189 resultados para occupational therapy profession

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Background: Addressing human rights issues brings forth ethical and political responsibilities for occupational therapists and requires new epistemological and educational approaches. The way occupational therapists have faced these challenges has depended upon historical, cultural and social contexts. Aim and method: By means of literature review and historical analysis, this paper reflects on how occupational therapists have dealt with human matters issues and on the contemporary changes within the profession. Results and discussion: The paper portrays how Latin American occupational therapists have engaged in social transformation by choosing not to transform ethical and political problems into technical matters. Taking into account experiences and views from South Africa, Brazil and Chile, the paper outlines the importance of developing political literacy and interdisciplinary professional/postprofessional education to prepare the new generation of occupational therapists to engage in social transformation. Addressing issues of invisibility and lack of access to human rights, the paper reflects on the need of developing conceptual tools and strategies for change, and discusses the transformations being produced in contemporary occupational therapy. Conclusion: Occupational therapists and scientists need to be attentive to human rights issues. They also need to answer the call for interconnectedness in the present-day complex societies, and engage in networking and a cross-bordering dialogue. Nevertheless, although necessary and welcome, international cooperation requires a permanent exercise of cultural sensitivity, political awareness and self-awareness.


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The purpose of this study was to examine how key occupational therapy terminologies are used by Brazilian occupational therapists. A nominal group approach combined with a Delphi technique involving 31 Brazilian occupational therapists was applied. A sociolinguistic approach was adopted since it broadens our understanding of the social and cultural determinants of terminology consolidation. Brazilian occupational therapists were found to adopt the term activity more often than human action or doing. Even less often were praxis and occupation applied. No consensus was reached regarding which of the terms is most preferred. While Brazilian occupational therapists have been developing their profession from international standards, it is still embedded in local demands and policies. Additionally, the political context must be considered when building an international dialogue between members of a professional body. Such a dialogue could engage professionals from different countries in meaningful exchanges about their practices. These exchanges may lead to the development of solid professional communities that can contribute meaningfully to social change. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Estudo conduzido com o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento e implementação de políticas de qualificação profissional no campo da saúde. Foram analisados 14 cursos de graduação da área da saúde: biomedicina, ciências biológicas, educação física, enfermagem, farmácia, fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia, medicina, medicina veterinária, nutrição, odontologia, psicologia, serviço social e terapia ocupacional, no período de 1991 a 2008. Dados sobre número de ingressantes, taxa de ocupação de vagas, distribuição de concluintes por habitante, gênero e renda familiar foram coletados a partir dos bancos do Ministério da Educação. Para o curso de medicina, a relação foi de 40 candidatos por vaga nas instituições públicas contra 10 nas privadas. A maioria dos ingressantes era composta por mulheres. A região Sudeste concentrou 57% dos concluintes, corroborando o desequilíbrio de distribuição regional das oportunidades de formação de profissionais de saúde e indicando a necessidade de políticas de incentivo à redução dessas desigualdades.


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Estudo exploratório e descritivo, parte integrante de um projeto de parceria entre o Serviço de Enfermagem e de Terapia Ocupacional no preparo da criança para as cirurgias eletivas no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo. OBJETIVO: utilizar o brinquedo como recurso terapêutico no alívio das tensões reais e inconscientes da criança em relação à hospitalização. MÉTODO: Foi construído um instrumento de coleta dos dados em forma de roteiro observacional, e aplicado em dois momentos: o primeiro consiste no dia anterior à realização da cirurgia e o segundo momento no dia da cirurgia imediatamente antes de sua realização. Utilizamos a contação de história e a demonstração das intervenções de enfermagem nos brinquedos (bonecos) com equipamentos e materiais comumente utilizados na hospitalização (luvas, aventais cirúrgico, máscara facial e gorro cirúrgico). RESULTADOS: Dentre as 21 variáveis de comportamento observadas, oito obtiveram diferença estatisticamente significativa com teste de McNemar (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: brincar interativamente proporciona à criança hospitalizada interagir com o ambiente hospitalar, expressar os seus sentimentos e emoções e provê recursos para a assistência humanizada.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência de atividades lúdicas no processo de formação de conceitos espontâneos por crianças com seqüelas de paralisia cerebral. Participaram da pesquisa sete crianças, que foram submetidas a um pré-teste de conceitos espontâneos, sessões individuais de atividades lúdicas que envolviam alguns dos conceitos avaliados e reaplicação do teste inicial a fim de avaliar o grau de desenvolvimento dos conceitos. Todas as crianças participantes desenvolveram ao menos um dos conceitos mais vivenciados nas sessões de atividades lúdicas, além de terem desenvolvido outros conceitos espontâneos não avaliados por meio dos testes.


