84 resultados para cation exchange capacity (CEC)
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Highly weathered soils represent about 3 billion ha of the tropical region. Oxisols represent about 60% of the Brazilian territory (more than 5 million km 2), in areas of great agricultural importance. Soil organic carbon (SOC) can be responsible for more than 80% of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of highly weathered soils, such as Oxisols and Ultisols. The objective of this study was to estimate the contribution of the SOC to the CEC of Brazilian soils from different orders. Surface samples (0.0 to 0.2 m) of 30 uncultivated soils (13 Oxisols, 6 Ultisols, 5 Alfisols, 3 Entisols, I Histosol, 1 Inceptisol. and I Molisol), under native forests and from reforestation sites from Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were collected in order to obtain a large variation of (electro)chemical, physical, and mineralogical soil attributes. Total content of SOC was quantified by titulometric and colorimetric methods. Effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was obtained by two methods: the indirect method-summation-estimated the ECECi from the sum of basic cations (Ca+ Mg+ K+ Na) and exchangeable Al; and the direct ECECd obtained by the compulsive exchange method, using unbuffered BaCl2 solution. The contribution of SOC to the soil CEC was estimated by the Bennema statistical method. The amount of SOC var ied from 6.6 g kg(-1) to 213.4 g kg(-1). while clay contents varied from 40 g kg(-1) to 716 g kg(-1). Soil organic carbon contents were strongly associated to the clay contents, suggesting that clay content was the primary variable in controling the variability of SOC contents in the samples. Cation exchange capacity varied from 7.0 mmol(c) kg(-1) to 137.8 mmol(c) kg(-1) and had a positive Correlation with SOC. The mean contribution (per grain) of the SOC (1.64 mmol(c)) for the soil CEC was more than 44 times higher than the contribution of the clay fraction (0.04 mmol(c),). A regression model that considered the SOC content as the only significant variable explained 60% of the variation in the soil total CEC. The importance of SOC was related to soil pedogenetic process, since its contribution to the soil CEC was more evident in Oxisols with predominance of Fe and Al (oxihydr)oxides in the mineral fraction or in Ultisols, that presented illuviated clay. The influence of SOC in the sign and in the magnitude of the net charge of soils reinforce the importance of agricultural management systems that preserve high levels of SOC, in order to improve their sustainability.
Chemical and spectroscopic methods were used to characterize organic matter transformations during the composting process. Four different residue mixtures were studied: P1 - garden trimmings (GT) only, P2 - GT plus fresh cattle manure, P3 - GT plus orange pomace and P4 - GT plus filter cake. The thermophilic phase was not reached in PI compost, but the P2, P3 and P4 composts showed all three typical process phases. The thermophilic phase and CEC/C ratio stabilized after 90 days, while C/N ratio and the ash content stabilized after 60 days. The increasing E(4)/E(6) ratio indicated oxidation reactions occurring during the process in the material from P2, P3 and P4. The (13)C NMR and FTIR results suggested extraction of both pectin and lignin in the HA-like fraction. The CEC/C ratio, temperature and E(4)/E(6) ratio showed that within 90 days P2, P3 and P4 composts were humified. However, material from P1 did not show characteristics of humified compost. From these data, it is apparent that C/N ratio and ash content are not reliable methods for monitoring the composting process. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Total soil carbon and chemical attributes under different land uses in the Brazilian savanna. The Brazilian savanna region (Cerrado) is one of the largest cultivated areas of the world. The different land uses in the region can effectively change the quantities of soil organic matter and the cycling of nutrients. I-lie objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different land use management systems on the relationship between soil organic carbon and the soil chemical attributes of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) under Cerrado in Rio Verde (Goias state). The treatments studied were native vegetation (cerrado), low-productivity pasture, conventional tillage with soybean, and no-tillage with soybean and maize. The smallest values for pH, available P, K, Ca and Mg were observed for the Cerradao treatment, even if the relatively high C levels increased the potential soil cation exchange capacity. The pasture, conventional tillage and no-tillage treatments showed higher K, Ca, Mg, available 13, and S concentrations in the soil. In the areas where soil tillage did not take place and lime and fertilizers were applied superficially, the stratification of the soil organic carbon provides the retention of the elements near to the surface, with significance correlations with the soil chemicals attributes.
