35 resultados para VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Thousands of Free and Open Source Software Projects (FSP) were, and continually are, created on the Internet. This scenario increases the number of opportunities to collaborate to the same extent that it promotes competition for users and contributors, who can guide projects to superior levels, unachievable by founders alone. Thus, given that the main goal of FSP founders is to improve their projects by means of collaboration, the importance to understand and manage the capacity of attracting users and contributors to the project is established. To support researchers and founders in this challenge, the concept of attractiveness is introduced in this paper, which develops a theoretical-managerial toolkit about the causes, indicators and consequences of attractiveness, enabling its strategic management.


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Introduction. The ToLigado Project - Your School Interactive Newspaper is an interactive virtual learning environment conceived, developed, implemented and supported by researchers at the School of the Future Research Laboratory of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Method. This virtual learning environment aims to motivate trans-disciplinary research among public school students and teachers in 2,931 schools equipped with Internet-access computer rooms. Within this virtual community, students produce collective multimedia research documents that are immediately published in the portal. The project also aims to increase students' autonomy for research, collaborative work and Web authorship. Main sections of the portal are presented and described. Results. Partial results of the first two years' implementation are presented and indicate a strong motivation among students to produce knowledge despite the fragile hardware and software infrastructure at the time. Discussion. In this new environment, students should be seen as 'knowledge architects' and teachers as facilitators, or 'curiosity managers'. The ToLigado portal may constitute a repository for future studies regarding student attitudes in virtual learning environments, students' behaviour as 'authors', Web authorship involving collective knowledge production, teachers' behaviour as facilitators, and virtual learning environments as digital repositories of students' knowledge construction and social capital in virtual learning communities.


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After an ichthyofaunistic survey conducted in May 2007 on surface (epigean) water bodies of Cordisburgo karst area, State of Minas Gerais, 13 species were recorded, mostly characiforms; in addition three non-troglomorphic (normally eyed and pigmented) and one troglomorphic catfish (siluriforms) species were recorded in two caves surveyed at different occasions, totaling 17 fish species for the area. All the nominal species herein reported for Cordisburgo area have been previously reported for the Rio das Velhas basin. None of the species observed in caves were found in epigean habitats and vice-versa. The four cave species are distributed throughout subterranean stream reaches, with individuals at different size/age classes. This, associated to the lack of conspicuous morphological differences in relation to epigean congeners, indicate that Trichomycterus brasiliensis, Gymnotus cf. carapo and Pimelodella cf. vittata are troglophiles (species encompassing individuals able to live and complete their life cycle either in the surface or in the subterranean environment) in the Morena Cave; the latter forms a large population and may be at the beginning of a differentiation process due to isolation in the subterranean habitat, as indicated by a slight reduction in eye size. Topographic isolation may be the cause for the incipient, but unmistakable troglomorphism of the Rhamdiopsis population found in the Salitre Cave, allowing for its classification as troglobite (exclusively subterranean species). The Cordisburgo area is subject to significant anthropic pressure, mainly represented by deforestation for agriculture, cattle raising and timbering. Tourism is an additional important threat for cave communities, calling for urgent protection measures.


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A comunidade de mamíferos terrestres foi amostrada em três localidades (1-Mateiros, TO; 2- Rio da Conceição, TO e 3- Formosa do Rio Preto, BA) no interior da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins. Para o registro dos marsupiais e pequenos roedores foram utilizadas armadilhas convencionais (5.396 armadilhas.noite) e armadilhas de queda (5.300 pitfalls.noite) nas diferentes fitofisionomias encontradas, entre elas: campo úmido, campo limpo, campo sujo, campo cerrado, cerrado sensu stricto, cerrado com afloramentos rochosos, mata de galeria e mata de galeria úmida. No caso dos mamíferos de médio e grande porte, foram obtidos registros casuais através de observação direta e evidências indiretas (rastros, fezes, crânios e carcaças de animais encontrados mortos). Foram amostradas 24 espécies de pequenos mamíferos e 17 espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, totalizando 41 espécies para a região. Considerando-se os pequenos mamíferos, a comunidade foi representada por várias espécies raras e de abundância intermediária, e poucas espécies muito abundantes. Os roedores cricetídeos dominaram tanto em número de espécies (14) quanto em abundância (50% da comunidade). As espécies se distribuíram, basicamente, em dois tipos de fisionomias: um grupo esteve restrito aos ambientes florestais, e outro às formações abertas, demonstrando a grande seletividade de hábitats e a importância de se amostrar o mosaico de hábitats presente na região para uma melhor caracterização da diversidade deste grupo de mamíferos. Em termos biogeográficos, a fauna de pequenos mamíferos amostrada apresentou certa sobreposição com a fauna da Caatinga e da Amazônia, evidenciando a importância destes domínios para a composição de espécies das comunidades que habitam a porção norte do Cerrado, além da presença de espécies endêmicas e de distribuição geográfica restrita ao norte do domínio, caracterizando uma comunidade distinta de outras regiões do Cerrado. Em relação aos mamíferos de médio e grande porte, a presença de um elevado número de espécies ameaçadas de extinção (10) também ressalta a importância da preservação desta região.


