177 resultados para Seligman, Martin E. P

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Angiotensin (Ang) I-converting enzyme (ACE) is involved in the control of blood pressure by catalyzing the conversion of Ang I into the vasoconstrictor Ang II and degrading the vasodilator peptide bradykinin. Human ACE also functions as a signal transduction molecule, and the binding of ACE substrates or its inhibitors initiates a series of events. In this study, we examined whether Ang II could bind to ACE generating calcium signaling. Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with an ACE expression vector reveal that Ang II is able to bind with high affinity to ACE in the absence of the Ang II type 1 and type 2 receptors and to activate intracellular signaling pathways, such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and calcium. These effects could be blocked by the ACE inhibitor, lisinopril. Calcium mobilization was specific for Ang II, because other ACE substrates or products, namely Ang 1-7, bradykinin, bradykinin 1-5, and N-acetyl-seryl-aspartyl-lysyl-proline, did not trigger this signaling pathway. Moreover, in Tm5, a mouse melanoma cell line endogenously expressing ACE but not Ang II type 1 or type 2 receptors, Ang II increased intracellular calcium and reactive oxygen species. In conclusion, we describe for the first time that Ang II can interact with ACE and evoke calcium and other signaling molecules in cells expressing only ACE. These findings uncover a new mechanism of Ang II action and have implications for the understanding of the renin-Ang system. (Hypertension. 2011;57:965-972.) . Online Data Supplement


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The bacterial GatCAB operon for tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT) catalyzes the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) to glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Here we describe the phenotype of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of GTF1, a gene proposed to code for subunit F of mitochondrial AdT in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ts gtf1 mutants accumulate an electrophoretic variant of the mitochondrially encoded Cox2p subunit of cytochrome oxidase and an unstable form of the Atp8p subunit of the F(1)-F(0) ATP synthase that is degraded, thereby preventing assembly of the F(0) sector. Allotopic expression of recoded ATP8 and COX2 did not significantly improve growth of gtf1 mutants on respiratory substrates. However, ts gft1 mutants are partially rescued by overexpression of PET112 and HER2 that code for the yeast homologues of the catalytic subunits of bacterial AdT. Additionally, B66, a her2 point mutant has a phenotype similar to that of gtf1 mutants. These results provide genetic support for the essentiality, in vivo, of the GatF subunit of the heterotrimeric AdT that catalyzes formation of glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln) (Frechin, M., Senger, B., Braye, M., Kern, D., Martin, R. P., and Becker, H. D. (2009) Genes Dev. 23, 1119-1130).


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Encontrados no Brasil desde os primórdios da colonização portuguesa, os presépios logo tiveram de adaptar-se à realidade local, circunstância muito propícia ao aparecimento de concepções heterodoxas e ao emprego de elementos exóticos da fauna e flora de cada região. Como registros envolvendo insetos são muito pouco comuns, chama a atenção que fêmeas de saúva, Atta sp. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), tenham sido aproveitadas na composição de presépios no estado de São Paulo. Tendo subsistido pelo menos até a década 1960, os "presépios de formigas" existentes em cidades como Embu das Artes poderiam estar relacionados às "formigas vestidas" criadas por Jules Martin, curiosa manufatura paulistana do último quartel do século XIX.


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We report a new STAR measurement of the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry A(LL) for inclusive jet production at midrapidity in polarized p+p collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 200 GeV. The data, which cover jet transverse momenta 5 < p(T) < 30 GeV/c, are substantially more precise than previous measurements. They provide significant new constraints on the gluon spin contribution to the nucleon spin through the comparison to predictions derived from one global fit to polarized deep-inelastic scattering measurements. They provide significant new constraints on the gluon spin contribution to the nucleon spin through the comparison to predictions derived from one global fit to polarized deep-inelastic scattering measurements.


