90 resultados para galaxies: individual (NGC 7097)

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Three-dimensional spectroscopy techniques are becoming more and more popular, producing an increasing number of large data cubes. The challenge of extracting information from these cubes requires the development of new techniques for data processing and analysis. We apply the recently developed technique of principal component analysis (PCA) tomography to a data cube from the center of the elliptical galaxy NGC 7097 and show that this technique is effective in decomposing the data into physically interpretable information. We find that the first five principal components of our data are associated with distinct physical characteristics. In particular, we detect a low-ionization nuclear-emitting region (LINER) with a weak broad component in the Balmer lines. Two images of the LINER are present in our data, one seen through a disk of gas and dust, and the other after scattering by free electrons and/or dust particles in the ionization cone. Furthermore, we extract the spectrum of the LINER, decontaminated from stellar and extended nebular emission, using only the technique of PCA tomography. We anticipate that the scattered image has polarized light due to its scattered nature.


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We present a comprehensive analysis of the spatial, kinematic and chemical properties of stars and globular clusters (GCs) in the `ordinary` elliptical galaxy NGC 4494 using data from the Keck and Subaru telescopes. We derive galaxy surface brightness and colour profiles out to large galactocentric radii. We compare the latter to metallicities derived using the near-infrared Calcium Triplet. We obtain stellar kinematics out to similar to 3.5 effective radii. The latter appear flattened or elongated beyond similar to 1.8 effective radii in contrast to the relatively round photometric isophotes. In fact, NGC 4494 may be a flattened galaxy, possibly even an S0, seen at an inclination of similar to 45 degrees. We publish a catalogue of 431 GC candidates brighter than i(0) = 24 based on the photometry, of which 109 are confirmed spectroscopically and 54 have measured spectroscopic metallicities. We also report the discovery of three spectroscopically confirmed ultra-compact dwarfs around NGC 4494 with measured metallicities of -0.4 less than or similar to [Fe/H] less than or similar to -0.3. Based on their properties, we conclude that they are simply bright GCs. The metal-poor GCs are found to be rotating with similar amplitude as the galaxy stars, while the metal-rich GCs show marginal rotation. We supplement our analysis with available literature data and results. Using model predictions of galaxy formation, and a suite of merger simulations, we find that many of the observational properties of NGC 4494 may be explained by formation in a relatively recent gas-rich major merger. Complete studies of individual galaxies incorporating a range of observational avenues and methods such as the one presented here will be an invaluable tool for constraining the fine details of galaxy formation models, especially at large galactocentric radii.


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We present mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectra of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3281, obtained with the Thermal-Region Camera Spectrograph at the Gemini-South telescope. The spectra present a very deep silicate absorption at 9.7 mu m, and [S IV] 10.5 mu m and [Ne II] 12.7 mu m ionic lines, but no evidence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission. We find that the nuclear optical extinction is in the range 24 mag <= A(V) <= 83 mag. A temperature T = 300 K was found for the blackbody dust continuum component of the unresolved 65 pc nucleus and the region at 130 pc SE, while the region at 130 pc NW reveals a colder temperature (200 K). We describe the nuclear spectrum of NGC 3281 using a clumpy torus model that suggests that the nucleus of this galaxy hosts a dusty toroidal structure. According to this model, the ratio between the inner and outer radius of the torus in NGC 3281 is R(0)/R(d) = 20, with 14 clouds in the equatorial radius with optical depth of tau(V) = 40 mag. We would be looking in the direction of the torus equatorial radius (i = 60 degrees), which has outer radius of R(0) similar to 11 pc. The column density is N(H) approximate to 1.2 x 10(24) cm(-2) and the iron K alpha equivalent width (approximate to 0.5-1.2 keV) is used to check the torus geometry. Our findings indicate that the X-ray absorbing column density, which classifies NGC 3281 as a Compton-thick source, may also be responsible for the absorption at 9.7 mu m providing strong evidence that the silicate dust responsible for this absorption can be located in the active galactic nucleus torus.


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We report the first simultaneous zJHK spectroscopy on the archetypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 covering the wavelength region 0.9-2.4 mu m. The slit, aligned in the north-south direction and centred in the optical nucleus, maps a region 300 pc in radius at subarcsec resolution, with a spectral resolving power of 360 km s-1. This configuration allows us to study the physical properties of the nuclear gas including that of the north side of the ionization cone, map the strong excess of continuum emission in the K band and attributed to dust and study the variations, both in flux and profile, in the emission lines. Our results show the following. (1) Mid- to low-ionization emission lines are split into two components, whose relative strengths vary with the position along the slit and seem to be correlated with the jet. (2) The coronal lines are single-peaked and are detected only in the central few hundred of pc from the nucleus. (3) The absorption lines indicate the presence of intermediate age stellar population, which might be a significant contributor to the continuum in the near-IR spectra. (4) Through some simple photoionization models we find photoionization as the main mechanism powering the emitting gas. (5) Calculations using stellar features point to a mass concentration inside the 100-200 pc of about 1010 M(circle dot).


