18 resultados para barra

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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A hydrodynamic characterization of the Itapocu river and Barra Velha lagoon estuarine system was carried out with the objective of evaluating how the current regime in this area is affected by astronomical and meteorological tides and the river discharge. Meteorological, water level and current velocity and direction data were gathered hourly during a twenty-day period, from 22-July until 10-August, 2004. Current meters were positioned at the inlet, at the entrance of the north and south lagoons and at the lower estuary of the river along with a tide gauge. The estuarine system showed distinct current behavior among the different sectors within the estuary, responding to the different forcings. The strongest currents were observed at the inlet while the weakest values were observed at the northern lagoon, a location that showed little dynamic. The general flow was ebb-dominated flux, in response to fluvial discharge, even during local wind water set-up event.


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The Barra do Itapirapua ( BIT) carbonatites in southern Brazil belong to the final stages of the Early Cretaceous alkaline rock - carbonatite magmatism of the Ponta Grossa Arch Province. The BIT complex is a dyke and vein stockwork in which four main carbonatitic phases are recognized, mainly magnesiocarbonatites and ferrocarbonatites. These carbonatites are generally overprinted by pervasive hydrothermal events. The C-O stable isotopic data indicate re-equilibration under hydrothermal conditions at temperatures between 375 and 80 degrees C. Significant amounts of REE fluorocarbonate minerals, relatively Sr- and Th-rich, were deposited. Syntaxy between synchysite-(Ce) and parisite-(Ce) is very common owing to the similarity in structures, with alternating (001) layers of (CeF), (CO3) and (Ca). However, bastnasite-(Ce) occurs as individual crystals, overgrown by the synchysite and parisite polycrystals. Textural and chemical reactions between the REE fluorocarbonates provide insights into the mobility of rare-earth elements during fluid-rock interaction. The BIT complex is considered to be of potential economic interest for production of the rare-earth concentrates.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the retention force of T-bar clasps made from commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy by the insertion/removal test simulating 5 years use. Thirty-six frameworks were cast from CP Ti (n=18) and Co-Cr alloy (n=18) with identical prefabricated patterns on refractory casts from a distal extension mandibular hemi-arch segment. The castings were made on a vacuum-pressure machine, under vacuum and argon atmosphere. Each group was subdivided in three, corresponding to 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm and 0.75 mm undercuts, respectively. No polishing procedures were performed to ensure uniformity. The specimens were subjected to an insertion/removal test and data was analyzed statistically to compare CP Ti and Co-Cr alloy in the same undercut (Student's t-test for independent samples) and each material in different undercuts (one-way ANOVA) (p=0.05). Comparisons between materials revealed significant differences (p=0.017) only for the 0.50-mm undercut. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found when comparing the same material for the undercuts. It may be concluded that for different undercuts, both Co-Cr alloy and CP Ti had no significant differences for T-bar clasps; CP Ti showed the lowest retention force values when compared to Co-Cr alloy in each undercut, but with significant difference only for the 0.50-mm undercut; and both materials maintained the retentive capacity during the simulation test.


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Desde o começo da ocupação humana no litoral centro-sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil, a articulação entre processos naturais e antrópicos modelou uma paisagem fortemente domesticada, marcada pela construção massiva de concheiros de dimensões monumentais e pela permanência milenar. Na planície costeira entre Passagem da Barra (município de Laguna) e lago Figueirinha (município de Jaguaruna), 76 sambaquis foram mapeados, dos quais 48 possuem datação. O levantamento sistemático de sítios e datações permitiu identificar padrões de distribuição espacial nos sambaquis da região, quanto a contexto sedimentar da época de construção, estratigrafia e idade. Desse modo, reconheceram-se nos sítios da região: cinco contextos geológico-geomorfológicos de localização; três padrões estratigráficos; e quatro fases de ocupação sambaquieira baseadas na quantidade de sítios e no tipo de padrão construtivo dominante. O modelo integrado de evolução sedimentar e distribuição tempo-espacial de sambaquis indica que estes sítios eram construídos em áreas já emersas e pouco alagáveis, e que sítios interiores, afastados dos corpos lagunares, podem não se ter preservado ou não estarem expostos devido ao processo de assoreamento contínuo que caracterizou a região após a máxima transgressão holocênica. O cruzamento de dados aqui proposto evidencia a importância de abordagens integradas entre arqueologia e geociências no estudo da evolução das paisagens.


