20 resultados para spectral narrowing

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Objective To assess trends in the prevalence and social distribution of child stunting in Brazil to evaluate the effect of income and basic service redistribution policies implemented in that country in the recent past. Methods The prevalence of stunting (height-for-age z score below 2 using the Child Growth Standards of the World Health Organization) among children aged less than 5 years was estimated from data collected during national household surveys carried out in Brazil in 1974-75 (n = 34 409), 1989 (n = 7374), 1996 (n = 4149) and 2006-07 (n = 4414). Absolute and relative socioeconomic inequality in stunting was measured by means of the slope index and the concentration index of inequality, respectively. Findings Over a 33-year period, we documented a steady decline in the national prevalence of stunting from 37.1% to 7.1%. Prevalence dropped from 59.0% to 11.2% in the poorest quintile and from 12.1% to 3.3% among the wealthiest quintile. The decline was particularly steep in the last 10 years of the period (1996 to 2007), when the gaps between poor and wealthy families with children under 5 were also reduced in terms of purchasing power; access to education, health care and water and sanitation services; and reproductive health indicators. Conclusion In Brazil, socioeconomic development coupled with equity-oriented public policies have been accompanied by marked improvements in living conditions and a substantial decline in child undernutrition, as well as a reduction of the gap in nutritional status between children in the highest and lowest socioeconomic quintiles. Future studies will show whether these gains will be maintained under the current global economic crisis.


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In this paper, the main microphysical characteristics of clouds developing in polluted and clean conditions in the biomass-burning season of the Amazon region are examined, with special attention to the spectral dispersion of the cloud droplet size distribution and its potential impact on climate modeling applications. The dispersion effect has been shown to alter the climate cooling predicted by the so-called Twomey effect. In biomass-burning polluted conditions, high concentrations of low dispersed cloud droplets are found. Clean conditions revealed an opposite situation. The liquid water content (0.43 +/- 0.19 g m(-3)) is shown to be uncorrelated with the cloud drop number concentration, while the effective radius is found to be very much correlated with the relative dispersion of the size distribution (R(2) = 0.81). The results suggest that an increase in cloud condensation nuclei concentration from biomass-burning aerosols may lead to an additional effect caused by a decrease in relative dispersion. Since the dry season in the Amazonian region is vapor limiting, the dispersion effect of cloud droplet size distributions could be substantially larger than in other polluted regions.


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We explore the prospects of predicting emission-line features present in galaxy spectra given broad-band photometry alone. There is a general consent that colours, and spectral features, most notably the 4000 angstrom break, can predict many properties of galaxies, including star formation rates and hence they could infer some of the line properties. We argue that these techniques have great prospects in helping us understand line emission in extragalactic objects and might speed up future galaxy redshift surveys if they are to target emission-line objects only. We use two independent methods, Artificial Neural Networks (based on the ANNz code) and Locally Weighted Regression (LWR), to retrieve correlations present in the colour N-dimensional space and to predict the equivalent widths present in the corresponding spectra. We also investigate how well it is possible to separate galaxies with and without lines from broad-band photometry only. We find, unsurprisingly, that recombination lines can be well predicted by galaxy colours. However, among collisional lines some can and some cannot be predicted well from galaxy colours alone, without any further redshift information. We also use our techniques to estimate how much information contained in spectral diagnostic diagrams can be recovered from broad-band photometry alone. We find that it is possible to classify active galactic nuclei and star formation objects relatively well using colours only. We suggest that this technique could be used to considerably improve redshift surveys such as the upcoming Fibre Multi Object Spectrograph (FMOS) survey and the planned Wide Field Multi Object Spectrograph (WFMOS) survey.


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We investigate the depositional time scale of lithological couplets (fine sandstone/siltstone-siltstone/mudstone) from two distinctive outcrops of Permo-Carboniferous glacial rhythmites in the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil). Resolving the fundamental issue of time scale for these rhythmites is important in light of recent evidence for paleosecular variation measured in these sequences. Spectral analysis and tuning of high-resolution gray scale scans of sediment core microstratigraphy, which comprises pervasive laminations, reveal a comparable spectral content at both localities, with a frequency suite interpreted as that of short-term climate variability of Recent and modern times. This evidence for decadal- to centennial-scale deposition of these lithological couplets is discussed in light of the `varvic` character, i.e., annual time scale that was previously assumed for the rhythmites.