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A presente pesquisa teve quatro objetivos: 1) identificar reações de mães em relação ao diagnóstico da deficiência visual; 2) identificar o responsável pela detecção da deficiência; 3) verificar dificuldades da criança no processo de escolarização, e 4) verificar possíveis contribuições de atividades terapêuticas direcionadas ao grupo de mães. Foi realizado um "survey" descritivo com as mães de crianças com deficiência visual, atendidas no CEPRE-FCM-Unicamp. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário aplicado por entrevista, desenvolvido após estudo exploratório. Compôs-se uma amostra não probabilística, constituída por 14 mães. Entre os resultados obtidos, com relação aos sentimentos apontados pelas mães em relação ao diagnóstico, destacaram-se: a tristeza (71,0 por cento); o medo (64,0 por cento) e a decepção (42,0 por cento). O problema visual foi percebido por mães em 53,0 por cento dos casos, por pediatras em 26,0 por cento e por familiares em 21,0 por cento. Entre as dificuldades da criança no processo de escolarização foram apontadas: medo de não conseguirem acompanhar as exigências escolares (75,0 por cento) e discriminação (63,0 por cento). A maioria das mães (78,0 por cento) acredita que as atividades do grupo contribuem para o esclarecimento de dúvidas, e as atividades terapêuticas contribuíram para que aprendessem a lidar com as dificuldades de seus filhos (78,0 por cento). Os resultados obtidos contribuíram para concluir: que os sentimentos de tristeza, medo e decepção mostraram-se mais evidentes; que, na maioria dos casos, a deficiência visual foi detectada pela mãe; que na opinião das mães, as crianças teriam dificuldades em acompanhar as atividades escolares e que o grupo contribuiu para esclarecer dúvidas e favorecer troca de experiências


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The aim of this study was to create an adaptation of the Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale (RKPPS) for the Brazilian population, as well as to apply the instrument with statistical analysis to verify the preliminary intra-rater and inter-rater reliability and repeatability of the instrument. The instructions presented by Beaton et al. regarding adaptation of instruments were followed to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the RKPPS. A preliminary test of the Portuguese version was performed on 18 children with no motor, cognitive or sensory impairment. The video recordings of this administration were analysed on two separate occasions by two examiners within a 5-month interval, using the scores suggested by Pfeifer. The Spearman`s test was used in the statistical analysis of the obtained data. The author of the RKPPS agreed with the small necessary cultural adaptations. The Spearman test revealed a high correlation coefficient and good significance levels for both intra- and inter-raters values. This study demonstrated the reliability and repeatability of the Brazilian version of the RKPPS. This is a preliminary study and further studies are needed in order to validate the scale to be administered in the Brazilian population. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Background. Play is an indication of a children`s development. Purpose. Organize a culturally adapt the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment to Brazilian population. Method. Translation and cultural adaptation procedures consisted of translation, synthesis, back translation, author`s approval, and pretest of the assessment. For the pretest, 14 typically developing children were assessed. Was evaluated the use of play materials, duration of the assessment, and reliability. Findings. Play materials and duration of the assessment were appropriate for Brazilian children. Analysis of intra-rater reliability showed good agreement ranging from 0.90 to 1.00. Inter-rater reliability showed good to moderate agreement for five items ranging from 0.76 to 0.59. Four items showed chance to poor agreement (rho = -0.13 to 0.50). Implications. Results of the pretest indicate the Brazilian version of the ChIPPA is potentially useful for Brazilian children. ChIPPA training in Portuguese in Brazil with play observation feedback is recommended to improve inter-rater reliability.


