14 resultados para sal potássico
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação protéica (40% PB) com amiréia ou uréia sobre o consumo de suplemento, desempenho e características econômicas de novilhos terminados em pastagens. Foram utilizados 120 novilhos com 19 meses de idade e 358kg, sendo 60 Nelore e 60 F1 Brangus x Nelore, divididos em três tratamentos com 20 animais, alojados em piquetes de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu de 10 hectares cada, totalizando 120 hectares, sendo dois piquetes por grupo genético e tratamento, pastejados alternadamente a cada pesagem (42 dias). Os tratamentos consistiram em mistura mineral com amiréia-150S (AM), mistura mineral com uréia+milho+enxofre (UR) e mistura mineral (MM). As médias de consumo de suplemento dos animais F1 foram de 206,1; 145,9 e 73,1g/dia, e as dos animais Nelore, 236,0; 205,1 e 94,3g/dia para os tratamentos AM, UR e MM, respectivamente. Para os novilhos Nelore, houve efeito (P<0,05) do suplemento sobre o peso de abate (PA), sendo a média do tratamento UR, 518,85kg, mais alta que a dos demais, 491,89 e 485,20kg, respectivamente, para AM e MM. Para os novilhos F1, foi significativo o efeito da suplementação protéica (P<0,05), com médias de 515,90 e 520,15kg, respectivamente, para os tratamentos UR e AM. A suplementação protéica proporcionou bom desempenho em animais F1 durante períodos de abundância de forragem. O uso de uréia apresentou melhor viabilidade econômica.
Several lines of evidence indicate that the use of stimulant drugs, including methylphenidate (MPD), increases tobacco smoking. This has raised concerns that MPD use during adolescence could facilitate nicotine abuse. Preclinical studies have shown that repeated treatment with an addictive drug produces sensitization to that drug and usually cross-sensitization to other drugs. Behavioral sensitization has been implicated in the development of drug addiction. We examined whether repeated oral MPD administration during adolescence could induce behavioral sensitization to MPD and long-lasting cross-sensitization to nicotine. Adolescent male Wistar rats were treated orally with 10 mg/kg MPD or saline (SAL) from postnatal day (PND) 27 to 33. To evaluate behavioral sensitization to MPD in adolescent rats (PND 39), the SAL pretreated group was subdivided into two groups that received intragastric SAL (1.0 mL/kg) or MPD (10 mg/kg); MPD pretreated rats received MPD (10 mg/kg). Cross-sensitization was evaluated on PND 39 or PND 70 (adulthood). To this end, SAL- and MPD-pretreated groups received subcutaneous injections of SAL (1.0 mL/kg) or nicotine (0.4 mg/kg). All groups had 8 animals. Immediately after injections, locomotor activity was determined. The locomotor response to MPD challenge of MPD-pretreated rats was not significantly different from that of the SAL-pretreated group. Moreover, the locomotor response of MPD-pretreated rats to nicotine challenge was not significantly different from that of the SAL-pretreated group. This lack of sensitization and cross-sensitization suggests that MPD treatment during adolescence does not induce short- or long-term neuroadaptation in rats that could increase sensitivity to MPD or nicotine.