No-till (NT) adoption is an essential tool for development of sustainable agricultural systems, and how NT affects the soil organic C (SOC) dynamics is a key component of these systems. The effect of a plow tillage (PT) and NT age chronosequence on SOC concentration and interactions with soil fertility were assessed in a variable charge Oxisol, located in the South Center quadrant of Parana State, Brazil (50 degrees 23`W and 24 degrees 36`S). The chronosequence consisted of the following six sites: (i) native field (NF); (ii) PT of the native field (PNF-1) involving conversion of natural vegetation to cropland; (iii) NT for 10 years (NT-10); (iv) NT for 20 years (NT-20); (v) NT for 22 years (NT-22); and (vi) conventional tillage for 22 years (CT-22) involving PT with one disking after summer harvest and one after winter harvest to 20 cm depth plus two harrow disking. Soil samples were collected from five depths (0-2.5; 2.5-5; 5-10; 10-20; and 20-40 cm) and SOC, pH (in H(2)O and KCl), Delta pH, potential acidity, exchangeable bases, and cation exchangeable capacity (CEC) were measured. An increase in SOC concentration positively affected the pH, the negative charge and the CEC and negatively impacted potential acidity. Regression analyses indicated a close relationship between the SOC concentration and other parameters measured in this study. The regression fitted between SOC concentration and CEC showed a close relationship. There was an increase in negative charge and CEC with increase in SOC concentration: CEC increased by 0.37 cmol(c) kg(-1) for every g of C kg(-1) soil. The ratio of ECEC:SOC was 0.23 cmol(c) kg(-1) for NF and increased to 0.49 cmol(c) kg(-1) for NT-22. The rates of P and K for 0-10 cm depth increased by 9.66 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) and 17.93 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively, with NF as a base line. The data presented support the conclusion that long-term NT is a useful strategy for improving fertility of soils with variable charge. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of sewage sludge (SS) amendment on the general properties of the top layers of a sandy and a clayey oxisols and on the nature of their humic acid (HA) fractions was evaluated by chemical and physico-chemical techniques. The amended soils, especially the sandy soil, benefited of SS amendment by increasing their pH to above neutrality and enhancing the contents of C, N, P, and Ca and cation exchange capacity. The SS-HA-like sample showed larger H and N contents and a greater aliphatic character and humification degree than the HAs isolated from non-amerided soils. The composition and structure of amended soil HAs were affected by SS application as a function of soil type and layer. In particular, N-containing groups and aliphatic structures of SS-HA-like sample appears to be partially incorporated in the amended soil HAs, and these effects were more evident in the HAs from the sandy oxisol. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Study of surface electric charges of soil colloids helps in understanding the physicochemical phenomena that influence the capacity of retaining nutrients and their availability to plants. The structural charge (sigma(0), (min)), the variable charge (sigma(q, min)), and the organic matter (OM) charge (sigma(total) (OM)) of 12 tropical soils with contrasting mineralogies were evaluated based on the difference of selectivity for Cs(+) and Li(+) between the functional ionizable surfaces groups and the mineral 2:1 siloxane surface. Soils were divided into three groups: G1, soils with a predominance of kaolinite and gibbsite in the clay fraction; G2, soils with hydroxy-interlayered 2:1 minerals; and G3, soils with smectite but without hydroxy-interlayered 2:1 minerals. The Cs absorption method was efficient for detecting the charge components in tropical soils. The mineral structural charge contributed 11% and 16%, 28% and 31%, and 52% and 59% of total soil charge of A and B horizons of soils from groups G 1, G2, and G3, respectively. On the other hand, OM contributed 53% and 37%, 48% and 41%, and 21% and 20% of total charge for the same samples, respectively, In highly weathered soils of group G I and, to a lesser extent, in soils in group G2, surface charges depended mainly on their variable components, resulting from the OM (sigma(toal) (OM)), as well as from imperfections found in 1:1 minerals (sigma(q, min)). The importance of OM in determining the magnitude of electric charges in humid tropical soils is highlighted.
