21 resultados para lymphatic filariasis

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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A very unusual triple structural transition pattern below room temperature was observed for the antifilarial drug diethylcarbamazine citrate. Besides the first thermal, crystallographic, and vibrational investigations of this first-line drug used in clinical treatment for lymphatic filariasis, a noteworthy behavior with three structural transformations as a function of temperature was demonstrated by differential scanning calorimetry, Raman spectroscopy, and single-crystal X-ray diffractometry. Our X-ray data on single crystals allow for a complete featuring and understanding of all transitions, since the four structures associated with the three solid-solid phase transformations were accurately determined. Two of three structural transitions show an order-disorder mechanism and temperature hysteresis with exothermic peaks at 224 K (T(1)`) and 213 K (T(2)`) upon cooling and endothermic ones at 248 K (T(1)) and 226 K (T(2)) upon heating. The other transition occurs at 108 K (T(3)) and it is temperature-rate sensitive. Molecular displacements onto the (010) plane and conformational changes of the diethylcarbamazine backbone as a consequence of the C-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonding formation/cleavage between drug molecules explain the mechanism of the transitions at T(1)`/T(2). However, such changes are observed only on alternate columns of the drug intercalated by citrate chains, which leads to a doubling of the lattice period along the a axis of the 235 K structure with respect to the 150 and 293 K structures. At T(2)`/T(1), these structural alterations occur in all columns of the drug. At T(3), there is a rotation on the axis of the N-C bond between the carbamoyl moiety and an ethyl group of one crystallographically independent diethylcarbamazine molecule besides molecular shifts and other conformational alterations. The impact of this study is based on the fascinating finding in which the versatile capability of structural adaptation dependent on the thermal history was observed for a relatively simple organic salt, diethylcarbamazine citrate.


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Background: Lymph node metastasis in endometrial cancer significantly decreases survival rate. Few data on the influence of intratumoral lymphatic microvessel density (LMVD) on survival in endometrial cancer are available. Our aim was to assess the intratumoral LMVD of endometrial carcinomas and to investigate its association with classical pathological factors, lymph node metastasis and survival. Methods: Fifty-seven patients with endometrial carcinoma diagnosed between 2000 and 2008 underwent complete surgical staging and evaluation of intratumoral LMVD and other histologic variables. Lymphatic microvessels were identified by immunohistochemical staining using monoclonal antibody against human podoplanin (clone D2-40) and evaluated by counting the number of immunostained lymphatic vessels in 10 hot spot areas at 400x magnification. The LMVD was expressed by the mean number of vessels in these 10 hot spot microscopic fields. We next investigated the association of LMVD with the clinicopathologic findings and prognosis. Results: The mean number of lymphatic vessels counted in all cases ranged between 0 and 4.7. The median value of mean LMVD was 0.5, and defined the cut-off for low and high LMVD. We identified low intratumoral LMVD in 27 (47.4%) patients and high LMVD in 30 (52.6%) patients. High intratumoral LMVD was associated with lesser miometrial and adnaexal infiltration, lesser cervical and peritoneal involvement, and fewer fatal cases. Although there was lower lymph node involvement among cases with high LMVD, the difference did not reach significance. No association was seen between LMVD and FIGO staging, histological type, or vascular invasion. On the other hand, low intratumoral LMVD was associated with poor outcome. Seventy-five percent of deaths occurred in patients with low intratumoral LMVD. Conclusion: Our results show association of high intratumoral LMVD with features related to more localized disease and better outcome. We discuss the role of lymphangiogenesis as an early event in the endometrial carcinogenesis.