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A method for linearly constrained optimization which modifies and generalizes recent box-constraint optimization algorithms is introduced. The new algorithm is based on a relaxed form of Spectral Projected Gradient iterations. Intercalated with these projected steps, internal iterations restricted to faces of the polytope are performed, which enhance the efficiency of the algorithm. Convergence proofs are given and numerical experiments are included and commented. Software supporting this paper is available through the Tango Project web page: http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/tango/.


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Submicron atmospheric particles in the Amazon Basin were characterized by a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer during the wet season of 2008. Patterns in the mass spectra closely resembled those of secondary-organic-aerosol (SOA) particles formed in environmental chambers from biogenic precursor gases. In contrast, mass spectral indicators of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) were insignificant, suggesting that PBAPs contributed negligibly to the submicron fraction of particles during the period of study. For 40% of the measurement periods, the mass spectra indicate that in-Basin biogenic SOA production was the dominant source of the submicron mass fraction, contrasted to other periods (30%) during which out-of-Basin organic-carbon sources were significant on top of the baseline in-Basin processes. The in-Basin periods had an average organic-particle loading of 0.6 mu g m(-3) and an average elemental oxygen-to-carbon (O:C) ratio of 0.42, compared to 0.9 mu g m(-3) and 0.49, respectively, during periods of out-of-Basin influence. On the basis of the data, we conclude that most of the organic material composing submicron particles over the Basin derived from biogenic SOA production, a finding that is consistent with microscopy observations made in a concurrent study. This source was augmented during some periods by aged organic material delivered by long-range transport. Citation: Chen, Q., et al. (2009), Mass spectral characterization of submicron biogenic organic particles in the Amazon Basin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L20806, doi: 10.1029/2009GL039880.


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The aerosol spectral absorption efficiency (alpha(a) in m(2)/g) is measured over an extended wavelength range (350-2500 nm) using an improved calibrated and validated reflectance technique and applied to urban aerosol samples from Sao Paulo, Brazil and from a site in Virginia, Eastern US, that experiences transported urban/industrial aerosol. The average alpha(a) values (similar to 3m(2)/g at 550 nm) for Sao Paulo samples are 10 times larger than a a values obtained for aerosols in Virginia. Sao Paulo aerosols also show evidence of enhanced UV absorption in selected samples, probably associated with organic aerosol components. This extra UV absorption can double the absorption efficiency observed from black carbon alone, therefore reducing by up to 50% the surface UV fluxes, with important implications for climate, UV photolysis rates, and remote sensing from space. Citation: Martins, J.V., P. Artaxo, Y.J. Kaufman, A.D. Castanho, and L.A. Remer (2009), Spectral absorption properties of aerosol particles from 350-2500nm, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L13810, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037435.


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The progression to end-stage renal failure is independent of the initial pathogenic mechanism. Metabolic acidosis is a common consequence of chronic renal failure that results from inadequate ammonium excretion and decreased tubular bicarbonate reabsorption. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) is the immediate metabolic precursor of the heme molecule. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of erythrocytes protoporphyrin IX at an animal model during progressive renal disease. A total of 36 eight-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into six groups: Normal, 4 and 8 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy (NX). Renal function was evaluated by creatinine clearance and plasma creatinine levels. The autofluorescence of erythrocytes porphyrin of healthy and NX rats was analyzed using fluorescence spectroscopy. Emission spectra were obtained by exciting the samples at 405 nm. Significant differences between normal and NX rats autofluorescence shape occurred in the 600-700 nm spectral region. A correlation was observed between emission band intensity at 635 nm and progression of renal disease.


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Monte Carlo simulation and quantum mechanics calculations based on the INDO/CIS and TD-DFT methods were utilized to study the solvatochromic shift of benzophenone when changing the environment from normal water to supercritical (P = 340.2 atm and T = 673 K) condition. Solute polarization increases the dipole moment of benzophenone, compared to gas phase, by 88 and 35% in normal and supercritical conditions, giving the in-solvent dipole value of 5.8 and 4.2 D, respectively. The average number of solute-solvent hydrogen bonds was analyzed, and a large decrease of 2.3 in normal water to only 0.8 in the supercritical environment was found. By using these polarized models of benzophenone in the two different conditions of water, we performed MC simulations to generate statistically uncorrelated configurations of the solute surrounded by the solvent molecules and subsequent quantum mechanics calculations on these configurations. When changing from normal to supercritical water environment, INDO/CIS calculations explicitly considering all valence electrons of the 235 solvent water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1425 cm(-1) for the most intense transition of benzophenone, that is, slightly underestimated in comparison with the experimentally inferred result of 1700 cm(-1). TD-B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) calculations on the same configurations but with benzophenone electrostatically embedded in the 320 water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1715 cm(-1) for this transition, in very good agreement with the experimental result. When using the unpolarized model of the benzophenone, this calculated solvatochromic shift was only 640 cm(-1). Additional calculations were also made by using BHandHLYP/6-311+G(2d,p) to analyze the effect of the asymptotic decay of the exchange functional. This study indicates that, contrary to the general expectation, there is a sizable solute polarization even in the low-density regime of supercritical condition and that the inclusion of this polarization is important for a reliable description of the spectral shifts considered here.


