12 resultados para seed germination

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Background and Aims In the Amazonian floodplains plants withstand annual periods of flooding which can last 7 months. Under these conditions seedlings remain submerged in the dark for long periods since light penetration in the water is limited. Himatanthus sucuuba is a tree species found in the `varzea` (VZ) floodplains and adjacent non-flooded `terra-firme` (TF) forests. Biochemical traits which enhance flood tolerance and colonization success of H. sucuuba in periodically flooded environments were investigated. Methods Storage carbohydrates of seeds of VZ and TF populations were extracted and analysed by HPAEC/PAD. Starch was analysed by enzyme (glucoamylase) degradation followed by quantification of glucose oxidase. Carbohydrate composition of roots of VZ and TF seedlings was studied after experimental exposure to a 15-d period of submersion in light versus darkness. Key Results The endosperm contains a large proportion of the seed reserves, raffinose being the main nonstructural carbohydrate. Around 93% of the cell wall storage polysaccharides (percentage dry weight basis) in the endosperm of VZ seeds was composed of mannose, while soluble sugars accounted for 2.5%. In contrast, 74% of the endosperm in TF seeds was composed of galactomannans, while 22% of the endosperm was soluble sugars. This suggested a larger carbohydrate allocation to germination in TF populations whereas VZ populations allocate comparatively more to carbohydrates mobilized during seedling development. The concentration of root non-structural carbohydrates in non-flooded seedlings strongly decreased after a 15-d period of darkness, whereas flooded seedlings were less affected. These effects were more pronounced in TF seedlings, which showed significantly lower root non-structural carbohydrate concentrations. Conclusions There seem to be metabolic adjustments in VZ but not TF seedlings that lead to adaptation to the combined stresses of darkness and flooding. This seems to be important for the survival of the species in these contrasting environments, leading these populations to different directions during evolution.


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The aim of this work was to Study biochemical variations of IAA (indole-3-acetic acid), ABA (abscisic acid). PAs (polyamines) and amino acids at endogenous levels, during seed germination in Ocotea catharinensis. Seeds were germinated in a vermiculite substratum (100%), samples being collected after 15, 30 and 60 days. Total amino acid levels decreased during the first 15 days. Followed by all increment at the end of germination. Among amino acids, higher concentration was observed in asparagine, this being the predominant amino acid during the whole germination period. Total PAs (free + conjugated) content increased during the first 15 days, followed by a decrease and stabilization between 30 and 60 days of germination. Among the PAs, free putrescine levels rose during the first 15 days, followed by a drop and Stabilization up to 60 days of germination, while spermidine and spermine (spm) contents diminished during the period. Only spin was detected in a conjugated form, with increasing concentrations starting from 30 days on. IAA levels increased during tire first 15 days. followed by a decrease and stabilization until the end of germination (60 days), while ABA contents dwindled during the first 15 days, with similar Values until the end of germination.


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According to most studies on seed dispersal in tropical forests, mammals and birds are considered the main dispersal agents and the role played by other animal groups remains poorly explored. We investigate qualitative and quantitative components of the role played by the tortoise Chelonoidis denticulata in seed dispersal in southeastern Amazon, and the influence of seasonal variation in tortoise movement patterns on resulting seed shadows. Seed shadows produced by this tortoise were estimated by combining information on seed passage times through their digestive tract, which varied from 3 to 17 days, with a robust dataset on movements obtained from 18 adult C. denticulata monitored with radio transmitters and spoon-and-line tracking devices. A total of 4,206 seeds were found in 94 collected feces, belonging to 50 seed morphotypes of, at least, 25 plant genera. Very low rates of damage to the external structure of the ingested seeds were observed. Additionally, results of germination trials suggested that passage of seeds through C. denticulata`s digestive tract does not seem to negatively affect seed germination. The estimated seed shadows are likely to contribute significantly to the dispersal of seeds away from parent plants. During the dry season seeds were dispersed, on average, 174.1 m away from the location of fruit ingestion; during the rainy season, this mean dispersal distance increased to 276.7 m. Our results suggest that C. denticulata plays an important role in seed dispersal in Amazonian forests and highlight the influence of seasonal changes in movements on the resulting seed shadows.