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We performed stellar population synthesis on the nuclear and extended regions of NGC 1068 by means of near-infrared spectroscopy to disentangle their spectral energy distribution components. This is the first time that such a technique is applied to the whole 0.8-2.4 mu m wavelength interval in this galaxy. NGC 1068 is one of the nearest and probably the most studied Seyfert 2 galaxy, becoming an excellent laboratory to study the interaction between black holes, the jets that they can produce and the medium in which they propagate. Our main result is that traces of young stellar population are found at similar to 100 pc south of the nucleus. The contribution of a power-law continuum in the centre is about 25 per cent, which is expected if the light is scattered from a Seyfert 1 nucleus. We find peaks in the contribution of the featureless continuum about 100-150 pc from the nucleus on both sides. They might be associated with regions where the jet encounters dense clouds. Further support to this scenario is given by the peaks of hot dust distribution found around these same regions and the H(2) emission-line profile, leading us to propose that the peaks might be associated to regions where stars are being formed. Hot dust also has an important contribution to the nuclear region, reinforcing the idea of the presence of a dense, circumnuclear torus in this galaxy. Cold dust appears mostly in the south direction, which supports the view that the south-west emission is behind the plane of the galaxy and is extinguished very likely by dust in the plane. Intermediate-age stellar population contributes significantly to the continuum, especially in the inner 200 pc.


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The Ca II triplet (CaT) feature in the near-infrared has been employed as a metallicity indicator for individual stars as well as integrated light of Galactic globular clusters (GCs) and galaxies with varying degrees of success, and sometimes puzzling results. Using the DEIMOS multi-object spectrograph on Keck we obtain a sample of 144 integrated light spectra of GCs around the brightest group galaxy NGC 1407 to test whether the CaT index can be used as ametallicity indicator for extragalactic GCs. Different sets of single stellar population models make different predictions for the behavior of the CaT as a function of metallicity. In this work, the metallicities of the GCs around NGC 1407 are obtained from CaT index values using an empirical conversion. The measured CaT/metallicity distributions show unexpected features, the most remarkable being that the brightest red and blue GCs have similar CaT values despite their large difference in mean color. Suggested explanations for this behavior in the NGC 1407 GC system are (1) the CaT may be affected by a population of hot blue stars, (2) the CaT may saturate earlier than predicted by the models, and/or (3) color may not trace metallicity linearly. Until these possibilities are understood, the use of the CaT as a metallicity indicator for the integrated spectra of extragalactic GCs will remain problematic.


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We describe a new spectroscopic technique for measuring radial metallicity gradients out to large galactocentric radii. We use the DEep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck telescope and the galaxy spectrum extraction technique of Proctor et al. We also make use of the metallicity sensitive near-infrared Calcium ii triplet (CaT) features together with single stellar population models to obtain metallicities. Our technique is applied as a pilot study to a sample of three relatively nearby (< 30 Mpc) intermediate-mass to massive early-type galaxies. Results are compared with previous literature inner region values and generally show good agreement. We also include a comparison with profiles from dissipational disc-disc major merger simulations. Based on our new extended metallicity gradients combined with other observational evidence and theoretical predictions, we discuss possible formation scenarios for the galaxies in our sample. The limitations of our new technique are also discussed.


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Context. NGC 6522 has been the first metal-poor globular cluster identified in the bulge by Baade. Despite its importance, very few high-resolution abundance analyses of stars in this cluster are available. The bulge metal-poor clusters may be important tracers of the early chemical enrichment of the Galaxy. Aims. The main purpose of this study is to determine metallicity and elemental ratios in individual stars of NGC 6522. Methods. High-resolution spectra of 8 giants of the bulge's globular cluster NGC 6522 were obtained at the 8m VLT UT2-Kueyen telescope with the FLAMES+GIRAFFE spectrograph. Multiband V, I, J, K(s) photometry was used to derive effective temperatures as reference values. Spectroscopic parameters were derived from Fe I and Fe II lines, and adopted for the derivation of abundance ratios. Results. The present analysis provides a metallicity [Fe/H] = -1.0 +/- 0.2. The alpha-elements oxygen, magnesium and silicon show [O/Fe] = +0.4 +/- 0.3, [Mg/Fe] = [Si/Fe] = +0.25 +/- 0.15, whereas calcium and titanium show shallower ratios of [Ca/Fe] = [Ti/Fe] = +0.15 +/- 0.15. The neutron-capture r-process element europium appears to be overabundant by [Eu/Fe] = +0.4 +/- 0.4. The neutron-capture s-elements lanthanum and barium are enhanced by [La/Fe] = +0.35 +/- 0.2 and [Ba/Fe] = +0.5 +/- 0.5. The large internal errors, indicating the large star-to-star variation in the barium and europium abundances, are also discussed. Conclusions. The moderate metallicity combined to a blue horizontal branch (BHB), are characteristics similar to those of HP 1 and NGC 6558, pointing to a population of very old globular clusters in the Galactic bulge. Also, the abundance ratios in NGC 6522 resemble those in HP 1 and NGC 6558. The ultimate conclusion is that the bulge is old, and went through an early prompt chemical enrichment.


