15 resultados para one-dimensional hydrogen atom

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) is applied to the diagnostic turbulence field of the mixing layer (ML) over the equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean. Two situations were investigated: rainy and dry seasons, defined, respectively, by the presence of the intertropical convergence zone and by its northward displacement. Simulations were carried out using data from a PIRATA buoy located on the equator at 23 degrees W to compute surface turbulent fluxes and from the NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget Project to close the surface radiation balance. A data assimilation scheme was used as a surrogate for the physical effects not present in the one-dimensional model. In the rainy season, results show that the ML is shallower due to the weaker surface stress and stronger stable stratification; the maximum ML depth reached during this season is around 15 m, with an averaged diurnal variation of 7 m depth. In the dry season, the stronger surface stress and the enhanced surface heat balance components enable higher mechanical production of turbulent kinetic energy and, at night, the buoyancy acts also enhancing turbulence in the first meters of depth, characterizing a deeper ML, reaching around 60 m and presenting an average diurnal variation of 30 m.


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Increasing efforts exist in integrating different levels of detail in models of the cardiovascular system. For instance, one-dimensional representations are employed to model the systemic circulation. In this context, effective and black-box-type decomposition strategies for one-dimensional networks are needed, so as to: (i) employ domain decomposition strategies for large systemic models (1D-1D coupling) and (ii) provide the conceptual basis for dimensionally-heterogeneous representations (1D-3D coupling, among various possibilities). The strategy proposed in this article works for both of these two scenarios, though the several applications shown to illustrate its performance focus on the 1D-1D coupling case. A one-dimensional network is decomposed in such a way that each coupling point connects two (and not more) of the sub-networks. At each of the M connection points two unknowns are defined: the flow rate and pressure. These 2M unknowns are determined by 2M equations, since each sub-network provides one (non-linear) equation per coupling point. It is shown how to build the 2M x 2M non-linear system with arbitrary and independent choice of boundary conditions for each of the sub-networks. The idea is then to solve this non-linear system until convergence, which guarantees strong coupling of the complete network. In other words, if the non-linear solver converges at each time step, the solution coincides with what would be obtained by monolithically modeling the whole network. The decomposition thus imposes no stability restriction on the choice of the time step size. Effective iterative strategies for the non-linear system that preserve the black-box character of the decomposition are then explored. Several variants of matrix-free Broyden`s and Newton-GMRES algorithms are assessed as numerical solvers by comparing their performance on sub-critical wave propagation problems which range from academic test cases to realistic cardiovascular applications. A specific variant of Broyden`s algorithm is identified and recommended on the basis of its computer cost and reliability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the classical one-dimensional integer cutting stock problem, which consists of cutting a set of available stock lengths in order to produce smaller ordered items. This process is carried out in order to optimize a given objective function (e.g., minimizing waste). Our study deals with a case in which there are several stock lengths available in limited quantities. Moreover, we have focused on problems of low demand. Some heuristic methods are proposed in order to obtain an integer solution and compared with others. The heuristic methods are empirically analyzed by solving a set of randomly generated instances and a set of instances from the literature. Concerning the latter. most of the optimal solutions of these instances are known, therefore it was possible to compare the solutions. The proposed methods presented very small objective function value gaps. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider independent edge percolation models on Z, with edge occupation probabilities. We prove that oriented percolation occurs when beta > 1 provided p is chosen sufficiently close to 1, answering a question posed in Newman and Schulman (Commun. Math. Phys. 104: 547, 1986). The proof is based on multi-scale analysis.


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Particle conservation lattice-gas models with infinitely many absorbing states are studied on a one-dimensional lattice. As one increases the particle density, they exhibit a phase transition from an absorbing to an active phase. The models are solved exactly by the use of the transfer matrix technique from which the critical behavior was obtained. We have found that the exponent related to the order parameter, the density of active sites, is 1 for all studied models except one of them with exponent 2.