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The eigenvalue densities of two random matrix ensembles, the Wigner Gaussian matrices and the Wishart covariant matrices, are decomposed in the contributions of each individual eigenvalue distribution. It is shown that the fluctuations of all eigenvalues, for medium matrix sizes, are described with a good precision by nearly normal distributions.


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In this paper, we present a mathematically rigorous quantum-mechanical treatment of a one-dimensional motion of a particle in the Calogero potential alpha x(-2). Although the problem is quite old and well studied, we believe that our consideration based on a uniform approach to constructing a correct quantum-mechanical description for systems with singular potentials and/or boundaries, proposed in our previous works, adds some new points to its solution. To demonstrate that a consideration of the Calogero problem requires mathematical accuracy, we discuss some `paradoxes` inherent in the `naive` quantum-mechanical treatment. Using a self-adjoint extension method, we construct and study all possible self-adjoint operators (self-adjoint Hamiltonians) associated with a formal differential expression for the Calogero Hamiltonian. In particular, we discuss a spontaneous scale-symmetry breaking associated with self-adjoint extensions. A complete spectral analysis of all self-adjoint Hamiltonians is presented.


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We present a mathematically rigorous quantum-mechanical treatment of a one-dimensional non-relativistic motion of a particle in the potential field V(x) = g(1)x(-1) + g(2)x(-2), x is an element of R(+) = [0, infinity). For g(2) > 0 and g(1) < 0, the potential is known as the Kratzer potential V(K)(x) and is usually used to describe molecular energy and structure, interactions between different molecules and interactions between non-bonded atoms. We construct all self-adjoint Schrodinger operators with the potential V(x) and represent rigorous solutions of the corresponding spectral problems. Solving the first part of the problem, we use a method of specifying self-adjoint extensions by (asymptotic) self-adjoint boundary conditions. Solving spectral problems, we follow Krein`s method of guiding functionals. This work is a continuation of our previous works devoted to the Coulomb, Calogero and Aharonov-Bohm potentials.


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This work investigates the two-photon absorption spectrum of perylene tetracarboxylic derivatives using the white-light continuum Z-scan technique. Perylene derivatives present relatively high two-photon absorption cross-section, which makes them attractive for applications in photonics. Because of the spectral resolution of the white-light continuum Z-scan, we were able to observe a well defined structure in the two-photon absorption spectrum, composed by two distinct peaks. These peaks, as well as the resonant enhancement of the nonlinearity, were modeled using the sum-over-states approach considering a four-level energy diagram with two final two-photon states. The existence of such states was confirmed using the response function formalism within the DFT framework. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we investigate the control of the two-photon absorption process of a series of organic compounds via spectral phase modulation of the excitation pulse. We analyzed the effect of the pulse central wavelength on the control of the two-photon absorption process for each compound. Depending on the molecules` two-photon absorption position relative to the excitation pulse wavelength, different levels of coherent control were observed. By simulating the two-photon transition probability in molecular systems, taking into account the band structure and its positions, we could explain the experimental results trends. We observed that the intrapulse coherent interference plays an important role in the nonlinear process control besides just the pulse intensity modulation.


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The spectral properties and phase diagram of the exactly integrable spin-1 quantum chain introduced by Alcaraz and Bariev are presented. The model has a U(1) symmetry and its integrability is associated with an unknown R-matrix whose dependence on the spectral parameters is not of a different form. The associated Bethe ansatz equations that fix the eigenspectra are distinct from those associated with other known integrable spin models. The model has a free parameter t(p). We show that at the special point t(p) = 1, the model acquires an extra U(1) symmetry and reduces to the deformed SU(3) Perk-Schultz model at a special value of its anisotropy q = exp(i2 pi/3) and in the presence of an external magnetic field. Our analysis is carried out either by solving the associated Bethe ansatz equations or by direct diagonalization of the quantum Hamiltonian for small lattice sizes. The phase diagram is calculated by exploring the consequences of conformal invariance on the finite-size corrections of the Hamiltonian eigenspectrum. The model exhibits a critical phase ruled by the c = 1 conformal field theory separated from a massive phase by first-order phase transitions.