7 resultados para alkaline phosphatase in lake water

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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sigma(S) is responsible for the transcriptional regulation of genes related to protection against stresses and bacterial survival and it accumulates in the cell under conditions of stress, such as nutrient limitation. An increase in the levels of sigma(S) causes a reduction in the expression of genes that are transcribed by RNA polymerase associated with the principal sigma factor, sigma(70). phoA, that encodes alkaline phosphatase (AP) is expressed under phosphate shortage conditions, and is also repressed by sigma(S). Here we show that in a Pi-limited chemostat, accumulation of rpoS mutations is proportional to the intrinsic level of sigma(S) in the cells. Acquisition of mutations in rpoS relieves repression of the PHO genes. We also devised a non-destructive method based on the rpoS effect on AP that differentiates between rpo(S+) and rpoS mutants, as well as between high and low-sigma(S) producers. Using this method, we provide evidence that sigma(S) contributes to the repression of AP under conditions of Pi excess and that AP variation among different strains is at least partly due to intrinsic variation in sigma(S) levels. Consequently, a simple and non-destructive AP assay can be employed to differentiate between strains expressing different levels of sigma(S) on agar plates.


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Previous studies showed anabolic effects of GC-1, a triiodothyronine (T3) analogue that is selective for both binding and activation functions of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) beta 1 over TR alpha 1, on bone tissue in vivo. The aim of this study was to investigate the responsiveness of rat (ROS17/2.8) and mouse (MC3T3-E1) osteoblast-like cells to GC-1. As expected, T3 inhibited cellular proliferation and stimulated mRNA expression of osteocalcin or alkaline phosphatase in both cell lineages. Whereas equimolar doses of T3 and GC-1 equally affected these parameters in ROS17/2.8 cells, the effects of GC-1 were more modest compared to those of T3 in MC3T3-E1 cells. Interestingly, we showed that there is higher expression of TR alpha 1 than TR beta 1 mRNA in rat (similar to 20-90%) and mouse (similar to 90-98%) cell lineages and that this difference is even higher in mouse cells, which highlights the importance of TR alpha 1 to bone physiology and may partially explain the modest effects of GC-1 in comparison with T3 in MC3T3-E1 cells. Nevertheless, we showed that TR beta 1 mRNA expression increases (similar to 2.8- to 4.3-fold) as osteoblastic cells undergo maturation, suggesting a key role of TR beta 1 in mediating T3 effects in the bone forming cells, especially in mature osteoblasts. It is noteworthy that T3 and GC-1 induced TR beta 1 mRNA expression to a similar extent in both cell lineages (similar to 2- to 4-fold), indicating that both ligands may modulate the responsiveness of osteoblasts to T3. Taken together, these data show that TR beta selective T3 analogues have the potential to directly induce the differentiation and activity of osteoblasts.


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Monte Carlo simulation and quantum mechanics calculations based on the INDO/CIS and TD-DFT methods were utilized to study the solvatochromic shift of benzophenone when changing the environment from normal water to supercritical (P = 340.2 atm and T = 673 K) condition. Solute polarization increases the dipole moment of benzophenone, compared to gas phase, by 88 and 35% in normal and supercritical conditions, giving the in-solvent dipole value of 5.8 and 4.2 D, respectively. The average number of solute-solvent hydrogen bonds was analyzed, and a large decrease of 2.3 in normal water to only 0.8 in the supercritical environment was found. By using these polarized models of benzophenone in the two different conditions of water, we performed MC simulations to generate statistically uncorrelated configurations of the solute surrounded by the solvent molecules and subsequent quantum mechanics calculations on these configurations. When changing from normal to supercritical water environment, INDO/CIS calculations explicitly considering all valence electrons of the 235 solvent water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1425 cm(-1) for the most intense transition of benzophenone, that is, slightly underestimated in comparison with the experimentally inferred result of 1700 cm(-1). TD-B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) calculations on the same configurations but with benzophenone electrostatically embedded in the 320 water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1715 cm(-1) for this transition, in very good agreement with the experimental result. When using the unpolarized model of the benzophenone, this calculated solvatochromic shift was only 640 cm(-1). Additional calculations were also made by using BHandHLYP/6-311+G(2d,p) to analyze the effect of the asymptotic decay of the exchange functional. This study indicates that, contrary to the general expectation, there is a sizable solute polarization even in the low-density regime of supercritical condition and that the inclusion of this polarization is important for a reliable description of the spectral shifts considered here.


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The 590-580 Ma Itu Granite Province (IGP) is a roughly linear belt of post-orogenic granite plutons similar to 60 km wide extending for some 350 km along the southern edge of the Apia-Guaxupe Terrane in southeastern Brazil. Typical components are subalkaline A-type granites (some with rapakivi texture) that crystallized at varied, but mostly strongly oxidizing conditions, and contrast with a coeval association of also oxidized high-K calc-alkaline granites in terms of major (e. g., lower Ca/Fe) and trace elements (higher Nb, Y, Zr). Mantle-derived magmas (such as those forming the LILE-rich Piracaia Monzodiorite, with epsilon(Nd(t)) = -7 to -10, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((t)) = 0.7045-0.7055) are inferred to derive from enriched subcontinental lithosphere modified during previous subduction, and may have played a role in the generation of the A-type granites, adding melts or fluids or both to the lower crust from which the latter were generated. The IGP is interpreted as a reflection of crust uplift and increased heat flux during ascent of hot, less dense asthenosphere after continental collision, probably reflecting breakoff of an oceanic slab coeval to the right-lateral accretion of a terrane related to the Mantiqueira Orogenic System.


