19 resultados para floresta subtropical
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver modelos preditores de fitomassa epigéa da vegetação arbórea da Floresta Baixa de Restinga. Foram selecionadas 102 árvores de 29 espécies ocorrentes na área de estudo e 102 indivíduos de jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman), distribuídos proporcionalmente entre as classes de diâmetro da vegetação arbórea. As árvores foram cortadas, ao nível do solo e foram medidos a altura total e o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) de cada árvore. As folhas foram separadas do lenho e a massa fresca da porção lenhosa e foliar medidas separadamente. Amostras de cada fração foram secas a 70 °C, até peso constante, para determinação da massa seca das árvores. Os modelos foram desenvolvidos através de análise de regressão linear, sendo a variável dependente a massa seca (MS) das árvores e as variáveis independentes a altura (h), o diâmetro a altura do peito (d) e as relações d² h e d² h multiplicada pela densidade da madeira (ρ d² h). Os modelos desenvolvidos indicam que o diâmetro explica grande parte da variabilidade da fitomassa das árvores da restinga e a altura é a variável explanatória da equação específica para o jerivá. Os modelos selecionados foram: ln MS (kg) = -1,352 + 2,009 ln d (R² = 0,96; s yx = 0,34) para a comunidade vegetal sem jerivá, ln MS (kg) = -2,052 + 0,801 ln d² h (R² = 0,94; s yx = 0,38) para a comunidade incluindo o jerivá, e ln MS (kg) = -0,884 + 2,40 ln h (R² = 0,92; s yx = 0,49) para o jerivá.
Hydroids are broadly reported in epiphytic associations from different localities showing marked seasonal cycles. Studies have shown that the factors behind these seasonal differences in hydroid richness and abundance may vary significantly according to the area of study. Seasonal differences in epiphytic hydroid cover and richness were evaluated in a Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh bed from Lázaro beach, at Ubatuba, Brazil. Significant seasonal differences were found in total hydroid cover, but not in species richness. Hydroid cover increased from March (early fall) to February (summer). Most of this pattern was caused by two of the most abundant species: Aglaophenia latecarinata Allman, 1877 and Orthopyxis sargassicola (Nutting, 1915). Hydroid richness seems to be related to S. cymosum size but not directly to its biomass. The seasonal differences in hydroid richness and algal cover are shown to be similar to other works in the study region and in the Mediterranean. Seasonal recruitment of hydroid species larvae may be responsible for their seasonal differences in algal cover, although other factors such as grazing activity of gammarid amphipods on S. cymosum must be taken into account.
The Atlantic Forest is considered one of the world's biological diversity hotspots but is nevertheless increasingly threatened with the rapid destruction and fragmentation of its natural areas. In the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, remnants of the mixed ombrophilous forest and seasonal deciduous forest exist as islands within large areas of agriculture, pastures and human settlements. Here we present information on species richness and habitat use by anurans in the Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, located in the western portion of the state of Santa Catarina. Anurans were surveyed by active search of potential reproductive sites from December 1998 to December 2001. A total of 29 species were recorded, most of which have a known distribution restricted to southern Brazil and adjacent countries (Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) and use open areas for reproduction. The species composition was most similar to other areas of mixed ombrophilous forest and seasonal deciduous forest from the extreme south of Brazil. The information in this study may support the implementation of conservation and management strategies in the area.
The Community Climate Model (CCM3) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is used to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on interannual to decadal variability of South American precipitation. Two ensembles composed of multidecadal simulations forced with monthly SST data from the Hadley Centre for the period 1949 to 2001 are analysed. A statistical treatment based on signal-to-noise ratio and Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) is applied to the ensembles in order to reduce the internal variability among the integrations. The ensemble treatment shows a spatial and temporal dependence of reproducibility. High degree of reproducibility is found in the tropics while the extratropics is apparently less reproducible. Austral autumn (MAM) and spring (SON) precipitation appears to be more reproducible over the South America-South Atlantic region than the summer (DJF) and winter (JJA) rainfall. While the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region is dominated by external variance, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) over South America is predominantly determined by internal variance, which makes it a difficult phenomenon to predict. Alternatively, the SACZ over western South Atlantic appears to be more sensitive to the subtropical SST anomalies than over the continent. An attempt is made to separate the atmospheric response forced by the South Atlantic SST anomalies from that associated with the El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Results show that both the South Atlantic and Pacific SSTs modulate the intensity and position of the SACZ during DJF. Particularly, the subtropical South Atlantic SSTs are more important than ENSO in determining the position of the SACZ over the southeast Brazilian coast during DJF. On the other hand, the ENSO signal seems to influence the intensity of the SACZ not only in DJF but especially its oceanic branch during MAM. Both local and remote influences, however, are confounded by the large internal variance in the region. During MAM and JJA, the South Atlantic SST anomalies affect the magnitude and the meridional displacement of the ITCZ. In JJA, the ENSO has relatively little influence on the interannual variability of the simulated rainfall. During SON, however, the ENSO seems to counteract the effect of the subtropical South Atlantic SST variations on convection over South America.
