61 resultados para tibial plato leveling osteotomy

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) is a relatively new and innovative surgical treatment for the cranial cruciate ligament rupture in the canine species. The real intent of the procedure is to provide functional stability to the stifle joint by eliminating or neutralizing the cranial tibial thrust during weight bearing instead to restore the cranial cruciate ligament function. The proposal of this study is to report a review of the TPLO procedure, emphasizing procedure, surgical technique, post operative care and complications. The TPLO procedure consists in a radial osteotomy in the tibial plato and rotation of the caudal plateau in order to obtain a desired angle, After the leveling of the tibial plateau, a bone plate and screws are used to stabilize the osteotomy until bone is healed up. The complications that have been associated with the procedure include tibial tuberosity fracture and patellar tendon tendinosis. This procedure has become increasingly more popular for surgical treatment of cranial cruciate ligament injuries in large breed dog. The long term clinical results have not been completely elucidated yet. It has been showed that this technique doesn`t halt the degenerative joint disease.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi reportar o planejamento cirúrgico, a técnica operatória, a instrumentação e os resultados da substituição completa do terço médio distal do fêmur, do platô tibial e da articulação do joelho por prótese em um cão acometido por osteossarcoma no fêmur esquerdo. A prótese foi confeccionada em aço, apresentando três componentes articulados, mantendo o movimento semelhante à articulação do joelho. As porções femorais e tibiais da prótese foram cimentadas aos respectivos ossos, após ostectomia do fêmur e do platô tibial. O animal foi submetido a seis sessões de quimioterapia, com doxorrubicina e carboplatina, intercaladas mensalmente, objetivando inibir o crescimento de possíveis metástases pulmonares. Durante os seis primeiros dias, o animal apresentou neuropraxia e impotência funcional do membro. Aos 10 dias, o cão iniciou leve apoio e aos 30 dias já utilizava o membro pélvico de forma mais efetiva, porém, o ângulo de extensão da articulação foi reduzido de 150° a 100° devido à contratura muscular e à fibrose na região da fossa poplítea. Após um ano de observação, não houve melhora do ângulo de extensão do joelho, porém, o animal fazia uso do membro com claudicação. Aos 425 dias de pós-operatório, o animal veio a óbito por insuficiência renal. Nesse tempo não ocorreram metástases pulmonares ou locais visíveis radiograficamente, mas o proprietário não permitiu a realização da necropsia do paciente, sendo impossível confirmar outros dados que pudessem esclarecer melhor a causa morte. Conclui-se que a substituição total do joelho de cão é uma cirurgia factível, que permite a preservação e a utilização do membro após ressecção da neoplasia, embora outras pesquisas devam ser conduzidas para obtenção de melhores resultados pós-cirúrgicos.


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This article reports the case of a 19-year-old young man with Class III malocclusion and posterior crossbite with concerns about temporomandibular disorder (TMD), esthetics and functional problems. Surgical-orthodontic treatment was carried out by decompensation of the mandibular incisors and segmentation of the maxilla in 4 pieces, which allowed expansion and advancement. Remission of the signs and symptoms occurred after surgical-orthodontic intervention. The maxillary dental arch presented normal transverse dimension. Satisfactory static and functional occlusion and esthetic results were achieved and remained stable. Three years after the surgical-orthodontic treatment, no TMD sign or symptom was observed and the occlusal results had not changed. When vertical or horizontal movements of the maxilla in the presence of moderate maxillary constriction are necessary, segmental LeFort I osteotomy can be an important part of treatment planning.


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The prosthetic rehabilitation of an atrophic mandible is usually unsatisfactory due to the lack of support tissues, mainly bone and keratinized mucosa for treatment with osseointegrated implants or even conventional prosthesis. The prosthetic instability leads to social and functional limitations and chronic physical trauma decreasing the patient's quality of life. A 53-year-old female patient sought care at our surgical service complaining of impairment of her masticatory function associated with the instability of the lower total prosthetic denture. The clinical and complementary exams revealed edentulism in both arches, while the mandibular arch presented severe reabsorption resulting in denture instability and chronic trauma to the oral mucosa. The proposed treatment plan consisted in the mandibular rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants and fixed Brånemark's protocol prosthesis after mandibular reconstruction applying the modified visor osteotomy technique. The proposed technique offered predictable results for reconstruction of the severely resorbed edentulous mandible and posterior rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.


