109 resultados para Salix X sepulcralis
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
A síndrome do X Frágil é a causa mais frequente de deficiência intelectual hereditária. A variante de Dandy-Walker trata-se de uma constelação específica de achados neurorradiológicos. Este estudo relata achados da comunicação oral e escrita de um menino de 15 anos com diagnóstico clínico e molecular da síndrome do X-Frágil e achados de neuroimagem do encéfalo compatíveis com variante de Dandy-Walker. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio da Observação do Comportamento Comunicativo, aplicação do ABFW - Teste de Linguagem Infantil - Fonologia, Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Teste Illinois de Habilidades Psicolinguísticas, avaliação do sistema estomatognático e avaliação audiológica. Observou-se: alteração de linguagem oral quanto às habilidades fonológicas, semânticas, pragmáticas e morfossintáticas; déficits nas habilidades psicolinguísticas (recepção auditiva, expressão verbal, combinação de sons, memória sequencial auditiva e visual, closura auditiva, associação auditiva e visual); e alterações morfológicas e funcionais do sistema estomatognático. Na leitura verificou-se dificuldades na decodificação dos símbolos gráficos e na escrita havia omissões, aglutinações e representações múltiplas com o uso predominante de vogais e dificuldades na organização viso-espacial. Em matemática, apesar do reconhecimento numérico, não realizou operações aritméticas. Não foram observadas alterações na avaliação audiológica periférica. A constelação de sintomas comportamentais, cognitivos, linguísticos e perceptivos, previstos na síndrome do X-Frágil, somada às alterações estruturais do sistema nervoso central, pertencentes à variante de Dandy-Walker, trouxeram interferências marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas, no aprendizado da leitura e escrita e na integração social do indivíduo.
O melhoramento genético animal é, normalmente, pesquisado e desenvolvido nas universidades e instituições públicas de pesquisa do Brasil. No entanto, os rebanhos de exploração zootécnica, verdadeiros objetivos desses estudos, pertencem à iniciativa privada. O melhoramento genético animal e as parcerias público-privadas constituem-se em um caso especial de grande sucesso, que é analisado no presente texto, com ênfase especial ao Grupo de Melhoramento Animal e Biotecnologia da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, instituição de origem dos autores. O sucesso desse grupo, medido em atividades de pesquisa e suas conseqüentes publicações, de ensino e formação de recursos humanos e de extensão de serviços à comunidade, é apresentado como incentivo aos pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas ligadas à produção animal.
Atualmente, o aproveitamento de resíduos na construção civil tem sido estimulado, uma vez que esse setor apresenta-se como um dos maiores consumidores de materiais naturais em seus processos e produtos. As cinzas ocupam lugar de destaque entre os resíduos agroindustriais por resultarem de processos de geração de energia. Grande parte dessas cinzas possui atividade pozolânica, podendo ser utilizada como substituto parcial do cimento Portland, resultando numa economia significativa de energia e custo. Este trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla, a qual busca avaliar a viabilidade técnica da cinza da casca da castanha de caju (CCCC) como adição mineral em matrizes de cimento Portland, como também, propor uma metodologia de análise de cinzas agroindustriais. Aplicou-se a técnica de difratometria de raios X para avaliar a reatividade do hidróxido de cálcio pela cinza da casca da castanha de caju em pastas, empregaram-se teores de substituição entre 2,5 e 30,0% e os difratogramas das pastas foram comparados com os das pastas confeccionadas com sílica ativa, executados sobre as mesmas condições de ensaio. Os resultados apontam para a ausência de reatividade pozolânica da CCCC com o cimento Portland.
Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação protéica (40% PB) com amiréia ou uréia sobre o consumo de suplemento, desempenho e características econômicas de novilhos terminados em pastagens. Foram utilizados 120 novilhos com 19 meses de idade e 358kg, sendo 60 Nelore e 60 F1 Brangus x Nelore, divididos em três tratamentos com 20 animais, alojados em piquetes de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu de 10 hectares cada, totalizando 120 hectares, sendo dois piquetes por grupo genético e tratamento, pastejados alternadamente a cada pesagem (42 dias). Os tratamentos consistiram em mistura mineral com amiréia-150S (AM), mistura mineral com uréia+milho+enxofre (UR) e mistura mineral (MM). As médias de consumo de suplemento dos animais F1 foram de 206,1; 145,9 e 73,1g/dia, e as dos animais Nelore, 236,0; 205,1 e 94,3g/dia para os tratamentos AM, UR e MM, respectivamente. Para os novilhos Nelore, houve efeito (P<0,05) do suplemento sobre o peso de abate (PA), sendo a média do tratamento UR, 518,85kg, mais alta que a dos demais, 491,89 e 485,20kg, respectivamente, para AM e MM. Para os novilhos F1, foi significativo o efeito da suplementação protéica (P<0,05), com médias de 515,90 e 520,15kg, respectivamente, para os tratamentos UR e AM. A suplementação protéica proporcionou bom desempenho em animais F1 durante períodos de abundância de forragem. O uso de uréia apresentou melhor viabilidade econômica.
