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em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
In a preliminary study in Juruti, a mining municipality in western Pará State, Brazil, 12 out of 21 patients suspected of presenting cutaneous leishmaniasis showed positive PCR (SSUrDNA and G6PD): Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis (9/12; 75%) and L. (V.) sp. (3/12; 25%). Entomological studies in the same location revealed the presence of 12 different phlebotomine species (n =105). One of the most common species was Lutzomyia (Psychodopygus) complexa (17%) which is both highly anthropophilic and a known vector of L. (V.) braziliensis in other regions of Pará. These preliminary findings should serve to guide future epidemiological surveillance in Juruti.
Two new species of Moenkhausia, one from the rio Tapajós and the other from the rio Xingu basins are described as apparently endemics of the Serra do Cachimbo. Both species, along with M. petymbuaba, share a distinct color pattern composed of large conspicuous dark blotches on the base of the body scales. Moenkhausia chlorophthalma, from rio Treze de Maio, a tributary to rio Curuá (rio Xingu basin), is distinguished by the presence of a proximal well delimited black area on the adipose fin and a green eye in life. Moenkhausia plumbea of the headwaters of tributaries of the rio Braço Norte, rio Tapajós basin is diagnosed by the presence of a dark longitudinal stripe across the eye and six branched pelvic-fin rays (vs. seven). Relationships of the new species with other Moenkhausia are discussed.
Neste artigo tivemos a intenção de oferecer ao leitor o resumo de um dos aspectos mais importantes da análise estrutural que realizamos, durante décadas, do texto de Jean Piaget, sobretudo as estreitas relações entre a Biologia e a Lógica na construção e na explicação do conhecimento científico. Nesse sentido, procuramos demonstrar que, a partir dos conceitos de implicação significante e de imagem mental criados por Piaget, um novo campo de investigações se abre, a saber, aquele que denominamos como o dos sistemas de significação não lógica, campo de suma relevância e que vem preencher uma secular lacuna entre a razão e a emoção até hoje presente nas pesquisas sobre os fenômenos normais e patológicos do psiquismo.
This work describes methods for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and As by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in Brazilian nuts. The samples (~ 0.300 g) were digested to clear solutions in a closed vessel microwave oven. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures for simultaneous determinations of Cd and Pb were 1100 and 2100 °C, respectively, using 0.5% (w v-1) NH4H2PO4 + 0.03% (w v-1) Mg(NO3)2 as chemical modifier. The limits of detection (3Δ) were 3.8 μg kg-1 for As, 0.86 μg kg-1 for Cd and 13 μg kg-1 for Pb. The reliability of the entire procedures was confirmed by peach leaves (No. 1547 - NIST) certified reference material analysis and addition and recovery tests. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level.
Com o objetivo de identificar as principais falhas no sistema de produção que limitam a pecuária em Santarém, Pará, foram entrevistados, ao acaso, 21 pecuaristas (90,5% de corte - cria, recria e engorda; 9,5% de leite), proprietários de 10% da população de bovinos do município. 71,4% das propriedades tinham currais para manejo do gado, entretanto apenas 38,1% possuíam balança e 23,8% tronco de contenção. A Brachiaria brizantha estava presente em todas as fazendas, sendo usada exclusivamente em 42,9% das propriedades. A disseminação de plantas invasoras (61,9%) foi considerada a principal dificuldade no manejo das pastagens. Constatou-se que 76,2% dos pecuaristas utilizam misturas minerais com macro e micro-elementos, geralmente de formulações comerciais, enquanto que 19% utilizam apenas sal comum, enriquecido com micro-elementos. A concentração de fósforo (P) na mistura mineral estava abaixo do recomendado para bovinos de corte em 76,9% das propriedades e apenas 19% das propriedades possuía cochos para suplementação mineral adequada.
Objective: To evaluate treatment changes and quality of finishing occlusion in Class I patients treated with four premolar extractions. Material and Methods: Dental casts of 94 subjects (50 males and 44 females) were evaluated. Mean pretreatment age was 13.46 years, and mean treatment time was 2.09 years. The peer assessment rating (PAR) index was obtained from pretreatment and posttreatment dental casts. Results: The mean pretreatment PAR index of 29.46 was reduced to 6.32 at posttreatment stage, achieving a reduction of 78.54% with treatment. There was correlation between the initial PAR and correction during treatment, that is, the more severe the malocclusion the greater the treatment changes. Conclusion: The cases evaluated showed a high-standard orthodontic finishing.