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Background: Rotational osteotomy is frequently indicated to correct excessive femoral anteversion in cerebral palsy patients. Angled blade plate is the standard fixation device used when performed in the proximal femur, but extensile exposure is required for plate accommodation. The authors developed a short locked intramedullary nail to be applied percutaneously in the fixation of femoral rotational osteotomies in children with cerebral palsy and evaluated its mechanical properties. Methods: The study was divided into three stages. In the first part, a prototype was designed and made based on radiographic measurements of the femoral medullary canal of ten-year-old patients. In the second, synthetic femoral models based on rapid-prototyping of 3D reconstructed images of patients with cerebral palsy were obtained and were employed to adjust the nail prototype to the morphological changes observed in this disease. In the third, rotational osteotomies were simulated using synthetic femoral models stabilized by the nail and by the AO-ASIF fixed-angle blade plate. Mechanical testing was done comparing both devices in bending-compression and torsion. Results: The authors observed proper adaptation of the nail to normal and morphologically altered femoral models, and during the simulated osteotomies. Stiffness in bending-compression was significantly higher in the group fixed by the plate (388.97 +/- 57.25 N/mm) than in that fixed by the nail (268.26 +/- 38.51 N/mm) as torsional relative stiffness was significantly higher in the group fixed by the plate (1.07 +/- 0.36 Nm/degrees) than by the nail (0.35 +/- 0.13 Nm/degrees). Conclusions: Although the device presented adequate design and dimension to fit into the pediatric femur, mechanical tests indicated that the nail was less stable than the blade plate in bending-compression and torsion. This may be a beneficial property, and it can be attributed to the more flexible fixation found in intramedullary devices.


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Study design: Controlled clinical test. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of quadriceps and anterior tibial muscles electrical stimulation on the feet and ankles of patients with spinal cord injuries and to compare them with able-bodied individuals and a group of patients who did not undergo neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Setting: This study was conducted at the Hospital das Clinicas of Unicamp, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Between January and April 2008, 30 patients at the spinal cord injury ambulatory clinic who underwent NMES (group A) were submitted to a clinical and radiographic assessment of their feet and ankles and compared with a spinal cord injury group (group B) who did not undergo NMES and a group of able-bodied individuals (group C). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare all the three groups, and between-group differences (P < 0.05) were investigated with the Mann-Whitney test. Results: The mean mobility of the midfoot and ankle subtalar joint was significantly higher in group C than in groups A and B. Differences in the mean measurements of the profiles of the talocalcaneal and the talus-first metatarsal angles were statistically significant for group A vs the other groups (P = 0.0020, 0.0024, respectively). Foot deformities were found in groups including claw toes and flat feet (group A) and grade I ulcers on the lateral malleolus and calcaneus (group B). Conclusion: Partial-load NMES maintains the feet and ankles in a planted and adequate walking position in patients with spinal cord injuries, a favorable result of new technologies that allows these patients to reacquire independent walking capacity. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 881-885; doi:10.1038/sc.2010.50; published online 18 May 2010


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A new species of eriophyoid mite, belonging in the genus Abacarus Keifer (Eriophyidae), causing damage to sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum L. (Poaceae), in Costa Rica is illustrated and described. Abacarus doctus n. sp. is the only eriophyoid species recorded so far with a tibial seta (l`) on the second pair of legs, an unexpected characteristic observed for the first time in the superfamily Eriophyoidea. Remarks on the phylogenetic and taxonomical aspects related to the presence of this seta are presented. Damage symptoms caused by this mite are presented as well as a key for Abacarus species described from sugarcane. In addition, the need to apply biosecurity procedures during sugarcane germplasm exchange to avoid dissemination of the new mite species is discussed.


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This study aimed to investigate bone responses to a novel bioactive fully crystallized glass-ceramic of the quaternary system P(2)O(5)-Na(2)O-CaO-SiO(2) (Biosilicates (R)). Although a previous study demonstrated positive effects of Biosilicate (R) on in vitro bone-like matrix formation, its in vivo effect was not studied yet. Male Wistar rats (n = 40) with tibial defects were used. Four experimental groups were designed to compare this novel biomaterial with a gold standard bioactive material (Bioglass (R) 45S5), unfilled defects and intact controls. A three-point bending test was performed 20 days after the surgical procedure, as well as the histomorphometric analysis in two regions of interest: cortical bone and medullary canal where the particulate biomaterial was implanted. The biomechanical test revealed a significant increase in the maximum load at failure and stiffness in the Biosilicate group (R) (vs. control defects), whose values were similar to uninjured bones. There were no differences in the cortical bone parameters in groups with bone defects, but a great deal of woven bone was present surrounding Biosilicate (R) and Bioglass (R) 45S5 particulate. Although both bioactive materials supported significant higher bone formation; Biosilicate (R) was superior to Bioglass (R) 45S5 in some histomorphometric parameters (bone volume and number of osteoblasts). Regarding bone resorption, Biosilicate (R) group showed significant higher number of osteoclasts per unit of tissue area than defect and intact controls, despite of the non-significant difference in the osteoclastic surface as percentage of bone surface. This study reveals that the fully crystallized Biosilicate (R) has good bone-forming and bone-bonding properties. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 978: 139-147, 2011.


