126 resultados para shoulder motor control

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The purpose of the current study was to understand how visual information about an ongoing change in obstacle size is used during obstacle avoidance for both lead and trail limbs. Participants were required to walk in a dark room and to step over an obstacle edged with a special tape visible in the dark. The obstacle's dimensions were manipulated one step before obstacle clearance by increasing or decreasing its size. Two increasing and two decreasing obstacle conditions were combined with seven control static conditions. Results showed that information about the obstacle's size was acquired and used to modulate trail limb trajectory, but had no effect on lead limb trajectory. The adaptive step was influenced by the time available to acquire and process visual information. In conclusion, visual information about obstacle size acquired during lead limb crossing was used in a feedforward manner to modulate trail limb trajectory.


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This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.


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TEMA: o desenvolvimento do controle motor oral depende em parte das experiências sensoriais e motoras. OBJETIVO: analisar a relação entre a duração do aleitamento natural, artificial e da sucção e destas com o desempenho motor orofacial. MÉTODO: cento e setenta e seis crianças, de 6 a 12 anos de idade, passaram por avaliação miofuncional orofacial, empregando o protocolo com escores, e os responsáveis foram entrevistados a respeito do aleitamento e hábitos de sucção de suas crianças. As correlações foram calculadas pelo teste de Spearman. RESULTADOS: na amostra estudada, a média de duração do aleitamento natural foi de 10,30 meses (variando de zero a 60 meses), do aleitamento artificial 44,12 (zero a 122 meses) e dos hábitos de sucção de 39,32 meses (zero a 144 meses). Houve correlação negativa da duração do aleitamento natural com a duração do aleitamento artificial e a duração dos hábitos de sucção (p < 0,001). A maior duração do aleitamento artificial correspondeu à maior duração dos hábitos de sucção, apresentando, assim, correlação positiva (p < 0,001). A duração do aleitamento natural foi correlacionada positivamente com a mobilidade orofacial (p = 0,05). Houve correlação negativa da duração do aleitamento artificial e da duração dos hábitos de sucção com, respectivamente, o desempenho na mastigação e na deglutição, bem como da duração de ambos os tipos de sucção com a prova de diadococinesia (p = 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: a duração do aleitamento natural mostrou efeito positivo sobre a mobilidade das estruturas orofaciais. Os efeitos deletérios da duração dos hábitos de sucção no controle motor orofacial foram confirmados.


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TEMA: crianças deficientes auditivas não adquirem linguagem no mesmo período e velocidade de uma criança normo-ouvinte, pois o aprendizado da linguagem oral é um evento essencialmente auditivo. O desenvolvimento da criança consiste na aquisição progressiva de habilidades motoras e psicocognitivas, e a entrada no mundo simbólico é fator preponderante para que a criança possa atingir os níveis de maior complexidade no domínio da linguagem. OBJETIVO: relacionar o jogo simbólico e aspectos do desenvolvimento infantil em crianças deficientes auditivas com seus pares ouvintes. MÉTODO: 32 crianças, de ambos os sexos, de 2 a 6 anos de idade, pareadas por idade, foram submetidas à Avaliação da Maturidade Simbólica e ao Teste de Triagem do Desenvolvimento de Denver II, sendo 16 deficientes auditivas neurossensorial de grau moderado a profundo (grupo pesquisa - GP) e 16 normo-ouvintes (grupo controle - GC). RESULTADOS: observou-se simbolismo na brincadeira de 81,25% do GP, enquanto que no GC isto ocorreu em 87,5%. No Teste de Denver II 100% do GP foi classificado como risco, e o GC apresentou 94% de crianças normais e 6% de risco (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: observou-se desempenho semelhante nos dois grupos quanto ao jogo simbólico. Entretanto, numa análise qualitativa, o GP apresentou brincadeiras menos complexas que o GC. Observou-se que o GP apresentou desempenho no jogo simbólico compatível ao seu desempenho nos aspectos pessoal-social, motor fino-adaptativo e motor grosseiro do Teste de Denver II.