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Coal mining and incineration of solid residues of health services (SRHS) generate several contaminants that are delivered into the environment, such as heavy metals and dioxins. These xenobiotics can lead to oxidative stress overgeneration in organisms and cause different kinds of pathologies, including cancer. In the present study the concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, copper, iron, manganese and zinc in the urine, as well as several enzymatic and non-enzymatic biomarkers of oxidative stress in the blood (contents of lipoperoxidation = TBARS, protein carbonyls = PC, protein thiols = PT, alpha-tocopherol = AT, reduced glutathione = GSH, and the activities of glutathione S-transferase = GST, glutathione reductase = GR, glutathione peroxidase = GPx, catalase = CAT and superoxide dismutase = SOD), in the blood of six different groups (n = 20 each) of subjects exposed to airborne contamination related to coal mining as well as incineration of solid residues of health services (SRHS) after vitamin E (800 mg/day) and vitamin C (500 mg/day) supplementation during 6 months, which were compared to the situation before the antioxidant intervention (Avila et al., Ecotoxicology 18:1150-1157, 2009; Possamai et al., Ecotoxicology 18:1158-1164, 2009). Except for the decreased manganese contents, heavy metal concentrations were elevated in all groups exposed to both sources of airborne contamination when compared to controls. TBARS and PC concentrations, which were elevated before the antioxidant intervention decreased after the antioxidant supplementation. Similarly, the contents of PC, AT and GSH, which were decreased before the antioxidant intervention, reached values near those found in controls, GPx activity was reestablished in underground miners, and SOD, CAT and GST activities were reestablished in all groups. The results showed that the oxidative stress condition detected previously to the antioxidant supplementation in both directly and indirectly subjects exposed to the airborne contamination from coal dusts and SRHS incineration, was attenuated after the antioxidant intervention.


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Objectives: To evaluate the genotoxic risk to hairdressers exposed daily to chemical substances such as hair dyes, waving and straightening preparations and manicurists` products by the Comet assay test (single-cell gel electrophoresis). Methods: The Comet assay was performed on blood samples from 69 female hairdressers (36.4 +/- 10.7 years old) currently employed in 21 different beauty institutes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and on 55 female control blood donors (32.6 +/- 10.0 years old) from the Sao Paulo University Clinical Hospital blood bank. All the control subjects had occupations other than hairdresser. Comet assays were performed by evaluating 100 blood lymphocytes per individual and graded by visual score according to comet tail length. Results: The hairdressers showed a higher frequency of DNA damage revealed by Comet Score (159.8 +/- 71) when compared to the control group (125.4 +/- 64.1), and the difference was statistically significant by the Student`s t-test (P = 0.005). Multiple regression analysis showed that in addition to the hairdressers` profession, tobacco use contributed to the higher frequency of cells with comets (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The observed DNA damage could be associated with the hairdressers` occupational environment, where different chemicals are chronically manipulated and inhaled. Considering that this profession in many countries, including Brazil, is not officially regulated, more attention should focus on these professionals not only by legislative bodies but also by multidisciplinary teams able to develop and implement risk prevention and control strategies for chemical, physical and biological agents to which hairdressers are exposed.


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We propose a mathematical model to simulate the dynamics of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We assumed that a hypothetical vaccine, which cost was taken to be the initial cost of the vaccine against hepatitis B exists and it is introduced in the model. We computed its cost-effectiveness compared with the anti-HCV therapy. The calculated basic reproduction number was 1.20. The model predicts that without intervention a steady state exists with an HCV prevalence of 3%, in agreement with the Current epidemiological data. Starting from this steady state three interventions were simulated: indiscriminate vaccination, selective vaccination and anti-HCV therapy. Selective vaccination proved to be the strategy with the best cost-effectiveness ratio, followed by indiscriminate vaccination and anti-HCV therapy.