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Objective. To assess the efficacy of medial-wedge insoles in valgus knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods. Thirty consecutive women with valgus-deformity knee OA a:8 degrees were randomized into 2 groups: medial insole (insoles with B-mm medial elevation at the rearfoot [n = 161) and neutral insole (similar insole without elevation [n = 14]). Both groups also wore ankle supports. A blinded examiner assessed pain on movement, at rest, and at night with a visual analog scale (VAS), the Lequesne index., and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis (WOMAC) Index. Femorotibial, talocalcaneal, and talar tilt angles were evaluated at baseline and after 8 weeks of insole use. Results. Significant reductions in the medial insole group were observed for pain on movement (mean +/- SD VAS pre- and postintervention 8.1 +/- 1.5 versus 1 4.2 +/- 2.4; P = 0.001), at rest (5.1 +/- 2.3 versus 2.7 +/- 2.4; P = 0.002), and at night (6.1 +/- 2.7 versus 3.1 +/- 2.1; P = 0.001). In addition, a decrease in Lequesne (14.7 +/- 3.4 versus 9.6 +/- 3.8; P = 0.001) and WOMAC scores (74.1 +/- 14.2 versus 56.1 +/- 14.9; P = 0.001) was observed for the medial insole group. In the neutral insole group, a significant reduction was observed only for night pain (mean SD VAS pre- and postintervention 5.8 +/- 2.4 versus 4.6 +/- 2.4; P = 0.019). An increase in femorotibial angle (169.0 +/- 3.4 versus 170.8 +/- 2.4; P = 0.019). An increase in femorotibial angle (169.0 +/- 3.4 versus 170.8 +/- 3.7; P = 0.001) occurred only in the medial 3.7; P = 0.001) occurred only in the medial insole group. Moreover, the difference in measured fernorotibial angles pre- and postintervention was 1.84 +/- 1.42 versus -0.18 +/- 0.67 (P < 0.001) for the medial and neutral insole groups. Conclusion. The use of medial-wedge insoles was highly effective in reducing pain at rest and on movement and promoted a functional improvement of valgus knee OA.


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Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have high platelet reactivity and are at increased risk of ischaemic events and bleeding post-acute coronary syndromes (ACS). In the PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial, ticagrelor reduced the primary composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke, but with similar rates of major bleeding compared with clopidogrel. We aimed to investigate the outcome with ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel in patients with DM or poor glycaemic control. We analysed patients with pre-existing DM (n = 4662), including 1036 patients on insulin, those without DM (n = 13 951), and subgroups based on admission levels of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c; n = 15 150). In patients with DM, the reduction in the primary composite endpoint (HR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.76-1.03), all-cause mortality (HR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.66-1.01), and stent thrombosis (HR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.36-1.17) with no increase in major bleeding (HR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.81-1.12) with ticagrelor was consistent with the overall cohort and without significant diabetes status-by-treatment interactions. There was no heterogeneity between patients with or without ongoing insulin treatment. Ticagrelor reduced the primary endpoint, all-cause mortality, and stent thrombosis in patients with HbA1c above the median (HR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.70-0.91; HR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.65-0.93; and HR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.39-1.00, respectively) with similar bleeding rates (HR: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.86-1.12). Ticagrelor, when compared with clopidogrel, reduced ischaemic events in ACS patients irrespective of diabetic status and glycaemic control, without an increase in major bleeding events.