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We consider the energy levels of a hydrogen-like atom in the framework of theta-modified, due to space noncommutativity, Dirac equation with Coulomb field. It is shown that on the noncommutative (NC) space the degeneracy of the levels 2S(1/2), 2P(1/2) and 2P(3/2) is lifted completely, such that new transition channels are allowed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we consider the case of a Bose gas in low dimension in order to illustrate the applicability of a method that allows us to construct analytical relations, valid for a broad range of coupling parameters, for a function which asymptotic expansions are known. The method is well suitable to investigate the problem of stability of a collection of Bose particles trapped in one- dimensional configuration for the case where the scattering length presents a negative value. The eigenvalues for this interacting quantum one-dimensional many particle system become negative when the interactions overcome the trapping energy and, in this case, the system becomes unstable. Here we calculate the critical coupling parameter and apply for the case of Lithium atoms obtaining the critical number of particles for the limit of stability.


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Charge density and magnetization density profiles of one-dimensional metals are investigated by two complementary many-body methods: numerically exact (Lanczos) diagonalization, and the Bethe-Ansatz local-density approximation with and without a simple self-interaction correction. Depending on the magnetization of the system, local approximations reproduce different Fourier components of the exact Friedel oscillations. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work an efficient third order non-linear finite difference scheme for solving adaptively hyperbolic systems of one-dimensional conservation laws is developed. The method is based oil applying to the solution of the differential equation an interpolating wavelet transform at each time step, generating a multilevel representation for the solution, which is thresholded and a sparse point representation is generated. The numerical fluxes obtained by a Lax-Friedrichs flux splitting are evaluated oil the sparse grid by an essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) approximation, which chooses the locally smoothest stencil among all the possibilities for each point of the sparse grid. The time evolution of the differential operator is done on this sparse representation by a total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta method. Four classical examples of initial value problems for the Euler equations of gas dynamics are accurately solved and their sparse solutions are analyzed with respect to the threshold parameters, confirming the efficiency of the wavelet transform as an adaptive grid generation technique. (C) 2008 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The goal of this paper is to present an approximation scheme for a reaction-diffusion equation with finite delay, which has been used as a model to study the evolution of a population with density distribution u, in such a way that the resulting finite dimensional ordinary differential system contains the same asymptotic dynamics as the reaction-diffusion equation.


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In the present work. the resonance Raman. UV-vis-NIR and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) data of nanorods (about similar to 300 rim in diameter) and nanofibers (about similar to 93 nm in diameter) of PANI are presented and compared. The PANI samples were synthesized in aqueous media with dodecybenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA) and beta-naphtalenesulfonic acid (beta-NSA) as dopants, respectively. The presence of hands at 578, 1400 and 1632cm(-1) in the Raman spectra of PANI-NSA and PANI-DBSA shows that the formation of cross-linking structures is a general feature of the PANI chains prepared in micellar media. It is proposed that these structures are responsible for the one-dimensional PANI morphology formation. In addition, the Raman band at 609cm(-1) of PANI fibers is correlated with the extended PANI chain coil formation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The states of an electron confined in a two-dimensional (2D) plane and bound to an off-plane donor impurity center, in the presence of a magnetic field, are investigated. The energy levels of the ground state and the first three excited states are calculated variationally. The binding energy and the mean orbital radius of these states are obtained as a function of the donor center position and the magnetic field strength. The limiting cases are discussed for an in-plane donor impurity (i.e. a 2D hydrogen atom) as well as for the donor center far away from the 2D plane in strong magnetic fields, which corresponds to a 2D harmonic oscillator.


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We analyze the stability properties of equilibrium solutions and periodicity of orbits in a two-dimensional dynamical system whose orbits mimic the evolution of the price of an asset and the excess demand for that asset. The construction of the system is grounded upon a heterogeneous interacting agent model for a single risky asset market. An advantage of this construction procedure is that the resulting dynamical system becomes a macroscopic market model which mirrors the market quantities and qualities that would typically be taken into account solely at the microscopic level of modeling. The system`s parameters correspond to: (a) the proportion of speculators in a market; (b) the traders` speculative trend; (c) the degree of heterogeneity of idiosyncratic evaluations of the market agents with respect to the asset`s fundamental value; and (d) the strength of the feedback of the population excess demand on the asset price update increment. This correspondence allows us to employ our results in order to infer plausible causes for the emergence of price and demand fluctuations in a real asset market. The employment of dynamical systems for studying evolution of stochastic models of socio-economic phenomena is quite usual in the area of heterogeneous interacting agent models. However, in the vast majority of the cases present in the literature, these dynamical systems are one-dimensional. Our work is among the few in the area that construct and study analytically a two-dimensional dynamical system and apply it for explanation of socio-economic phenomena.