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Background: The prognostic significance of spontaneous regression in melanoma, especially thin lesions, has been a controversial issue for the past 20 years, although recent studies suggest that extensive and late regression may be related to worse prognosis. Many data suggest that lymphangiogenesis predicts metastatic spread in melanoma. Methods: We have quantified lymphatic microvascular density (LMVD) in thin (<= 1.0 mm) superficial spreading melanomas comparing regressive and nonregressive melanomas, regressive and nonregressive areas from the same tumor, and early and late histological stages of regression in the same tumor. In addition, we tried to correlate lymphangiogenesis and tumor growth phase. We conducted histological examinations and immunohistochemical analyses using monoclonal antibody D2-40 with subsequent quantification by image analysis of 37 melanomas, 16 regressive and 21 nonregressive (controls). Results: We found higher LMVD in the late stage of regression compared with nonregressive area (internal control) of regressive melanomas. Conclusions: Our study suggest that the late stage of spontaneous regression in thin melanomas may be related to worse prognosis as it showed higher LMVD, and evidence shows that this is related with increased risk of metastatic spread. But this supposition must be confirmed by a longer follow-up for detection of lymph node metastases.


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To evaluate whether lymphatic vessel density (LVD) and lymphatic vessel invasion (LVI) are useful markers of worse outcome in colorectal carcinoma and if LVD and LVI correlate to the classical clinical-pathological parameters, we analysed 120 cases of colorectal carcinomas selected from the files of Division of Pathology, Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo University, Brazil. Assessment of LVD and LVI was performed by immunohistochemical detection of lymphatic vessels, using the monoclonal antibody D2-40. Higher LVD was found in the intratumoural area, when comparing with normal and peritumoural areas (p < 0.001). However, peritumoural LVD, but not intratumoural, correlated with both colonic-wall-invasion depth (p=0.037) and liver metastasis (p=0.012). Remarkably, LVI was found associated with local invasion (p=0.016), nodal metastasis (p=0.022) and hepatic metastasis (p < 0.001). Peritumoural LVD and LVI are directly related to histopathological variables indicative of poor outcome such as lymph-node status and liver metastasis.


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Thyroid cancer is the most frequent endocrine neoplasia worldwide. The route for metastasis and loco-regional invasion preferentially occurs by lymphatic vessels. For this reason, the assessment of lymphatic vessel density (LVD) is supposed to represent both a prognostic parameter and also a potential therapeutic target. In order to evaluate the value of LVD in benign and malignant thyroid lesions, we analyzed 110 thyroidectomy specimens using D2-40, a specific marker for lymphatic vessels and vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C), the most potent molecule of lymphatic proliferation. LVD was significantly different between papillary and follicular carcinomas in total (p = 0.045) and peritumoral area (p = 0.042). Follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma showed an important difference of intra- (p = 0.019) and peritumoral (p = 0.033) LVD. VEGF-C was more markedly expressed in malignancies than in benignant lesions (p = 0.0001). Almost all cancers with high positive VEGF-C expression also exhibited increased peritumoral LVD (p = 0.049) when compared with the benignant lesions. Indeed, the high peritumoral LVD of malignant thyroid lesions is an important finding for surgery planning and supports the practice of total thyroidectomy in malignant thyroid neoplasm`s since the lymphatic peritumoral vessels definitely are an escape path for tumor cells.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Alterações no ambiente vêm contribuindo com mudanças climáticas, como o aumento do volume de chuvas, que acarreta as inundações. Medidas estão sendo tomadas no enfrentamento das inundações, como a implantação dos reservatórios de contenção de cheias (piscinões). Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a fauna de culicídeos, de importância epidemiológica, nos piscinões Caguaçu e Inhumas. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas coletas mensais nos piscinões Caguaçu e Inhumas, situados na região leste de São Paulo, de março de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007, empregando-se os métodos de concha entomológica e aspirador. Para análise dos dados, foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e a regressão linear simples. RESULTADOS: Foram coletados 8.917 culicídeos, destacando-se Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus, que representou 98,9% dos espécimes no Inhumas e 95,2% no Caguaçu. No Caguaçu, a maior frequência de imaturos foi observada no vertedouro (61%) e no Inhumas na canaleta (42,6%). A precipitação prediz 87% da abundância numérica de larvas de terceiro e de quarto estágio no Caguaçu e 60% do número de pupas coletadas. No Inhumas, a precipitação explicou 36% da abundância numérica de larvas e 18% do número de pupas. CONCLUSÕES: Culex quinquefasciatus, vetor de agentes da filariose, arboviroses e fator de incômodo à população, foi a espécie mais frequente nos dois ambientes. Medidas de controle da espécie nos piscinões estudados se fazem necessárias tendo em vista seu potencial epidemiológico.