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The Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the northeastern region of Paraguay (Amambay Province) is represented by stocks, plugs, dikes, and dike swarms emplaced into Carboniferous to Triassic-Jurassic sediments and Precambrian rocks. This magmatism is tectonically related to the Ponta Pora Arch, a NE-trending structural feature, and has the Cerro Sarambi and Cerro Chiriguelo carbonatite complexes as its most significant expressions. Other alkaline occurrences found in the area are the Cerro Guazu and the small bodies of Cerro Apua, Arroyo Gasory, Cerro Jhu, Cerro Tayay, and Cerro Teyu. The alkaline rocks comprise ultramafic-mafic, syenitic, and carbonatitic petrographic associations in addition to lithologies of variable composition and texture occurring as dikes; fenites are described in both carbonatite complexes. Alkali feldspar and clinopyroxene, ranging from diopside to aegirine, are the most abundant minerals, with feldspathoids (nepheline, analcime), biotite, and subordinate Ti-rich garnet; minor constituents are Fe-Ti oxides and cancrinite as the main alteration product from nepheline. Chemically, the Amambay silicate rocks are potassic to highly potassic and have miaskitic affinity, with the non-cumulate intrusive types concentrated mainly in the saturated to undersaturated areas in silica syenitic fields. Fine-grained rocks are also of syenitic affiliation or represent more mafic varieties. The carbonatitic rocks consist dominantly of calciocarbonatites. Variation diagrams plotting major and trace elements vs. SiO(2) concentration for the Cerro Sarambi rocks show positive correlations for Al(2)O(3), K(2)O, and Rb, and negative ones for TiO(2), MgO, Fe(2)O(3), CaO, P(2)O(5), and Sr, indicating that fractional crystallization played an important role in the formation of the complex. Incompatible elements normalized to primitive mantle display positive spikes for Rb, La, Pb, Sr, and Sm, and negative for Nb-Ta, P, and Ti, as these negative anomalies are considerably more pronounced in the carbonatites. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns point to the high concentration of these elements and to the strong LRE/HRE fractionation. The Amambay rocks are highly enriched in radiogenic Sr and have T(DM) model ages that vary from 1.6 to 1.1 Ga. suggesting a mantle source enriched in incompatible elements by metasomatic events in Paleo-Mesoproterozoic times. Data are consistent with the derivation of the Cerro Sarambi rocks from a parental magma of lamprophyric (minette) composition and suggest an origin by liquid immiscibility processes for the carbonatites. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel approach was developed for nitrate analysis in a FIA configuration with amperometric detection (E=-0.48 V). Sensitive and reproducible current measurements were achieved by using a copper electrode activated with a controlled potential protocol. The response of the FIA amperometric method was linear over the range from 0.1 to 2.5 mmol L(-1) nitrate with a detection limit of 4.2 mu mol L(-1) (S/N = 3). The repeatability of measurements was determined as 4.7% (n=9) at the best conditions (flow rate: 3.0 mL min(-1), sample volume: 150 mu L and nitrate concentration: 0.5 mmol L(-1)) with a sampling rate of 60 samples h(-1). The method was employed for the determination of nitrate in mineral water and soft drink samples and the results were in agreement with those obtained by using a recommended procedure. Studies towards a selective monitoring of nitrite were also performed in samples containing nitrate by carrying out measurements at a less negative potential (-0.20 V). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the electroanalytical determination of pendimethalin herbicide levels in natural waters, river sediment and baby food samples, based on the electro-reduction of herbicide on the hanging mercury drop electrode using square wave voltammetry (SWV). A number of experimental and voltammetric conditions were evaluated and the best responses were achieved in Britton-Robinson buffer solutions at pH 8.0, using a frequency of 500 s(-1). a scan increment of 10 mV and a square wave amplitude of 50 mV. Under these conditions, the pendimethalin is reduced in an irreversible process, with two reduction peaks at -0.60 V and -0.71 V. using a Ag/AgCl reference system. Analytical curves were constructed and the detection limit values were calculated to be 7.79 mu g L(-1) and 4.88 mu g L(-1), for peak 1 and peak 2, respectively. The precision and accuracy were determinate as a function of experimental repeatability and reproducibility, which showed standard relative deviation values that were lower than 2% for both voltammetric peaks. The applicability of the proposed methodology was evaluated in natural water, river sediments and baby food samples. The calculated recovery efficiencies demonstrate that the proposed methodology is suitable for determining any contamination by pendimethalin in these samples. Additionally, adsorption isotherms were used to evaluate information about the behavior of pendimethalin in river sediment samples. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.