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WT1 mutations have been described in a variety of syndromes, including Denys-Drash syndrome (DDS), which is characterized by predisposition to Wilms` tumor, genital abnormalities and development of early nephropathy. The most frequent WT1 defects in DDS are missense mutations located in exons 8-9. Our aim is to report a novel WT1 mutation in a 46,XY patient with a DDS variant, who presented a mild nephropathy with a late onset diagnosed during adolescence. He had ambiguous genitalia at birth. At 4 months of age he underwent nephrectomy (Wilms` tumor) followed by chemotherapy. Ambiguous genitalia were corrected and bilateral gonadectomy was performed. Sequencing of WT1 identified a novel heterozygous mutation (c.742A > T) in exon 4 that generates a premature stop codon (p.K248X). Interestingly, this patient has an unusual DDS nephropathy progression, which reinforces that patients carrying WT1 mutations should have the renal function carefully monitored due to the possibility of late-onset nephropathy.


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We present models for the upper-mantle velocity structure beneath SE and Central Brazil using independent tomographic inversions of P- and S-wave relative arrival-time residuals (including core phases) from teleseismic earthquakes. The events were recorded by a total of 92 stations deployed through different projects, institutions and time periods during the years 1992-2004. Our results show correlations with the main tectonic structures and reveal new anomalies not yet observed in previous works. All interpretations are based on robust anomalies, which appear in the different inversions for P-and S-waves. The resolution is variable through our study volume and has been analyzed through different theoretical test inversions. High-velocity anomalies are observed in the western portion of the Sao Francisco Craton, supporting the hypothesis that this Craton was part of a major Neoproterozoic plate (San Franciscan Plate). Low-velocity anomalies beneath the Tocantins Province (mainly fold belts between the Amazon and Sao Francisco Cratons) are interpreted as due to lithospheric thinning, which is consistent with the good correlation between intraplate seismicity and low-velocity anomalies in this region. Our results show that the basement of the Parana Basin is formed by several blocks, separated by suture zones, according to model of Milani & Ramos. The slab of the Nazca Plate can be observed as a high-velocity anomaly beneath the Parana Basin, between the depths of 700 and 1200 km. Further, we confirm the low-velocity anomaly in the NE area of the Parana Basin which has been interpreted by VanDecar et al. as a fossil conduct of the Tristan da Cunha Plume related to the Parana flood basalt eruptions during the opening of the South Atlantic.


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This study evaluated bone response to a Ca- and P- enriched titanium (Ti) surface treated by a multiphase anodic spark deposition coating (BSP-AK). Two mongrel dogs received bilateral implantation of 3 Ti cylinders (4.1 x 12 mm) in the humerus, being either BSP-AK treated or untreated (machined - control). At 8 weeks postimplantation, bone fragments containing the implants were harvested and processed for histologic and histomorphometric analyses. Bone formation was observed in cortical area and towards the medullary canal associated to approximately 1/3 of implant extension. In most cases, in the medullary area, collagen fiber bundles were detected adjacent and oriented parallel to Ti surfaces. Such connective tissue formation exhibited focal areas of mineralized matrix lined by active osteoblasts. The mean percentages of bone-to-implant contact were 2.3 (0.0-7.2 range) for BSP-AK and 0.4 (0.0-1.3 range) for control. Although the Mann-Whitney test did not detect statistically significant differences between groups, these results indicate a trend of BSP-AK treated surfaces to support contact osteogenesis in an experimental model that produces low bone-to-implant contact values.


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This study compared the coronal and apical leakage of AH Plus with gutta-percha to that of Epiphany with Resilon. Twenty-four single rooted teeth were instrumented and divided into 2 groups according to the solutions for smear layer removal and the obturation materials employed: Group A - 17% EDTA-T and AH Plus with gutta-percha; Group B - primer and Epiphany with Resilon. The Group B specimens were light-cured in the coronal area for 20 s. The external root surfaces were covered with a double layer of ethyl cyanoacrylate, except for the apical foramen and the cavity access. The teeth were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue for 48 h. The specimens were rinsed, dried and axially split for dye penetration measurement with the ImageLab 2.3 software. The t-test showed no significant differences for coronal leakage between the groups, but there were significant differences for apical leakage between the groups (P < 0.05). AH Plus with gutta-percha and Epiphany with Resilon provided the same coronal seal, whereas Epiphany with Resilon provided the best apical seal.