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As características morfológicas, macroscópicas e microscópicas, dos órgãos genitais masculinos e da cloaca foram analisados em 23 emas, quatro filhotes (duas semanas), sete jovens (de três a oito meses) e doze adultos (três anos), provenientes da Cooperativa Emas do Brasil, RS, e do CEMAS, Mossoró, RN. Os testículos da ema possuem formato alongado e localizam-se na cavidade celomática, na região intra-abdominal dorsal, com comprimento e larguras médias de 7,6±1,2cm e 2,6± 0,7cm nos adultos; 4,5±1,5cm e 0,9±0,4cm nos jovens; e 0,8±0,3cm, e 0,2±0,1cm nos filhotes. O testículo está envolto pela túnica albugínea e seu parênquima possui túbulos seminíferos irregulares, compostos por epitélio espermatogênico e por células de sustentação, e pelo tecido intersticial, com as células endócrinas intersticiais, tecido conjuntivo frouxo e vasos. Nos adultos observaram-se todas as células da linhagem espermatogênica, enquanto nos jovens com 3 meses, os testículos apresentaram túbulos seminíferos com luz reduzidas, espermatogônias e células de sustentação indiferenciadas. Os ductos eferentes possuem um epitélio cúbico ciliado, enquanto no ducto epididimário o epitélio é columnar. O epidídimo apresentou-se alongado e fusiforme junto a margem medial do testículo. O ducto deferentes apresentou trajeto sinuoso nos adultos, retilíneo nos jovens, convoluto na sua porção média, diminuindo seu formato sigmóide em sua porção caudal, próximo à cloaca. O epitélio é pseudoestratificado e reveste a luz irregular nos adultos e circular nos jovens, mantendo proximidade com o ureter. A cloaca dividiu-se em três segmentos: o coprodeu, o urodeo e o proctodeo. No urodeu os ductos deferentes desembocaram em papilas na parede ventro-lateral, próximo a inserção do falo fibroso. O falo é um órgão fibroso linfático, localizado na parede ventral, no assoalho da cloaca, e apresentou duas porções: uma rígida bifurcada e contorcida, e outra simples espiralada e flexível, a qual normalmente esteve invertida. Em exposição forçada, o falo teve 14 cm de comprimento. De forma geral os órgãos reprodutores das emas compartilharam da morfologia de outras aves, principalmente aquelas descritas para os avestruzes.


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Background: A relative friability to capture a sufficiently large patient population in any one geographic location has traditionally limited research into rare diseases. Methods and Results: Clinicians interested in the rare disease lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) have worked with the LAM Treatment Alliance, the MIT Media Lab, and Clozure Associates to cooperate in the design of a state-of-the-art data coordination platform that can be used for clinical trials and other research focused on the global LAM patient population. This platform is a component of a set of web-based resources, including a patient self-report data portal, aimed at accelerating research in rare diseases in a rigorous fashion. Conclusions: Collaboration between clinicians, researchers, advocacy groups, and patients can create essential community resource infrastructure to accelerate rare disease research. The International LAM Registry is an example of such an effort.


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Background. The main purpose of the present investigation was to describe a model of intestinal denervation and in situ intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in adult rats, with utilization of the distal branch of the superior mesenteric artery close to the cecum for perfusion. Methods. In the root of the mesentery, the mesenteric artery and vein were completely isolated. Close to the cecal valve, a lymphatic node served as the reference point for the localization of the cecal artery, which was cannulated for perfusion with cold lactated Ringer`s solution. One hundred adult male rats were utilized in the study. Results. In a pilot study, we demonstrated that the cold ischemia time was sufficient to promote histopathologic intestinal changes characteristic of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Among 88 operated animals, 62 (70.5%) survived the procedure. Conclusion. The experimental model described herein has the advantage of preserving the entire intestine, which makes it more suitable for studies of physiological and morphological alterations after intestinal transplantation.