A cafeína e o femproporex são substâncias psicoestimulantes. O femproporex é muito utilizado no Brasil como anorexígeno enquanto a cafeína é amplamente consumida como constituinte regular da dieta. A administração repetida de psicoestimulantes induz sensibilização comportamental que se caracteriza pelo aumento progressivo dos seus efeitos locomotores. Pode ocorrer ainda sensibilização cruzada entre essas substâncias. Investigamos se a administração repetida de cafeína aumenta a locomoção induzida pelo femproporex em ratos adolescentes e adultos. Quarenta e oito ratos adolescentes (dia pós-natal 27) e 32 adultos (dia pós-natal 60) foram distribuídos em dois grupos que receberam injeção intra-peritoneal de 10,0 mg/kg de cafeína (CAF) (adolescentes N = 24; adultos N = 16) ou salina (SAL) (adolescentes N = 24; adultos N = 16) diariamente durante 10 dias. Três dias após a última injeção, cada grupo CAF ou SAL foi subdividido em dois subgrupos que receberam injeção i.p. de salina (SAL) (1 mL/kg) ou femproporex (FEM) (2,0 mg/kg). Após as injeções, a atividade locomotora foi avaliada automaticamente em intervalos de 5 minutos durante 1 hora. Nossos resultados demonstraram que em ratos adolescentes e adultos o pré-tratamento com CAF aumenta a atividade locomotora induzida pela administração aguda de FEM, sugerindo que a cafeína causa sensibilização aos efeitos locomotores desse derivado anfetamínico.
This work describes a photo-reactor to perform in line degradation of organic compounds by photo-Fenton reaction using Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) system. A copper phthalocyanine-3,4',4²,4²¢-tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt dye solution was used as a model compound for the phthalocyanine family, whose pigments have a large use in automotive coatings industry. Based on preliminary tests, 97% of color removal was obtained from a solution containing 20 µmol L-1 of this dye.
Estuarine hydrodynamics is a key factor in the definition of the filtering capacity of an estuary and results from the interaction of the processes that control the inlet morphodynamics and those that are acting in the mixing of the water in the estuary. The hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport in the Camboriú estuary were assessed by two field campaigns conducted in 1998 that covered both neap and spring tide conditions. The period measured represents the estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport prior to the construction of the jetty in 2003 and provides important background information for the Camboriú estuary. Each field campaign covered two complete tidal cycles with hourly measurements of currents, salinity, suspended sediment concentration and water level. Results show that the Camboriú estuary is partially mixed with the vertical structure varying as a function of the tidal range and tidal phase. The dynamic estuarine structure can be balanced between the stabilizing effects generated by the vertical density gradient, which produces buoyancy and stratification flows, and the turbulent effects generated by the vertical velocity gradient that generates vertical mixing. The main sediment source for the water column are the bottom sediments, periodically resuspended by the tidal currents. The advective salt and suspended sediment transport was different between neap and spring tides, being more complex at spring tide. The river discharge term was important under both tidal conditions. The tidal correlation term was also important, being dominant in the suspended sediment transport during the spring tide. The gravitational circulation and Stokes drift played a secondary role in the estuarine transport processes.
Estudos recentes mostram que restrições na ingestão de sódio podem aumentar a resistência à insulina (RI) e induzir alterações nas lipoproteínas séricas e em marcadores de inflamação semelhantes às encontradas na síndrome metabólica (SM). Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os efeitos da restrição do consumo de sódio sobre a SM ou a RI. Nove artigos foram incluídos na revisão. A restrição no consumo de sódio associou-se ao aumento da RI em dois artigos e a diminuição em três outros. Em sete dos nove artigos, a restrição na ingestão de sal determinou redução da pressão arterial e em dois artigos ocorreram efeitos adversos em marcadores da SM. A maioria dos estudos mostrou efeitos benéficos da restrição moderada de sódio da dieta associados ou não a outras modificações nutricionais ou ao aumento da atividade física. Novos estudos são necessários para avaliar os efeitos de reduções moderadas no consumo de sódio sobre a SM e a RI.