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Registramos 39 espécies de quirópteros na Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins e áreas adjacentes, nordeste do estado do Tocantins, durante 28 dias de trabalho de campo nos anos de 2003 e 2008 e na estação chuvosa. Este estudo da quiropterofauna é um dos primeiros para o estado do Tocantins, aumentando o número de espécies conhecido para esta região, com 29 espécies registradas pela primeira vez no estado. As espécies mais abundantes foram P. lineatus e C. perspicillata, com 23,5 e 15,4% do total de capturas. A diversidade no nível de família também foi alta: Phyllostomidae (26 espécies), Vespertilionidae (5), Molossidae (3), Emballonuridae (2), Mormoopidae (1), Noctilionidae (1) e Thyropteridae (1). A maioria das áreas mésicas e de cerrado (s.s.) não estão incluídas em unidades de conservação, representando uma ameaça para espécies restritas a estes tipos de hábitats, como T. devivoi que foi capturada apenas em áreas de veredas com Heliconiacea. Além disso, a região vem sendo alterada devido ao rápido avanço da agricultura e pastagens e do turismo crescente. Assim, a elevada diversidade de morcegos registrada na região, além dos diversos papéis ecológicos que estas espécies desempenham, somadas às ameaças acima relatadas, aumentam as prioridades em se estabelecer estratégias de conservação para este grupo de mamíferos nas regiões adjacentes à Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins. Dentre as espécies com interesse taxonômico, biogeográfico e de conservação destacam-se Lonchophylla dekeyseri, Glyphonycteris behnii, Micronycteris sanborni, Artibeus anderseni, Sturnira tildae e a recém-descrita Thyroptera devivoi.


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Five surveys of the bee communities in four "Cerrado" ecosystem reserves in Sao Paulo State were compared for species richness and similarity. These areas are fragment vegetation reser-reserves located in the Cerrado Corumbata Reserve (Corumbata), Jata Ecological Park (Luiz Antonio), Cajuru (Cajuru), and Vassununga State Park - ""Gleba de Cerrado de Pe-de-Gigante"" (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro). The methodology consisted of capturing bees foraging on flowers along transects, though with small differences between surveys. These ""cerrado"" areas have a large number of species of native bees, which are important pollinators in several Brazilian ecosystems. The community of bees varied among these different fragments. Based on 500 individuals (standardized by rarefaction), Cajuru, Corumbata 1 and Corumbata 2 were the areas with highest species richness, and Jata and Pe-de-Gigante had the lowest species richness in the bee communities. The bee faunas of Corumbata 2 and Pe-de-Gigante had the highest similarity, forming a group with the bee fauna of Cajuru. The bee faunas of Corumbata 1 and Jata were isolated from this group. We found that the bee species richness and similarity found in these ""cerrado"" areas cannot be explained by general factors such as the size of the fragment, the species richness of plants and the distance between the areas. Therefore, we suppose that local factors that differ among areas, such as interactions between populations, and competition and interference from surrounding areas influence and determine bee species richness and similarity in these reserves.


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Background and Purpose: Several different methods of teaching laparoscopic skills have been advocated, with virtual reality surgical simulation (VRSS) being the most popular. Its effectiveness in improving surgical performance is not a consensus yet, however. The purpose of this study was to determine whether practicing surgical skills in a virtual reality simulator results in improved surgical performance. Materials and Methods: Fifteen medical students recruited for the study were divided into three groups. Group I (control) did not receive any VRSS training. For 10 weeks, group II trained basic laparoscopic skills (camera handling, cutting skill, peg transfer skill, and clipping skill) in a VRSS laparoscopic skills simulator. Group III practiced the same skills and, in addition, performed a simulated cholecystectomy. All students then performed a cholecystectomy in a swine model. Their performance was reviewed by two experienced surgeons. The following parameters were evaluated: Gallbladder pedicle dissection time, clipping time, time for cutting the pedicle, gallbladder removal time, total procedure time, and blood loss. Results: With practice, there was improvement in most of the evaluated parameters by each of the individuals. There were no statistical differences in any of evaluated parameters between those who did and did not undergo VRSS training, however. Conclusion: VRSS training is assumed to be an effective tool for learning and practicing laparoscopic skills. In this study, we could not demonstrate that VRSS training resulted in improved surgical performance. It may be useful, however, in familiarizing surgeons with laparoscopic surgery. More effective methods of teaching laparoscopic skills should be evaluated to help in improving surgical performance.


