13 resultados para Transfer processes

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Sodium alumino-phosphate glasses co-doped with Yb(3+) and Tm(3+) ions have been prepared with notably low OH(-) content, and characterized from the viewpoint of their spectroscopic properties. In these glasses, Yb(3+) acts as an efficient sensitizer of excitation energy at 0.98 mu m - which can be provided by high power and low cost diode lasers, and subsequently undergoes non-resonant energy transfer to Tm(3+) ions ((2)F(5/2), (3)H(6) --> (2)F(7/2), (3)H(5)). Through this process, the emitting level (3)F(4) is rapidly populated, generating improved emission at 1.8 mu m ((3)F(4) --> (3)H(6)). In order to guarantee the efficiency of such favorable energy transfer, energy losses via multiphonon decay, Yb-Yb radiative trapping, and non- radiative transfer to OH(-) groups were evaluated, and minimized when possible. The dipole - dipole energy transfer microscopic parameters corresponding to Yb(3+) --> Tm(3+), Yb(3+) --> Yb(3+) and Tm(3+) --> Tm(3+) transfers, calculated by the Forster-Dexter model, are C(Yb-Tm) = 2.9 x 10(-40) cm(6) s(-1), C(Yb-Yb) = 42 x 10(-40) cm(6) s(-1) and C(Tm-Tm) = 43 x 10(-40) cm(6) s(-1), respectively.


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Nanosecond laser flash photolysis has been used to investigate injection and back electron transfer from the complex [(Ru-(bpy)(2)(4,4`-(PO(3)H(2))(2)bpy)](2+) surface-bound to TiO(2) (TiO(2)-Ru(II)). The measurements were conducted under conditions appropriate for water oxidation catalysis by known single-site water oxidation catalysts. Systematic variations in average lifetimes for back electron transfer, - were observed with changes in pH, surface coverage, incident excitation intensity, and applied bias. The results were qualitatively consistent with a model involving rate-limiting thermal activation of injected electrons from trap sites to the conduction band or shallow trap sites followed by site-to-site hopping and interfacial electron transfer, TiO(2)(e(-))-Ru(3+) -> TiO(2)-Ru(2+). The appearance of pH-dependent decreases in the efficiency of formation of TiO(2)-Ru(3+) and in incident-photon-to-current efficiencies with the added reductive scavenger hydroquinone point to pH-dependent back electron transfer processes on both the sub-nanosecond and millisecond-microsecond time scales, which could be significant in limiting long-term storage of multiple redox equivalents.


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Measurements of down-welling microwave radiation from raining clouds performed with the Advanced Microwave Radiometer for Rain Identification (ADMIRARI) radiometer at 10.7-21-36.5 GHz during the Global Precipitation Measurement Ground Validation ""Cloud processes of the main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribution to cloud resolving modeling and to the Global Precipitation Measurement"" (CHUVA) campaign held in Brazil in March 2010 represent a unique test bed for understanding three-dimensional (3D) effects in microwave radiative transfer processes. While the necessity of accounting for geometric effects is trivial given the slant observation geometry (ADMIRARI was pointing at a fixed 30 elevation angle), the polarization signal (i.e., the difference between the vertical and horizontal brightness temperatures) shows ubiquitousness of positive values both at 21.0 and 36.5 GHz in coincidence with high brightness temperatures. This signature is a genuine and unique microwave signature of radiation side leakage which cannot be explained in a 1D radiative transfer frame but necessitates the inclusion of three-dimensional scattering effects. We demonstrate these effects and interdependencies by analyzing two campaign case studies and by exploiting a sophisticated 3D radiative transfer suited for dichroic media like precipitating clouds.


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Energy transfer processes were studied in two sets of Yb3+ and Tm3+ co-doped sodium-metaphosphate glasses, prepared in air and nitrogen atmospheres. Using Forster, Dexter, and Miyakawa theoretical models, the energy transfer parameters were calculated. The main ion-ion energy transfer processes analyzed were energy migration among Yb3+ ions, cross-relaxations between Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions, and interactions with OH- radicals. The results indicated that Yb -> Tm energy transfer favors 1.8 mu m emissions, and there is no evidence of concentration quenching up to 2% Tm2O3 doping. As expected, samples prepared in nitrogen atmosphere present higher fluorescence quantum efficiency than those prepared in air, and this feature is specially noted in the near-infrared region, where the interaction with the OH- radicals is more pronounced. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Efficient compact TiO(2) films using different polyeleetrolytes are prepared by the layer-by-layer technique (LbL) and applied as an effective contact and blocking film in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). The polyanion thermal stability plays a major role on the compact layers, which decreases back electron transfer processes and current losses at the FTO/TiO(2) interface. FESEM images show that polyelectrolytes such is sodium sullonated polystyrene (PSS) and sulfonated lignin (SE), in comparison to poly(acrylic acid) (FAA), ensure an adequate morphology for the LbL TiO(2) layer deposited before the mesoporous film, even triter the sintering step at 450 degrees C. The so treated photoanode in DSCs leads to a 30% improvement On the overall conversion efficiency. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is employed to ascertain the role of die compact films with such polyelectrolytes. The significant increase in V(oc) of the solar cells with adequate polyelectrolytes in the LbL TiO(2) films shows their pivotal role in decreasing the electron recombination at the FTO surface and enhancing the electrical contact of FTO with the mesoporous TiO(2) layer.