This article analyzes the Brazilian political system from the local perspective. Following Cox (1997), we review the problems with electoral coordination that emerge from a given institutional framework. Due to the characteristics of the Brazilian Federal system and its electoral rules, linkage between the three levels of government is not guaranteed a priori, but demands a coordinating effort by the parties' leadership. According to our hypothesis, the parties are capable of coordinating their election strategies at different levels in the party system. Regression models based on two-stage least squares (2SLS) and TOBIT, analyzing a panel of Brazilian municipalities with data from the 1994 and 2000 elections, show that the proportion of votes received by a party in a given election correlates closely with its previous votes in majoritarian elections. Despite institutional incentives, the Brazilian party system shows evidence that it is organized nationally to the extent that it links the competition for votes at the three levels of government (National, State, and Municipal).
Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor that is overexpressed in solid tumors, being associated with several pro-tumoral responses including primary growth, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis. Expression of PAR-1 in human leukemic cell lines is reported but the status of its expression in human leukemic patients is currently unknown. In this study we evaluated the expression pattern of PAR-1 in patients with the four main types of leukemia - chronic lymphocytic leukemia subtype B (B-CLL), acute lymphoblastic leukemia subtype B (B-ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Flow cytometry analyses show that lymphocytes from B-CLL patients express this receptor at similar levels to healthy individuals. On the other hand, it was observed a significant increase in PAR-1 expression in B-ALL lymphocytes as compared to B-CLL and healthy donors. Flow cytometric and real-time PCR demonstrated a significant increase in PAR-1 expression in granulocytes from CML patients in blast phase (CML-BP) but not in chronic phase (CML-CP) as compared to healthy donors. Finally, a significant increase in PAR-1 expression has been also observed in blasts from AML (subtypes M4 and M5) patients, as compared to monocytes or granulocytes from healthy donors. We conclude that PAR-1 might play an important biological role in aggressive leukemias and might offer additional strategies for the development of new therapies. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Substantial experimental evidence indicates that PAWR gene (PKC apoptosis WT1 regulator; also named PAR-4, prostate apoptosis response-4) is a central player in cancer cell survival and a potential target for cancer-selective targeted therapeutics. However, little is known about the role of PAR-4 in breast cancer. We investigated the possible role of PAR-4 expression in breast cancer. IHC results on tissue microarrays containing 1,161 primary breast tumor samples showed that 57% (571/995) of analyzable cases were negative for PAR-4 nuclear staining. Down-regulation of nuclear PAR-4 protein expression predicted a poor prognosis for breast cancer patients (OS; P=0.041, log-rank test). PAR-4 down-regulation also correlates with poor survival in the group of patients with luminal A subtype breast cancer (P=0.028). Additionally, in this large series of breast cancer patients, we show that ERBB2/HER2, EGFR and pAKT protein expression are significantly associated with shorter disease-free survival and overall survival, but the prognosis was even worse for HER2-positive, EGFR-positive or pAKT-positive breast cancer patients with tumors negative for nuclear PAR-4 expression. Furthermore, using three-dimensional (3D) cell culture we provide preliminary results showing that PAR-4 is highly expressed in the MCF10A cells inside the acini structure, suggesting that PAR-4 might have a role in the lumen acini formation. Taken together, our results provide, for the first time, evidence that PAR-4 may have a role in the process of the mammary eland morphogenesis and its functional inactivation is associated with tumor aggressive phenotype and might represent an additional prognostic and predictive marker for breast cancer.
Background and Aim: Tissue injury leads to activation of coagulation and generation of thrombin. Inhibition of thrombin receptor protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) has been shown to reduce liver fibrosis in animals. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of PAR-1 gene polymorphism on rate of liver fibrosis (RF) in chronic hepatitis C. Methods: Polymorphisms studied: C > T transition 1426 bp upstream of translation start site (-1426C/T), 13 bp repeat of preceding -506 5`-CGGCCGCGGGAAG-3` sequence (-506I/D), and A > T transversion in intervening sequence (IVS) 14 bp upstream of exon-2 start site (IVS-14A/T). A total of 287 European and 90 Brazilian patients were studied. Results: 1426C/T polymorphism: There was a trend to higher RF in patients with the TT genotype (P = 0.06) and an association between genotype CC and slow fibrosis (P = 0.03) in Europeans. In males, RF was significantly higher in those with the TT genotype compared to CT (P = 0.003) and CC (P = 0.007). There was a significant association between TT and fast fibrosis (P = 0.04). This was confirmed in an independent cohort of Brazilians where RF was higher in TT than in CC (P = 0.03). Analysis of -506I/D showed no difference in RF and distribution of slow/fast fibrosis among different genotypes in both populations. Analysis of IVS-14A/T showed no difference between genotypes. Conclusion: In conclusion, these findings suggest that PAR-1 receptor polymorphisms influence the progression of liver fibrosis.