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Continuing our series of papers on the three-dimensional (3D) structure and accurate distances of planetary nebulae (PNe), we present here the results obtained for PN NGC 40. Using data from different sources and wavelengths, we construct 3D photoionization models and derive the physical quantities of the ionizing source and nebular gas. The procedure, discussed in detail in the previous papers, consists of the use of 3D photoionization codes constrained by observational data to derive the 3D nebular structure, physical and chemical characteristics, and ionizing star parameters of the objects by simultaneously fitting the integrated line intensities, the density map, the temperature map, and the observed morphologies in different emission lines. For this particular case we combined hydrodynamical simulations with the photoionization scheme in order to obtain self-consistent distributions of density and velocity of the nebular material. Combining the velocity field with the emission-line cubes we also obtained the synthetic position-velocity plots that are compared to the observations. Finally, using theoretical evolutionary tracks of intermediate-and low-mass stars, we derive the mass and age of the central star of NGC 40 as (0.567 +/- 0.06) M(circle dot) and (5810 +/- 600) yr, respectively. The distance obtained from the fitting procedure was (1150 +/- 120) pc.


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We present results of a sensitive Chandra X-ray observation and Spitzer mid-infrared (mid-IR) observations of the IR cluster lying north of the NGC 2071 reflection nebula in the Orion B molecular cloud. We focus on the dense cluster core known as NGC 2071-IR, which contains at least nine IR sources within a 40 `` x 40 `` region. This region shows clear signs of active star formation including powerful molecular outflows, Herbig-Haro objects, and both OH and H(2)O masers. We use Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) images to aid in X-ray source identification and to determine young stellar object (YSO) classes using mid-IR colors. Spitzer IRAC colors show that the luminous source IRS 1 is a class I protostar. IRS 1 is believed to be driving a powerful bipolar molecular outflow and may be an embedded B-type star or its progenitor. Its X-ray spectrum reveals a fluorescent Fe emission line at 6.4 keV, arising in cold material near the protostar. The line is present even in the absence of large flares, raising questions about the nature of the ionizing mechanism responsible for producing the 6.4 keV fluorescent line. Chandra also detects X-ray sources at or near the positions of IRS 2, IRS 3, IRS 4, and IRS 6 and a variable X-ray source coincident with the radio source VLA 1, located just 2 `` north of IRS 1. No IR data are yet available to determine a YSO classification for VLA 1, but its high X-ray absorption shows that it is even more deeply embedded than IRS 1, suggesting that it could be an even younger, less-evolved protostar.


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Context. Dwarf irregular galaxies are relatively simple unevolved objects where it is easy to test models of galactic chemical evolution. Aims. We attempt to determine the star formation and gas accretion history of IC 10, a local dwarf irregular for which abundance, gas, and mass determinations are available. Methods. We apply detailed chemical evolution models to predict the evolution of several chemical elements (He, O, N, S) and compared our predictions with the observational data. We consider additional constraints such as the present-time gas fraction, the star formation rate (SFR), and the total estimated mass of IC 10. We assume a dark matter halo for this galaxy and study the development of a galactic wind. We consider different star formation regimes: bursting and continuous. We explore different wind situations: i) normal wind, where all the gas is lost at the same rate and ii) metal-enhanced wind, where metals produced by supernovae are preferentially lost. We study a case without wind. We vary the star formation efficiency (SFE), the wind efficiency, and the time scale of the gas infall, which are the most important parameters in our models. Results. We find that only models with metal-enhanced galactic winds can reproduce the properties of IC 10. The star formation must have proceeded in bursts rather than continuously and the bursts must have been less numerous than similar to 10 over the whole galactic lifetime. Finally, IC 10 must have formed by a slow process of gas accretion with a timescale of the order of 8 Gyr.