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A proposta deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do envelhecimento nos aspectos perceptivos e motores envolvidos com as ações de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira. Indivíduos jovens e idosos foram filmados enquanto sentavam/levantavam de uma cadeira em sete alturas diferentes do assento. Eles julgaram a dificuldade/facilidade encontrada para sentar e levantar em cada altura do assento. Os idosos exibiram mudanças na estratégia de controle usada para sentar na altura mais baixa do assento e superestimaram o nível de dificuldade/facilidade para realizar as tarefas de sentar e levantar. Em síntese, a percepção de execução fácil da tarefa de sentar pelos idosos não concorda com o grau de dificuldade exibido no desempenho motor na altura mais baixa do assento.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da estimulação tátil-cinestésica na evolução do padrão comportamental e clínico de recém-nascidos pré-termos (RNPT) durante o período de internação hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois RNPT, com peso ao nascimento inferior a 2.500 gramas, clinicamente estáveis e destituídos de asfixia perinatal importante foram divididos em 16 bebês do grupo controle (GC) e 16 do experimental (GE). Foram coletados dados da evolução clínica a partir dos registros hospitalares e da avaliação comportamental por meio de filmagens semanais de oito minutos, desde a inclusão do RNPT na amostra até a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Tendência a redução do tempo de internação hospitalar, aumento do ganho de peso diário e predominância de comportamentos auto-organizados (respiração regular, estado de alerta, tônus equilibrado, posturas mistas, movimentação coordenada, movimentos de mão na face, sucção, preensão, apoio) para os RNPT do GE. A análise comparativa das idades pós-conceptuais divididas em intervalos (I - 31 a 33 semanas 6/7; II - 34 a 36 semanas 6/7; e III - 37 a 39 semanas 6/7) ressaltou, no aspecto motor, um tônus equilibrado e movimentação voluntária coordenada para os três períodos, maior permanência em posturas mistas (intervalo I) ou em flexão (intervalo II) e a obtenção de respiração mais regular na faixa etária I do GE. CONCLUSÃO: Destaque da estimulação tátil-cinestésica como método de intervenção durante o período de internação hospitalar, contribuindo para a auto-organização e regulação comportamental de RNPT. Artigo registrado no Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) sob o número ACTRN12610000133033.


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We explored possible effects of negative covariation among finger forces in multifinger accurate force production tasks on the classical Fitts's speed-accuracy trade-off. Healthy subjects performed cyclic force changes between pairs of targets ""as quickly and accurately as possible."" Tasks with two force amplitudes and six ratics of force amplitude to target size were performed by each of the four fingers of the right hand and four finger combinations. There was a close to linear relation between movement time and the log-transformed ratio of target amplitude to target size across all finger combinations. There was a close to linear relation between standard deviation of force amplitude and movement time. There were no differences between the performance of either of the two ""radial"" fingers (index and middle) and the multifinger tasks. The ""ulnar"" fingers (little and ring) showed higher indices of variability and longer movement times as compared with both ""radial"" fingers and multifinger combinations. We conclude that potential effects of the negative covariation and also of the task-sharing across a set of fingers are counterbalanced by an increase in individual finger force variability in multifinger tasks as compared with single-finger tasks. The results speak in favor of a feed-forward model of multifinger synergies. They corroborate a hypothesis that multifinger synergies are created not to improve overall accuracy, but to allow the system larger flexibility, for example to deal with unexpected perturbations and concomitant tasks.