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Sediment samples from Tietê river were submitted to chemical and sequential extractions of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). It was followed a single extraction by using 0.1 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid and a sequential procedure to evaluate possible chemical associations described as exchangeable, carbonate, reducible oxides, sulfide, organic matter and residual fractions. High concentrations of heavy metals were determined at Pirapora reservoir, which is closer to the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo while for Barra Bonita reservoir, the results showed low concentrations for such elements. Acid volatile sulfides, grain size distribution and carbon contents were also determined.


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The circulation and transport of suspended particulate matter in the Caravelas Estuary are assessed. Nearly-synoptic hourly hydrographic, current (ADCP velocity and volume transport) and suspended particulate matter data were collected during a full semidiurnal spring tide, on the two transects Boca do Tomba and Barra Velha and on longitudinal sections at low and high tide. On the first transect the peak ebb currents (-1.5 ms-1) were almost twice as strong as those of the wider and shallow Barra Velha inlet (-0.80 ms-1) and the peak flood currents were 0.75 and 0.60 ms-1, respectively. Due to the strong tidal currents both inlets had weak vertical salinity stratification and were classified with the Stratification-circulation Diagram as Type 2a (partially mixed-weakly stratified) and Type 1a (well mixed). Volume transports were very close, ranging from -3,500 to 3,100 m³s-1 at the ebb and flood, respectively, with a residual -630 m³s-1. The concentration of the suspended particulate matter was closely related to the tidal variation and decreased landwards from 50 mg.L-1 at the estuary mouth, to 10 mg.L-1 at distances of 9 and 16 km for the low and high tide experiments, respectively. The total residual SPM transport was out of the estuary at rates of -18 tons per tidal cycle.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar qualitativamente a composição das lancheiras de crianças do segundo ao quinto ano do ensino fundamental de escolas privadas de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: O delineamento do estudo foi transversal e a coleta de dados foi realizada em cinco unidades de uma rede particular de ensino, localizadas em regiões distintas da Grande São Paulo. A observação dos lanches ocorreu em três dias não consecutivos do ano de 2008 para cada criança. A amostra foi constituída pela totalidade de crianças do segundo ao quinto ano do ensino fundamental (n=501). Os alunos foram categorizados segundo a presença ou não de cada um dos grupos de alimentos nas lancheiras em pelo menos um dos três dias de observação. RESULTADOS: Dentre as crianças estudadas, 82% trouxeram cereais; 67% sucos artificiais e outras bebidas; 65% leite e alimentos lácteos; 51% bolo, bolacha e barra de cereais recheados e/ou com cobertura e 35% embutidos, em pelo menos uma dia de coleta. A frequência de frutas e sucos naturais foi de 33%, e de verduras e legumes foi de 4%. Meninas levaram para a escola com mais frequência frutas e hortaliças (p<0,05). Alunos maiores deixaram de levar lanche à escola mais frequentemente do que os menores nos três dias de observação (11 e 4%, respectivamente; p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A composição das lancheiras dos escolares, apesar de alguns aspectos positivos, mostrou-se inadequada. Houve excesso de alimentos industrializados, geralmente ricos em açúcares, gorduras e sódio e baixa presença de frutas, verduras e legumes.


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A composição de Culicidae do lago de Barra Grande, situado entre os municípios de Esmeralda (Rio Grande do Sul) e Anita Garibaldi (Santa Catarina), foi realizada com coletas mensais. Vinte e quatro espécies foram identificadas dentre um total de 1.185 espécimes (74,7% adultos e 25,3% imaturos), sendo Aedes fluviatilis Lutz a espécie mais frequente. Algumas espécies constituem novos registros e são interesse em saúde pública. O fato sugere que mudanças ambientais na área podem alterar a relação entre humanos e mosquitos vetores