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Seagrass beds have higher biomass, abundance, diversity and productivity of benthic organisms than unvegetated sediments. However, to date most studies have analysed only the macrofaunal component and ignored the abundant meiofauna present in seagrass meadows. This study was designed to test if meiobenthic communities, especially the free-living nematodes, differed between seagrass beds and unvegetated sediments. Sediment samples from beds of the eelgrass Zostera capricorni and nearby unvegetated sediments were collected in three estuaries along the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Results showed that sediments below the seagrass were finer, with a higher content of organic material and were less oxygenated than sediments without seagrass. Univariate measures of the fauna (i.e. abundance, diversity and taxa richness of total meiofauna and nematode assemblages) did not differ between vegetated and unvegetated sediments. However multivariate analysis of meiofaunal higher taxa showed significant differences between the two habitats, largely due to the presence and absence of certain taxa. Amphipods, tanaidacea, ostracods, hydrozoans and isopods occurred mainly in unvegetated sediments, while kinorhyncs, polychaetes, gastrotrichs and turbellarians were more abundant in vegetated sediments. Regarding the nematode assemblages, 32.4% of the species were restricted to Z. capricorni and 25% only occurred in unvegetated sediments, this suggests that each habitat is characterized by a particular suite of species. Epistrate feeding nematodes were more abundant in seagrass beds, and it is suggested that they graze on the microphytobenthos which accumulates underneath the seagrass. Most of the genera that characterized these estuarine unvegetated sediments are also commonly found on exposed sandy beaches. This may be explained by the fact that Australian estuaries have very little input of freshwater and experience marine conditions for most of the year. This study demonstrates that the seagrass and unvegetated sediments have discrete meiofaunal communities, with little overlap in species composition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study investigates the effects of drill cutting discharges on the structure of meiofauna communities in an area of the shelf break at Campos Basin, Southeast Brazil. Drilling activities were operated, in a first phase, with water-based fluid and, in a second phase, with synthetic fluid paraffin-based (NAF-III). A total of 135 samples taken at a pre-drilling situation (MS1) and two post-drilling moments (MS2 and MS3-3 and 22 months post-drilling, respectively) were analyzed. Effects on meiofauna were dependent on two main factors: 1-the impact received during drilling operation, if water-based or synthetic/water-based drilling fluid and 2-the background state, if it already presented signs of previous drilling activities or not. Based on univariate and multivariate analysis, there were evidences that the most affected area after drilling was those under the influence of synthetic-based fluid and that already had signs of previous drillings activities. The region impacted only by water-based fluid was less affected and the only one that completely recovered after 22 months. Nematodes and copepods had different responses to the impact. While copepods flourish in the impacted area and recovered 22 months after drilling, nematodes were adversely affected shortly after drilling and the community structure only recovered where hydrocarbons had been depleted.


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Soil from the Amazonian region is usually regarded as unsuitable for agriculture because of its low organic matter content and low pH; however, this region also contains extremely rich soil, the Terra Preta Anthrosol. A diverse archaeal community usually inhabits acidic soils, such as those found in the Amazon. Therefore, we hypothesized that this community should be sensitive to changes in the environment. Here, the archaeal community composition of Terra Preta and adjacent soil was examined in four different sites in the Brazilian Amazon under different anthropic activities. The canonical correspondence analysis of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms has shown that the archaeal community structure was mostly influenced by soil attributes that differentiate the Terra Preta from the adjacent soil (i.e., pH, sulfur, and organic matter). Archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries indicated that the two most abundant genera in both soils were Candidatus nitrosphaera and Canditatus nitrosocaldus. An ammonia monoxygenase gene (amoA) clone library analysis indicated that, within each site, there was no significant difference between the clone libraries of Terra Preta and adjacent soils. However, these clone libraries indicated there were significant differences between sites. Quantitative PCR has shown that Terra Preta soils subjected to agriculture displayed a higher number of amoA gene copy numbers than in adjacent soils. On the other hand, soils that were not subjected to agriculture did not display significant differences on amoA gene copy numbers between Terra Preta and adjacent soils. Taken together, our findings indicate that the overall archaeal community structure in these Amazonian soils is determined by the soil type and the current land use.