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Context: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common knee condition in athletes. Recently, researchers have indicated that factors proximal to the knee, including hip muscle weakness and motor control impairment, contribute to the development of PFPS. However, no investigators have evaluated eccentric hip muscle function in people with PFPS. Objective: To compare the eccentric hip muscle function between females with PFPS and a female control group. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Musculoskeletal laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Two groups of females were studied: a group with PFPS (n = 10) and a group with no history of lower extremity injury or surgery (n = 10). Intervention(s): Eccentric torque of the hip musculature was evaluated on an isokinetic dynamometer. Main Outcome Measure(s): Eccentric hip abduction, adduction, and external and internal rotation peak torque were measured and expressed as a percentage of body mass (Nm/kg x 100). We also evaluated eccentric hip adduction to abduction and internal to external rotation torque ratios. The peak torque value of 5 maximal eccentric contractions was used for calculation. Two-tailed, independent-samples t tests were used to compare torque results between groups. Results: Participants with PFPS exhibited much lower eccentric hip abduction (t(18) = -2.917, P = .008) and adduction (t(18) = -2.764, P =.009) peak torque values than did their healthy counterparts. No differences in eccentric hip external (t(18) = 0.45, P = .96) or internal (t(18) = -0.742, P =.47) rotation peak torque values were detected between the groups. The eccentric hip adduction to abduction torque ratio was much higher in the PFPS group than in the control group (t(18) = 2.113, P = .04), but we found no difference in the eccentric hip internal to external rotation torque ratios between the 2 groups (t(18) = -0.932, P = .36). Conclusions: Participants with PFPS demonstrated lower eccentric hip abduction and adduction peak torque and higher eccentric adduction to abduction torque ratios when compared with control participants. Thus, clinicians should consider eccentric hip abduction strengthening exercises when developing rehabilitation programs for females with PFPS.


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In order to understand the potential selective activation of the rectus abdominis muscle, we conducted two experiments. In the first, subjects performed two controlled isometric exercises: the curl up (supine trunk raise) and the leg raise (supine bent leg raise) at low intensity (in which only a few motor units are recruited). In the second experiment, subjects performed the same exercises, but they were required to maintain a certain force level in order to induce fatigue. We recorded the electromyographic (EMG) activities of the lower and upper portions of the rectus abdominis muscle during the exercises and used spatial-temporal and frequency analyses to describe muscle activation patterns. At low-intensity contractions, the ratio between the EMG intensities of the upper and lower portions during the curl up exercise was significantly larger than during the leg raise exercise (p = 0.02). A cross-correlation analysis indicated that the signals of the abdominal portions were related to each other and this relation did not differ between the tasks (p = 0.12). In the fatiguing condition, fatigue for the upper portion was higher than for the lower portion during the curl up exercise (p = 0.008). We conclude that different exercises evoked, to a certain degree, individualized activation of each part of the rectus abdominis muscle, but different portions of the rectus abdominis muscle contributed to the same task, acting like a functional unit. These results corroborate the relevance of varying exercise to modify activation patterns of the rectus abdominis muscle.


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It has been suggested that the temporal control of rhythmic unimianual movements is different between tasks requiring continuous (e.g., circle drawing) and discontinuous movements (e.g., finger tapping). Specifically, for continuous movements temporal regularities are ail emergent property, whereas for tasks that involve discontinuities timing is ail explicit part of the action goal. The present experiment further investigated the control of continuous and discontinuous movements by comparing the coordination dynamics and attentional demands of bimanual continuous circle drawing with bimanual intermittent circle drawing. The intermittent task required participants to insert a 400 ms pause between each cycle while circling. Using dual-task methodology, 15 right-handed participants performed the two circle drawing tasks, while vocally responding to randomly presented auditory probes. The circle drawing tasks were performed in symmetrical and asymmetrical coordination modes and at movement frequencies of 1 Hz and 1.7 Hz. Intermittent circle drawing exhibited superior spatial and temporal accuracy and stability than continuous circle drawing supporting the hypothesis that the two tasks have different underlying control processes. In terms of attentional cost, probe RT was significantly slower during the intermittent circle drawing task than the continuous circle drawing task across both coordination modes and movement frequencies. Of interest was the finding that in the intermittent circling task reaction time (RT) to probes presented during the pause between cycles did not differ from the RT to probes occurring during the circling movement. The differences in attentional demands between the intermittent and continuous circle drawing tasks may reflect the operation of explicit event timing and implicit emergent timing processes, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on myoelectrical activity and on joint torque during isometric plantar flexion contraction. Ten healthy young adult subjects participate in this study. The electrodes for NMES are placed along posterior thigh along ciatic nerve trajectory. It is measured the myoelectrical activity and the isometric torque generated by ankle plantar flexion with an isokinetic dynamometer. The conditions of isometric contractions are maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC), NMES, and association of both (MIVC+NMES). The results show lower torque during NMES and larger SOL activity compare to the others. Besides, in order to keep the same objective task (to produce the same level of torque), neuromuscular adaptations are necessary on the common drive.