OBJETIVO: Estimar as prevalências de comportamentos prejudiciais à saúde e de outros fatores de risco cardiovascular entre idosos com hipertensão auto-referida e comparando-as com de não-hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados do sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL), referentes aos 9.038 idosos residentes em domicílios com pelo menos uma linha telefônica fixa nas 26 capitais brasileiras e no Distrito Federal em 2006. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão auto-referida foi de 55% (IC 95%: 53;57). A maioria dos hipertensos apresentava concomitância de três ou mais fatores de risco (69%; IC 95%: 67;71). Foram observadas altas prevalências de atividades físicas insuficientes no lazer (88%; IC 95%: 86;89) e do consumo de frutas e hortaliças inferior a cinco porções diárias (90%; IC 95%: 88;90) entre hipertensos, seguidas pela adição de sal aos alimentos (60%; IC 95%: 57;63), consumo habitual de carnes gordurosas (23%; IC 95%: 21;25), tabagismo (9%; IC 95%: 7;10) e consumo abusivo de álcool (3%; IC 95%: 2;4). Essas prevalências foram semelhantes às observadas entre não hipertensos (p >0,05), exceto tabagismo. A prevalência do tabagismo foi menor entre hipertensos (razão de prevalência ajustada [RPA] = 0,75; IC 95%: 0,64;0,89) e as prevalências de sobrepeso (RPA= 1,37; IC 95%: 1,25;1,49), dislipidemia (RPA 1,36; IC 95%: 1,26;1,36) e diabetes (RPA= 1,37; IC 95%: 1,27;1,37) foram mais altas. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que, exceto tabagismo, os comportamentos prejudiciais à saúde entre idosos persistem após o diagnóstico da hipertensão arterial.
Com o objetivo de identificar as principais falhas no sistema de produção que limitam a pecuária em Santarém, Pará, foram entrevistados, ao acaso, 21 pecuaristas (90,5% de corte - cria, recria e engorda; 9,5% de leite), proprietários de 10% da população de bovinos do município. 71,4% das propriedades tinham currais para manejo do gado, entretanto apenas 38,1% possuíam balança e 23,8% tronco de contenção. A Brachiaria brizantha estava presente em todas as fazendas, sendo usada exclusivamente em 42,9% das propriedades. A disseminação de plantas invasoras (61,9%) foi considerada a principal dificuldade no manejo das pastagens. Constatou-se que 76,2% dos pecuaristas utilizam misturas minerais com macro e micro-elementos, geralmente de formulações comerciais, enquanto que 19% utilizam apenas sal comum, enriquecido com micro-elementos. A concentração de fósforo (P) na mistura mineral estava abaixo do recomendado para bovinos de corte em 76,9% das propriedades e apenas 19% das propriedades possuía cochos para suplementação mineral adequada.
Foi realizado um experimento de suplementação com novilhos fistulados no rúmen com o objetivo de verificar a utilização de ureia encapsulada como fonte de nitrogênio de liberação mais lenta e uniforme ao longo do tempo, bem como seu efeito sobre a degradabilidade da parede celular do feno. Os tratamentos foram: Feno + sal mineralizado (SM); Feno + suplemento proteico com ureia comum (SU); Feno + suplemento proteico com ureia encapsulada fórmula 1 (UE1); e Feno + suplemento proteico com ureia encapsulada fórmula 2 (UE2). O volumoso utilizado foi feno de Tifton (Cynodon dactylon L.) de baixa qualidade (PB: 4,62% e FDN: 83,46%). Foram realizadas medidas de pH e N-NH3 ruminais e parâmetros de degradação ruminal da FDN do volumoso. Verificou-se efeito (P<0,05) da suplementação nitrogenada sobre a concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal no rúmen; no entanto, a ureia encapsulada não foi diferente (P>0,05) da ureia comum. Os valores de pH e degradabilidade in situ não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P>0,05), ao serem comparados os suplementados ou não suplementados com proteína degradável no rúmen e ao serem comparadas fontes de nitrogênio não proteico. A ureia encapsulada não demonstrou superioridade sobre a ureia comum, provavelmente pela baixa eficiência da sua proteção. A utilização de ureia encapsulada e a suplementação de proteína degradável não foram eficientes em aumentar a degradabilidade da parede celular do volumoso utilizado.