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Background and Aims Plant growth regulators play an important role in seed germination. However, much of the current knowledge about their function during seed germination was obtained using orthodox seeds as model systems, and there is a paucity of information about the role of plant growth regulators during germination of recalcitrant seeds. In the present work, two endangered woody species with recalcitrant seeds, Araucaria angustifolia (Gymnosperm) and Ocotea odorifera (Angiosperm), native to the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil, were used to study the mobilization of polyamines (PAs), indole-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) during seed germination. Methods Data were sampled from embryos of O. odorifera and embryos and megagametophytes of A. angustifolia throughout the germination process. Biochemical analyses were carried out in HPLC. Key Results During seed germination, an increase in the (Spd + Spm) : Put ratio was recorded in embryos in both species. An increase in IAA and PA levels was also observed during seed germination in both embryos, while ABA levels showed a decrease in O. odorifera and an increase in A. angustifolia embryos throughout the period studied. Conclusions The (Spd + Spm) : Put ratio could be used as a marker for germination completion. The increase in IAA levels, prior to germination, could be associated with variations in PA content. The ABA mobilization observed in the embryos could represent a greater resistance to this hormone in recalcitrant seeds, in comparison to orthodox seeds, opening a new perspective for studies on the effects of this regulator in recalcitrant seeds. The gymnosperm seed, though without a connective tissue between megagametophyte and embryo, seems to be able to maintain communication between the tissues, based on the likely transport of plant growth regulators.


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Araucaria angustifolia is an endangered Brazilian native conifer tree. The aim of the present work was to identify differentially expressed proteins between mature and germinated embryos of A. angustifolia, using one and two dimensional gel electrophoresis approaches followed by protein identification by tandem mass spectrometry. The identities of 32 differentially expressed protein spots from two dimensional gel maps were successfully determined, including proteins and enzymes involved in storage mobilization such as the vicilin-like storage protein and proteases. A label free approach, based on spectral counts, resulted in detection of 10 and 14 mature and germinated enriched proteins, respectively. Identified proteins were mainly related to energetic metabolism pathways, translational processes. oxidative stress regulation and cellular signaling. The integrated use of both strategies permitted a comprehensive protein expression overview of changes in germinated embryos in relation to matures, providing insights into the this process in a recalcitrant seed species. Applications of the data generated on the monitoring and control of in vitro somatic embryos were discussed. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The endosperm of seeds of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. accumulates galactomannan as a cell wall storage polysaccharide. It is hydrolysed by three enzymes, one of them being alpha-galactosidase. A great amount of protein bodies is found in the cytoplasm of endospermic cells, which are thought to play the major role as a nitrogen reserve in this seed. The present work aimed at understanding how the production of enzymes that degrade storage compounds is controlled. We performed experiments with addition of inhibitors of transcription (actinomycin-d and alpha-amanitin) and translation (cycloheximide) during and after germination. In order to follow the performance of storage mobilisation, we measured fresh mass, protein contents and alpha-galactosidase activity. All the inhibitors tested had little effect on seed germination and seedling development. Actinomycin-d and cycloheximide provoked a slight inhibition of the storage protein degradation and concomitantly lead to an elevation of the alpha-galactosidase activity. Although alpha-amanitin showed some effect on seedling development at latter stages, it presented the former effect and did not change galactomannan degradation performance. Our data suggest that some of the proteases may be synthesised de novo, whereas alpha-galactosidase seems to be present in the endosperm cells probably as an inactive polypeptide in the protein bodies, being probably activated by proteolysis when the latter organelle is disassembled. These evidences suggest the existence of a connection between storage proteins and carbohydrates mobilisation in seeds of S. virgata, which would play a role by assuring a balanced afflux of the carbon and nitrogen to the seedling development.


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Studies on the pollination biology of Eriocaulaceae are scarce although particularly interesting because of its inclusion in the Poales, a predominantly wind-pollinated order. The pollination biology of Syngonanthus elegans (Bong.) Ruhland was studied during two annual flowering periods to test the hypothesis that insect pollination was its primary pollination system. A field study was carried out, including observations of the morphology and biology of the flowers, insect visits and pollinator behaviour. We also evaluated seed set, seed germination and seedling development for different pollination modes. Although seeds were produced by self-pollination, pollination by small insects contributed most effectively to the reproductive success of S. elegans, resulting in the greatest seed set, with the highest germination percentage and optimum seedling vigour. The. oral resources used by flower visitors were pollen and nectar that was produced by staminate and pistillate flowers. Self-pollination played a minor role and its consequence was inbreeding depression.


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Fire is an important factor in several ecosystems, affecting plant population biology. Campos grasslands are under constant influence of disturbance, mostly grazing and fire. However, few studies evaluated the effect of fire on plant population biology of grassland species. Therefore, we aim to analyze the effect of fire on the population biology of four species, from different functional groups and regeneration strategies: Chaptalia runcinata (forb, resprouter, absence of belowground organ), Vernonia flexuosa (forb, resprouter, presence of rhizophore), Eupatorium ligulaefolium (shrub, resprouter, presence of xylopodium) and Heterothalamus psiadioides (shrub, obligate seeder). Seven plots were established in different sites in southern Brazil: frequently burned (FB) and excluded from fire since 6 years (E). All plots were subjected to controlled burns during summer. Before experiments, populations were sampled. Further observations were carried out after 90 and after 360 days of fire experiments. In addition, we counted the number of seedlings and resprouters recruited after fire. Heat shock experiments were conducted with two species (H. psiadioides and V. flexuosa), as well as the study of the bud bank of the following species: E. ligulaefolium and V. flexuosa. The obligate seeder species had all individuals killed by fire and established only after 1 year. Resprouters, however, showed new stems immediately after fire. E. ligulaefolium and V. flexuosa showed only vegetative regeneration from belowground organs and more individuals in excluded sites 1 year after the fire. The bud bank of E. ligulaefolium tended to be larger in excluded sites, whilst V. flexuosa showed an opposite result. High temperatures did not enhance nor kill seeds from both studied species. Vegetative regeneration was the most important strategy for all studied species, except for H. psiadioides, the obligate seeder species. Fire thus, plays an important role on population structure and demography, being also important for plant recruitment.