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Secondary forests are an increasingly common feature in tropical landscapes worldwide and understanding their regeneration is necessary to design effective restoration strategies. It has previously been shown that the woody species community in secondary forests can follow different successional pathways according to the nature of past human activities in the area, yet little is known about patterns of herbaceous species diversity in secondary forests with different histories of land use. We compared the diversity and abundance of herbaceous plant communities in two types of Central Amazonian secondary forests-those regenerating on pastures created by felling and burning trees and those where trees were felled only. We also tested if plant density and species richness in secondary forests are related to proximity to primary forest. In comparison with primary forest sites, forests regenerating on non-burned habitats had lower herbaceous plant density and species richness than those on burned ones. However, species composition and abundance in non-burned stands were more similar to those of primary forest, whereas several secondary forest specialist species were found in burned stands. In both non-burned and burned forests, distance from the forest edge was not related to herbaceous density and species richness. Overall, our results suggest that the natural regeneration of herbaceous species in secondary tropical forests is dependent on a site`s post-clearing treatment. We recommend evaluating the land history of a site prior to developing and implementing a restoration strategy, as this will influence the biological template on which restoration efforts are overlaid.


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Rare species are one of the principal components of the species richness and diversity encountered in Dense Ombrophilous Tropical Forests. This study sought to analyze the rare canopy species within the Atlantic Coastal Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Six different communities were examined: Dense Ombrophilous alluvial Forest; Dense sub-montane Ombrophilous Forest; Dense Montane Ombrophilous in Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira. In each area the vegetation was sampled within forty 10 x 25 m plots alternately distributed along a linear transect. All trees with DBH (1.3 m above ground level) a parts per thousand yen5 cm were sampled. The canopy was characterized using the allometric relationship between diameter and height, and included all trees with BDH a parts per thousand yen10 cm and height a parts per thousand yen10 m. A total of 64 families, 206 genera, and 542 species were sampled, of which 297 (54.8%) represented rare species (less than one individual per hectare). The percentage of rare species varied from 34 to 50% in each of the different communities sampled. A majority of these rare trees belonged to the Rosidae, and a smaller proportion to the Dilleniidae. It was concluded that there was no apparent pattern to rarity among families, that rarity was probably derived from a number of processes (such as gap formation), and that a great majority of the rare species sampled were consistently rare. This indicates that the restricted geographic distribution and high degree of endemism of many arboreal taxa justifies the conservation of even small fragments of Atlantic Forest.


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This paper presents a framework to build medical training applications by using virtual reality and a tool that helps the class instantiation of this framework. The main purpose is to make easier the building of virtual reality applications in the medical training area, considering systems to simulate biopsy exams and make available deformation, collision detection, and stereoscopy functionalities. The instantiation of the classes allows quick implementation of the tools for such a purpose, thus reducing errors and offering low cost due to the use of open source tools. Using the instantiation tool, the process of building applications is fast and easy. Therefore, computer programmers can obtain an initial application and adapt it to their needs. This tool allows the user to include, delete, and edit parameters in the functionalities chosen as well as storing these parameters for future use. In order to verify the efficiency of the framework, some case studies are presented.


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Aims: We aimed to evaluate if the co-localisation of calcium and necrosis in intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (IVUS-VH) is due to artefact, and whether this effect can be mathematically estimated. Methods and results: We hypothesised that, in case calcium induces an artefactual coding of necrosis, any addition in calcium content would generate an artificial increment in the necrotic tissue. Stent struts were used to simulate the ""added calcium"". The change in the amount and in the spatial localisation of necrotic tissue was evaluated before and after stenting (n=17 coronary lesions) by means of a especially developed imaging software. The area of ""calcium"" increased from a median of 0.04 mm(2) at baseline to 0.76 mm(2) after stenting (p<0.01). In parallel the median necrotic content increased from 0.19 mm(2) to 0.59 mm(2) (p<0.01). The ""added"" calcium strongly predicted a proportional increase in necrosis-coded tissue in the areas surrounding the calcium-like spots (model R(2)=0.70; p<0.001). Conclusions: Artificial addition of calcium-like elements to the atherosclerotic plaque led to an increase in necrotic tissue in virtual histology that is probably artefactual. The overestimation of necrotic tissue by calcium strictly followed a linear pattern, indicating that it may be amenable to mathematical correction.