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Mixed-ligand complexes of technetium(V) or rhenium(V) containing tridentate N-[(dialkylamino)(thiocarbonyl)]benzamidine (H(2)L(1)) and bidentate N,N-dialkyl-N`-benzoylthiourea (HL(2)) ligands were formed in high yields when (NBu(4))[MOCl(4)] (M = Tc or Re) or [ReOCl(3)(PPh(3))(2)] was treated with mixtures of the proligands. Other approaches for the synthesis of the products are reactions of [MOCl(L(1))] complexes with HL(2) or compounds of the-composition [ReOCl(2)(PPh(3))(L(2))] with H(2)L(1). The resulting air-stable [MO(L(1))(L(2))] complexes possess potential for the development of metal-based radiopharmaceuticals. [TcO(L(1))(L(2))] complexes are readily reduced by PPh3 with formation of [Tc(L(1))(L(2))(PPh(3))]. The resulting Tc(III) complexes undergo two almost-reversible oxidation steps corresponding to one-electron transfer processes. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)


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Pterins are members of a family of heterocyclic compounds present in a wide variety of biological systems and may exist in two forms, corresponding to an acid and a basic tautomer. In this work, the proton transfer reaction between these tautomeric forms was investigated in the gas phase and in aqueous solution. In gas phase, the intramolecular mechanism was carried out for die isolated pterin by quantum mechanical second-order Moller-Plesset Perturbation theory (MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ) calculations and it indicates that the acid form is more stable than the basic form by -1.4 kcal/mol with a barrier of 34.2 kcal/mol with respect to the basic form. In aqueous solution, the role of the water molecules in the proton transfer reaction was analyzed in two separated parts, the direct participation of one water molecule in the reaction path, called water-assisted mechanism, and the complementary participation of the aqueous solvation. The water-assisted mechanism was carried out for one pterin-water cluster by quantum mechanical calculations and it indicates that the acid form is still more stable by -3.3 kcal/mol with a drastic reduction of 70% of the barrier, The bulk solution effect on the intramolecular and water-assisted mechanisms was included by free energy perturbation implemented on Monte Carlo simulations. The bulk water effect is found to be substantial and decisive when the reaction path involves the water-assisted mechanism. In this case, the free energy barrier is only 6.7 kcal/mol and the calculated relative Gibbs free energy for the two tautomers is -11.2 kcal/mol. This value is used to calculate the pK(a) value of 8.2 +/- 0.6 that is in excellent agreement with the experimental result of 7.9.


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This study investigated the physical processes involved in the development of thunderstorms over southwestern Amazon by hypothesizing causalities for the observed cloud-to-ground lightning variability and the local environmental characteristics. Southwestern Amazon experiences every year a large variety of environmental factors, such as the gradual increase in atmospheric moisture, extremely high pollution due to biomass burning, and intense deforestation, which directly affects cloud development by differential surface energy partition. In the end of the dry period it was observed higher percentages of positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) lightning due to a relative increase in +CG dominated thunderstorms (positive thunderstorms). Positive (negative) thunderstorms initiated preferentially over deforested (forest) areas with higher (lower) cloud base heights, shallower (deeper) warm cloud depths, and higher (lower) convective potential available energy. These features characterized the positive (negative) thunderstorms as deeper (relatively shallower) clouds, stronger (relatively weaker) updrafts with enhanced (decreased) mixed and cold vertically integrated liquid. No significant difference between thunderstorms (negative and positive) and nonthunderstorms were observed in terms of atmospheric pollution, once the atmosphere was overwhelmed by pollution leading to an updraft-limited regime. However, in the wet season both negative and positive thunderstorms occurred during periods of relatively higher aerosol concentration and differentiated size distributions, suggesting an aerosol-limited regime where cloud electrification could be dependent on the aerosol concentration to suppress the warm and enhance the ice phase. The suggested causalities are consistent with the invoked hypotheses, but they are not observed facts; they are just hypotheses based on plausible physical mechanisms.