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The identification of early markers that predict the response to anti-tuberculosis treatment would facilitate evaluation of new drugs and improve patient management. This study aimed to determine whether selected acute phase proteins and micronutrients measured at the time of diagnosis and during the first weeks of treatment could predict treatment responses during the 2-month standard intensive phase of therapy. For this purpose, alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 1-acid gtycoprotein, alpha 2-macroglobutin, C-reactive protein, C3, C4, zinc, copper and selenium concentrations were measured in Brazilian patients with smear-positive tuberculosis at the time of diagnosis and 1, 3, 5 and 8 weeks after initiation of therapy. Patients were classified into fast (n = 29), intermediate (n = 18) and slow responders (n = 10) if they were smear-negative at 3, 5 or 8 weeks of treatment. alpha 1-acid gtycoprotein on enrolment and 1 week of treatment, alpha 1-antitrypsin at week 1 and C-reactive protein and C3 after 3 weeks of therapy were higher in slow responders than in fast responders. alpha 1-antitrypsin and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein may be helpful in predicting treatment response at the time of initiation of therapy, and could be used as early markers to identify patients with an increased likelihood of treatment failure. (C) 2008 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To study were to reproduce an alveolar bone defect model in Wistar rats to be used for testing the efficacy of stem cell therapies. Additionally, we also aimed to determine the osteogenesis process of this osseous defect in the 1 month period post-surgery. METHODS: The animals were randomly divided into two groups of 7 animals each. A gingivobuccal incision was made, and a bone defect of 28 mm² of area was performed in the alveolar region. Animals were killed at 2 weeks after surgery (n=7) and 4 weeks after surgery (n=7). RESULTS: The average area of the alveolar defect at time point of 2 weeks was 22.27 ± 1.31 mm² and the average area of alveolar defect at time point of 4 weeks was 9.03 ± 1.17 mm². The average amount of bone formation at time point of 2 weeks was 5.73 ± 1.31 mm² and the average amount of bone formation at time point of 4 weeks was 19 ± 1.17 mm². Statistically significant differences between the amount of bone formation at 2 weeks and 4 weeks after surgery were seen (p=0.003). CONCLUSION: The highest rate of ossification occurred mostly from 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. This observation suggests that 4 weeks after the bone defect creation should be a satisfactory timing to assess the potential of bone inductive stem cells to accelerate bone regeneration in Wistar rats.


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INTRODUCTION: The antibacterial effect of ozone (O3) has been described in the extant literature, but the role of O3 therapy in the treatment of certain types of infection remains controversial. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of intraperitoneal (i.p.) O3 application in a cecal ligation/puncture rat model on interleukins (IL-6, IL-10) and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-1 serum levels, acute lung injury and survival rates. METHODS: Four animal groups were used for the study: a) the SHAM group underwent laparotomy; b) the cecal ligation/puncture group underwent cecal ligation/puncture procedures; and c) the CLP+O2 and CLP+O3 groups underwent CLP+ corresponding gas mixture infusions (i.p.) throughout the observation period. IL-6, CINC-1 and IL-10 concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Acute lung injury was evaluated with the Evans blue dye lung leakage method and by lung histology. P<0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: CINC-1 was at the lowest level in the SHAM group and was lower for the CLP+O3 group vs. the CLP+O2 group and the cecal ligation/puncture group. IL-10 was lower for the SHAM group vs. the other three groups, which were similar compared to each other. IL-6 was lower for the SHAM group vs. all other groups, was lower for the CLP+O3 or CLP+O2 group vs. the cecal ligation/puncture group, and was similar for the CLP+O3 group vs. the CLP+O2 group. The lung histology score was lower for the SHAM group vs. the other groups. The Evans blue dye result was lower for the CLP+O3 group vs. the CLP+O2 group and the cecal ligation/puncture group but similar to that of the SHAM group. The survival rate for the CLP+O3 group was lower than for the SHAM group and similar to that for the other 2 groups (CLP and CLP+O2). CONCLUSION: Ozone therapy modulated the inflammatory response and acute lung injury in the cecal ligation/puncture infection model in rats, although there was no improvement on survival rates.


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Glucose enters eukaryotic cells via two types of membrane-associated carrier proteins, the Na+/glucose cotransporters (SGLT) and the facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT). The SGLT family consists of six members. Among them, the SGLT1 and SGLT2 proteins, encoded by the solute carrier genes SLC5A1 and SLC5A2, respectively, are believed to be the most important ones and have been extensively explored in studies focusing on glucose fluxes under both physiological and pathological conditions. This review considers the regulation of the expression of the SGLT promoted by protein kinases and transcription factors, as well as the alterations determined by diets of different compositions and by pathologies such as diabetes. It also considers congenital defects of sugar metabolism caused by aberrant expression of the SGLT1 in glucose-galactose malabsorption and the SGLT2 in familial renal glycosuria. Finally, it covers some pharmacological compounds that are being currently studied focusing on the interest of controlling glycemia by antagonizing SGLT in renal and intestinal tissues.