Sedentary consumers play an important role on populations of prey and, hence, their patterns of abundance, distribution and coexistence on shores are important to evaluate their potential influence on ecosystem dynamics. Here, we aimed to describe their spatio-temporal distribution and abundance in relation to wave exposure in the intertidal rocky shores of the south-west Atlantic to provide a basis for further understanding of ecological processes in this system. The abundance and composition of the functional groups of sessile organisms and sedentary consumers were taken by sampling the intertidal of sheltered and moderately exposed shores during a period of one year. The sublittoral fringe of sheltered areas was dominated by macroalgae, while the low midlittoral was dominated by bare rock and barnacles. In contrast, filter-feeding animals prevailed at exposed shores, probably explaining the higher abundance of the predator Stramonita haemastoma at these locations. Limpets were more abundant at the midlittoral zone of all shores while sea urchins were exclusively found at the sublittoral fringe of moderately exposed shores, therefore, adding grazing pressure on these areas. The results showed patterns of coexistence, distribution and abundance of those organisms in this subtropical area, presumably as a result of wave action, competition and prey availability. It also brought insights on the influence of top-down and bottom-up processes in this area.
Morphological and molecular analyses have proven to be complementary tools of taxonomic information for the redescription of the ctenostome bryozoans Amathia brasiliensis Busk, 1886 and Amathia distans Busk, 1886. The two species, originally described from material collected by the `Challenger` expedition but synonymized by later authors, now have their status fixed by means of the selection of lectotypes, morphological observations and analyses of DNA sequences described here. The morphological characters allowing the identification of living and/or preserved specimens are (1) A. brasiliensis: whitish-pale pigment spots in the frontal surface of stolons and zooids, and a wide stolon with biserial zooid clusters growing in clockwise and anti-clockwise spirals along it, the spirality direction being maintained from maternal to daughter stolons; and (2) A. distans: bright yellow pigment spots in stolonal and zooidal surfaces including lophophores, and a slender stolon, thickly cuticularized, with biserial zooid clusters growing in clockwise and anti-clockwise spirals along it and the spirality direction not maintained from maternal to daughter stolons. Pairwise comparisons of DNA sequences of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and large ribosomal RNA subunit revealed deep genetic divergence between A. brasiliensis and A. distans. Finally, analyses of those sequences within a Bayesian phylogenetic context recovered their genealogical species status.
Epilithic biofilm on rocky shores is regulated by physico-chemical and biological factors and is important as a source of food for benthic organisms. The influences of environmental and grazing pressure on spatial variability of biomass of biofilm were evaluated on shores on the north coast of Sao Paulo State (SE Brazil). A general trend of greater abundance of microalgae was observed lower on the shore, but neither of the environmental factors evaluated (wave exposure and shore level) showed consistent effects, and differences were found among specific shores or times (September 2007 and March 2008). The abundance of slow-moving grazers (limpets and littorinids) showed a negative correlation with chlorophyll a concentration on shores. However, experimental exclusion of these grazers failed to show consistent results at small spatial scales. Observations of divergent abundances of the isopod Ligia exotica and biomass of biofilm on isolated boulders on shores led to a short exclusion experiment, where the grazing pressure by L. exotica significantly decreased microalgal biomass. The result suggests that grazing activities of this fast-moving consumer probably mask the influence of slow-moving grazers at small spatial scales, while both have an additive effect at larger scales that masks environmental influences. This is the first evaluation of the impact of the fast-moving herbivore L. exotica on microalgal biomass on rocky shores and opens an interesting discussion about the role of these organisms in subtropical coastal environments.
This paper describes four new species of the bryozoan genus Beania from the Brazilian coast. Two of them have been previously recorded in the western Atlantic as Beania hirtissima (Heller, 1867) and Beania mirabilis Johnston, 1840, respectively; they are redescribed here as Beania americana n. sp. and Beania mirabilissima n. sp. Two reticulate species, Beania correiae n. sp. and Beania metrii n. sp., are newly described. Descriptions of four other species of Beania from the region are also included: Beania australis Busk, 1852, Beania cupulariensis Osburn, 1914, Beania klugei Cook, 1968 and Beania maxilladentata Ramalho, Muricy & Taylor, 2010.