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The role of lateral gene transfer (LGT) in prokaryotes has been shown to rapidly change the genome content, providing new gene tools for environmental adaptation. Features related to pathogenesis and resistance to strong selective conditions have been widely shown to be products of gene transfer between bacteria. The genomes of the gamma-proteobacteria from the genus Xanthomonas, composed mainly of phytopathogens, have potential genomic islands that may represent imprints of such evolutionary processes. In this work, the evolution of genes involved in the pathway responsible for arginine biosynthesis in Xanthomonadales was investigated, and several lines of evidence point to the foreign origin of the arg genes clustered within a potential operon. Their presence inside a potential genomic island, bordered by a tRNA gene, the unusual ranking of sequence similarity, and the atypical phylogenies indicate that the metabolic pathway for arginine biosynthesis was acquired through LGT in the Xanthomonadales group. Moreover, although homologues were also found in Bacteroidetes (Flavobacteria group), for many of the genes analyzed close homologues are detected in different life domains (Eukarya and Archaea), indicating that the source of these arg genes may have been outside the Bacteria clade. The possibility of replacement of a complete primary metabolic pathway by LGT events supports the selfish operon hypothesis and may occur only under very special environmental conditions. Such rare events reveal part of the history of these interesting mosaic Xanthomonadales genomes, disclosing the importance of gene transfer modifying primary metabolism pathways and extending the scenario for bacterial genome evolution.


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We study the mutual interaction between the dark sectors (dark matter and dark energy) of the Universe by resorting to the extended thermodynamics of irreversible processes and constrain the former with supernova type Ia data. As a by-product, the present dark matter temperature results are not extremely small and can meet the independent estimate of the temperature of the gas of sterile neutrinos.


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The mechanism and the energy profile of the gas-phase reaction that mimics esterification under acidic conditions have been investigated at different levels of theory. These reactions are known to proceed with rate constants close to the collision limit in the gas-phase and questions have been raised as to whether the typical addition-elimination mechanism via a tetrahedral intermediate can explain the ease of these processes. Because these reactions are common to many organic and biochemical processes it is important to understand the intrinsic reactivity of these systems. Our calculations at different levels of theory reveal that a stepwise mechanism via a tetrahedral species is characterized by energy barriers that are inconsistent with the experimental results. For the thermoneutral exchange between protonated acetic acid and water and the exothermic reaction of protonated acetic acid and methanol our calculations show that these reactions proceed initially by a proton shuttle between the carbonyl oxygen and the hydroxy oxygen of acetic acid mediated by water, or methanol, followed by displacement at the acylium ion center. These findings suggest that the reactions in the gas-phase should be viewed as an acylium ion transfer reaction. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 111: 1596-1606, 2011


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The bioelectrochemical behavior of three triphenylmethane (TPM) dyes commonly used as pH indicators, and their application in mediated electron transfer systems for glucose oxidase bioanodes in biofuel cells was investigated. Bromophenol Blue, Bromothymol Blue, Bromocresol Green were compared bio-electrochemically against two widely used mediators, benzoquinone and ferrocene carboxy aldehyde. Biochemical studies were performed in terms of enzymatic oxidation, enzyme affinity, catalytic efficiency and co-factor regeneration. The different features of the TPM dyes as mediators are determined by the characteristics in the oxidation/reduction processes studied electrochemically. The reversibility of the oxidation/reduction processes was also established through the dependence of the voltammetric peaks with the sweep rates. All three dyes showed good performances compared to the FA and BQ when evaluated in a half enzymatic fuel cell. Potentiodynamic and power response experiments showed maxima power densities of 32.8 mu W cm(-2) for ferrocene carboxy aldehyde followed by similar values obtained for TPM dyes around 30 mu W cm(-2) using glucose and mediator concentrations of 10 mmol L(-1) and 1.0 mmol L(-1), respectively. Since no mediator consumption was observed during the bioelectrochemical process, and also good redox re-cycled processes were achieved, the use of triphenylmethane dyes is considered to be promising compared to other mediated systems used with glucose oxiclase bioanodes and/or biofuel cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Polyfluorene end-capped with N-(2-benzothiazole)-1 8-naphthalimide (PF-BNI) is a highly fluorescent material with fluorescence emission modulated by solvent polarity Its low energy excited state is assigned as a mixed configuration state between the singlet S(1) of the fluorene backbone (F) with the charge transfer (CI) of the end group BNI The triexponential fluorescence decays of PF-BNI were associated with fast energy migration to form an intrachain charge-transfer (ICCT) state polyfluorene backbone decay and ICCT deactivation Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy exhibited biexponential relaxation with a fast component of 12-16 ps in addition to a slow one in the range 0 8-1 4 ns depending on the solvent showing that depolarization occurs from two different processes energy migration to form the ICCT state and slow rotational diffusion motion of end segments at a longer time Results from femtosecond transient absorption measurements agreed with anisotropy decay and showed a decay component of about 16 ps at 605 nm in PF BNI ascribed to the conversion of S(1) to the ICCT excited state From the ratio of asymptotic and initial amplitudes of the transient absorption measurement the efficiency of intrachain ICCT formation is estimated in 0 5 which means that on average, half of the excited state formed in a BNI-(F)(n)-BNI chain with n = 32 is converted to its low energy intrachain charge-transfer (ICCT) state