Relationship between occurrence of Panama disease in banana trees of cv. Nanicao and nutrients in soil and leaves The objective of the present work was to verify if the incited symptoms in banana trees cv. Nanicao, belonging to the subgroup Cavendish, in Vale do Ribeira, are related to levels of nutrients in soil and leaves. Sixteen areas in Vale do Ribeira were selected, one half with symptomatic plants and the other with healthy plants. In those areas the third leaf of five plants and the soil near those plants were collected, at depths from 0 to 20 cm and from 20 to 40 cm. At both depths of the sampled soil, levels of Ca, Mg, PO(4)(-3), S and cationic exchange capacity (CEC) were significantly different among the areas, and the low values of these elements were present in the areas containing symptomatic plants. At both depths, Mg, Al and H in relation to CEC were significantly different among the areas, and the low values of Mg and high of Al and H were present in the areas with symptomatic plants. The N, K and S in the leaves were significantly different among the areas. These elements showed low values in the areas containing symptomatic plants. Despite the fact that some amounts of macronutrients of the soil and of the leaves are present only in the areas containing plants of Nanicao with symptoms similar to fusariosis, proof of a possible occurrence of race of the pathogen should be looked for in Vale do Ribeira.
Microbial community composition was examined in two soil types, Anthrosols and adjacent soils, sampled from three locations in the Brazilian Amazon. The Anthrosols, also known as Amazonian dark earths, are highly fertile soils that are a legacy of pre-Columbian settlement. Both Anthrosols and adjacent soils are derived from the same parent material and subject to the same environmental conditions, including rainfall and temperature; however, the Anthrosols contain high levels of charcoal-like black carbon from which they derive their dark color. The Anthrosols typically have higher cation exchange capacity, higher pH, and higher phosphorus and calcium contents. We used culture media prepared from soil extracts to isolate bacteria unique to the two soil types and then sequenced their 16S rRNA genes to determine their phylogenetic placement. Higher numbers of culturable bacteria, by over two orders of magnitude at the deepest sampling depths, were counted in the Anthrosols. Sequences of bacteria isolated on soil extract media yielded five possible new bacterial families. Also, a higher number of families in the bacteria were represented by isolates from the deeper soil depths in the Anthrosols. Higher bacterial populations and a greater diversity of isolates were found in all of the Anthrosols, to a depth of up to 1 m, compared to adjacent soils located within 50-500 m of their associated Anthrosols. Compared to standard culture media, soil extract media revealed diverse soil microbial populations adapted to the unique biochemistry and physiological ecology of these Anthrosols.
The physical and chemical characteristics of peat were assessed through measurement of pH, percentage of organic matter, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and quantitative analysis of metals by ICP OES. Despite the material showed to be very acid in view of the percentage of organic matter, its CEC was significant, showing potential for retention of metal ions. This characteristic was exploited by coupling a peat mini-column to a flow system based on the multicommutation approach for the in-line copper concentration prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Cu(II) ions were adsorbed at pH 4.5 and eluted with 0.50 mol L(-1) HNO(3). The influence of chemical and hydrodynamic parameters, such as sample pH, buffer concentration, eluent type and concentration, sample flow-rate and preconcentration time were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, a linear response was observed between 16 and 100 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit estimated as 3 mu g L(-1) at the 99.7% confidence level and an enrichment factor of 16. The relative standard deviation was estimated as 3.3% (n = 20). The mini-column was used for at least 100 sampling cycles without significant variation in the analytical response. Recoveries from copper spiked to lake water or groundwater as well as concentrates used in hemodialysis were in the 97.3-111 % range. The results obtained for copper determination in these samples agreed with those achieved by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Studies about the inorganic nanoparticles applying for non-viral release of biological and therapeutic species have been intensified nowadays. This work reviews the preparation strategies and application of layered double hydroxides (LDH) as carriers for storing, carrying and control delivery of intercalated species as drugs and DNA for gene therapy. LDH show low toxicity, biocompatibility, high anion exchange capacity, surface sites for functionalization, and a suitable equilibrium between chemical stability and biodegradability. LDH can increase the intercalated species stability and promote its sub-cellular uptake for biomedical purposes. Concerning the healthy field, LDH have been evaluated for clinical diagnosis as a biosensor component.