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Ultrasonometry seems to have a future for the evaluation of fracture healing. Ultrasound propagation velocity (USPV) significantly decreases at the same time that bone diameter decreases as healing takes place, thus approaching normal values. In this investigation, both USPV and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) were measured using a model of a transverse mid-diaphyseal osteotomy of sheep tibiae. Twenty-one sheep were operated and divided into three groups of seven, according to the follow-up period of 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. The progress of healing of the osteotomy was checked with monthly conventional radiographs. The animals were killed at the end of the period of observation of each group, both operated-upon and intact tibiae being resected and submitted to the measurement of underwater transverse and direct contact transverse and longitudinal USPV and BUA at the osteotomy site. The intact left tibia of the 21 animals was used for control, being examined on a symmetrical diaphyseal segment. USPV increased while BUA decreased with the progression of healing, with significant differences between the operated and untouched tibiae and between the periods of observation, for most of the comparisons. There was a strong negative correlation between USPV and BUA. Both USPV and BUA directly reflect and can help predict the healing of fractures, but USPV alone can be used as a fundamental parameter. Ultrasonometry may be of use in clinical application to humans provided adequate adaptations can be developed. (C) 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 29:444-451, 2011


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Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (NA) is a rare vascular benign nonencapsulated neoplasm, characterized by local aggressiveness and destructive potential, typically diagnosed in adolescent males. We report a case of NA affecting a 15-year-old male that presented with a persistent nasal obstruction and epistaxis with 1 year of evolution. Clinical and radiological patterns pointed out a differential diagnosis of NA. Arteriography demonstrates the vascular support of the tumor and evinces the embolization of the internal maxillary artery. The surgical approach was procedure by Le Fort I osteotomy exposing the tumor and promoting easy access for posterior removal. The surgery was carried out without hemorrhagic problems. The maxilla was fixed in the original position with 4 L-shape plaques. Histopathological findings supported the diagnosis of NA. The patient presented after 8 months of postoperative follow-up, without clinical signs of recurrence or residual tumor and without palatal or maxillary teeth paresthesia.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy after using a 2.0 miniplate system. Nine adult mongrel dogs were subjected to unilateral continuous defect through an osteotomy between the mandibular 3rd and 4th premolars. Two four-hole miniplates were placed in accordance with the Arbeitgeimeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen Manual. Miniplates adapted to the alveolar processes were fixed monocortically with 6.0-mm-length titanium alloy self-tapping screws, whereas miniplates placed near the mandible bases were fixed bicortically. At 2, 6 and 12 weeks, three dogs were sacrificed per period, and the osteotomy sites were removed, divided into three thirds (Tension Third, TT; Intermediary Third, IT; Compression Third, CT) and prepared for conventional and polarized light microscopy. At 6 weeks, while the CT repaired faster and showed bone union by woven bone formation, the TT and IT exhibited a ligament-like fibrous connective tissue inserted in, and connecting, newly formed woven bone overlying the parent lamellar bone edges. At 12 weeks, bone repair took place at all thirds. Histometrically, proportions of newly formed bone did not alter at TT, IT and CT, whereas significantly enhanced bone formation was observed for the 12-week group, irrespective of the third. The results demonstrated that although the method used to stabilize the mandibular osteotomy allowed bone repair to occur, differences in the dynamics of bone healing may take place along the osteotomy site, depending on the action of tension and compression forces generated by masticatory muscles.


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Juvenile angiofibroma is a benign fibroangiomatous tumor of relatively rare occurrence, developing most frequently in male adolescents. It has local characteristics of aggressiveness and expansion. The treatment of choice is surgical excision. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of the surgical technique using the Le Fort I osteotomy are described, and the literature correlated with 2 case reports.


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Split-hand/foot malformation (SHFM) associated with aplasia of long bones, SHFLD syndrome or Tibial hemimelia-ectrodactyly syndrome is a rare condition with autosomal dominant inheritance, reduced penetrance and an incidence estimated to be about 1 in 1,000,000 liveborns. To date, three chromosomal regions have been reported as strong candidates for harboring SHFLD syndrome genes: 1q42.2-q43, 6q14.1 and 2q14.2. We characterized the phenotype of nine affected individuals from a large family with the aim of mapping the causative gene. Among the nine affected patients, four had only SHFM of the hands and no tibial defects, three had both defects and two had only unilateral tibial hemimelia. In keeping with previous publications of this and other families, there was clear evidence of both variable expression and incomplete penetrance, the latter bearing hallmarks of anticipation. Segregation analysis and multipoint Lod scores calculations (maximum Lod score of 5.03 using the LINKMAP software) using all potentially informative family members, both affected and unaffected, identified the chromosomal region 17p13.1-17p13.3 as the best and only candidate for harboring a novel mutated gene responsible for the syndrome in this family. The candidate gene CRK located within this region was sequenced but no pathogenic mutation was detected.