRV was 13.7% shorter than the LRV. Conclusions: With the wide acceptance of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy, the length difference between the veins of both kidneys is an important issue, and the right kidney is therefore used less than the left, compared with conventional surgery. This article represents the first step to quantify the anatomic length of renal veins in different situations. Certainly, more imagenologic or surgical studies should be carried out before decisions can be made for better selection of patients for LRN.


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OBJECTIVE: Phrenic nerve transfer has been used for treating lesions of the brachial plexus since 1970. Although, today, surgeons are more experienced with the technique, there are still widespread concerns about its effects on pulmonary function. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this procedure. METHODS: Fourteen patients with complete palsy of the upper limb were submitted to phrenic nerve transfer as part of a strategy for surgical reconstruction of their plexuses. Two patients were lost to follow-up, and 2 patients were followed for less than 2 years. Of the remaining 10 patients, 9 (90%) were male. The lesions affected both sides equally. The mean age of the patients was 24.8 years (range, 14-43 years), and the mean interval from injury to surgery was 6 months (range, 3-9 months). The phrenic nerve was always transferred to the musculocutaneous nerve, and a nerve graft (mean length, 8 cm; range, 4.5-12 cm) was necessary in all cases. RESULTS: There was no major complication related to the surgery. Seven patients (70%) recovered functional level biceps strength (Medical Research Council grade >= 3). All of the patients exhibited a transient decrease in pulmonary function tests, but without clinical respiratory problems. CONCLUSION: On the basis of our small series and data from the literature, we conclude that phrenic nerve transfer in well-selected patients is a safe and effective procedure for recovering biceps function.


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Purpose: To evaluate the changes over time in the pattern and extent of parenchymal abnormalities in asbestos-exposed workers after cessation of exposure and to compare 3 proposed semiquantitative methods with a careful side-by-side comparison of the initial and the follow-Lip computed tomography (CT) images. Materials and Methods: The study included 52 male asbestos workers (mean age SD, 62.2y +/- 8.2) who had baseline high-resolution CT after cessation of exposure and follow-up CT 3 to 5 years later. Two independent thoracic radiologists quantified the findings according to the scoring systems proposed by Huuskonen, Gamsu, and Sette and then did a side-by-side comparison of the 2 sets of scans without awareness of the dates of the CT scans. Results: There was no difference in the prevalence of the 2 most common parenchymal abnormalities (centrilobular small dotlike or branching opacities and interstitial lines) between the initial and follow-up CT scans. Honeycombing (20%) and traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis (50%) were seen more commonly on the follow-up CT than on the initial examination (10% and 33%, respectively) (P = 0.01). Increased extent of parenchymal abnormalities was evident on side-by-side comparison in 42 (81%) patients but resulted in an increase in score in at least 1 semiquantitative system in only 16 (31%) patients (all P > 0.01, signed test). Conclusions: The majority of patients with previous asbestos exposure show evidence of progression of disease on CT at 3 to 5 years follow-up but this progression is usually not detected by the 3 proposed semiquantitative scoring schemes.


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Background: Surgical treatment of lower extremity fractures commonly involves the use of orthopedic table with perineal post for countertraction. However, prolonged application of the perineal post has been associated with significant complications. We describe our experience in the management of genitoperineal cutaneous injuries associated with the use of a traction table. Methods: Six patients with genitoperineal complications attributed to the use of a traction table were treated at our institution over a period of 2 years. The patient`s median age was 25 (range, 2028) years and all had fractures caused by motor vehicle collision. We evaluated the clinical presentation of these perineal injuries, operative time, therapeutic approach, clinical outcomes, and hospitalization time. Results. The mean operative time of the orthopedic surgery was 318 minutes 128 minutes (range, 185-540). All patients developed a partial-thickness necrotic area involving the perineum and scrotum in 2 days to 15 days (mean, 7 +/- 5.4) after the surgery. Three patients developed infection of the necrotic tissue. All patients underwent surgical debridement 16.5 days +/- 6.5 days (range, 13-29) after the orthopedic surgery and only one debridement procedure was nec-sure was possible in one case, and in the other cases the wound healed completely by second intention. The mean hospitalization time was 26.3 days +/- 9.7 days (range, 19-44). conclusion: Genitoperineal skin necrosis induced by perineal traction posttable is a morbid complication that demands surgical debridement and prolonged hospitalization for your treatment. There are many procedures available to reduce the risk of this complication that should be used more liberally by the orthopedic surgeons.


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Background: Enucleation of small lesions located near the hepatic surface can be achieved with low morbidity and mortality. This article describes a simple laparoscopic technique for enucleation of liver tumors. Methods: After inspection and intraoperative ultrasonography, Glisson`s capsule is marked with eletrocautery 2 cm away from the tumor margin. Ultrasonography is used to ascertain surgical margin right before liver transection. Hemihepatic ischemia is applied and marked area is anchored by stitches. The suture is held together by metallic clips and upward traction is performed, facilitating the transection of the parenchyma and correct identification of vascular and biliary structures. Results: This technique has been successfully employed in six consecutive patients. There were four men and two women, mean age 50.3 years. Four patients underwent liver resection for malignant disease and two for benign liver neoplasm. Pathologic surgical margins were free in all cases and mean hospital stay was 2 days. No postoperative mortality was observed. Conclusion: This technique may facilitate laparoscopic nonanatomical liver resection and reduce risk of positive surgical margins. It is also useful in combination with anatomical laparoscopic liver resections such as right or left hemihepatectomies in patients with bilateral liver tumors as occurred in one of our patients.