Introduction. Lung tranplantation, a consolidated treatment for end-stage lung disease, utilizes preservation solutions, such as low potassium dextran (LPD), to mitigate ischemia reperfusion injury. We sought the local development of LPD solutions in an attempt to facilitate access and enhance usage. We also sought to evaluate the effectiveness of a locally manufactured LPD solution in a rat model of ex vivo lung perfusion. Methods. We randomized the following groups \?\adult of male Wistar rats (n = 25 each): Perfadex (LPD; Vitro life, Sweden); locally manufactured LPD-glucose (LPDnac) (Farmoterapica, Brazil), and normal saline solution (SAL) with 3 ischemic times (6, 12, and 24 hours). The harvested heart lung blocks were flushed with solution at 4 C. After storage, the blocks were connected to an IL-2 Isolated Perfused Rat or Guinea Pig Lung System (Harvard Apparatus) and reperfused with homologous blood for 60 minutes. Respiratory mechanics, pulmonary artery pressure, perfusate blood gas analysis, and lung weight were measured at 10-minute intervals. Comparisons between groups and among ischemic times were performed using analysis of variance with a 5% level of significance. Results. Lungs preserved for 24 hours were nonviable and therefore excluded from the analysis. Those preserved for 6 hours showed better ventilatory mechanics when compared with 12 hours. The oxygenation capacity was not different between lungs flushed with LPD or LPDnac, regardless of the ischemic time. SAL lungs showed higher PCO(2) values than the other solutions. Lung weight increased over time during perfusion; however, there were no significant differences among the tested solutions (LPD, P = .23; LPDnac, P = .41; SAL, P = .26). We concluded that the LPDnac solution results in gas exchange were comparable to the original LPD (Perfadex); however ventilatory mechanics and edema formation were better with LPD, particularly among lungs undergoing 6 hours of cold ischemia.
Introduction The protective effect of glutamine, as a pharmacological agent against lung injury, has been reported in experimental sepsis; however, its efficacy at improving oxygenation and lung mechanics, attenuating diaphragm and distal organ injury has to be better elucidated. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that a single early intravenous dose of glutamine was associated not only with the improvement of lung morpho-function, but also the reduction of the inflammatory process and epithelial cell apoptosis in kidney, liver, and intestine villi. Methods Seventy-two Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups. Sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture surgery (CLP), while a sham operated group was used as control (C). One hour after surgery, C and CLP groups were further randomized into subgroups receiving intravenous saline (1 ml, SAL) or glutamine (0.75 g/kg, Gln). At 48 hours, animals were anesthetized, and the following parameters were measured: arterial oxygenation, pulmonary mechanics, and diaphragm, lung, kidney, liver, and small intestine villi histology. At 18 and 48 hours, Cytokine-Induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant (CINC)-1, interleukin (IL)-6 and 10 were quantified in bronchoalveolar and peritoneal lavage fluids (BALF and PLF, respectively). Results CLP induced: a) deterioration of lung mechanics and gas exchange; b) ultrastructural changes of lung parenchyma and diaphragm; and c) lung and distal organ epithelial cell apoptosis. Glutamine improved survival rate, oxygenation and lung mechanics, minimized pulmonary and diaphragmatic changes, attenuating lung and distal organ epithelial cell apoptosis. Glutamine increased IL-10 in peritoneal lavage fluid at 18 hours and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid at 48 hours, but decreased CINC-1 and IL-6 in BALF and PLF only at 18 hours. Conclusions In an experimental model of abdominal sepsis, a single intravenous dose of glutamine administered after sepsis induction may modulate the inflammatory process reducing not only the risk of lung injury, but also distal organ impairment. These results suggest that intravenous glutamine may be a potentially beneficial therapy for abdominal sepsis.