The present paper reports results of the effect of Potato virus X (PVX) on the contents of total phenols and alkaloids in leaves of Datura stramonium. A significant decrease in the contents of phenols and alkaloids was observed in leaves inoculated with PVX (X-I). However, there was an increase in the percentage of phenols in leaves rubbed with phosphate buffer (C1-I) and in leaves from the nodes immediately above, possibly induced by mechanical injury. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy revealed amounts of scopolamine in samples submitted to all treatments, except X-I, in which the amount of this alkaloid was low. High amounts of an unidentified compound (molecular ion m/z 302 and a prominent peak at m/z 129) were noted in extracts from leaves X-I, C1-I and leaves from the nodes immediately above the leaves inoculated with PVX. It is suggested that the synthesis and accumulation of the unidentified compound is a result of stress from mechanical injury and virus inoculation.
Effect of therapeutic dose X rays on mechanical and chemical properties of esthetic dental materials
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of therapeutic dose X rays on the microhardness (MH) and degree of conversion (DC) of two different esthetic restorative dental materials. The materials were photo-activated with a LED light-curing unit using three cure-times: 5, 20 and 40 seconds. The photo-activation was carried out in two distinct periods: before and after irradiation with doses of 5, 35 and 70 Gy, from a 6 MV X rays beam. In accordance with the methodology used, it was conclude that a therapeutic dose does not have a detrimental effect on the photoinitiator molecules, because the photo-activation occurred after they were irradiated. When the irradiation was applied before photo-activation, the materials showed MH improvement, but when photo-activation was performed after irradiation, there was less improvement. However, there was no correlation between MH and DC. Thus, a therapeutic dose applied to cured material can promote linking and breaking of chain bonds in a non-linear way.
The vials filled with Fricke solutions were doped with increasing concentrations of Photogem®, used in photodynamic therapy. These vials were then irradiated with low-energy X-rays with doses ranging from 5 to 20 Gy. The conventional Fricke solution was also irradiated with the same doses. The concentration of ferric ions for the Fricke and doped-Fricke irradiated solutions were measured in a spectrophotometer at 220 to 340 nm. The results showed that there was an enhancement in the response of the doped-Fricke solution, which was proportional to the concentration of the photosensitizer. The use of such procedure for studying the radiosensitizing property of photosensitizers based on the production of free radicals is also discussed.
The reactions of meso-1,2-bis(phenylsulfinyl)ethane (meso-bpse) with Ph2SnCl2, 2-phenyl-1,3-dithiane trans-1-trans-3-dioxide (pdtd) with n-Bu2SnCl2 and 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) with Ph2SnCl2, in 1:1 molar ratio, yielded [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n], [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] and [{Ph2SnCl2(rac,cis-cbpse)}x] (x = 2 or n), respectively. All adducts were studied by IR, Mössbauer and 119Sn NMR spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The X-ray crystal structure of [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] revealed the occurrence of infinite chains in which the tin(IV) atoms appear in a distorted octahedral geometry with Cl atoms in cis and Ph groups in trans positions. The X-ray crystal structure of [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] revealed discrete centrosymmetric dimeric species in which the tin(IV) atoms possess a distorted octahedral geometry with bridging disulfoxides in cis and n-butyl moieties in trans positions. The spectroscopic data indicated that the adduct containing the rac,cis-cbpse ligand can be dimeric or polymeric. The X-ray structural analysis of the free rac-,cis-cbpse sulfoxide revealed that the crystals belong to the C2/c space group.
A practical method for the structural assignment of 3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactones and analogues using conventional NMR techniques and NOESY measurements in solution is described. 2-O-Acyl-3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactones were prepared in good yields by acylation of Zinner’s lactone with acyl chlorides under mildly basic conditions. Structural determination of 2-O-(4-nitrobenzoyl)-3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactone was achieved by single crystal x-ray diffraction, which supports the results based on spectroscopic data.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) supplementation had any beneficial effects on growth and metabolic parameters of young rats submitted to chronic aerobic exercise. Thirty-two young rats (age: 21-d) were randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n = 8): Supplemented Trained (Sup/Ex), Control Trained (Ctrl/Ex), Supplemented Sedentary (Sup/Sed) and Control Sedentary (Ctrl/Sed). The trained groups underwent a five-week swimming protocol and received supplemented (45 mg BCAA/body weight/day) or control ration. Trained animals presented a lower body length and a higher cartilage weight, regardless of supplementation. Physical activity was responsible for a substantial reduction in proteoglycan synthesis in cartilage tissue, and BCAA supplementation was able to attenuate this reduction and also to improve glycogen stores in the liver, although no major differences were found in body growth associated to this supplementation.