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To examine the effect of long lasting practice on pedal behavior in sport, we compared experienced adult soccer players and nonsoccer players on leg preference in motor tasks requiring general mobilization, soccer related mobilization, and body balance stabilization. We also evaluated performance asymmetry between the right and left legs in static and dynamic unipedal body balance based on center of pressure displacement, and correlated that with kg preference in balance stabilization tasks. Results revealed (a) a distinct leg preference between mobilization and stabilization tasks, which were significantly different between Mayers and nonplayers, (b) similar balance stability between the right and left legs, (c) greater stability of experienced players compared with nonplayers in static and dynamic balance, and (d) absence of a significant kg preference correlation with interlateral balance asymmetry. These results suggest an effect of extensive soccer skill practice on establishing leg preference for specific mobilization tasks and overall balance control.


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Strength of leg peference and interlateral asymmetry in kinematics of kicking a ball for power were assessed in 6- to 10-year-old right-footed soccer player children. Leg preference was evaluated separately for three task categories: balance stabilization, soccer related mobilization, and general mobilization. The results showed that while both categories of mobilization tasks were featured by a consistent preference for the right leg, in stabilization tasks we observed lower scores and greater interindividual variability of leg preference. No effect of age was detected on leg preference. Analysis of peak foot velocity revealed similar increment of performance of the right and left legs from the ages 6-8 to 10 years. This finding supports the notion of stable Magnitude of interlateral asymmetries of performance during motor development. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 50: 799-806, 2008.


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This investigation aimed at assessing the extent to which memory from practice in a specific condition of target displacement modulates temporal errors and movement timing of interceptive movements. We compared two groups practicing with certainty of future target velocity either in unchanged target velocity or in target velocity decrease. Following practice, both experimental groups were probed in the situations of unchanged target velocity and target velocity decrease either under the context of certainty or uncertainty about target velocity. Results from practice showed similar improvement of temporal accuracy between groups, revealing that target velocity decrease did not disturb temporal movement organization when fully predictable. Analysis of temporal errors in the probing trials indicated that both groups had higher timing accuracy in velocity decrease in comparison with unchanged velocity. Effect of practice was detected by increased temporal accuracy of the velocity decrease group in situations of decreased velocity; a trend consistent with the expected effect of practice was observed for temporal errors in the unchanged velocity group and in movement initiation at a descriptive level. An additional point of theoretical interest was the fast adaptation in both groups to a target velocity pattern different from that practiced. These points are discussed under the perspective of integration of vision and motor control by means of an internal forward model of external motion.


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The effect of lateralized practice on manual preference was investigated in right-handed children. Probing tasks required reaching and grasping a pencil at distinct eccentricities in the right and left hemifields (simple), and its transportation and insertion into a small hole (complex). During practice, the children experienced manipulative tasks different from that used for probing, using the left hand only. Results showed that before practice the children used almost exclusively the right hand in the right hemifield and at the midline position. Following lateralized practice frequency of use of the left hand increased in most lateral positions. A more evident effect of lateralized practice on shift of manual preference was detected in the complex task. Implications for lateralization of behavior in a developmental timescale are discussed on the basis of the proposition of amplification and diffusion of manual preference from lateralized practice. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 52: 723-730, 2010.