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The Wnt signaling pathways play a key role in cell renewal, and there are two such pathways. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the synovial membrane expresses genes such as Wnt and Fz at higher levels than those observed in patients without RA. The Wnt proteins are glycoproteins that bind to receptors of the Fz family on the cell surface. The Wnt/Fz complex controls tissue formation during embryogenesis, as well as throughout the process of limb development and joint formation. Recent studies have suggested that this signaling pathway plays a role in the pathophysiology of RA. Greater knowledge of the role of the Writ signaling pathway in RA could improve understanding of the differences in RA clinical presentation and prognosis. Further studies should also focus on Wnt family members as molecular targets in the treatment of RA. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the result of the autoimmune response against pancreatic insulin producing cells. This autoimmune response begins months or even years before the first presentation of signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and at the time of clinical diagnosis near 30% of -cell mass still remains. In daily clinical practice, the main therapeutic option for T1DM is multiple subcutaneous insulin injections that are shown to promote tight glucose control and reduce much of diabetic chronic complications, especially microvascular complications. Another important aspect related to long-term complications of diabetes is that patients with initially larger -cell mass suffer less microvascular complications and less hypoglycemic events than those patients with small -cell mass. In face of this, -cell preservation is another important target in the management of type 1 diabetes and its related complications. For many years, various immunomodulatory regimens were tested aiming at blocking autoimmunity against -cell mass and at promoting -cell preservation, mainly in secondary prevention trials. In this review, we summarize some of the most important studies involving -cell preservation by immunomodulation and discuss our preliminary data on autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly-diagnosed T1DM.