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Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), with energies above similar to 6 x 10(19) eV, seem to show a weak correlation with the distribution of matter relatively near to us in the universe. It has earlier been proposed that UHECRs could be accelerated in either the nucleus or the outer lobes of the nearby radio galaxy Cen A. We show that UHECR production at a spatially intermediate location about 15 kpc northeast from the nucleus, where the jet emerging from the nucleus is observed to strike a large star-forming shell of gas, is a plausible alternative. A relativistic jet is capable of accelerating lower energy heavy seed cosmic rays (CRs) to UHECRs on timescales comparable to the time it takes the jet to pierce the large gaseous cloud. In this model, many CRs arising from a starburst, with a composition enhanced in heavy elements near the knee region around PeV, are boosted to ultra-high energies by the relativistic shock of a newly oriented jet. This model matches the overall spectrum shown by the Auger data and also makes a prediction for the chemical composition as a function of particle energy. We thus predict an observable anisotropy in the composition at high energy in the sense that lighter nuclei should preferentially be seen toward the general direction of Cen A. Taking into consideration the magnetic field models for the Galactic disk and a Galactic magnetic wind, this scenario may resolve the discrepancy between HiRes and Auger results concerning the chemical composition of UHECRs.


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We report the discovery of the first known symbiotic star in IC10, a starburst galaxy belonging to the Local Group, at a distance of similar to 750 kpc. The symbiotic star was identified during a survey of emission-line objects. It shines at V = 24.62 +/- 0.04, V - R(C) = 2.77 +/- 0.05 and R(C) - I(C) = 2.39 +/- 0.02, and suffers from E(B-V) = 0.85 +/- 0.05 reddening. The spectrum of the cool component well matches that of solar neighbourhood M8III giants. The observed emission lines belong to Balmer series, [S II], [N II] and [O III]. They suggest a low electronic density, negligible optical depth effects and 35 000 < T(eff) < 90 000 K for the ionizing source. The spectrum of the new symbiotic star in IC10 is an almost perfect copy of that of Hen 2-147, a well-known Galactic symbiotic star and Mira.


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Molecular hydrogen emission is commonly observed in planetary nebulae. Images taken in infrared H(2) emission lines show that at least part of the molecular emission is produced inside the ionized region. In the best studied case, the Helix nebula, the H(2) emission is produced inside cometary knots (CKs), comet-shaped structures believed to be clumps of dense neutral gas embedded within the ionized gas. Most of the H(2) emission of the CKs seems to be produced in a thin layer between the ionized diffuse gas and the neutral material of the knot, in a mini-photodissociation region (mini-PDR). However, PDR models published so far cannot fully explain all the characteristics of the H(2) emission of the CKs. In this work, we use the photoionization code AANGABA to study the H(2) emission of the CKs, particularly that produced in the interface H(+)/H(0) of the knot, where a significant fraction of the H(2) 1-0 S(1) emission seems to be produced. Our results show that the production of molecular hydrogen in such a region may explain several characteristics of the observed emission, particularly the high excitation temperature of the H(2) infrared lines. We find that the temperature derived from H(2) observations, even of a single knot, will depend very strongly on the observed transitions, with much higher temperatures derived from excited levels. We also proposed that the separation between the H alpha and [N II] peak emission observed in the images of CKs may be an effect of the distance of the knot from the star, since for knots farther from the central star the [N II] line is produced closer to the border of the CK than H alpha.


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We present two-dimensional stellar and gaseous kinematics of the inner 120 x 250 pc2 of the LINER/Seyfert 1 galaxy M81, from optical spectra obtained with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) integral field spectrograph on the Gemini-North telescope at a spatial resolution of approximate to 10 pc. The stellar velocity field shows circular rotation and, overall, is very similar to the published large-scale velocity field, but deviations are observed close to the minor axis which can be attributed to stellar motions possibly associated with a nuclear bar. The stellar velocity dispersion of the bulge is 162 +/- 15 km s-1, in good agreement with previous measurements and leading to a black hole mass of M(BH) = 5.5+3.6(-2.0) x 107 M(circle dot) based on the M(BH)-Sigma relationship. The gas kinematics is dominated by non-circular motions and the subtraction of the stellar velocity field reveals blueshifts of approximate to-100 km s-1 on the far side of the galaxy and a few redshifts on the near side. These characteristics can be interpreted in terms of streaming towards the centre if the gas is in the plane. On the basis of the observed velocities and geometry of the flow, we estimate a mass inflow rate in ionized gas of approximate to 4.0 x 10-3 M(circle dot) yr-1, which is of the order of the accretion rate necessary to power the LINER nucleus of M81. We have also applied the technique of principal component analysis (PCA) to our data, which reveals the presence of a rotating nuclear gas disc within approximate to 50 pc from the nucleus and a compact outflow, approximately perpendicular to the disc. The PCA combined with the observed gas velocity field shows that the nuclear disc is being fed by gas circulating in the galaxy plane. The presence of the outflow is supported by a compact jet seen in radio observations at a similar orientation, as well as by an enhancement of the [O i]/H alpha line ratio, probably resulting from shock excitation of the circumnuclear gas by the radio jet. With these observations we are thus resolving both the feeding - via the nuclear disc and observed gas inflow, and the feedback - via the outflow, around the low-luminosity active nucleus of M81.