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Objective: To evaluate the impact of systematic use of intraoperative Doppler ultrasound during microsurgical subinguinal varicocele repair. Design: Prospective clinical study. Setting: Andrology laboratory and male infertility section of the urology department of a tertiary care hospital. Patient(s): Two hundred and thirteen men with clinical varicocele. Intervention(s): Subinguinal microsurgical varicocele ligation using an intraoperative vascular Doppler flow detector. Main Outcome Measure(s): Number of veins ligated, lymphatic spared, arteries identified or accidentally ligated. Result(s): A statistically significant greater number of arteries were identified and preserved when intraoperative vascular Doppler was used. In addition, the average number of internal spermatic veins ligated was statistically significantly greater in the same group. Accidental artery ligation occurred in two cases (1.1%) in which the Doppler was not applied. There was no statistically significant difference in number of lymphatics spared between groups. Conclusion(s): Our findings showed that concomitant use of intraoperative vascular Doppler during microsurgical varicocelectomy allows more arterial branches to be preserved, and more internal spermatic veins are likely to be ligated. This device should be considered an attractive tool to improve surgical outcomes and safety. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 93: 2396-9. (C)2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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In rare cases, lymphatic drainage from the malignant melanomas in the upper extremity may follow an unpredictable pattern (outside the axillary nodes), and these aberrant sentinel nodes may represent the only site of regional lymph node metastases. The precise anatomical landmarks and technical aspects of surgical exploration of these aberrant sentinel lymph nodes are rarely described in the literature, including aberrant sentinel mid-humeral lymph nodes. This report describes a step-by-step dissection of the mid-humeral sentinel lymph nodes in two patients with a primary malignant melanoma in the upper extremity, identified by lymphatic mapping. Recognition of precise regional anatomy and following a special surgical technique makes the procedure safe and successful, thus avoiding local complications and allowing a prompt recovery. Melanoma Res 20:138-140 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) is a restrictive cardiomyopathy of unknown etiology prevalent in tropical regions affecting the inflow tract and apex of one or both ventricles, which show fibrous thickening of the endocardium and adjacent myocardium. Surgical treatment is recommended for patients in functional classes III or IV (New York Heart Association). The gross and histological features of the heart have been comprehensively studied in autopsies, but studies in surgical samples are still lacking. Histological and immunohistochemical features of EMF in surgical samples collected from 32 patients were described and correlated with clinical data. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR, performed on formalin fixed endomyocardial samples, were used retrospectively to detect genomes of certain cardiotropic viruses and Toxoplasma gondii. Ventricular endocardium was thickened by superficial acellular hyaline collagen fibers type I and III, with predominance of the former type. Besides fibrosis, a chronic inflammatory process and an anomalous lymphatic rich vascular pattern were observed in the deep endocardium, connected to the terminal coronary circulation of the myocardium, which might be an important pathological finding concerning EMF pathogenesis. Molecular analysis of the endomyocardium revealed high incidence of cardiotropic infective agents (6/12, 50%); however, their role in the disease pathogenesis is still controversial.