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Objective(s): We intend to verify if fetal volume and crown-rump length were different between singletons and twins in pregnancies aged from 7 to 10 weeks and to evaluate if fetal volume is more accurate to determine the gestational age than crown-rump length at this gestational age. Study design: From 52 days (7 weeks and 3 days) to 73 days (10 weeks and 3 days) weekly three-dimensional Ultrasonography was per-formed in 20 twin fetuses and 20 singletons. Crown-rump length and fetal volume using VOCAL were assessed in all examinations. The `true` gestational age was based on oocyte retrieval. Results: At the age of 52 days, the crown-rump length was 11.74 +/- 0.27 mm (mean +/- S.D.) and 11.48 +/- 0.22 mm (singletons and twins, respectively), while the fetal volume was 0.354 +/- 0.015 cm(3) and 0.324 +/- 0.012 cm(3). At the gestational age of 73 days, the crown-rump length was 36.19 +/- 0.90 mm and 35.87 +/- 0.54 mm and the fetal volume was 6.204 +/- 0.090 cm(3) and 6.083 +/- 0.081 cm(3). The total relative increase observed was much higher for fetal volume than for CRL: 1705 +/- 301% vs. 210 +/- 33% in singletons and 1827 +/- 305% vs. 214 +/- 25% in twins. The 95% limits of agreement (+/- 2.3 days vs. +/- 3.2 days, fetal volume vs. crown-rump length) and the intraclass correlation coefficients (0.989 vs. 0.978) between the ""true"" gestational age and that predicted by fetal volume were better than those predicted by crown-rump length. No significant difference was identified between singletons and twins for both fetal volume and crown-rump length. Conclusion(s): Twins and singletons had similar fetal volume and crown-rump length between the 7th and 10th week of gestational age. Additionally, fetal volume assessed by VOCAL was better than crown-rump length to estimate the gestational age at the evaluated period. However, the improvement was small and probably without clinical significance. Condensation: Fetal volume and crown-rump length were similar between singletons and twins. Fetal volume relative increase was higher and the predicted gestational age was better. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective To evaluate the reliability of two- and three-dimensional ultrasonographic measurement of the thickness of the lower uterine segment (LUS) in pregnant women by transvaginal and transabdominal approaches. Methods This was a study of 30 pregnant women who bad bad at least one previous Cesarean section and were between 36 and 39 weeks` gestation, with singleton pregnancies in cephalic presentation. Sonographic examinations were performed by two observers using both 4-7-MHz transabdominal and 5-8-MHz transvaginal volumetric probes. LUS measurements were performed using two- and three-dimensional ultrasound, evaluating the entire LUS thickness transabdominally and the LUS muscular thickness transvaginally. Each observer measured the LUS four times by each method. Reliability was analyzed by comparing the mean of the absolute differences, the intraclass correlation coefficients, the 95% limits of agreement and the proportion of differences <1 mm. Results Transvaginal ultrasound provided greater reliability in LUS measurements than did transabdominal ultrasound. The use of three-dimensional ultrasound improved significantly the reliability of the LUS muscular thickness measurement obtained transvaginally. Conclusions Ultrasonographic measurement of the LUS muscular thickness transvaginally appears more reliable than does that of the entire LUS thickness transabdominally. The use of three-dimensional ultrasound should be considered to improve measurement reliability. Copyright (c) 2009 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The objective of this study was to describe multiple Doppler ultrasound parameters of ductus venosus and inferior vena cava in fetuses at gestational ages ranging from 22 to 38 weeks. In this prospective observational study, Doppler ultrasound exams were performed in 45 healthy fetuses at 22, 26, 34, and 38 weeks. Maximum venous velocity, minimum venous velocity, venous pulsatility index, and venous acceleration time (VAT) (defined as the time between minimum and maximum venous velocity) were evaluated at those gestational periods. Increase in the velocities and decrease in the pulsatility index were observed in these vessels throughout gestational age. The VAT increased with gestational age. The VAT, a Doppler parameter still not described elsewhere, increased during pregnancy could be related to a longer period of time needed to fill the atrium in bigger hearts. In this study, we provide reference values for VAT in healthy fetuses.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the stress on the cortical bone around single body dental implants supporting mandibular complete fixed denture with rigid (Neopronto System-Neodent) or semirigid splinting system (Barra Distal System-Neodent). Methods and Materials: Stress levels on several system components were analyzed through finite element analysis. Focusing on stress concentration at cortical bone around single body dental implants supporting mandibular complete fixed dentures with rigid ( Neopronto System-Neodent) or semirigid splinting system ( Barra Distal System-Neodent), after axial and oblique occlusal loading simulation, applied in the last cantilever element. Results: The results showed that semirigid implant splinting generated lower von Mises stress in the cortical bone under axial loading. Rigid implant splinting generated higher von Mises stress in the cortical bone under oblique loading. Conclusion: It was concluded that the use of a semirigid system for rehabilitation of edentulous mandibles by means of immediate implant-supported fixed complete denture is recommended, because it reduces stress concentration in the cortical bone. As a consequence, bone level is better preserved, and implant survival is improved. Nevertheless, for both situations the cortical bone integrity was protected, because the maximum stress level findings were lower than those pointed in the literature as being harmful. The maximum stress limit for cortical bone (167 MPa) represents the threshold between plastic and elastic state for a given material. Because any force is applied to an object, and there is no deformation, we can conclude that the elastic threshold was not surpassed, keeping its structural integrity. If the force is higher than the plastic threshold, the object will suffer permanent deformation. In cortical bone, this represents the beginning of bone resorption and/or remodeling processes, which, according to our simulated loading, would not occur. ( Implant Dent 2010; 19:39-49)


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The Tiete River and its tributary Pinheiros River receive a highly complex organic and inorganic pollutants load from sanitary sewage and industrial sources, as well as agricultural and agroindustrial activities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of sediments from selected locations in the Tiete River Basin by means of the sediment contact embryo toxicity assay with Danio rerio, in order to provide a comprehensive and realistic insight into the bioavailable hazard potential of these sediment samples. Lethal and sub-lethal effects were recorded, and high embryo toxicity could be found in the samples not only in the vicinity of the megacity Sao Paulo (Billings reservoir and Pinheiros River samples), but also downstream (in the reservoirs Barra Bonita, Promissao and Tres Irmaos). Results confirm that most toxicity is due to the discharges of the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo. However, they also indicate additional sources of pollutants along the river course, probably from industrial, agricultural and agroindustrial residues, which contribute to the degradation of each area. The sediment contact fish embryo test showed to be powerful tool to detect embryo toxicity in sediments, not only by being a sensitive method, but also for taking into account bioavailability. This test provides an ecological highly realistic and relevant exposure scenario, and should therefore be added in ecotoxicological sediment quality assessments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.