It has been shown that cover crops can enhance soil nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions, but the magnitude of increase depends on the quantity and quality of the crop residues. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of long-term (19 and 21 years) no-till maize crop rotations including grass [black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb)] and legume cover crops [vetch (Vigna sativa L), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) and lablab (Dolichos lablab)] on annual soil N(2)O emissions in a subtropical Acrisol in Southern Brazil. Greater soil N(2)O emissions were observed in the first 45 days after the cover crop residue management in all crop rotations, varying from -20.2 +/- 1.9 to 163.9 +/- 24.3 mu g N m(-2) h(-1). Legume-based crop rotations had the largest cumulative emissions in this period, which were directly related to the quantity of N (r(2) = 0.60, p = 0.13)and inversely related to the lignin:N ratio(r(2) = 0.89,p = 0.01) of the cover crop residues. After this period, the mean fluxes were smaller and were closely related to the total soil N stocks (r(2) = 0.96, p = 0.002). The annual soil N(2)O emission represented 0.39-0.75% of the total N added by the legume cover crops. Management-control led soil variables such as mineral N (NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+)) and dissolved organic C influenced more the N(2)O fluxes than environmental-related variables as water-filled pore space and air and soil temperature. Consequently, the synchronization between N mineralization and N uptake by plants seems to be the main challenge to reduce N(2)O emissions while maintaining the environmental and agronomic services provided by legume cover crops in agricultural systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Limited information is available on the interactions between environmental factors and algal growth in tropical and subtropical aquatic systems. We investigated the relationships between algal biomass (measured as chlorophyll, Chl-a) and light, total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in longitudinal zones of subtropical reservoirs. We studied the seasonal variation of water variables in Itupararanga Reservoir (Brazil) and compared the results with 16 other subtropical lakes and reservoirs. The longitudinal zones in Itupararanga Reservoir were considered statistically different (p 0.05, MANOVA). From the riverine zone to the dam region of the reservoir, Spearman Correlation Test suggested that light limitation and TP limitation tended to decrease and increase, respectively. Although nitrate concentrations were high (400 g/L), the Spearman coefficients between Chl-a and TN and the TN:TP ratios (11:1 TN:TP 35:1) indicated that nitrogen may be co-limiting algal growth in the studied water body. Putting Itupararanga in a regional context allowed assessment of potential influences of land use on trophic state. Within the subtropical dataset, TP explained a greater percentage of variance in Chl-a (R2 = 0.70) than TN (R2 = 0.17). The main land use type within the reservoirs drainage area significantly influenced the concentrations of TP, TN, and Chl-a (p 0.05, MANOVA), with different relationships between nutrients and chlorophyll in forested (R2 = 0.12-0.33), agricultural (R2 = 0.50-0.68) and urban (R2 = 0.09-0.64) watersheds. Comparisons with literature values and those from reservoirs with less altered watersheds indicated that Itupararanga Reservoir is reaching the mesotrophic-eutrophic boundary, and further nutrient enrichment could cause water quality degradation.
Edge effects resulting from isolation and subsequent microclimatic changes are one of the most important threats to the forest fragments conservation. The efficiency of maintaining a barrier formed by three rows of Eucalyptus along the edge of a subtropical seasonal semi deciduous forest fragment, surrounded by Eucalyptus monoculture, was evaluated as a way of softening the microclimatic changes (light intensity, temperature and relative humidity) and the impacts of eucalypt mechanized harvesting on the native vegetation along the contact zone between the forest fragment and the plantation. The Eucalyptus barrier was effective in softening the microclimate. Light intensity was 35% lower in the presence of the barrier. The barrier also provided a reduction of 1 C in air temperature and increased in 3.4% in relative humidity throughout the year. The barrier was also effective in preventing the impact on native vegetation, avoiding damage to adult trees and preserving the regenerating forest stratum near the border, which was reduced to less than 20% in density and 50% in richness, with no such barrier. The barrier of Eucalyptus may, therefore, be recommended as an effective method to minimize the impacts of mechanized forest harvesting operations and mitigate the microclimatic conditions along the edge of forest fragments.