The transport of liquid and gaseous pollutants through porous geological media depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the unconsolidated material, rocks and water associated with the characteristics of the pollutants. Of these characteristics, the sorption aspect is of fundamental importance and is a function of the mineral proportions, pH, Eh and void aspects encountered in the porous media. In the Sao Carlos region, located in the eastern-central part of the 9 ate of Sao Paulo, Brazil, there are basically two types of unconsolidated materials: the first is a residual from sandstones cemented with fines and the secondarily composed of claystones, siltstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous Period that constitute the Itaqueri Formation; the second is a sandy sediment of the Tertiary Period. These geological conditions are found in areas where chemical products are disposed of characterized as either diffuse or point pollutions sources. Because of this situation, a study was developed to evaluate the sorption aspects of some inorganic cations that are frequently found in these sources, in varied concentrations. Taken into consideration were their physical/chemical properties, such as: specific weight, grain size, mineralogy, cationic exchange capacity, pH, hydraulic conductivity. Batch tests were run using solutions of KCl, ZnCl(2) and CuCl center dot H(2)O at three different pH values, and then with a combined solution (KCl + ZnCl(2) + CuCl center dot H(2)O), also at three different pH values.
Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria are gaining increased importance due to their activity against undesirable microorganisms in foods. In this study, a concentrated acid extract of a culture of Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei 2a, a bacteriocinogenic strain isolated from a Brazilian pork product, was purified by cation exchange and reversed-phase chromatographic methods. The amino acid sequences of the active antimicrobial compounds determined by Edman degradation were compared to known protein sequences using the BLAST-P software. Three different antimicrobial compounds were obtained, P1, P2 and P3, and mass spectrometry indicated molecular masses of 4.4, 6.8 and 9.5 kDa, respectively. P1 corresponds to classical sakacin P, P2 is identical to the 30S ribosomal protein S21 of L. sakei subsp. sakei 23 K, and P3 is identical to a histone-like DNA-binding protein HV produced by L. sakei subsp. sakei 23 K. Total genomic DNA was extracted and used as target DNA for PCR amplification of the genes sak, lis and his involved in the synthesis of P1, P2 and P3. The fragments were cloned in pET28b expression vector and the resulting plasmids transformed in E. coli KRX competent cells. The transformants were active against Listeria monocytogenes, indicating that the activity of the classical sakacin P produced by L. sakei 2a can be complemented by other antimicrobial proteins.
The secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) are water-soluble enzymes that bind to the surface of both artificial and biological lipid bilayers and hydrolyze the membrane phospholipids. The tissue expression pattern of the human group IID secretory phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)-IID) suggests that the enzyme is involved in the regulation of the immune and inflammatory responses. With an aim to establish an expression system for the hsPLA(2)-IID in Escherichia coli, the DNA-coding sequence for hsPLA(2)-IID was subcloned into the vector pET3a, and expressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli (BL21). A protocol has been developed to refold the recombinant protein in the presence of guanidinium hydrochloride, using a size-exclusion chromatography matrix followed by dilution and dialysis to remove the excess denaturant. After purification by cation-exchange chromatography, far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra of the recombinant hsPLA(2)-IID indicated protein secondary structure content similar to the homologous human group IIA secretory phospholipase A(2). The refolded recombinant hsPLA(2)-IID demonstrated Ca(2+)-dependent hydrolytic activity, as measuring the release free fatty acid from phospholipid liposomes. This protein expression and purification system may be useful for site-directed mutagenesis experiments of the hsPLA(2)-IID which will advance our understanding of the structure-function relationship and biological effects of the protein. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Anomalous concentrations of Cr(VI) occur in groundwaters of the Adamantina Aquifer, in a large region in the western state of Sao Paulo, sometimes exceeding the potability limit (0.05 mg L(-1)). To identify the possible geochemical reactions responsible for the occurrence of Cr in groundwater in Urania, borehole rock samples were collected in order to carry out mineralogical and chemical analyses. In addition, multilevel monitoring wells were installed and groundwater samples were analyzed. Analyses of the borehole rock samples show the occurrence of a geochemical anomaly of Cr in the quartzose sandstones (average concentrations of 221 ppm). Chrome-diopside is one of the main minerals contributing to this anomaly, having an average Cr content of 1505 ppm. Sequential extraction experiments indicated weakly adsorbed Cr in the order of 0.54 ppm, and this quantity is enough to provide the Cr concentrations observed in groundwater. Groundwaters from the monitoring wells proved to be stratified, with the highest concentrations of Cr(VI) (0.13 mg L(-1)) being associated with high redox and pH values (over 10) and high concentrations of Na. Geochemical reactions that may explain the release of Cr from the solid phase to groundwater involve the release of Cr(III) from minerals (like chrome-diopside and Cr-Fe hydroxide), followed by oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI), probably related to the reduction of Mn oxides present in the aquifer. Then cation exchange occurs and dissolution of carbonates which increases the pH of groundwater, resulting in the desorption and mobilization of Cr(VI) into groundwater. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results of a new investigation of the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) in Sao Paulo state. New data were acquired about sedimentary framework, flow pattern, and hydrogeochemistry. The flow direction in the north of the state is towards the southwest and not towards the west as expected previously. This is linked to the absence of SAG outcrop in the northeast of Sao Paulo state. Both the underlying Piramboia Formation and the overlying Botucatu Formation possess high porosity (18.9% and 19.5%, respectively), which was not modified significantly by diagenetic changes. Investigation of sediments confirmed a zone of chalcedony cement close to the SAG outcrop and a zone of calcite cement in the deep confined zone. The main events in the SAG post-sedimentary history were: (1) adhesion of ferrugineous coatings on grains, (2) infiltration of clays in eodiagenetic stage, (3) regeneration of coatings with formation of smectites, (4) authigenic overgrowth of quartz and K-feldspar in advanced eodiagenetic stage, (5) bitumen cementation of Piramboia Formation in mesodiagenetic stage, (6) cementation by calcite in mesodiagenetic and telodiagenetic stages in Piramboia Formation, (7) formation of secondary porosity by dissolution of unstable minerals after appearance of hydraulic gradient and penetration of the meteoric water caused by the uplift of the Serra do Mar coastal range in the Late Cretaceous, (8) authigenesis of kaolinite and amorphous silica in unconfined zone of the SAG and cation exchange coupled with the dissolution of calcite at the transition between unconfined and confined zone, and (9) authigenesis of analcime in the confined SAG zone. The last two processes are still under operation. The deep zone of the SAG comprises an alkaline pH, Na-HCO(3) groundwater type with old water and enriched delta(13)C values (<-3.9), which evolved from a neutral pH, Ca-HCO(3) groundwater type with young water and depleted delta(13)C values (>-18.8) close to the SAG outcrop. This is consistent with a conceptual geochemical model of the SAG, suggesting dissolution of calcite driven by cation exchange, which occurs at a relatively narrow front recently moving downgradient at much slower rate compared to groundwater flow. More depleted values of delta(18)O in the deep confined zone close to the Parana River compared to values of relative recent recharged water indicate recharge occur during a period of cold climate. The SAG is a ""storage-dominated"" type of aquifer which has to be managed properly to avoid its overexploitation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.