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Brazilian Campos grasslands are rich in species and the maintenance of its diversity and physiognomy is dependent on disturbance (e.g. fire and grazing) Nevertheless, studies about fire intensity and severity are inexistent. The present paper describes fire parameters, using 14 experimental burn plots in southern Brazil (30 degrees 02` to 30 degrees 04`S, and 51 degrees 06` to 51 degrees 09`W. 311masl). Two sites under different fire histories were chosen: frequently burned and excluded since six years. Experimental burning was performed during summer (2006-2007), when most burning takes place in these grasslands. The following parameters were measured: air temperature and moisture, vegetation height, wind speed, fuel (fine, coarse), fuel moisture, fire temperatures (soil level and at 50cm), ash, residuals, flame freight, fire duration: burning efficiency and fire intensity were later calculated. Fuel load varied from 0.39 to 1.44kg.m(-2). and correlated positively with both fire temperature and fire intensity. Fire temperatures ranged 47 to 537.5 degrees C. being higher in the excluded site Fire intensity was low compared to grassland elsewhere (36 5-319.5kW.m(-1)), differing significantly between sties Fine fuel was the variable that best explained fire intensity. The results on fire intensity and severity in Campos grasslands can be considered a pilot study, since plots were very small. However the data provided can help other researchers to get permission for experimentation using larger plots The results provide support for further studies about the effects of fire on grassland vegetation and for studies involving fire models and fire risk prediction


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Glucose modulates plant metabolism, growth, and development. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), Hexokinase1 (HXK1) is a glucose sensor that may trigger abscisic acid (ABA) synthesis and sensitivity to mediate glucose-induced inhibition of seedling development. Here, we show that the intensity of short-term responses to glucose can vary with ABA activity. We report that the transient (2 h/4 h) repression by 2% glucose of AtbZIP63, a gene encoding a basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor partially involved in the Snf1-related kinase KIN10-induced responses to energy limitation, is independent of HXK1 and is not mediated by changes in ABA levels. However, high-concentration (6%) glucose-mediated repression appears to be modulated by ABA, since full repression of AtbZIP63 requires a functional ABA biosynthetic pathway. Furthermore, the combination of glucose and ABA was able to trigger a synergistic repression of AtbZIP63 and its homologue AtbZIP3, revealing a shared regulatory feature consisting of the modulation of glucose sensitivity by ABA. The synergistic regulation of AtbZIP63 was not reproduced by an AtbZIP63 promoter-5`-untranslated region:beta-glucuronidase fusion, thus suggesting possible posttranscriptional control. A transcriptional inhibition assay with cordycepin provided further evidence for the regulation of mRNA decay in response to glucose plus ABA. Overall, these results indicate that AtbZIP63 is an important node of the glucose-ABA interaction network. The mechanisms by which AtbZIP63 may participate in the fine-tuning of ABA-mediated abiotic stress responses according to sugar availability (i.e., energy status) are discussed.


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Seed reserve mobilization during germination of the Amazonian species Myciaria dubia (camu-camu), Eugenia stipitata(araca-boi), Dipteryx odorata (cumaru) and Hymenaea courbaril (jatoba) was evaluated. Seeds were placed in germination chambers at 30 degrees C with it 12 h photoperiod. Analysis of primary metabolites (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) and fatty acid composition were carried out in quiescent seeds and at four germination stages after radicle protrusion. Germination was high in all species but there were statistically significant differences between species. Differences were also observed with regard to the duration of the germination period. The seeds showed variation in the content and composition of the analyzed compounds. indicating that the mobilization rates of these compounds may affect germination velocity.


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This paper describes a proteome analysis and changes in endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) contents during seed development of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Megagametophytes and embryonic axis tissues exhibited a similar ABA variation pattern during seed development, reaching maximum values at the pre-cotyledonary stage. The embryonic axis protein content increased until the cotyledonary stage with following stabilization at mature seed. The two-dimensional electrophoresis at the torpedo developmental stage showed approximately 230 polypeptides against 340 in the mature stage. Peptide mass fingerprinting analyses identified three polypeptides, corresponding to an AtSAC4, a late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) and a storage protein, respectively.