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The analysis of the IR carbonyl band of the N-methoxy-N-methyl-2-[(4`-substituted)phenylthio]propanamides Y-PhSCH(Me)C(O)N(OMe)Me (Y=OMe 1, Me 2, H 3, Cl 4, NO(2) 5), supported by B3LYP/cc-pVDZ calculations of 3, indicated the existence of two gauche conformers (g(1) and g(2)), the g(1) conformer being the more stable and the less polar one (in gas phase and in solution). Both conformers are present in solution of the polar solvents (CH(2)Cl(2) and CH(3)CN) for 1-5 and in solution of the less polar solvent (CHCl(3)) for 1-4, while only the g(1) conformer is present in solution of non polar solvents (n-C(6)H(14) and CCl(4)) and in solution of CHCl(3) for 5. NBO analysis shows that both the sigma(C-S) -> pi*(C=O) (hyperconjugative) and the pi(C=O) -> sigma*(C-S) orbital interactions contribute almost to the same extent for the stabilization of g(1) and g(2) conformers. The pi*(C=O) -> sigma*(C-S), n(S) -> pi*(C=O) and the n(S) -> pi*(C=O) orbital interactions stabilize more the g(1) conformer than the g(2) one. Moreover, the suitable geometry of the g(1) conformer leads to its stabilization through the LP(O2) -> sigma*(C8-H11) orbital interaction (hydrogen bond) along with the strong O([CO])(delta-) center dot center dot center dot H([O-Ph])(delta+) electrostatic interaction. On the other hand, the appropriate geometry of the g(2) conformer leads to its stabilization by the LP(O22) -> sigma*(C9-H13) orbital interaction (hydrogen bond) along with the weak O([OMe])(delta-) center dot center dot center dot H([o`-Ph])(delta+) electrostatic static interaction. As for the 4`-nitro derivative 5 the ortho-phenyl hydrogen atom becomes more acidic, leading to a stronger O([CO])(delta-) center dot center dot center dot H([o-Ph])(delta+) interaction and, thus, into a larger stabilization of the g(1) conformer in the whole series. This trend is responsible for the unique IR carbonyl band in CHCl(3) solution of 5. The larger occupancy of the pi*(C=O) orbital of the g(1) conformer relative to that of the g(2) conformer, along with the O([CO])(delta-) center dot center dot center dot H([o-Ph])(delta+) electrostatic interaction (hydrogen bond) justifies the lower carbonyl frequency of the g(1) conformer with respect to the g(2) one, in gas phase and in solution. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Folate is shown to react with singlet-excited state of riboflavin in a diffusion controlled reaction and with triplet-excited state of riboflavin in a somewhat slower reaction with (3)k(q) = 4.8 x 10(8) L mol(-1) s(-1) in aqueous phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, ionic strength of 0.2 mol L(-1), and 25 degrees C. Singlet quenching is assigned as photo-induced reductive electron transfer from ground state folate to singlet-excited riboflavin, while triplet quenching is assigned as one-electron transfer rather than hydrogen atom transfer from folate to triplet-excited riboflavin, as the reaction quantum yield, phi = 0.32, is hardly influenced by solvent change from water to deuterium oxide, phi = 0.37. Cyclic voltammetry showed an irreversible two-electron anodic process for folate, E = 1.14 V versus NHE at a scan-rate of 50 mV s(-1), which appears to be kinetically controlled by the heterogeneous electron transfer from the substrates to the electrode. Main products of folate photooxidation sensitized by riboflavin were pterin-6-carboxylic acid and p-aminobenzoyl-L-glutamic acid as shown by liquid chromatographic ion-trap mass spectrometry (LC-IT-MS).