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Juvenile nasopharingeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign locally aggressive tumor characterized by irregular vessels embedded. in a fibrous stroma. Excessive vascularity results in bleeding complications, and the inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising strategy for managing extensive JNA tumors. To better characterize the endothelial components of JNA, we aimed to evaluate markers of vascular differentiation and proliferation, such as friend leukemia integration-1 (FLI-1) and endoglin, lymphatic markers, including podoplanin and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3) and its cognate ligand VEGFC, GLUT-1, a diagnostic marker that discriminates between hemangiomas and vascular malformations, and two markers of tissue remodeling, stromelysin 3 (ST3) and secreted acid protein rich in cysteine (SPARC). Antigens were assessed immunohistochemically in vessels and stromal cells of JNA archival cases (n=22). JNA endothelial cells were positive for endoglin, VEGFC and FLI-1, whereas podoplanin and VEGFR3 were negative in all cases. Both endothelial cells and fibroblasts stained for ST3 and SPARC. GLUT-1 was investigated in JNA cases, in infantile hemangiomas (n=123) and in vascular malformations (n=135) as controls. JNAs and vascular malformations were GLUT-1-negative, while hemangiomas showed positive staining. The presence of markers of endothelial differentiation and proliferation highlighted the hyper-proliferative state of JNA vessels. The absence of podoplanin and VEGFR3 underscores their blood endothelial cell characteristic. The absence of GLUT-1 discriminates JNAs from hemangiomas. ST3 and SPARC up-regulation in endothelial cells and fibroblasts may contribute to a compensatory signaling for controlling angiogenesis. Some of these markers may eventually serve as therapeutic targets. Our results may aid in the understanding of JNA pathophysiology.


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Background Intestinal and pancreaticobiliary types of Vater`s ampulla adenocarcinoma have been considered as having different biologic behavior and prognosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the best immunohistochemical panel for tumor classification and to analyze the survival of patients having these histological types of adenocarcinoma. Method Ninety-seven resected ampullary adenocarcinomas were histologically classified, and the prognosis factors were analyzed. The expression of MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6, CK7, CK17, CK20, CD10, and CDX2 was evaluated by using immunohistochemistry. Results Forty-three Vater`s ampulla carcinomas were histologically classified as intestinal type, 47 as pancreaticobiliary, and seven as other types. The intestinal type had a significantly higher expression of MUC2 (74.4% vs. 23.4%), CK20 (76.7% vs. 29.8%), CDX2 (86% vs. 21.3%), and CD10 (81.4% vs. 51.1%), while MUC1 (53.5% vs. 82.9%) and CK7 (79.1% vs. 95.7%) were higher in pancreatobiliary adenocarcinomas. The most accurate markers for immunohistochemical classification were CDX2, MUC1, and MUC2. Survival was significantly affected by pancreaticobiliary type (p=0.021), but only lymph node metastasis, lymphatic invasion, and stage were independent risk factors for survival in a multivariate analysis. Conclusion The immunohistochemical expression of CDX2, MUC1, and MUC2 allows a reproducible classification of ampullary carcinomas. Although carcinomas of the intestinal type showed better survival in the univariate analysis, neither histological classification nor immunohistochemistry were independent predictors of poor prognosis.


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Heart disease (HD) can stress the alveolar blood-gas barrier, resulting in parenchymal inflammation and remodeling. Patients with HD may therefore display any of the symptoms commonly attributed to primary pulmonary disease, although tissue documentation of corresponding changes through surgical lung biopsy (SLB) is rarely done. Intent on exploring the basis of HD-related alveolar-capillary barrier dysfunction, a retrospective analysis of SLB histopathology was conducted in patients with clinically diagnosed HD, diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, and no evidence of primary pulmonary disease. Patients eligible for the study had a clinical diagnosis of heart disease, acute or chronic, and presented with diffuse infiltrates on chest X-ray. All qualified subjects (N = 23) who underwent diagnostic SLB between January 1982 and December 2005 were subsequently examined. Specific biopsy parameters investigated included demonstrable edema, siderophage influx, hemorrhage, venous and lymphatic ectasia, vascular sclerosis, capillary congestion, and fibroblast proliferation. Based on observed alveolar-capillary barrier (ACB) alterations, three main morphologic groups emerged: one group (6 patients) with alveolar edema; a second group (11 patients) characterized by pulmonary congestion; and a final group (6 patients) showing microscopic foci of acute ACB lung injury. Alveolar-capillary stress due to acute high-pressure or volume overload often manifests as diffuse pulmonary infiltrates with variable but generally predictable histopathology. In patients with biopsy-proven alveolar edema, pulmonary congestion, or acute microscopic lung injury, the clinician must be alert for the possibility of primary heart disease, particularly if the patient is elderly or when a history of myocardial, valvular, or coronary vascular disease exists.