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Objective: Experimental study idealized to investigate the mechanical properties of deep flexor tendons of rabbits that underwent the tenotomy followed by tenorrhaphy and early application of therapeutic ultrasound with different intensities, in comparison to tendons submitted to tenorrhaphy only. Material and Method: Forty-four rabbits were divided into four experimental groups according to the ultrasound application. They were all submitted to a section of deep flexor tendon in zone 2 and immobilized with an orthosis maintained throughout the experiment. Group A received ultrasonic treatment with an intensity of 1.4 W/cm(2), group B with 0.6 W/cm(2), both in continuous mode, group C with 0.6 W/cm(2) SATA, in pulsated mode at 50% and group D did not receive any ultrasonic treatment. The ultrasonic frequency employed was 1 MHz. After euthanasia, the tendons were dissected and submitted to the mechanical test of traction and qualitative histological analysis. The evaluated mechanical properties were: maximum force, deformation in maximum force and stiffness. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. Conclusion: Therapeutic ultrasound did not improve the mechanical properties of the flexor tendons after repair.


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Introduction: Mechanical properties (MP) are clinically applicable tools for healthcare professionals working on the musculoskeletal system. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate two protocols of neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMES) to improve MP regeneration of the myotendinous complex after segment immobilization in female rats. Materials and Methods: Fifty animals were equally distributed into five groups: Control (CG, n=10); Immobilized (IG, n=10); Immobilized and freely remobilized (IFG, n=10); Immobilized and NMES once/day (IEG1, n=10); Immobilized and MNES twice/day (IEG2, n=10). Immobilization was kept for 14 days, and remobilization was subsequently released for 10 days. NMES was applied for 10 days, post-immobilization, every morning for 10 minutes to IEG1 animals and every morning and afternoon (total 20 minutes) to the IEG2 group. After these procedures, the gastrocnemius muscle was submitted to the mechanical traction assay to evaluate stiffness, resilience, load and stretching at maximum limit MPs. Results: Immobilization reduced the MP values concerning load and stiffness (p 0.05). Results for NMES applied twice a day were less satisfactory than the ones obtained with one application or in the remobilized group (p>0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that the gastrocnemius muscle became structurally better organized through a single NMES application and by remobilization.


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Because of the scarcity of information about the comparison of training to sedentarism beforehand immobilization and rehabilitation through muscle mechanical properties, the present work investigates this theme. Seventy rats were divided into 7 groups: 1-control (C); 2-trained (T); 3-sedentary (S); 4-trained and immobilized (TI); 5-sedentary and immobilized (SI); 6-trained, immobilized and rehabilitated (TIR); 7-sedentary, immobilized and rehabilitated (SIR). Interventions: Swimming training; Sedentarism (reduced size cages); Cast immobilization (pelvic limb) and water rehabilitation. Load at the limit of proportionality (LLP), maximum limit load (MLL) and stiffness (St) were the mechanical properties determined after a mechanical test of traction of the gastrocnemius. The training improved all mechanical properties when compared to sedentarism. After immobilization, LLP and MLL were reduced in TI and SI. However, there was no difference in St between C and TI. Additionally, TI showed improved MLL when compared to SI. The comparison of TI and TIR showed significant melioration in all properties after remobilization. SIR showed an improvement only in MLL when compared to SI. Significant melioration in LLP and St was observed in TIR compared to SIR. We demonstrated that the training before immobilization and rehabilitation had a positive effect on the muscle mechanical behavior compared to sedentarism. This analysis is of fundamental importance because it helps characterize the muscle tissue under different functional demands.


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Impaction of permanent teeth represents a clinical challenge with regard to diagnosis, treatment plan, and prognosis. There is a close relationship between deciduous teeth and permanent teeth germ, and any injury in the deciduous dentition may influence the permanent teeth eruption. The extent of the damage caused to the permanent teeth germ depends on the patient age at the time of injury, type of trauma, severity, and direction of the impact. Conventional radiographic images are frequently used for diagnosis; however, recent developments in three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems have enabled dentistry to visualize structural changes effectively, with better contrast and more details, close to the reality. The cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been used in the diagnosis and treatment plan of these impacted teeth. The purpose of the present case report is to describe a successful conservative management of a retained permanent maxillary lateral incisor with delayed root development after a trauma through the deciduous predecessor in a 9 year-old patient. After clinical and radiographic examination, a CBCT examination of the maxilla was requested to complement the diagnosis, providing an accurate 3D position of the retained tooth and its relationship to adjacent structures. The proposed treatment plan was the surgical exposure and orthodontic traction of the retained tooth. The lateral incisor spontaneously erupted after 6 months. Therefore, this case report suggests that permanent teeth with incomplete root formation have a great potential for spontaneous eruption because no tooth malposition or mechanical obstacles are observed.