X-ray powder diffraction was used to study the phase composition of human renal calculi. The stones were collected from 56 donors in Vitoria, Espirito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. An XRD phase quantification revealed that 61% of the studied renal stones were composed exclusively of calcium oxalate [34% formed only by calcium oxalate rnonohydrate (COM) and 27% presents both monohydrate and dihydratate calcium oxalate]. The 39% multi-composed calculi have various other phases such as uric acid and calcium phosphate. Rietveld refinement of XRD data of one apparent monophasic (COM) renal calculus revealed the presence of a small amount of hydroxyapatite. The presence of this second phase and the morphology of the stone (ellipsoidal) indicated that this calculus can be classified as non-papillary type and its nucleation process developed in closed kidney cavities. In order to show some advantages of the X-ray powder diffraction technique, a study of the phase transformation of monohydrate calcium oxalate into calcium carbonate (CaCO(3)) was carried out by annealing of a monophasic COM calculi at 200, 300, and 400 degrees C for 48 h in a N(2) gas atmosphere. The results of the XRD for the heat treated samples is ill good agreement with the thermogravimetric analysis found in the literature and shows that X-ray powder diffraction can be used as a suitable technique to study the composition and phase diagram of renal calculi. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Metal oxide-semiconductor capacitors with TiO(x) deposited with different O(2) partial pressures (30%, 35%, and 40%) and annealed at 550, 750, and 1000 degrees C were fabricated and characterized. Fourier transform infrared, x-ray near edge spectroscopy, and elipsometry measurements were performed to characterize the TiO(x) films. TiO(x)N(y) films were also obtained by adding nitrogen to the gaseous mixture and physical results were presented. Capacitance-voltage (1 MHz) and current-voltage measurements were utilized to obtain the effective dielectric constant, effective oxide thickness, leakage current density, and interface quality. The results show that the obtained TiO(x) films present a dielectric constant varying from 40 to 170 and a leakage current density (for V(G)=-1 V, for some structures as low as 1 nA/cm(2), acceptable for complementary metal oxide semiconductor circuits fabrication), indicating that this material is a viable, in terms of leakage current density, highk substitute for current ultrathin dielectric layers. (C) 2009 American Vacuum Society. [DOI: 10.1116/1.3043537]
Due to its relationship with other properties, wood density is the main wood quality parameter. Modern, accurate methods - such as X-ray densitometry - are applied to determine the spatial distribution of density in wood sections and to evaluate wood quality. The objectives of this study were to determinate the influence of growing conditions on wood density variation and tree ring demarcation of gmelina trees from fast growing plantations in Costa Rica. The wood density was determined by X-ray densitometry method. Wood samples were cut from gmelina trees and were exposed to low X-rays. The radiographic films were developed and scanned using a 256 gray scale with 1000 dpi resolution and the wood density was determined by CRAD and CERD software. The results showed tree-ring boundaries were distinctly delimited in trees growing in site with rainfall lower than 25 10 mm/year. It was demonstrated that tree age, climatic conditions and management of plantation affects wood density and its variability. The specific effect of variables on wood density was quantified by for multiple regression method. It was determined that tree year explained 25.8% of the total variation of density and 19.9% were caused by climatic condition where the tree growing. Wood density was less affected by the intensity of forest management with 5.9% of total variation.
Background : In tropical countries, losses caused by bovine tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus infestation have a tremendous economic impact on cattle production systems. Genetic variation between Bos taurus and Bos indicus to tick resistance and molecular biology tools might allow for the identification of molecular markers linked to resistance traits that could be used as an auxiliary tool in selection programs. The objective of this work was to identify QTL associated with tick resistance/susceptibility in a bovine F2 population derived from the Gyr (Bos indicus) x Holstein (Bos taurus) cross. Results: Through a whole genome scan with microsatellite markers, we were able to map six genomic regions associated with bovine tick resistance. For most QTL, we have found that depending on the tick evaluation season (dry and rainy) different sets of genes could be involved in the resistance mechanism. We identified dry season specific QTL on BTA 2 and 10, rainy season specific QTL on BTA 5, 11 and 27. We also found a highly significant genome wide QTL for both dry and rainy seasons in the central region of BTA 23. Conclusions: The experimental F2 population derived from Gyr x Holstein cross successfully allowed the identification of six highly significant QTL associated with tick resistance in cattle. QTL located on BTA 23 might be related with the bovine histocompatibility complex. Further investigation of these QTL will help to isolate candidate genes involved with tick resistance in cattle.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the heterosis effects on weaning weight at 205 days (WW, N = 146,464), yearling weight at 390 days (YW, N = 69,315) and weight gain from weaning to yearling (WG, N = 59,307) in composite beef cattle. The fixed models were: RM, which included contemporary groups, class of age of dam, outcrossing percentages for direct and maternal effects, and additive direct and maternal ( AM) breed effects; R, RM model, minus AM breed effects, and H, RM model, minus additive breed effects. The estimates for W205 were in general positive (P < 0.01). The R and H models resulted in similar estimates, but they were very different from the ones estimated by the RM model. For W390, the R and H models resulted in general positive estimates (P < 0.05). For WG, the RM model resulted in general significant heterosis effects (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that the RM model seems to supply estimates of better quality (P < 0.01).