Oral tolerance attenuates changes in in vitro lung tissue mechanics and extracellular matrix remodeling induced by chronic allergic inflammation in guinea pigs. J Appl Physiol 104: 1778-1785, 2008. First published April 3, 2008; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00830.2007.-Recent studies emphasize the presence of alveolar tissue inflammation in asthma. Immunotherapy has been considered a possible therapeutic strategy for asthma, and its effect on lung tissue had not been previously investigated. Measurements of lung tissue resistance and elastance were obtained before and after both ovalbumin and acetylcholine challenges. Using morphometry, we assessed eosinophil and smooth muscle cell density, as well as collagen and elastic fiber content, in lung tissue from guinea pigs with chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation. Animals received seven inhalations of ovalbumin (1-5 mg/ml; OVA group) or saline (SAL group) during 4 wk. Oral tolerance (OT) was induced by offering ad libitum ovalbumin 2% in sterile drinking water starting with the 1st inhalation (OT1 group) or after the 4th (OT2 group). The ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in baseline and in postchallenge resistance and elastance related to baseline, eosinophil density, and collagen and elastic fiber content in lung tissue compared with controls. Baseline and post-ovalbumin and acetylcholine elastance and resistance, eosinophil density, and collagen and elastic fiber content were attenuated in OT1 and OT2 groups compared with the OVA group. Our results show that inducing oral tolerance attenuates lung tissue mechanics, as well as eosinophilic inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling induced by chronic inflammation.
This in vitro study evaluated the effect of a prolonged erosive pH cycling on the superficial microhardness change (SMHC) and the erosive wear of different restorative materials. Eighty enamel specimens with prepared cavities of 1.5 x 1.5 mm were randomly divided into eight groups according to the restorative materials used for the fillings (RMGI - resin-modified glass-ionomer, CGI - conventional glass-ionomer, CR- composite resin, A - amalgam) and immersion media used (ERO - erosive medium or SAL - artificial saliva). During 35 days, half of the specimens were immersed in a cola drink (ERO), for 5 min, three times a day, and they remained in SAL between the erosive cycles. The other half of the specimens was immersed in SAL only, for the entire experimental period (control). Data were tested for significant differences by anova and Tukey`s tests (P < 0.05). Scanning electron microscopy images were made to illustrate the enamel erosive wear and restorative materials alterations. The mean SMHC (%) and mean erosive wear (mu m) of the materials were: RMGI-ERO (30/0.5); CGI-ERO (37/0.5); CR-ERO (-0.3/0.3); A-ERO (-4/0.3); RMGI-SAL (4/0.4); CGI-SAL (-6/0.4); CR-SAL (-3/0.2) and A-SAL (2/0.4). Scanning electron microscopy images showed pronounced enamel erosive wear on groups submitted to erosive pH cycling when compared with groups maintained in saliva. In conclusion, the prolonged pH cycling promoted significantly higher alterations (SMHC and erosive wear) on the glass-ionomer cements than the CR and amalgam.
This in vitro study evaluated the effect of erosive pH cycling on the percentage of surface micro-hardness change (%SMHC) and wear of different restorative materials and bovine enamel restored with these materials. Eighty enamel specimens were randomly divided into eight groups according to the restorative materials and immersion media used: GI/GV-resin-modifled glass-ionomer, GII/GVI-conventional glass-ionomer, GIII/GVII-resin composite and GIV/GVIII-amalgam. Over a period of seven days, groups GI to GIV were immersed in a cola drink (ERO) for 5 minutes, 3x/day and kept in artificial saliva between erosive cycles. Groups GV to GVIII were immersed in artificial saliva (SAL) throughout the entire experimental period (control). Data were tested for significant differences using ANOVA and Tukey`s tests (p < 0.05). For %SMHC, considering the restorative materials, no significant differences were detected among the materials and immersion media. Mean wear was higher for the resin modified glass ionomer cement when compared to conventional cement, but those materials did not significantly differ from the others. For enamel analyses, erosive pH cycling promoted higher wear and %SMHC compared to saliva. There were no significant differences in wear and %SMHC of enamel around the different restorative materials, regardless of the distance from the restorative material (50, 150 or 300 mu m). In conclusion, there were only subtle differences among the materials, and these differences were not able to protect the surrounding enamel from erosion.