In recent years, maize has become one of the main alternative crops for the autumn winter growing season in the central-western and southeastern regions of Brazil. However, water deficits, sub-optimal temperatures and low solar radiation levels are common problems that are experienced during this growing season by local farmers. One methodology to assess the impact of variable weather conditions on crop production is the use of crop simulation models. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of climate variability on maize yield for a subtropical region of Brazil. Specific objectives for this study were (1) to analyse the effect of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on precipitation and air temperature for four locations in the state of Sao Paulo and (2) to analyse the impact of ENSO on maize grown off-season for the same four locations using a crop simulation model. For each site, historical weather data were categorised as belonging to one of three phases of ENSO: El Nino (warm sea surface temperature anomalies in the Pacific), La Nina (cool sea surface temperature anomalies) or neutral, based on an index derived from observed sea surface temperature anomalies. During El Nino, there is a tendency for an increase in the rainfall amount during May for the four selected locations, and also during April, mainly in three of the locations, resulting in an increase in simulated maize yield planted between February 15 and March 15. In general, there was a decrease in the simulated yield for maize grown off-season during neutral years. This study showed how a crop model can be used to assess the impact of climate variability on the yield of maize grown off-season in a subtropical region of Brazil. The outcomes of this study can be very useful for both policy makers and local farmers for agricultural planning and decision making. Copyright (C) 2009 Royal Meteorological Society
The preslaughter handling and transport of broilers are stressful operations that might affect welfare and meat quality and could increase numbers of deaths before slaughter. However, the influence of thermal factors during transportation and lairage at slaughterhouses is complex in subtropical regions, where increasing temperature and high RH are the major concerns regarding animal survival before slaughter. In this study we assessed the influence of a controlled lairage environment on preslaughter mortality rates of broiler chickens that were transported during different seasons of the year and had varying lairage times in the subtropical climate. Preslaughter data from 13,937 broiler flocks were recorded daily during 2006 in a commercial slaughterhouse in southeastern Brazil. The main factors that influenced daily mortality rate were mean dry bulb temperature and RH, lairage time, daily periods, density of broilers per crate, season of the year, stocking density per lorry, transport time, and distance between farms and slaughterhouse. A holding area at the slaughterhouse with environmental control was assessed. Using a double GLM for mean and dispersion modeling, the seasons were found to have significant effects (P < 0.05) on average mortality rates. The highest incidence was observed in summer (0.42%), followed by spring (0.39%), winter (0.28%), and autumn (0.23%). A decrease of preslaughter mortality of broilers during summer (P < 0.05) was observed when the lairage time was increased, mainly after 1 h of exposure to a controlled environment. Thus, lairage for 3 to 4 h in a controlled lairage environment during the summer and spring is necessary to reduce the thermal load of broiler chickens.
Objectives: To evaluate the sensitization to aeroallergens determined by skin prick test (SPT) in Brazilian adolescents, and to correlate its positivity with the diagnosis of asthma and/or rhinitis based on the written questionnaire (WQ) of ISAAC phase III study. Patients and Methods: A total of 996 adolescents (387 boys) were selected by systematic samples. A standard allergen extracts panel (positive/negative control, D pteronyssinus [Dpt], P americana [Pal, B germanica [Bg], dog, cat, fungal and grass mix) was used and its positivity compared with positive responses to asthma, rhinitis or both. Results: Positive SPT to at least one allergen was observed in 466 adolescents (46.8 %), with sensitisation to Dpt in 79.1 %. Positivity to more than one allergen occurred in 232 students (49.8 %). The frequency of positive SPTs was significantly higher among adolescents with asthma (OR = 2.16), rhinitis (OR = 1.69), and asthma and rhinitis (OR = 2.03). Positive SPT to four or more allergens were higher among asthmatics (OR = 2.6) and among adolescents with asthma and rhinitis (OR = 3). Conclusions: A high sensitisation rate to aeroallergens was observed, significantly higher among those with asthma, rhinitis or a combination of both, especially in multiple sensitisations.
Intraseasonal and interannual variability of extreme wet and dry anomalies over southeastern Brazil and the western subtropical South Atlantic Ocean are investigated. Precipitation data are obtained from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) in pentads during 23 austral summers (December-February 1979/80-2001/02). Extreme wet (dry) events are defined according to 75th (25th) percentiles of precipitation anomaly distributions observed in two time scales: intraseasonal and interannual. The agreement between the 25th and 75th percentiles of the GPCP precipitation and gridded precipitation obtained from stations in Brazil is also examined. Variations of extreme wet and dry anomalies on interannual time scales are investigated along with variations of sea surface temperature (SST) and circulation anomalies. The South Atlantic SST dipole seems related to interannual variations of extreme precipitation events over southeastern Brazil. It is shown that extreme wet and dry events in the continental portion of the South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ) are decoupled from extremes over the oceanic portion of the SACZ and there is no coherent dipole of extreme precipitation regimes between tropics and subtropics on interannual time scales. On intraseasonal time scales, the occurrence of extreme dry and wet events depends on the propagation phase of extratropical wave trains and consequent intensification (weakening) of 200-hPa zonal winds. Extreme wet and dry events over southeastern Brazil and subtropical Atlantic are in phase on intraseasonal time scales. Extreme wet events over southeastern Brazil and subtropical Atlantic are observed in association with low-level northerly winds above the 75th percentile of the seasonal climatology over central-eastern South America. Extreme wet events on intraseasonal time scales over southeastern Brazil are more frequent during seasons not classified as extreme wet or dry on interannual time scales.