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O domínio do Cerrado compreende uma área contínua nos estados centrais do Brasil e áreas disjuntas em outros estados, incluindo São Paulo. Essa vegetação ocupava originalmente 21% do território brasileiro, restando atualmente apenas 21,6% de sua extensão original. A área recoberta por essa vegetação em São Paulo cobria 14% de sua área total e seus remanescentes recobrem menos de 1% da ocorrência original dessa vegetação. Estudos recentes indicam que o valor da produtividade líquida no Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante (SP) constitui um pequeno dreno de carbono e indicou que a sazonalidade foi o fator determinante do valor observado. Os estudos dos fluxos de carbono em ecossistemas terrestres são raramente acompanhados de abordagens ecofisiológicas de modo a explorar a relação funcional das espécies que compõem o ecossistema e os valores líquidos obtidos para o mesmo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar estruturalmente a vegetação presente na área de maior influência da torre de fluxo instalada no Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante, visando possibilitar estudos relacionados à quantificação em longo prazo da dinâmica dos fluxos de água, energia e CO2 na vegetação de Cerrado. Para isso foram levantadas 20 parcelas (10 x 10 m) em 0,2 ha de Cerrado, e amostraram-se todas as plantas com perímetro ao nível do solo >6 cm (exceto lianas e árvores mortas). A distribuição das classes de diâmetro e estrutura vertical, assim como os parâmetros fitossociológicos foram analisados. Encontramos 1451 indivíduos, distribuídos em 85 espécies, 52 gêneros e 31 famílias. A densidade absoluta e área basal foram de 7255 ind. ha-1 e de 7,9 m².ha-1, respectivamente. A família Leguminosae apresentou o maior número de espécies (13). O Índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi 3,27 nats.ind-1. A distribuição em classes de diâmetro mostrou uma curva de "J" invertido, estando a maioria dos indivíduos na primeira classe. Concluímos que a área deve ser classificada como Cerrado denso, devido principalmente à dominância pela espécie arbórea Anadenanthera falcata, cuja ocorrência no estado foi relatada apenas em locais com solos ricos em saturação de bases na região das Cuestas Basálticas, devido também à maior área basal dos indivíduos, comparando com outros fragmentos de Cerrado. Além da espécie citada, Myrcia lingua e Xylopia aromatica, apresentaram os maiores IVI (Valor de importância).


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Mutations in the GJB2 gene, encoding connexin 26 (Cx26), are a major cause of nonsyndromic recessive hearing loss in many countries. We report here on a novel point mutation in GJB2, p.L76P (c.227C>T), in compound heterozygosity with a c.35delG mutation, in two Brazilian sibs, one presenting mild and the other profound nonsyndromic neurosensorial hearing impairment. Their father, who carried a wild-type allele and a p.L76P mutation, had normal hearing. The mutation leads to the substitution of leucine (L) by proline (P) at residue 76, an evolutionarily conserved position in Cx26 as well as in other connexins. This mutation is predicted to affect the first extracellular domain (EC1) or the second transmembrane domain (TM2). EC1 is important for connexon-connexon interaction and for the control of channel voltage gating. The segregation of the c.227C>T (p.L76P) mutation together with c.35delG in this family indicates a recessive mode of inheritance. The association between the p.L76P mutation and hearing impairment is further supported by its absence in a normal hearing control group of 100 individuals, 50 European-Brazilians and 50 African-Brazilians.


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In this study, sedimentary organic matter of oil shale rejects, calschist, shale fine and the so called retorted shale from Irati formation was characterized. EPR was used to analyse the samples regarding loss of signal in g = 2.003 associated to the organic free radical with the calcined samples and washing with hydrogen peroxide. The radical signal was detected in all samples, however, for the calschist and shale fine samples another signal was identified at g = 2.000 which disappeared when the sample was heated at 400 ºC. Hydrogen peroxide washing was also performed and it was noted that after washing the signal appeared around g = 2.000 for all samples, including retorted shale, which might be due to the quartz E1 defect.


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Information collected in the present high resolution study of 104Pd(d,t)103Pd is interpreted within the systematics of the A ~ 100 region. The paper complements data previously presented by the S.Paulo Group, which were taken with the Pelletron-Enge-Spectrograph facility. A one-to-one correspondence to gamma ray results for 103Pd, collected by the Nuclear Data Sheets (NDS), was achieved and at least four open questions were settled. More reliable spectroscopic strengths were extracted in the present study.